3:10pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I think you can. Ask Kate.))
3:13pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Sure, Paige ^.^ She's all yours <3))
I\'m back.
3:14pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((Thanks, making bio now. <3))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:19pm Jun 26 2011 (last edited on 3:38pm Jun 26 2011)
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Posts: 10,925
Name: Payten Ring Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Kitten: G Appearance: 
Personality: Payten is a very loyal individual. She does not like dishonesty or mockery of any sort. She's a blunt, up front and honest person and expects those around her to be the same. Payten is at her happiest when she is surrounded by others, at a party or just a social gathering. She even enjoys the spotlight and will exhibit her charisma and wit in a minute. This star quality can be overbearing, for Payten expects you to listen to her while she speaks and can become agitated if you don’t. Payten does have a tendency to brag about herself and her achievements and demands an attentive audience when doing so. History: She's kind of had a "perfect" life, more or less. She's grown up with a mother and father, a little brother named Noah, and really good grades. Payten takes part in many school activites like NHS, Student Council, Math Olympiads, and various clubs (Science Club, Robotics Club, and Writing Club). Because of these achievements, Payten does tend to show off. Other: None
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:22pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Soo many seventeen year olds. I made my person seventeen because there were no seventeen year olds yet DX))
I\'m back.
3:25pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((I'll change her age, if ya want.))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:26pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Don't mind my rant, I'll bump mine up. I just have the strangest issues with things. Like when people use photos in rps.))
I\'m back.
3:27pm Jun 26 2011
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((I made mine sixteen. I would've made him fifteen, but it doesn't fit him.))
3:30pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((I usually make mine seventeen. I have this weird thing about making my charries sixteen...I feel like it's a cliched age. xD))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:36pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((You're the only sixteen year old, Moon- Pie ;D I typically go with the youngest age so I can be the only one, but Icey beat me to that ^_^ And I always allow Rika to go one over the age limit, which is always eighteen for me, so she makes a nineteen year old male. Most of us have our little patterns with our charras. I probably have some blatant and annoying pattern that only I can't see XD I usually dodge sixteen as well, or make their birthday soon enough that they'll just age up anywho. Not a bad age or anything, though.))
I\'m back.
5:27pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I kinda want to take the pink kitty, too. There are so many girls... xD;))
5:37pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((If nobody else joins, you can have the pink kitty with a second charra. And I know, ratio is Five female/ Threee male. I'm hoping someone else joins with a male, at least. If two joined with males, that'd be great. Poor Rika never gets to play the girls XD I'm about half and half, leaning more towards males recently.))
I\'m back.
5:41pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((But Rika doesn't really like playing girls anyway, if I remember correctly. xD))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:47pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I don't really like playing human male characters, except for my character, Fennick, who is a mirror image of me except she has my dream hair. xD))
5:47pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((She doesn't, xD; She will if she has to, though. P: I'm fine with my sexy male army. xD))
6:08pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((My dream hair be a snow white short cut with choppy long bangs and black tips, nyah. But I died my hair black once and got called 'goth' and 'emo' and whatnot. It made me sad. I just really enjoy black. I'm kinda scurred to dye my hair again anywho, because its a strange color that will be hard to dye back. 'Tis like a honey color with a bit of orange or something in it O_o I wish it were black or something, easier to get back to natural color. And its long, like lower back length. Six and a half years of growing to get it there DX 'Tis why I hate book/ cartoon characters with mega long hair. And Barbies. They didn't go through the trouble of getting it that long. My hair grows excrutiatingly slow. Ah, there goes my rambling again XP What be your dream hair, Moon- Pie? I picture you with something sleek, perfectly straight, and neat. Not sure on color, though... *Imagines* I see Rika as a brunette with hair a few inches below her shoulders. And big brown eyes, hm... *Pictures Rika's sexy male army* Can't go wrong with that ^.^ ))
I\'m back.
6:12pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Start soon? -impatient-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:16pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Yeah, just waiting incase somebody wants the pink kitty <3 And WolfDemon hasn't posted a bio yet, so I'll wait a bit for that. Good to see enthusiasm, though ^_^))
I\'m back.
6:21pm Jun 26 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// The roleplays I am in have no recent posts. So I am very bored... And trying to look up Vampire Hunter D manga...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:21pm Jun 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((You're right, except I have hazel eyes. xD How do you do that? O.o I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday, thogh, and getting red tips. 8D If...my gramma doesn't make me not get my birthday present that's like two weeks late. =-=))