9:12pm Apr 8 2010
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((....XD *falls out of chair laughing*!!!!! XD XD XD!!!!!)) Katrina sat there in human form as the doctor wrapped her arm in a new bandage. She stared down at the floor, running everything that happened through her mind. From Shade`s cornering, to sitting where she was currently. Her mind always slowed, remembering the look on Damien`s face at her call. She pulled her arm away from the doctor and walked out of the room, letting the bandage slide off her arm as she left. She walked to her and Charles` room and walked out onto the balcony and looked up at the sky. She wnced as the cold night air rubbed against her open wounded arm. She sighed and looked back up then closed her eyes and let the soft wind blow over her.
11:01pm Apr 8 2010
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Felan shrugged then glanced at the throne room entrance. Hopefully not some one I know or me, He thought then replied to Sarah quietly, "Some one who didn't follow the king's orders or something." He glanced behind his shoulder. "Maybe we should move away from here." If the king went out of the throne room, he would see Sarah and him, and at the moment he did not want to encounter Charles.
3:19pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 3:23pm Apr 9 2010)
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Sarah nodded, weaving her way underneath Felan, glad his legs were long so she could easily stand under him, and started to trot down the hallway nervously, ears flicking from side to side rapidly. She picked up little pieces of many conversations. _______ Charles sighed, standing up and leaving the throne room through a secret back exit. He walked through the hallway, and then stopped outside his bedroom door. "Karina?" he said gently, poking his head in. "Oh, there you are." ______ Damien ground his teeth together, feeling the sudden need to kick a cat or another small creature. He stormed down the hallway, walking past Felan, and then proceeded to kick Sarah, sending her flying. He then veered into his room and slammed the door behind him, walking instantly to his window. He could see a small figure on the horizon. ______ Sarah yelped as pain flashed through her ribs, and she went flying into the wall. Pain flared through the rest of her body as she struck the stone walls, feeling the air pushed out of her lungs with the force. She slid to the floor, and said in a whisper, "I take it Damien found out." ________ Jace padded through the thick snow, glad he had picked a snow leopard, because the weather was rather chilly outside the castle. He trotted along quietly, keeping his eyes on the far horizon. Maybe I'll travel to a place where snow leopards live, he thought quietly. And stay in my animal form forever. That'd be nice.... ______
wuss poppin jimbo
6:13pm Apr 9 2010
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Karina was so focused on nothing, she didn't hear Charles. Her black hair blew softly to the side in the gentle breeze the flowed over the balcony and into their room though the fully opened doors.
Karina sighed to herself and the looked down and spotted Jace's figure outline going through the snow.
6:33pm Apr 9 2010
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Charles walked over to his wife, not even glancing out of the window. "Karina?" he said softly, tapping her on the shoulder. _____ Jace trudged on, stiffening as a harsh, powerful wind cut through his thick fur and made him shiver. He couldn't shake the feeling somebody was watching him.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:53pm Apr 9 2010
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Karnia gasped and turned around quickly, to find it was only her husband. She took a breath and put her hand on her chest, "Charles...You scared me." She said before walking off the balcony and back into the room and looking back at him, "Did you need something?"
7:03pm Apr 9 2010
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Charles raised one eyebrow and smiled. "So I need a reason to see you now?" He chuckled softly.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:19pm Apr 9 2010
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"No. I was just asking if you needed anything." She said before going and sitting on the edge of their bed. She looked at her arm and sighed. The cuts from Jace's claws ran down her arm and hurt pretty baddly, but she asn't gonna tell anyone that.
12:08am Apr 10 2010
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Felan stood there and watched Damien for a while before trotting in the direction Sarah went to. He was swishing his tail gently, but he quickly stopped when he saw Sarah fly into the wall. He was only able to catch a glimpse of Damien kicking her. He ran over to Sarah, pricking his ears up when he heard the sound of a door shutting. "Are you alright?" He asked her then asked, half to himself, "What did Damien do that for?"
10:01am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 10:02am Apr 10 2010)
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Sarah stood up shakily, a painful throbbing in her chest making it hard for her to breath properly. She looked up at him with solemn black eyes. "I'm fine. I'm fine." she insisted, sucking in a painful breath; her lungs burned like she'd inhaled fire. She stared after Damien for a second, but turned back to Felan. "He's upset. That's when he tends to loose his temper. I don't blame him; he lost his only friend, and knowing Damien's luck, just had some sort of arguement with his parents." She shook her head, flicking her ears dismissively. "I'm okay though, so I don't really mind." I think he broke a rib or two... ___________ Charles blinked, looking at her arm. He grimaced. "Are you okay, love?" he asked with a frown, sitting next to her without shaking the bed.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:32am Apr 10 2010
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"I'm fine." She hissed looking at her arm. She sighed and covered part of her arm with her good hand. She then looked back at Charles, "Did you talk to Damien?"
10:45am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 11:04am Apr 10 2010)
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Charles nodded, eyes grim. "He wasn't pleasant. But I've sent him to his room for the week." He knew this was a lie, but he couldn't stand to punish his son. And he knew Damien would stay in his room anyways. ________ Damien's mind thought up a not-so-brilliant-plan. He threw one leg over the balcony railings, and then the other, carefully shimmying to the side so he could grab onto the ledge of the roof. He scrambled onto it, heart pounding in his chest and fingers feeling numb, and started to climb higher on the roof. He looked around for somewhere he could easily drop down onto the ground without breaking his ankle or something. Jace blinked back over his shoulder, eyes tracing over Damien's window and then the Queen and King's. And then he saw Damien climbing onto the roof. He yowled loudly, so he could easily hear. Then he unsheathed his claws and buried them in the snow nervously. What is he doing?
wuss poppin jimbo
11:05am Apr 10 2010
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Karina then just sat there and stared at the ground, unsure of what to say or talk about next. She heard the yowled and looked up and hissed as she stood up again and rushed back out onto the balcony.
11:32am Apr 10 2010
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Felan nodded a few times. "Maybe you should have the doctor check on you," he suggested. "Just in case." He began shifting back to his human form. His muzzle flattened back to his face and his wolf ears disappeared, his legs turned into human arms and legs and as it did he pushed himself onto his feet. His tail disappeared around the same time he did this.
11:36am Apr 10 2010
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Sarah only shrugged, unsure whether or not to shift. It might mess up her injuries, so she decided not to. She blinked up at him, surprised at how handsome he really was. She flushed under her fur. "I'm fine," she said quietly. Sarah started to walk down the hall next to Felan, ignoring the burning pain in her front right paw. She'd probably twisted it. _________ Damien's breath caught. He stood still on the roof. Jace narrowed his eyes and glared at the Queen. He yowled again, though this time he was doing it to taunt her, and not get Damien's attention. _________ Charles stood next to his wife, glaring at the distant snow leopard in dislike. A low growl escaped his chest.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:41am Apr 10 2010
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"I dobn`t understand why you didn`t just have him killed." She hissed at Charles through her teeth, that were now becoming very pantherl-like.
11:46am Apr 10 2010
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"The death penalty is reserved for murderers," Charles said quietly. "so I banished him. He'll probably starve to death anyways."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:49am Apr 10 2010
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"But he`ll still be alive until he does. Plus, he attempted to murder me!" She hissed before turning and walking out of their room, slamming the door behind her.
11:57am Apr 10 2010
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Charles sighed, considering smashing his face off the wall. But he didn't. Why is she so tempermental all the time? Honestly, I'm starting to consider finding a different wife.... He flopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. _____________ Damien's foot caught, and he tripped, tumbling off of the room with a silent yelp of surprise. He landed on his right foot, which cracked loudly, and then he fell sideways into the snow. Pain flared up his leg. He looked down at his ankle, and tried to move it, almost crying out in pain when he tried. He'd shattered the bone. Cursing to himself silently, he rose to his feet painfully and sighed. He was soaked, cold, his fingers were starting to turn blue and his ankle was broken. Jace saw Damien fall, and started to sprint through the high snow towards him. His silver fur shimmered in the moonlight. _____________
wuss poppin jimbo
12:15pm Apr 10 2010
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((*gasp*! How dare he think about that! XD)) Karina walked through the halls, growling quietly to herself as she wandered around.