9:39pm Jun 26 2011
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OoC:// Roleplay start nao, plz.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:49pm Jun 26 2011
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10:21pm Jun 26 2011
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11:57pm Jun 26 2011
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Going to buy fabric for his mother was a regular thing for Sidney, and the craft store that carried the largest selection was but a few blocks away. Walking time. Their house was a slim one crammed hastily between two others, towering at three stories high, four if you include the attic. But it wasn't near the tallest building in the town, as there were some impressive structures in these parts. Upon glancing to the sky, rain was on its way, along with a possible thunderstorm. This boy rather enjoyed the rain, almost as much as he enjoyed snow and fog. Anything but sunshine for Sidney. It was your typical October morning, the sun just now perking up over the horizon, the clouds making it look dark nonetheless. From the bakery just across the street, the aroma of fresh pumpkin pie drifted aimlessly about the area. How heavenly. Sid had to have some for himself. Jack- O- Lanterns threatened all the visitors of the shop with their eerie yet welcoming faces, candles inside flickering and putting off a warm orange glow. The money tucked safely away was counted, the teen happy to see that his mother still hadn't grasped pricing knowledge. Eighty dollars for a couple yards of fabric. Pie money would just be a secret delivery fee. He got his pie for a few dollars, still steaming and warm. It was neatly packaged in a plain black box, and the grumble of his stomach assured it wouldn't be there for long. He spotted a lone bench, a peculiar cardboard box adjacent to it. Ignoring it, he sat comfortably, placing his treasure next to him. "Mew!" What was that? "Mrroww." Sid curiously glared into the box, overstuffed with some strange looking kittens. Thunder crackled above, as if to warn of the coming storm. It wouldn't be good for these kitties to be out here in the rain. His emerald eyes shot over the bunch, and he first handled the red one. It seemed to dislike him, heating just enough to be freed from his grip. "Strange..." He then noticed a feature found only on two of the kittens. "Wings?!" He almost fell backwards in shock. "What kind of cats are you...?" He wanted a normal one, and eagerly lifted the brown one, glaring into its eyes. Nope. And then he loosley handled the silver one. "You look normal enough." A pleasent grin overcame him. His mom wouldn't mind one cat, surely. But if the rain came, he'd have to at least shelter them all for the time being. It wasn't morally right to leave them out, cold and wet. "Crrrkkk- Boom!" It was distant, but the storm was definetly moving in on them. Calming his nerves, Sidney opened his pie, cut into even slices. He selected a piece, his chosen cat calmly in his lap. Its ears seemed to prick when the scent hit it. "Whoosh!" With a gust of wind, the pie flittered out of the boy's hand and onto the concrete sidewalk. In a victorious motion, the kitten lept down and began to lick at the pumpkin filling. "At least you look normal, for the most part." He groaned, shaking his head. Another roar of thunder could be heard, slightly closer. The trip for fabric would have to wait under these circumstances. ((If that color is too light, I can change it. Lolz. Invisi- Cat.))
I\'m back.
2:45pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Shay ran against the storm. It was going to start pouring soon, she knew it. Why didn't she listen to her parents when they told her it would rain?! 'Don't go outside, or else you're going to have a hard time coming home,' they said. Now they were right about it. Trying to shield herself from the rain, Shay had her arms crossed over her head. But it wasn't working anyhow, the rain still soaked her clothing and hair. The thunder cracked and shook the sky, startling the teen a bit. "Mew, Mew! Mrrow, meow!" What was that? Some kittens stuck out in the rain? Well... actually, yes. Right beside a bench was a box of kittens. Lots of them appealed to her, but one called out in particular. It was purple with pretty lilac eyes. Her parents would hate her about bringing a kitten. They don't let her have any pet. But maybe.. just maybe... if she explained how the kittens could die, they would let her..? Fat chance. But she snatched up the purple one and stuck it in her coat where it was warmer than outside. With that, she hurried home.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:00pm Jun 27 2011
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Lucifer walked down the street, his briefcase in front of him, protecting his face from the wind. He swore the weatherman had said it was going to be super sunny today. He turned the corner and took a deep breath. The wall protected him from the wind and most rain. He sighed. Mission failed. Mom would understand why he didn't go to the grocery store. And, it would probably have been even more windy there, since it was on top of a hill. He heard a noise. The meowing of kittens, and also, a strange noise.... of a... baby badger? He raced around the corner, and saw, in a cardboard box, a bunch of kittens.... and a baby badger. The badger turned to look at him, and with a POOF, in it's place was a light brown kitten, with dark brown flecks. Then he noticed something else: The kitten's eyes were shifting colours. From green, to blue, to red, to black, to red. He stood there, not sure what to do. He picked up the kitten and stared at it, then looked at the other kittens. He could only take one, he knew that, since they already had two cats! Making up his mind, he racedd down the street, the kitten clutched in his arms.
6:23pm Jun 27 2011
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Isedon walked through the rain without a care in the world. Of course, she was oblivious to the fact it was raining because she had ear buds in her ears. Which were blasting must quite loudly. When a big flash of lightning caused a bigger clap of thunder, that somehow drove through the music, Isedon stopped and removed one of the buds, the lyrics to one of Slipknot's songs screaming through the rain. Glancing around the veil of wet russet hair, she shrugged and moved to replace the bud in her ear. But she stopped when she heard faint mewing. She cocked her head to one side went to investigate. What she saw, astounded her. Kittens in a cardboard box. And said box was sitting out in the raid. With said kittens getting doused by the thunderstorm. Concern rose in her chest for the little kittens as she crouched down to see if any were going to make it through the storm. Preferably alive. But instead of the normal coloured kittens she had seen elsewhere, these kittens' colours were unnatural. Though, one did catch her attention, a big black tom with bat wings furled tightly against his sides. Reaching inside the soaking box, she gentle picked up the black tom. But the little... er... big guy had other ideas. He let out an loud, indignant meow as his paws suddenly sprouted claws. Big claws. But the tom calmed down and snuggled against Isedon's stomach as she held him close. Now all she needed to do was to get out of the rain. With a sigh, she stood up and turned around. Going back the way she came to her older sister's appartment. Which was nearby.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:02pm Jun 27 2011 (last edited on 7:04pm Jun 27 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
"Strange..." Sid's eyes widened in confusion as several people arond his age each stepped up and chose a kitten from the box. What if they'd been his cats? And these people just stole them without so much as a word. And two of them seemed to be in an abnormal rush, as if they just had to get that kitten home pronto. Maybe Sidney would've enjoyed a friendly conversation on this rainy October morning. Oh well. The rain grew heavier, and the resourceful boy glared frantically about the area. Though not in his behavior, he'd have to make a quick decision. He tuckd his kitten, along with his pie, into the messenger bag he so conviently happened to have. Edges of the box gripped, he lifted it. The bottom was growing soggy, though, and wouldn't hold much longer. He hustled the cardboard enclosure to a dark and suspicious alley, setting it down to peek in a dumptser. Thanks goodness the garbage seemed to have been picked up this morning, otherwise he'd not resort to this. Two at a time, he gently brought the kittens into the rectangular metal receptacle. Finally, he lifted himself into it. The thing couldn't be more than four feet tall, somewhat short for a dumpster. The little dears seemed starved, so he offered his pie to them. Probably not the best meal for growing kittens, but at least they wouldn't be hungry. It was smelly, musty, and awkward sitting in the dumptser, but after five minutes it was actually... Enjoyable. Thanks to the red kitten, it was warm and cozy, and the pink kitten snuggled up sweetly beside him. The other kittens wrestled eachother and played happily. Sidney hoped that no body would dump trash on them. Or see them in here for that matter. Sitting in a dumpster with a bundle of kittens was not an everyday activity, after all.
I\'m back.
7:10pm Jun 27 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Darn. XD But, Lucifer would've just run away from him anyway. XD))
1:42am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Michael Lark Age: 19 Gender: Male Kitten: Uh. I think it was the pink one. J? YEah. J. c: Appearance:
 Personality: Hargleblargh. Rp it out because I'm lazy. x.x And I have to deal with people later tody. :I Hopefull I can get my hair cut, first, though. History: BLEGH. Other: I've been doing so much stuff today it isn't even funny.
5:02am Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Will intro when I wake up unless I get dragged off as soon as I wake up. ouo))
3:30pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 778
Katelyn looked from side to side. It was raining heavy. It really never occurred to her that she needed an umbrella. She covered her head. "Ew, it's so wet right--" She heard something. She listened closer. "Mew... Meeew, Mrrwww!" Cats Katelyn thought? ~~~ In a box under a bench sat a tiny box of kittens. Katelyn picked up the soft blue one. " What an unnatural color for a cat? But.. It's.. So darn ADORABLE!" Katelyn screamed. "Ill have to take it." The cat meowed softly. ~~~ Katelyn tucked it safely under her arms (Under the jacket too) and walked to the pet store. "My darling cat" She scratched it's ears when she got in. "EWWW!" Someone said. "It's a demon cat!" Someone else yelled. The cats eyes turned blue. Katelyn didn't know where the water came from. ~~~ Katelyn bought food and ran out the shop. "Demon cat?" Katelyn thought. She ran home in wonder.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
3:38pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((I'll just say that happened before they retreated to the dumpster ;) *Waits for several more intros*))
I\'m back.
4:39pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
Can I has a kitty? Pwease? :3 >(^.^)<
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:59pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Sure? I'll make you one ^_^ Any powers you want? Appearance ideas?))
I\'m back.
5:56pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
((Can my kitteh be forest green somewhere, or dark red with white markings? Also, would Plant Elemental be too much? Like the kitteh can fix dying plants, and create new ones, but it costs him energy. Also, have it be a boy.... Thank you!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:33pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Epsilon let out a huff when the rain began to fall, having to remove the bandages over his bad eye so that the moisture wouldn't agitate his scars. Walking past a certain dumpster, he heard some strange commotion. He cocked his head, moving to the recepticle and lifting the lid to peek in, surprised when he saw another boy with several kittens. "What the... Mind if I ask what exactly you're doing in a dumpster with a bunch of kittens?" he asked, cocking his head. Then he spotted a green one and furrowed his brows, moving to reach in and run his fingers over its soft, fuzzy fur. "Strange kittens...but they're adorable nonetheless," he said as he leaned in to gently lift up the green one and stroke its head, rubbing behind one of its ears. ((The other dude will come in in my next post because I can't focus too well atm. xx))
9:52pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"I know, aren't they?" Sid's tone was bland and flavorless. "And uh, its not what you think. I was just protecting them from the weather. This was the best I could do. Plenty of room, if you want to join the shelter." The kittens shuffled, some of them scratching the sides of the metal enclosure, as if begging him to pet them all. "They're a sweet bunch, really. Ashame someone just dumped them." His own kitten remained planted in his lap, soundly aspleep. It was then that Sidney noticed the boy's damaged eye, and wanted to ask about it. But that could come off as rude, or even nosey. He instead displayed his best grin, which was undersized and almost false looking. "And I think they may be... Well, magic or something. The one you like, he spat a green bubbly liquid at me. Burned like acid. And mine can create a gust of wind." 'Gust', that could make a good name, or so he thought ((You're Kitten K, Nomen. I really had fun and got creative with him ^_^ And take your time, Rika <3 I know the feeling.))
I\'m back.
10:19pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
Name: Maya Flynn Age: 19 Gender: Female Kitten: K Appearance: [clicky, pwease?] Personality: Will RP out, is too lazy and tired to write anything now. History: Not important Other: N/A
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
10:23pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Epsilon blinked, looking at the kitten in his arms curiously. He was abuot to say something as another male walked up with red hair and eyes that, strangely enough, matched his hair. The other red-head peered into the dumpster, looking curious. "A boy and kittens...in a dumpster?" he questioned, tilting hsi head in a questioning manner. He leaned against the side of the dumpster, watching the kittens moving around. "An odd bunch of felines...but I suppose you can't be too picky, huh?" he said with a slightly smile, reaching out to pet one of the kittens. ((Lolololol I fail.))