PLOT: This is the times when the Lion King has pas.sed or way before it started. No one is relative of the past lions or have relations with them. Live the ways of the Lions, romance is important along with the violence. :DD
~ Romance is accepted, of course, but kept to a tolerant level. If you do not see it on the Lion King, you wont see it here.
~ You can use swears that would revolve in the Savanna, such as Baboon Butt and so on.
~ No Mary/Gary-sues, please and thank you. In the Pridelands, scars and missing limbs are a true honor. It means you have survived really terrible hardships, and in a place where you could be stabbed by a buffalo horn, snapped up by a crocodile, trampled by a herd, starve or thirst to death, this is a thing to be celebrated! So actually get your characters hurt for once!
--- No Power Playing
--- You are allowed to have as many characters as you can come up with. If you find you have too many, then spruce up the RP and kill them! Make it an epic and sad goodbye. We all need deaths every so often to wake us up again.
~ Post, "OMIGOSHALION" to join.
~ I will allow up to 2 prides at a time in the Pridelands.
~ This RP occurs long before or after Lion King ever happened. No relatives of Simba or ex-boyfriends of Kiara.
--- In natural prides, there are only ever up to 2 adult males leading the pride, and even that's a rare occurence. So each pride is to only have 1 or 2 male lions. If your litter of cubs happens to have one male cub, that is acceptable. EVERYONE else is a female! Though with outsiders, you can be male all you want.
~ I have no problem with you creating another Savannah animal. But you must have at least 1 lion before you make another animal. And you must understand that if the other animal you've picked is prey, than they are fair game to be hunted and killed by the prides.
~ As far as colorings and markings go, Try to keep it semi realistic. There are no black lions. There are no green lions. There are no three-headed lions. There are no two-tailed lions. And there definatly are no lions with a mark that looks like the Jonas Brothers.
---Literacy is important, semi-literate or literate please!.
~ The first people to arrive can choose the name of the pride(s). For now they are Pride 1 and Pride 2.
~ The male lion can have one or two favorite female as a special advisor or mate, called the Queen(s).
~ I will allow a rogue lions, though the male ratio will have to be 4:9
~You eat meat, it's a lion thing. Get over it.
~ I want to get several charries into the first pride before a second is created
---Have fun
Character Spots
Valley Fall Pride:
Queen(s): Onii and Sorrel <---Currently Full
Male: Kon <---Currently Full
Lionesses: Nya, Ame, Tenshi
Cubs: Ahliyah
Elders: SuuMa
Pride 2
Zanuta -- Head Rogue
Other Animals
Character Sheet
Age: (years, or Old, Young, Having a midlife crisis, etc)
Pride: (pride only, post 1 or 2 until they are named)
Rank: (Pride only)
Deion: (Pelt color, Eye color, size, shape, number of teeth, etc)
History: (optional)
Name: Ahliyah
Gender: Female Age: Cub, young.
Species: Lion
Pride: Pride 1
Rank: Cub
Personality: Shy and some what insecure, Ahliyah doesn't speak her mind often. Though when pushed pas.sed her limits, she will snap. Ahliyah has a strong sense of right and wrong, she defines both sides of a situation before acting. Compared to other cubs she seems some-what fragile and doesn't like to hunt as much as the others.
History: She was born like...I dunno a couple weeks ago...psshhht
Other: None
Name: SuuMa
Gender: Female
Age: Elder, Lioness
Species: Lion
Pride: Valley Fall Pride
Rank: Lioness
Personality: Wise from the years, SuuMa is one of the calmest lions within the pride. She doesn't look at difficult situations and panic, rather she believes that the answer will come with time. SuuMa loves to eat antelope and sometimes Zebra. Now with her bones old and fragile, SuuMa usually just sit and watch the young cubs while the Mothers go hunt for food.
History: Will be revealed in the rp
Other: None