6:36pm Apr 5 2010
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Karnia turned angerly then stormed ou, slaming the door behind her. She went through the halls towards the dungeons.
Her pupils began to shift, till they were cats eyes. Her teeth became sharper and her K-9's grew. Finally her fingernails began to grow and shapen into claws.
As she draw closer to the door, she held her hand to the wall, her way of letting the humans shee was coming.
Lucien squeaked and fell back to the ground, "She's here." He whinned in a shaking voice.
6:44pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien cursed, locking the door back up and shifting in one smooth movement. Don't move, he told Lucien telepathically, slithering behind his back so his mother couldn't see him. Or I'll bite you. ______ Charles glared at Jace. "You're spending a night in the dungeons." he said crossly. Jace shifted on the spot, shaking out his unruly silver hair. "Whyyy?" he whined, frowning at the King. "That's not fair!" "You disrespected my wife," he spat. "So you need to be punished; true, you don't serve her, but you still must respect her. So, in the dungeon you go." He snapped his fingers, numerous other Knights coming to take hold of Jace. Jace writhed and cursed, trying to free himself. DAMN IT.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:04pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Serves him right. XD ))
Lucien sighed, "Drag me up." He said reaching beind him and picking Damien up gently, and setting him down next to a small hole in the wall.
Karina kicked the heavy door open, and started making her hands down the stairs. She walked over to a small table, and lit a match, then used it to light a lamp.
She turned and glared down at Lucien.
Lucien stood up and walked to the door.
Karnia growled and unlocked the door. She openedit and grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him down onto the ground then nealed down neck to him, "What game shall we play today?" She growled.
"I don't think I have a choice." He whimpered.
Karina hissed and patted his cheek, "Smart Magget."
7:23pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien hissed angrily, but quietly, to himself. He wanted to coil his strong body around the Queen's neck and strangle her, or inject some of his highly-fatal venom into her system. ____ Jace growled as they tossed him into the cell next to Lucien's. "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!" he shreiked, rattling the bars. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!"
wuss poppin jimbo
7:46pm Apr 5 2010
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Karina looked over at Jace and growled happily, "Oh, what do we have here?" She purred triumphatly.
Lucien looked up at her, and gave a silent sigh of relief.
Karina smirked and walked closer to Jace's cell, but staying out of his reach, "You're on my territory now." She growled happily.
7:50pm Apr 5 2010
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"Bring it," Jace snarled, narrowing his eyes angrily. "I have a life's worth of Knight training on my side; what do you have?" His mouth turned into a dark smirk. "Looks. Oh, wait," he added teasingly, "You don't even have those." He laughed. <-- DISSED. XD ____ Damien told Lucien through his mind, Quick! Get up while she's distracted and run up the stairs! I'll distract her from there on! He slithered onto the stairs, shifted there, and waited for something to happen. He was just out of sight.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:59pm Apr 5 2010
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Karina rolled her eyes, "Oh funny joke. I have your boss pretty much wrapped around my finger." She hissed, then smiled, showing her panter teeth.
Lucien looked over at Damien with a look, as if calling him crazy.
8:02pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien made a motion with his hand that meant 'NOW YOU RETARD'. He scowled at Lucien. _____ Jace rolled his eyes, glancing at Damien and Lucien for less than a second. Of course him being thrown in the dungeon would help Damien; everything he did wrong helped. "Really?" Jace teased. "Because he didn't throw me out like you told him to." He made pouty lips. "THROW HIM OUTTT!!" he wailed, mimicking the queen with startling precision. ((LOL. Jace is such a bad influence. >:C))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:20pm Apr 5 2010
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"Says the one that's locked in the cell." She said with a laugh, what none of them had noticed was how she had positioned herself. She had left her foot next to Lucien's leg.
The moment Lucien went to ge up, Karina felt it, and backed up and put her foot on his back, pushing back down onto the ground.
8:25pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien went into a last resort state; one that would get him in deep trouble with his father. He took his keys out of his pocket, and tossed them to Jace. Jace caught the keys and unlocked his cell in seconds, stepping out to face the Queen. "Let's dance," he spat, jumping at the Queen. He shifted mid-air, hitting her as a giant snow leopard. He scored his claws down her right arm. Damien called for Lucien, "Come on! Let's go!"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:40pm Apr 5 2010
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Lucien jumped up and ran to Damien
Karina shifted and roared loudly, hoping it would reach the thrown room to call Charles for help. She swipped at Jace's face then looked over at Damien. She looked sad and made a soft call that mother cats used to call their children
8:45pm Apr 5 2010
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Damien looked at his mother, suddenly taken over by a mix of emotions. "I gotta do this, mom." he said quietly, almost to himself. "I gotta do this for me." He spun around on his heel and sprinted up the stairs with Lucien. He was headed for the library. ________ Jace's head was overcome with pain as she landed a heavy blow. He lost his grip, slipping, but managed to grab onto her again. He raked his claws down her flanks, struggling to bite down on one of her shoulders.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:55pm Apr 5 2010
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Karina called again for Charles, louder this time. She then made the same call to Damien as she did a few seconds before h left.
She hissed and turned her attention back to Jace, continuing to swat at his face and neck.
Lucien followed Damien like a lost puppy down the halls towards the library.
10:37pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan nodded then glanced back at the black panther when she talked. She was the queen, and he didn't know it. And that's because I have never seen her in her animal form. He thought. After a while, he pricked his ears up. He could hear something. Like the sound of fighting? "Do you hear that?" He asked Sarah. "It sounds like fighting to me."
3:42pm Apr 6 2010
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Damien winced, recoiling like he'd been slapped at his mother's call. But he shook it off and stumbled into the library with Lucien. He pulled on a large, nameless black book, revealing a set of hidden steps. He walked in, hoping Lucien would follow. ______ Jace was knocked off of the Queen, head sent into the clouds. "I don't hate you," he yowled at her, trying to swat at her and stay standing. "But I've got to do this for Damien; he'll kill me if I don't." He dodged another heavy blow, but he was dazed and was starting to waver. ______ Sarah pricked her sensitive ears as well, listening closely. "In teh dungeons," she said quietly. "Near one of the cells; that yowl sounds like Jace. And...the Queen?" She blinked, perplexed. "I think that somebody's trying to kill the queen!" Her beady black eyes were suddenly wide. ______ Charles stormed through the hallways, shifting mis-stride to take the form of a large brown grizzly bear with a crown propped on his head. He roared loudly, his call echoing off of every hall in the kingdom. He jogged towards the dungeons; he was one angry, dangerous bear.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:52pm Apr 6 2010
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Karina heard Charles' roar and called back to him. She tried to stand but fell back down and yelped as pain ripped up her right leg, through her shoulder, then through the rest of her body from where Jace clawed her arm.
She stood, keeping all pressure off her right front leg and crawled backwards, away from Jace as she hissed, as if daring her to attack with Charles coming.
Lucien stopped for a few seconds after Damie had walked down, then started hurrying after him.
8:34pm Apr 6 2010
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Jace's vision blurred, and he was starting to feel heavy. Blood pounded through his ears, and everything seemed to go in slow-motion. Then, with no warning, the floor rushed up to meet him and he was suffocated by a black tide of unconsciousness. His body shifted human automatically, sprawling out his bloody figure awkwardly. ________ Charles thundered down the steps, snarling angrily as he caught sight of the dungeon veiw. "What's going on?!" he demanded angrily. ________ Damien nodded, snapping his fingers; the staircase closed behind him with a muted thud. He turned into a bright room full of humans. "You're safe here,"
wuss poppin jimbo
9:04pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Karina looked up and Charles and shifted, "Your son let him out, and he attacked me." She said as she regained her hands from the paws, se held her bloody right arm and walked over to Charles and looked down at Jace's unconsious body.
Lucien looked around at all the other humans, then to Damien, "None of us are safe." He whimmpered quietly, "Not as long as Karina stands behind your father and his power, and as long as she has a shifted sense of smell."
2:56pm Apr 7 2010
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Damien looked at Lucien grimly. "There are wards set up around this room. Nobody can sense or enter this room if they intend harm on humans." He saighed, leaning against a wall and closing his tired eyes. He was worried about Jace; Jace was headstrong and proud, but no match for his mother. _________ Jace was still unconsious <-- ;O _________ Charles let a low snarl escape his throat. He ruffled his fur and stood on his hind legs. "As soon as he awakes," he growled. "He will be banished from our kingdom." Pain flickered through his eyes. "And as for Damien, I will speak to him." He glanced at his wife. "In private."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:19pm Apr 7 2010
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Karina held her arm and looked up at Charles lovely, then glared down at Jace, then turned and walked out of the dungeons to get her arm taken care of.
She went to the castle doctor and had got the bleeding stopped and got her arm wrapped up.
Lucien sighed and watched Damien. He still was worried about the queen finding them.