6:53pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
This is a 1x1 between me and Shaste. >.> If you lurk, I'm fine with it. Just don't post about your lurker-ness. ((Plot)) Shaste, you know the plot. -.- ((Rules)) You should know my rules by now. We've done quite a few roleplays together. ((Bio Skeleton)) (Erase messages in parenthesis, please. Sections marked with a * are optional.) Name: Age: (14-17) Gender: Species: (Nothing too farfetched.) Looks: *Personality: *History: *Other:
Love is all we need~
7:04pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Name: Ian Nelson Age: 17 Gender: Male. Species: Human. :u Looks:  *Personality: Ian is... a fighter. A fighter to the max. He's hot headed and will always do his own thing. Ian doesn't trust easily, at all, and finds it hard to do things others tell him to. Ian lives on his own, and that's the way he likes it. He loves his space and freetime. Though, he loves an adventure more. *History: Eh, not much. Grew up in Kioram. Lives on his own, etc~ *Other: Eh, not much.
7:13pm May 30 2011
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Name: Princess Lexi Reeves Age: 15 Gender: Female Species: Vampire. But she can go into the sun. And she can only turn people if she bites them, and doesn't drink their blood. She must have a source of blood. Whether it is human, or animal, it doesn't matter. She also isn't immortal. She ages normally. Looks:  *Personality: Rp it out. *History: Average life of a vampire princess. Other than when her parents, and her big brother were slaughtered by the strange men that attacked her kingdom. *Other: Nope.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Sounds like Blue Bloods. xD Anywho, I like her. :3))
7:18pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I'll start.)) Lexi still had the cloak that her brother had given her on. It was over her head, and she stumbled around the alleys of Kioram. She hadn't eaten in days. She was starving. Of course, getting food for herself wasn't easy. She had always been waited on, being a princess. Now, she was on her own. She didn't cry much over the death of her family. She was too sad to cry. She looked at her hands. These aren't a princess's hands. These hands aren't fit for a princess. They're tattered, scraped, she thought to herself.
Love is all we need~
7:23pm May 30 2011
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Ian sighed and pulled his beat up shoes on, heading out to buy a few things. He opened the back door and stopped. A girl was walking by, her cloak up, looking at her hands. She didn't seem to notice Ian, probably because he didn't move an inch as she finished passing by. She looked... unhealthy, sickly almost.
Ian cleared his throat loudly before speaking. "Ma'am?" He called out to the girl. She didn't look much younger than him, and he wasn't that old. Old enough to live on his own though. Ian kept the door open, awaiting for the girl's reply. Maybe she didn't hear him? He'd wait to repeat himself though.
7:30pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Lexi's sensitive ears picked up the sound of a boy's voice. She turned her head to look at him. Of course, she wasn't herself. All that she could think about was the smell of his blood. She could hear his heart beating, sending the red liquid through his body. She just stared, her dark blonde hair covering one of her eyes. She moved forward, her eyes turning a crimson color. Bloodlust was taking over. ((Fail.))
Love is all we need~
7:41pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Stupid computer ate my post. >[))
Ian watched as the girl turned around. He knew her face, but, yet, he could not yet match a name to it. His own eyes caught the girl's red eyes. "Woah... That... Is not normal," Ian muttered to himself, staring with wide eyes. It intruiged him, the red eyes and all.
Then, the girl started to walk towards him. She didn't seem right. It wasn't a moment later that Ian recognized the girl. It was the Princess. "M'lady..." Ian murmered, bowing his head towards the girl. But, it was as if she didn't hear him. She was... not normal.
7:47pm May 30 2011
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Lexi was in a daze, high on the smell of Ian's blood. She reached out, and ran her index finger along his neck, right along the vein. She wanted the blood badly, but she restrained herself. She balled her hands into fists. She squinted her eyes closed, and put a hand to her head. She needed blood, or she would go crazy. She fell to the ground, on her knees. "Don't come near me," she said, trying to hold onto what little humanity she had.
Love is all we need~
8:56pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
9:34pm May 30 2011
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Ian felt a shiver go down his spine as the Princess dragged her finger down his throat. It made his whole body tingle. And that was not good. Then, the girl balled her hand into a fist. That certainly made Ian nervous. As the girl fell to the ground, Ian felt uneasy.
"Princess?" He said, obvoiusly confused. He had no idea why he shouldn't come near. So, by instinct of his pure curiousness, Ian knelt down next to the girl. "Are... Are you okay?"
10:45pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 10:46pm May 30 2011)
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"I'm so hungry," the princess muttered. She shivered, then looked at Ian, her eyes innocent and deceiving at the same time. Her eyes were even more crimson-colored now. She kept her eyes on Ian's neck. "I'm so hungry..." Lexi said, looking down. She was managing her hunger for now. However, if she didn't get blood soon, Ian would turn into lunch. Of course, it wouldn't hurt Ian if she bit him. She wouldn't take enough blood to kill him. Plus, he wouldn't turn... And then she lost it. Lexi was right beside Ian in less than a second, her fangs bared. She sank them into his neck, and began to feed. She immediately felt better when she felt the metallic blood hit her tongue.
Love is all we need~
10:51pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Ian looked at the girl, who seemed to be looking at him with devious, yet somehow innocent eyes. It made him feel weak at the knees. Why? He did not know. Perheps it was just his curiousity of the Princess. What was she doing so far away from home.
He was just about to offer her some food, when the girl pounced on him. It wasn't a moment later that her fangs, fangs!, sunk into his neck. He was not expecting that. But as soon as his blood started to flow, he felt himself weaken. He felt his body go limp into hers. He was still concious, but he felt paralyized.
11:11pm May 30 2011
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Lexi fed for about a minute, then she pulled away. Her eyes were back to their normal, green-blue color. She had blood running down her chin, and her neck. She looked at Ian, and felt a bit sorry for the boy. He was probably traumatized. He had just had a vampire feed on him. Then, she came back to her normal self. Completely. She looked at Ian, and at the two clean puncture wounds on his neck. Luckily for Ian, vampire bites heal quickly. They only take a few hours, and they don't leave scars. She put a hand over her mouth, and her eyes widened. "Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm so sorry."
Love is all we need~
11:16pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Ian was inwardly gasping and hyperventalating. The princess... The Princess of another kingdom was a vampire! A freaking vamprie! And here she was, feeding on him! A slight feeling of relief swept over the boy as Lexi pulled away, and cleaned his wounds. Mobility finally swept over him.
"Princess... Lexi... You... are a vampire?" Ian's voice was out of breath, as he strugged to set himself upright, in sitting position. He was way too entirely weak at the moment. Yeah, talk about a big shocker. "And... It's okay, I... I realize that you need to feed... to survive..." Ian's statements came in short clips, but overall, he was fine. Just shocked.
11:23pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 11:23pm May 30 2011)
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Lexi didn't answer his question. She wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and hefted him up as she stood, too. She was aiding him in walking. She knew that he was going to be weak after being fed on. "You need to rest for a few hours. You're too weak to do anything too strenuous. You've lost a good bit of blood. You'll be good in a few hours." She said it slowly, regretting what she did earlier. She walked into his house, carrying him along with her, remembering when he came out of it. "Where's your room?"
Love is all we need~
11:31pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Ian felt the girl heave her up with, what seemed like, no difficulty at all. Then again, he must have been stronger than the average human... Plus after just feeding... Ian sighed and hobbled inside, putting a lot of his weight on the girl, feeling bad about it too.
"It... It's first... left down.. The hall," He huffed, making an attempt to point, though not even finding the strength to quite yet. He sighed and hobbled on, trying to do more of it own his own. He didn't want to make the princess collapse, God knows how big of a riot that would have caused... Bigger than he wanted of course.
11:47pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Lexi went down to his room, and sat hin down on the bed. She backed up against the wall, and pulled the hood of her cloak down, revealing a thick head of wavy dark brown hair. She scanned the room. She had wiped all of the blood off of her face, and appeared perfectly human now. "I'm really sorry about that. Normally, I don't take that much blood. I was just.... so hungry." Lexi shook her head.
Love is all we need~
10:34pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
1:21pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~