7:52pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. xD -Fails-))
Ian closed his eyes and leaned against the headboard. He peaked at Lexi underneight his eyelashes, catching his breath lightly. He noticed how normal she looked, once she had wiped the blood from her face. Her long wavy hair fit her perfectly. And, her face had so much more color to it now. She looked quite normal... Quite human.
"It's fine," He finally said, a moment after Lexi had spoken. "I'm just glad that I found you when I could... You looked much more weak than I am now." Ian cracked a grin and laughed lightly.
9:53pm Jun 2 2011
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Lexi frowned. This guy reminded her of her brother... Who was now dead. A small tear ran down her cheek, but she wiped it away. She wasn't going to let people see her, the princess of Reindarin, cry. She was a tough girl, and she was going to show it. "Well, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor," she said, letting a fake smile towards Ian. And then she noticed how attractive he was; tan skin, dark eyes, dark hair, good muscles. Soon, Lexi's eyes were scanning Ian, taking in his details.
Love is all we need~
10:00pm Jun 2 2011
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Ian saw how Lexi's emotions changed. She frowned, and that didn't make Ian too happy. He then saw a small streak run down the girl's face, making her face somewhat shiny. Though, Ian pretended not to notice, as the girl wiped her tear away.
"Never going to lose that," Ian said with a small laugh. And, once again, Ian closed his eyes. He was so prepared for anap, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. "So, Princess," He finally said, his eyes still closed. "What're you doing in this kingdom, and not in the safety of your castle?"
10:04pm Jun 2 2011
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"They're dead," Lexi said, unable to hold it in any longer. "They're dead." She cried, first just a few tears, but they turned into full blown sobs. She fell to her knees and put her head in her hands. She felt sick. Her brother- gone. Her parents- gone. Her kingdom- gone. She sobbed some more, tears wetting her robe.
Love is all we need~
10:08pm Jun 2 2011
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Ian sat shocked. Dead? Dead... Dead?! He felt his mouth drop open in suprise. What did that mean for the rest of the kings? Queens? Humans.... He opened his eyes and looked over at Lexi. She had broken down into tears. He heard her sobs from the bed. Slowly, he put his feet on the ground and walked towards her. He could feel his strength coming back, slowly, but surely.
He reached Lexi and kneeled down next to her. "I'm sorry," He mumbled, unsure of how to comfort her. Awkwardly, Ian draped his arm over the girl's shoulders, pulling her into some type of side hug. "I'm sorry..." He repeated.
12:12am Jun 3 2011
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Lexi put her head on Ian's shoulder, and sobbed some more. Finally, she stopped. She kept her head there and said, "That's why I've been wandering the streets. My brother helped me to escape, but he died..." Tears streamed down her face again, remembering the look that was on her brother's face when he died, right before his eyes went blank and lifeless.
Love is all we need~
12:15am Jun 3 2011
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Ian didn't know what to do. He sat there, just listening to Lexi's sobs and breaths. Finally, after a while, the girl stopped. He rubbed Lexi's arm, trying to calm her down as a new wave of tears came fresh. "And... This is why you're over in this kingdom? You're searching for your familys'... Killer?" Ian thought of how to word this easier for her, but he couldn't find the words to say.
12:30am Jun 3 2011
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"It wasn't just one. It was a whole group of them, and they were faster than me." That was saying something, considering that she was a vampire, one of the fastest creatures on the earth. "They killed everyone they came across. I have no clue what they were planning to do. It was scary." She stopped crying all together now. "I'm not here to search for the killer. I'm here because I have nowhere else to go. This was the first place that I wandered to. I have no place to live anymore."
Love is all we need~
12:34am Jun 3 2011
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Ian thought about Lexi's words for a minute. Weren't vampires incredibly fast? And these people were... faster? How is that possible? And, if Lexi was a vampire... Wasn't her whole family? Who was strong enough to kill a whole family of vampires.
"I have no place to live anymore."
This statement broke Ian's train of thought. "Well... You can stay here until you're fully rested and well... And, well, if you don't mind... I could accompany you on your trip, Princess?"
12:38am Jun 3 2011
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Lexi's heart was touched. She was so happy that Ian understood, and was willing to help. "Thankyou," she said, hugging Ian tightly. "And of course you can join me on my trip. It would help to have a strong young man like you accompany me." She took her cloak off, and folded it. The clothes that she was wearing were casual; a pair of ripped jeans, and a fitted t-shirt. She sighed and thought. That cloak was the last thing that her brother had given to her...
Love is all we need~
12:45am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Once again, Ian couldn't help but be shocked, especially after the hug, and acceptance of his offer. "A 'strong' man and a vampire, we'll be undestructable!" He said with a small laugh. Yeah. Right. He watched as the girl's face filled with an almost... sad look. He figured it was something to do with the cloak, since when she took it off, that's when she changed emotion.
"Well... Preperations..." Ian said aloud, though more talking to himself. "I should probably go buy some non-perishable food, the generic stuff, and all my money... I should probably get that too..." Ian stopped and squeezed Lexi one last time, in his side hug position thing, and then he stood up, stretching his sore limbs. "Do you want to get a rest before we leave?" He then asked her, looking down with a smile.
12:49am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Lexi got up along with Ian. She laughed when he talked about the indestructibleness of their two-some. She smiled and said, "Only if you're okay with it. May I ask, where are your mom and dad?" She tilted her head to the side, much like a puppy. Now, she actually looked innocent, human. ((Fail.))
Love is all we need~
12:50am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Hey, I got to go to bed. :c I'll post again tomorrow! [Maybe, if I have time. xD I know Saturday and Sunday I won't be on. o3o]))
10:24pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"My... Mum and Dad?" Ian repeated, looking up in great thought. "Well, I just sort of... moved out I guess. They, I believe, still live in their old home." Ian paused to look at the smiling, innocent looking girl. "Why do you ask?"
((Double fail. D;))
6:27pm Jun 7 2011
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"I was just curious. Most people don't move out of their mother and father's house until they are eighteen. And you don't look eighteen yet... Maybe a bit younger." Lexi sighed. "Plus, I was hoping that they weren't dead, too." She ran a hand through her hair and looked at the door to his room. "No. I believe that we don't need to rest. After... feeding, I feel completely refreshed."
Love is all we need~
7:46pm Jun 8 2011
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"Oh, right... The feeding..." Ian said roughly, trying not to shake at the recent thought. He shrugged it off with a laugh and then said, "No, no. My parents are well, most definentley not dead." Ian grinned and thought about it for a moment. "Well, I guess I finished my schooling early and thought I could live, well, CAN live on my own, so... I moved out."
8:34pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"That's interesting," Lexi said, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. She sat down on his bed and said, "So, do you want me to go with you to run the 'errands'?" Of course, she would have to wear her cloak. If people saw the princess in a small town, they would crowd her, and ask her questions. She wasn't in the mood to be questioned, so there's no telling what she would do. Most likely, she would lash out.
Love is all we need~
11:21pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"Mmm Hmm..." Ian mumbled, nodding his head as well. He wasn't thinking to much of what he was doing. "Well, All I have to do is get my money from the bank, and a bit of... well, weapon's for the trip. You know... For protection..." Ian trailed off. He was quite sure that metal weapon's weren't going to help him if they were against something much more than a vampire. "Err, you can come with me if you want though. It'd be fine for me."
11:31pm Jun 8 2011
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"I'm coming." Lexi slipped her cloak back on, and she immediately took on a different air. She was no longer a princess, but a person who didn't want to be noticed now. She got up from the bed, and said, "Weapons are fun. I'm very skilled in swordfighting." Her big brother had taught her how to swordfight at age four. Her brother... Lexi's frowned, but she resisted the urge to cry again.
Love is all we need~
11:43pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Ian nodded and pulled on his own cloak. He was usually silent in town, only speaking when he had to. On his side, a pack was lay empty. "Swordfighting, eh?" Ian repeated. He was quite impressed. He knew how to make swords, and he sold them to shops. But, he never learned how to quite use one. He was good at fist-to-fist combat, but that was about it. "Anyways, you ready?" He asked, his hand on the doorknob, his hood up.