7:06pm Apr 7 2010
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Deep purple rings circled Damien's eyes, due to lack of sleep and high stress levels lately. He shook the hair out of his face and glanced at all the humans in the room. They reminded him of trapped sewer rats. And for some reason, he had a sinking feeling Jace was in big trouble. ________ Jace stirred, wiping the blood off of his mouth. Almost immediately the King dragged his hands behind his back and shoved what seemed like handcuffs on. He only bowed his head, gritting his teeth and fighting back tears. He knew what this meant by the King's stiff posture and silence. He was either going to be killed or thrown out. He really hoped Damien had saved that human, or this would have all been for nothing. Charles dragged the young Knight up the stairs, and to the throne room where he flopped onto his seat with a grunt. Jace only kneeled in silence, head bowed in shame.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:29pm Apr 7 2010
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Karina walked into the thrown room and over to Charles. She put her hand on his shoulder with her unwrapped arm, then glared down at Jace as she stood next to her husband's throw.
((I have a weird earge to make her preganate.))
8:28pm Apr 7 2010
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(( LOL. xDDD I don't care if you do; it'd be dramatic ;O)) Jace raised his head very slowly to stare up at Karina and Charles through his silver hair with eyes like silver hell holes. Hatred, anger and disgust sparkled in them like fireworks ready to be set off any time. Charles looked down on him. "From now on," his voice boomed around the nearly-empty room. "Jace Willowspring, son of Jacob Willowspring, will no longer be permitted within Kingdom boundries. If he is spotted on our land after sunset tomorrow, every person in the kingdom has permission to kill him." He stood up and strode across the room to tower over Jace. "Do you understand?" Jace spit on his shoes and snarled, "Kiss my-" he was cut off abruptly as the King back-handed him across the face, and tears sprung to his eyes. He wanted nothing more to kill the King and Queen right now, and even if it were possible, he wouldn't. He respected Damien that much. ________ Damien suddenly gasped, eyes getting wide as he looked at Lucien. "Jace is in big trouble." he said, black eyes looking desperate, worried and anxious. "Big, big trouble. Because of me...?" He frowned and stared at the ceiling with a choked feeling.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:41pm Apr 7 2010
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"Well...ya. I mean, you gave him the keys, and just watched as he attacked the queen." Lucien said with a sigh as he leaned against the wall, the fear that tthe queen would get them, still hung in his mind.
Karina smirked as she watched her husband slapped Jace. This was very entertaning for her, and reminded her why she loved Charles so much.
((Oh trust me, she'll get pregnant. XD lol
Look at my new sig!))
10:31pm Apr 7 2010
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Felan tried to listen to the sound of the fighting, but it had stopped. He was about to tell Sarah that he was going to check it out, but he was able to hear the sound of a bear's roar. That's probably the king, He thought then glanced in the direction of where the throne room was located. He heard a few parts of what the king and had said inside, and a slightly smile appeared on his wolf face. Although it disappeared as soon as it appeared. Jace is being banished from the kingdom? He wasn't sure if he got it right, but it sounded like it to him.
3:08pm Apr 8 2010
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Damien's stomach twisted painfully with guilt. "Oh my god..." he pinched his eyes shut, grief overwhelming him. "Jace..." Then he started to get mad. His head snapped towards Lucien, and he snarled low in his throat. "I just gave up my only- ONLY - friend for you, so start appreciating it." His eyes blazed like black hell fire again. "I gave up JACE, for you. So start acting happy before I kill you." ______ Jace didn't say anything, but kept his head bowed. He was giving up his knighthood for Lucien; but he trusted Damien in his choice of human. Lucien must have been important. He'd better be. Charles smirked, looking down on Jace as he motioned for the guards to take him. "Seems you've finally learned the final leason of becoming a knight," he said harshly. "When to keep your mouth shut." The boy didn't even struggle as the dragged him away. ________ Sarah had her ear pressed against the wall, listening in numb disbelief. "Jace is...gone?" she said aloud, frowning. She glanced up at Falen, wide-eyed and shivering. "If Jace is gone..." she said quietly. "Which one of us will get caught next?" She looked away, trrembling.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:50pm Apr 8 2010
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Karina watched with as wicked smirk spead across her face as they dragged Jace away, then she looked to Charles with a sympathic smile as she strode to his side and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry Love. We'll find you a new knight better than him. One that knows his place." She said flirtaously as she nuzzled closer against him.
Lucien looked at Damien, "I didn't ask to be saved. You made that choice on your own." He said then looking back at the ground.
6:03pm Apr 8 2010
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Damien restrained from wrapping his hands around the boy's throat and shaking him until he stopped moving. Instead of continuing to yell or scream or throw a fit, he started to leave. "Don't think about leaving," he said in a hard, cold voice. "Because if I catch you outside this room; I will kill you." Then he left, the staircase closing behind him. _______ Charles nodded, hugging his wife and smiling a little to himself. _______ Jace watched silently as the guards walked back inside the castle and left him there. But luckily they'd removed his handcuffs. He walked away from his old home and life, rubbing his wrists and thinking to himself about where to find water and food. His stomach grumbled as he looked around the land, which was encrusted in snow. "God damn it." he cursed, shifting mid-stride so he would be more comfortable in the snow.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:21pm Apr 8 2010
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Karina smiled and purred happily and she cuddled up even close still to Charles and her K-9s ad teeth began to lengthen and shapen into panther's fangs.
She put her head on his chest and started tracing hearts on it as well, "Our son has betrade us, I can't help but worry what choas would become of our kingdom if our human lovng son took his rightful power. Wouldn't you agree with me if I were to say, we should have a new heir, and try again to fill their minds with what is right, and what we want for our kingdom?" She purred flirtingly.
Lucien just watched Damien leave, then looked back down at the ground.
6:40pm Apr 8 2010
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Charles was filled with doubt. "Our son is loyal and wise," he said in a hard, confident voice. "He will make a fine King, no matter what his choice is when it comes to humans," he smirked. "Because all the humans will be shifters before he comes to power."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:23pm Apr 8 2010
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Karina's smile and purring faded, her hand stopped tracing on his chest and she just stood there, cuddled up to him.
She then turned away from him and crossed her arms over her chest, "You don't get it." She said powting, "It's boring for me with Damien getting older and I have nobody to baby anymore." She said saddly.
7:49pm Apr 8 2010
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Charles smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist carefully from behind. "You have me," he said gently, kissing her cheek slightly.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:05pm Apr 8 2010
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She turned her head away and tightened her crossed arms, "I can't craddle you and walked around the castle with you in my arms." She lowly growled, "You aren't a baby and neither is Damien? Plus, Damien won't even answer my calls anymore...." She said saddly before her voice trailed off, remebering how Damien wouldn't answer her calls for him while she was being attacked.
8:08pm Apr 8 2010
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Charles shook his head, pushing away his hurt feeling. "Damien's much older now, Karina. Nearly an adult; he's starting to hit that age where he no longer feels attached to his mother and father." He added with an odd tone, "He's also getting to that age where he'll be picking the future Queen." But he shook it off. "Love, what are you getting at?" He blinked. "Surely you aren't saying..." He couldn't seem to say it.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:19pm Apr 8 2010
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"I need something. Like you said Damien isn't attached to us anymore. You don't need me." She said going and leaning her shoulder against the wall, then stared at the ground and looked up at Charles, "Yes. I'm saying I want a baby. Charles, I have to feel needed again, and plus, do you really want to deal with me and empty nest syndrome? I'll be followin you, and treating you like a baby, just like how I treated Damien when he was a baby." She said looking back down at the ground.
((Oh no? Run for your lives! It's Empty Nest Syndorme! XD))
8:29pm Apr 8 2010
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Charles didn't quite know what to say. "If that's what you want..." he said slowly.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:37pm Apr 8 2010
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Karina sighed and walked out of the room and shifted, then started her walked of the castle over again. She knew Charles wasn`t sure about havinganother baby, and this angered her. She wanted a baby, but for some odd reason, she didn`t want to force Charles into it. It was the first time she could remember that she took someone else`s thoughts about something before her own, and it felt starnge to her.
8:39pm Apr 8 2010
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Charles stared after her for a minute, then flopped into his throne with a huff. ________ Damien walked almost right into his mother, eyes wide and startled. "Mum," he said, voice high with nerves. "I didn't see you walking there. Sorry."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:47pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((She`s in panther form I hope you know. Lol.)) Karina just turned and ran off down the hall, not wanting to be around her husband or son. She stopped in one of the different halls and looked down at her wrapped leg. A large circle of blood had formed on the white cloth from her running on it. She sighed and trotted off down the hall towards the medic room, to get new bandages. ((What is Damien walked into the thrown room and was all like, "Hey Dad what`s up with Mom?" and Charles is all like, "I`m not sure, but the last thing we talked about is your mother wanting another baby. XD I`m Hyper!!!))
8:55pm Apr 8 2010
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Damien stared after her, startled, and then kept walking at a slow pace. He had nobody now; Jace was gone, Sarah had always been his enemy even though they were both helping humans, and he couldn't trust his mother or father. He strode into the throne room, expecting it to be empty. His father's voice startled him, causing him to jump. "Damien. Come over here; we have to speak. NOW." He nodded, walking over to his father's seat and bowing politely before straightening and looking at him. His words shook him. "Damien, you're nearly an adult now, and I'm afraid it's time you picked a wife." He looked like he was thinking. "I have been discussing it with Sarah's mother, and we both agree Sarah would make a good wife for you." Damien didn't know what to say. "Sarah hates me," he stuttered. "And I don't want a wife, Dad. Oh, and, speaking of wives, what's up with mom?" His father's eyes grew guarded. "I don't know, but when she left she said that she wanted another baby." He looked like he was thinking again. Damien shoved the gross mental image out of his head. "But seriously, Dad, I don't want a wife." His father glanced at him. "Is there something you want to tell me?" He blanked. "no." Charles asked slowly, "Are you gay?" Damien could help but crack a smile. "No, Dad. There's just..." he said quietly. "No women I'm interested in at this minute." His father nodded, and dimissed him, clearly thinking about the whole baby situation. Damien left, wandering through the hallways.
wuss poppin jimbo