11:10am Jul 5 2010
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May could hear a noise getting up she ran past and oversized Flareon and a Espeon the same size as the Flareon ignoring them she soon came across what was making the noise it was a small eevee gasping she ran over to it and nuzzled him "you poor little baby" she said nuzzleing him.
11:11am Jul 5 2010
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The young Eevee looked up at the female Flareon and mewled again, ears flattening. He then whined, sitting down. ((-brainfart-))
11:19am Jul 5 2010
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((ill have Kazumi go into the forest and Shadow can find her thinking she is an easy target for her brothers to come and help her XD)) May looked at the small eevee "ill look after you" she said to him smiling. Kazumi looked at a butterfly and giggled as she started chasing it into the forest her brothers talking or playing with eachother no one noticing she had ran off.
11:28am Jul 5 2010
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[[Gah, late intro... >_<]] Koh looked around the clearing of the forest, quietly looking around. His eyes were slightly glazed from sleep and his ears drooped. He brought his paw up to his mouth and licked at it lightly before bringing it over his face, washing it. He was still tired and he was bored. His tail twitched and he wished for something interesting to happen. Khan stretched out on a small boulder, his tail flicking lazily behind him. There was nothing for him to do and, although annoying, it was rather relaxing. He tensed and lunged as something rustled in a nearby bush. His jaw snapped around a small Rattata and he swallowed it whole. He returned to his rock and stretched out on it again.
11:32am Jul 5 2010
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Sasha could hear russleing getting up she walked over seeing a strange looking Umbreon insted of Yellow or blue markings he had red tilting her head she smiled "hello" she said smiling. Yumi was running arouns and soon bumped into a tired looking umbreon shaking her head she smiled up at him wagging her tail "hello" she said smiling.
11:40am Jul 5 2010
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Khan looked up, growling slightly. Who in the poke-world would dare disturb him? He looked down at the Espeon in wonder. "Don't bother me," he growled, turning away from her. After a few moments, he thought better of his actions, and looked back at her over his shoulder. "Hullo," he said gruffly, staring at her with crimson eyes. Koh blinked and looked down at the Pokemon curiously. "Oh, hi." he said softly, staring at her. He frowned slightly and padded around her to sit by her other side. He smiled, feeling much better now that his scar was on the side away from her. He had always been a bit self conscious about it.
11:55am Jul 5 2010
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Sasha tilted her head wondering what his problem was tilting her head she smiled again trying to be nice "im Sasha whats your name?" she asked him. Yumi smiled at him her tail wrapping around herself as she tilting her head "im Yumi whats your name?" she aske him.
11:55am Jul 5 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Jul 5 2010)
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Shadow giggled, floating out in front of the little female Eevee, quickly changing into a demonic looking Arcanine with a roar, tail lashing at the air. Aurora pricked her ears, hearing talking, so she followed the sound and found two Eeveelutions, one an Espeon and the other a red Umbreon. She pricked her ears curiously, moving closer. She dipped her head respectfully, her whisker-like things twitching to scan their auras. "Hello... My apologies if I interrupted anything...." she said, voice soft and airy. Kailo blinked and tilted his head before simply moving close to the Flareon with a purr, enjpying how warm she was. ((I might add in my Angeon. And Archangeon. :K Or maybe just a Shiny Angeon....-shrug-))
12:05pm Jul 5 2010
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((lol)) May smiled at the little eevee and nuzzled him warming him up. Kazumi looked up seeing the big pokemon letting out a loud noise she alerted her brother that she was in danger. Flame looked up hearing the noise "Kazumis in trouble" he said as all the brothers got up and they all ran to her. Flame got there first and jumped infront of Kazumi growling at the demonic looking Arcanine as his brothers joined him all crowding around her "leave our sister alone" Flame said glaring at Shadow a deep growl coming out of his throut.
12:09pm Jul 5 2010
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Shadow giggled, shifting into a Rayquaza, red eyes glowing bright. She wound around herself, hissing at the other Eeveelutions. Kailo mewled again, then curled up, warm and comfortable, his fluffy tail twitching.
12:12pm Jul 5 2010
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May smiled at him lickign his fur. Flare glared at her growling more "leave now" he said to her he wasnt scared of her he only wanted to protect his family and would do anything to protect them.
12:17pm Jul 5 2010
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((*scratches mosquito bites* Is there enough room and time for an itchy goof? o 3o ))
12:27pm Jul 5 2010
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((-noms Leah- Rika saliva helps with bugbites. Trust me. oux;))
12:45pm Jul 5 2010
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((of course krilly XD))
12:47pm Jul 5 2010
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The Eevee let out a purr, snuggling up to the Flareon with a soft yawn, laying his head down on his paws. Oh? So Rayquaza didn't do it... So Shadow then changed into a Giratina, letting out a cry. She stared down at the Eeveelutions, growling. Why weren't they afraid of here?!
12:55pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 5,406
May smiled at the eevee and curled around him. Flare growled at Shadow he was going to stand there and wait till she leaves he knew Kazumi was scared and he was going to show her that they where a family who protected eachother and didnt run if someone threatened one of them. Daniel was standing above Kazumi and looked down at her "its ok sis we will protect you" he said to her smiling so she wouldnt be as scared.
12:58pm Jul 5 2010
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((Krilly? I'd say Kinteroo's the better nickname. ;P )) Name: Aquos Age: Adult ;d Gender: Male Type: Vaporeon Looks:  Personality: *yawns* Other: He has a slight crush on his best friend, Glow. ;P Name: Glow Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Type: Jolteon Looks:  Personality: *Yawns* Other: She's got the biggest crush on Aquos since they've been together ever since she was seperated from her family. She believes a fire killed the other members, but is unsure.
1:07pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 11,785
The Eevee quickly fell asleep, burying himself as far as he could into May's soft, warm fur. Shadow hissed, letting out another cry as she swiped at the Pokemon, only for her attacks to go right through them. Their lack of fear was starting to weaken her. She needed fear to survive, darnit!
1:11pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((too bad i like krilly XD)) May smiled at the small eevee. Flame smirked and jumped at Shadow attacking her as he growled at her "show your true form" he growled at her.
1:14pm Jul 5 2010
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Posts: 1,719
((So Kinteroo's bios are accepted? >3 What's happened/happening?))