The Lion King III: a new chapter.

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5:56pm Apr 8 2012 (last edited on 3:54am Apr 9 2012)

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Posts: 736
Great. She thought she was being quiet. Digging her claws into the ground in frustration, she padded closer to Zayna as she spoke to her, refusing to look however. "Just to inform you, miss high pedestal, I had intended to go to the swamp today anyway." With her words, she gradually diverted her path further away to get a lead if a chase was to be followed. Because of her smaller frame, If Zayna got hold of her, she would be in trouble, just like the last time, but that was because she tripped. 
Kisu was faster. Something she was sure Zayna disliked, seeing how she was supposedly 'the chosen one' or whatever it was called. Well, faster was the wrong word, she was more nimble, being able to make sudden turns  because of her smaller frame, giving her the upperhand when it would cause fault in other areas. In a sprinting race, she had estimated that she would be equal to the others (on average anyway).


Amongst the rolling, ear tugging and laughing, Giza managed to call out. "Hi, Aunt Vitani." However the lioness had left ear shot, which was unknown to the dark pelted Cub. 

Finally ended up being pinned to the floor, Giza laughed and rolled over, more relaxed, signalling the end of play. " Okey, you win." She purred, panting slightly. The cub pondered for a bit before standing up. "Hey, wanna go pretend Zazu is in that cage he told us about? we can sing about coconuts and stuff."
This particular story was told to the collective after Giza received her scratch over the eye. The bird had gone on about how every dark pelt he knew had received a scar and then droned on about something or other, and mentioned coconuts. Giza didn't know exactly what a coconut was. The bird had said he had learned it from a relative, who learnt it from a relative and so on and so forth until it comes to a distant relative that lived off the Savannah. This was amazing, somewhere other than the Savannah? Giza had wanted to go there, but it was insisted that she stay. since then, the coconut song had been one of her favorites, even though it was rather demeaning. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:14pm Apr 8 2012 (last edited on 9:38pm Apr 8 2012)

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Posts: 123

[ Should I take Zira? I'm not fond of playing cannon characters, but if no on has come forward to play as her, I'd be willing to. ]

"Thats right I do!" Dion replied, laughing, panting as well. She considered her sisters suggestion, and then nodded vigerously.

"I want to find a coconut someday!" she insisted, tail flicking behind her, "I bet it would be fun to play with." She streatched, feeling her muscles warming between play and the sun. Today would be a good day.

- - - - - - - - - -

Kairyn still hadn't responded to Ortus' attack, and the frustrated cub flopped over onto the ground, growling and pawing at the older lion. Why did noone respond when he attacked them? He noticed two of his 'siblings' leaving the termite mound. He considered following them, but growled and slid further into the make-shift den. Someone would play with him. He'd pretend they were a pride lander, and tear them up, just like Mama Zira was teaching him.

[Urk sorry. Forgot to size 4 and center. x_X]

Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?

8:24pm Apr 8 2012 (last edited on 8:25pm Apr 8 2012)

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Posts: 11

Is startled by the attack as I retaliate playfully, swatting at Ortus's tail purring and playful after waking up from a long nap~. As Kiaryn nudges Ortus and prances ahead wanting a new friend. As she tamps the ground with a playful grunt and rolls and roars a quiet yet cute growl/roar and prances away more flicking my tail as she approaches a water hole and begins to lap up the ice cool water.

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8:39pm Apr 8 2012

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Posts: 379
Katika yawned, and lifted herself onto her golden-coloured paws to pad back into Pride Rock. She spent many nights under the stars, staring up at the great kings of the past until she fell asleep. Reaching the entrance, she breathed in the familiar scent of lion and family. Purring quietly to herself, Katika carried on walking past her slumbering friends and settled herself down to watch the waking cubs play.
Mwamba shook himself, messing up the tiny bit of mane that rested upon his head. He wanted to play; to run and leap like the antelope, and to soar through the air like Zazu. Pushing out his little claws, the young cub turned around to look at the rest of the pride. Spotting his target, Mwamba crouched down and began to drag himself towards Dion, who was a little was off with Giza.


2:07am Apr 9 2012

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Posts: 185
Zayna let out a low, yet fierce for a cub, growl before darting off after her sibling and using the element of surprise to pounce on her like she was prey. With the strength to turn Kisu onto her pack, Zayna crouched down on top of her sibling. "It's not my fault mother favors me!" She snarled, glaring down at the slightly smaller female. "I never asked to be the chosen one, nor do I understand why she made me that way." She added with an even lower growl. Her green eyes seemed to glow with anger as she glared down at her sister, her tail flicking back and forth behind her with anger before she stepped of Kisu. "And quite frankly, I don't care if you were going to the swamp anyway. I simply said you could accompany me if you chose to do so." She added as she sat down a few feet away.


Vitani sighed to herself as she swam around in the deeper part of the watering hole, her pelt turning to a slightly darker grey due to the water that it was now submerged in.
"At least the bus seem happy..." She smiled slightly to herself. "I wonder if they remember their sister..." She asked as her gaze drifted from the cool blue water she was in to the endless blue sky.

((Katyxcat- please make your post a little bit longer and easier to understand. Just a suggestion- try talking in third person I.E- "he" "she" not first person I.E- "I".

Vocabulations- If you want to play Zira, you may... no one has offered to claim her yet, so it's up to you.))

10:29am Apr 9 2012 (last edited on 10:36am Apr 9 2012)

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Posts: 123

[I can give it a shot. Let me know if I don't do it well, however. XD Also if you have plans for what is to happen, let me know, I haven't done evil for a long while. xD]

"Now, now, my sweets." Zira purred, looking down at them from a perch upon the termite mound. She slid down to them, eyeing them carefully, a smile crossing her maw.

"There are better opponents to fight with."

- - - - - - - - - -

Ortus watches Kiaryn prance off, confused by the action. What was this? Pointless play? He wanted to fight more than play. He was too old for that- or at least thats what mother had told him. Speaking of mother, he heard her voice, and slid to the entrance of the den to see what was going on. The girls making trouble again... He flicked his ears back, walking out to greet mother, and the day.

- - - - - - - - - -

Dion more bounced than ran a few feet further towards the dens, tail flicking behind her.

"Come on, come on!" she called back to her sibling, wiggling with excitement. How she loved to play!


[EDIT: Urk! Didn't think and went ahead and posted as Zira. >.< Added her bio to my post. I apologize.]

Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?

1:48pm Apr 9 2012 (last edited on 1:49pm Apr 9 2012)

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Posts: 736
Scowling at Zayna, Kisu picked herself up. She didn't like that she was got the better of, even with her precautions. About to reply to her 'sibling' with a remark that would be glorious and put her in her place, A voice literally came from the sky!
Well its wasn't exactly from the sky, but it was still a lioness. Zira. It was mother, the one who praised Zayna so greatly. Crouching slightly as a sign of submission she said. "Hello mother." 

Her submission, soon dispersed at the sight of Ortus. Eugh, she could defiantly do better than him. In the absence of mother, he questioned certain stuff. " Look who decided to join us." Snickered Kisu, padding over to join Zayna.


Yes. A coconut would be fun to play with. becoming more playful as time progressed, she too bounded down to the shadows behind pride rock. The place where their great-great uncle resided.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

11:37pm Apr 9 2012 (last edited on 11:37pm Apr 9 2012)

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Posts: 185
((Zira is accepted. Adding her to the list now.
We also still need Kovu and Kiara in case anyone is willing to take them.... or control them temporarily.))

Zayna said nothing when the sound of Zira's cold voice entered her twitching ears. Instead of turning around to greet her mother, she continued walking as if no one around her existed.
"Why stress?" She growled, still walking away. "It's not like the pridelanders stand a chance." She sneered with a cold laugh.

7:02pm Apr 11 2012

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Posts: 185

3:28am Apr 12 2012 (last edited on 3:28am Apr 12 2012)

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Posts: 736
A Bit confused at her sisters refusal to stay put flash across her mind, soon being backed up by, 'She hardly ever stays and listens when she isn't being forced into anything'. Taking her thought into consideration, the small cub decide to follow Zayna and continue to their destination, after all, she wasn't the only one who could rebel.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

4:42pm Apr 12 2012

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Posts: 123
[ Sorry guys. I was having one of those- Eh. Weeks?. x_X ]
[...Isn't anyone else going to post? o3o]

Dion slowed as she got closer to where their great uncle had once spent his time. It wasn't a bad place, but it felt dark... Even if it was all in her mind. She shook it off soon enough, looking back for her sibling, tail swishing behind her.
"Come on! Come ooon!" she called, always in a rush, bounding a few feet forward, starting to hum the coconut song to herself, giggling.

- - - - - - - - - -

"They will if you continue to shirk your training, my cub." Zira half purred, half growled, moving after Zanya, turning to block her way. She would be a bit more careful then last time, yes, and the pridelanders would fall... Likely under their own youngs paw.

- - - - - - - - - -

Ortus flicked his ears back, growling at his sister.
"I have every right to, sister. After all, when we take over pride rock, I'll be the lion in charge." he growled, holding his head up as he trotted towards mother, making a small purr of mornings greeting to her.

Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?

6:26pm Apr 12 2012 (last edited on 6:26pm Apr 12 2012)

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Posts: 185
Zayna's lips parted in a way that was clear if it was a growl or a smile as she looked up at her "mother". Her tail flicked bacl and forth behind her a few times before she spoke, choosing her words carefully. "Agility mother." She began and sat down. "The over grown lizards are fast in the water. Almost as fast as we are on land. Therefore I was going to practice my training at the swamp." She finished before standing up and circling once around Zira. "Unless you have other plans for us today." She added with an eyebrow raised as her gaze briefly swept over her siblings then rested on her "mother" once again.

She then heard her brother's comment. "Ha, that's what you think." She spat with a cruel laugh.

((It's OK.))

5:41am Apr 13 2012

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Posts: 736
Giza tripped on the way down and ended up tumbling down that slant, landing in a heap on the floor. She laughed and picked herself up. "Not how i expected, but i caught up." She laughed, joining in with the coconut tune.

Upon arrival, Giza looked about the dark space. The bones had been removed long ago, but that atmosphere was still gloomy, one of the several reasons it wasn't one of the best places the older lions and lionesses thought of for playing, but it was easily accessible, so it was allowed. 


Kisu Gulped. Mother was right, Zayna had been shirking some of her training sessions, going off and training by herself. Deciding that it would be best to remain on the sidelines, she found more courage in saying something spiteful towards Ortus. "Your not going to be king, Zayna will be leader, and I am going to be head of the hunting party, so there!" She pulled a tongue. 

As far as she new, none of it had been set out in stone, But she liked to think that Zayna would be leader. Despite thinking she could do better, she would rather be hunting party lead. You would do more, however she wouldn't share her views with her sibling, Zayna would probably take that too.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

8:12pm Apr 13 2012 (last edited on 8:12pm Apr 13 2012)

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Posts: 185
Zayna growled and looked at her siblings. "Once we take over the Pridelands, mother will rein supreme until her time is up, then she will chose one of us to take her place." She replied with a roll of her almost lime green eyes. Her gaze slowly shifted to Zira where it lingered for a few minutes to see if the eldest lioness's demeanor changed. She frankly didn't care who wanted what position... as long as she could roam freely and do as she pleased, she didn't care who did what.
To be completely honest, deep down she felt no connection to the lions she called her "family". And when she went off to train by herself, she often immersed herself in the training to attempt to shake the feeling of not belonging.

8:29pm Apr 13 2012 (last edited on 7:01pm Apr 14 2012)

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Posts: 123
[ Bear with me on this. If its hard to understand, poke me. Making Ortus interact a little with 'mother' xD ]

"Hm." Zira purred, considering the cubs comment, "Alright then, Zanya. Come, all of you. Agility is a good place to start the days training." She turned and moved towards the swamp herself, ignoring the cubs squabbles. The outlanders would take over the pridelands, what the cubs decided about their own ranking was currently none of her concern. She glanced behind her, making sure all of them were following.

"Thats what you think, Kisu." Ortus replied with a snort. He opened his mouth to say something else, but then realized what his mother was saying, and looked towards her, eyes wide.
"W-wait, those river beats? You can't be serious mother... If one of us so much as slips, we will be no help in fighting anything."

"Then maybe, Ortus, you would have been no help at all in the first place." Zira growled, looking back at the male cub. She should have known that a cub coming from such a soft pride would be the way he was. She wrinkled her nose. "Now come!"

Ortus flicked his ears back, and followed as he was told.

- - - - - - - - - -

Dion giggled a bit, swinging a paw playfully at her sibling.
"Its kind of creepy back here, isn't it?" she murmured, looking around. It wasn't as creepy as the elephant graveyard she'd been told stories of from grandpa. Maybe she'd go there some day, when she was big and momma and daddy couldn't say no.

[Whoops! Sorry. Didn't even think. :X]

Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?

3:53pm Apr 14 2012 (last edited on 3:53pm Apr 14 2012)

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Posts: 185
((Don't forget to enlarge your font.))

Zayna rolled her eyes and growled low enough for the others not to hear. She silently padded ahead of the others. "Such a cry baby brother... Toughen up." She said in a lighter, more sisterly tone, after allowing herself to fall behind and walk alongside her "brother". Although se was talking to him, she looked ahead, her gaze resting on the beginnings of the swamp which began to come into view.

10:09pm Apr 14 2012

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Posts: 185
((It's A-OK. :-) ))

7:21am Apr 15 2012 (last edited on 4:10am Apr 16 2012)

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Posts: 736
((Does centering work for you people? I have to use html coding :/))
Giza hopped up onto the raised flat rock that their great-great uncle once lounged on after she got batted by a paw. She agreed. "Yep. it is creepy..." She looked around the shadowed crevice before leaping down and speaking in a determined voice. "But if that horn-bill can tell us stories about coconuts, I am not going to let any creepiness stop me!" She informed Dion, pouncing to attack her tail.


Okey then, maybe saying her thoughts out loud wouldn't always benefit her argument. Standing with her chin held high she ignored Ortus's remark back. That was what she thought, but no matter, he wouldn't be leader. 

Kisu followed in swift pursuit behind Zira, trying to mimic her strides, only to fall short massively.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

3:17pm Apr 15 2012 (last edited on 10:01pm Apr 15 2012)

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Posts: 123
"I am not a cry baby, Zanya. I just prefer to have all of my limbs attached." he growled as they cam closer, looking out over the swamp, seeing some of the beasts in the water. The fur on the back of his neck stood up, tail drooping down.

Zira looked over at her cubs. They were bickering among themselves, as usual.

"Children." she growled, "Why don't you do something more constructive?" she suggested, moving to a raise in the land where she could see over the swamp.

- - - - - - - - - -

Dion rolled over, pawing at her sister and grinning.

"We should make our own stories." she commented. They always heard such interesting tales from their parents, grandparents and everyone. Dion wanted to go on her own adventure. Someday. Preferably soon.

Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?

10:46pm Apr 15 2012 (last edited on 10:47pm Apr 15 2012)

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Posts: 185
Zayna scoffed a cold "what ever" to her brother before marching off before the others. Her sights quickly set on one of the largest "beasts" in the water. With a confident smile on her maw she crouched down, not quite a hunting position crouch but pretty close. She after she began creeping forward, her speed began to rise along with her body. Once at a full force run, she jumped at the edge of the sand where the water barely reached and landed on top of one of the alligators. Still grinning she jumped to another one and ran along it's leathery back while it tried to move out from under her.
The gator's tail rose up, allowing her to jump off the tip and land on another one. She made several swift movements, each one moving her from alligator to alligator.
With a few huffs to catch her breath, she leisurely strutted on the head of the gator she had been standing on, knowing it would try to snatch her. "Too slow dumb thing." She laughed as she jumped off of it and wrapped her paws around a rather rickety "tree limb" that was stuck between to large rocks.
As if she was a pro at it, she swung her small body back and forth, eventually able to poll herself up onto the limb. No sooner than she was on the small piece of wood one of the alligators tried biting the limb and try to shake her off.
"We've been over this ya dumb beasts... you still can't shake me off." She hissed and jumped off the limp.
The jump may have seemed stupid... even more so considering a gator was waiting to make her an early morning snack with it's mouth wide open.
With a loud snap of the aggravated gator's jaws it's submerged itself under the water's surface. Zayna had landed on the bridge of it's nose and began running down it's back, using the end of it's raised to to launch herself onto the nearest shore.

"I'd like to see the rest of you do that." She purred to herself as she looked at the rest of her family expectantly after ascending to a part of the land the gators couldn't get to.

((Yes the center button works for me.))
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