5:26pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,584

6:46pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// Does anyone want to add more characters?
7:17pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,097
((I have two, but you told me to wait for Pride 2 to fill up more.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:00pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// Oh well if you want to have more characters within Pride 2 go ahead. Do you want to name it? :)
4:09am Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[I'll add more soon, and I would like Kon to be a rogue, actually :d]]
6:19am Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,576
Name: Dom Quixote (often called Quixote) Gender: Male Age: Young adult-ish. Species: He's a lion c: Panthera leo krugeri Pride: Pride 2 (Silver Moon) Rank: (Pride only) Deion: ta:image/jpg;base64,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" alt="" /> he's a white lion c: Is it allowed? Personality: He takes pride in leading the... pride. He shows in his actions that he's leader, so keep your eyes off the spot x3 History: None. Yet. Other: Omigoshalion!

6:29am Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[By the way, Twint, your random romance RP is really dying x.x]]
9:21am Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,422
{{I added two more characters. When do we start? And who starts?}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:54am Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 62
Name: Vatara Gender: female Age:young teen Species: lion Pride: loner, but will join up with rouges later Rank: loner Deion: black fur, with silver eyes Personality: sad,pessimistic, but loves to smile. she is adventurious, and smart, and loves to make new things... but she hopes for more excitement in her life, and is constantly getting into fights with the loner males. she is strong and agile and stubborn and aggressive, but she is great with little cubs. she is also a wise cracker and very sacrastic. History: her mother was a lioness, but her father was a panther (is that okay?) her mother was excecuted by her last pack and so was her father so she was alone as a cub. her best friend was named vutatu and she was falsely charged with his death. she was challenged to fight the pack leader when she was a preteen (thats when vutatu died) but she refused to fight and so she was banished with shame and given the mark of the banished, a scar on her left flank. Other:
10:55am Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 62
oh and Omigoshalion!!! lol 8D
2:58pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 3:06pm Jul 29 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// I will start it later tonight, thanks for joining everyone. :) Edit:;; There are too many loners/rogues.
3:05pm Jul 29 2010 (last edited on 11:31am Jul 30 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,097
((Oh! Sure, I'll name it. ^^ Hmm... Ethereal River Pride. o3o Oh, and just thinking random here, but the names of the prides got me thinking: What if the Valley Fall Pride could climb and the Ethereal River Pride could swim? XD)) Name: Naashu Gender: Female Age: Adult Species: Lion o.o Pride: Pride 2... Unless you accept that name. Rank: Queen Deion:She has golden fur. It's a beautiful, rich colour. Her fur is pretty soft, smooth, and glossy. But not when she just fought or hunted. It looks pretty ragged and.. a bit torn up. But otherwise, it's gorgeous... To some. XD She grooms her fur, okay? :> (You can't please everybody). She has a lighter golden muzzle, toes and belly fur. Her tailtip is a dark caramel brown colour. Her eyes are a slightly dark sky blue, and they glimmer in the light. Personality: She's kind and caring, but she can be very fierce if you tip her off. She has the occasional hint of sarcasm to her, and she is motherly to all cubs. History: Maybe later. >.< *tired* Other: Not really. :> ------------- Name: Kunloa Gender: Male Age: Young. He's a cub. Species: Lion Pride:Etheral RiverPride Rank: Cub Deion: His fur is dark brown, and soft and fulffy (being a cub). It's more ragged than most cubs' fur, but still very unusually torn. His belly fur, muzzle, and toes are a lighter brown. He has a tuft of near-black fur on his head. It's tipped with golden. He has dark blue eyes that're intimidating. Personality: Curious, mysterious, sly, cunning, kind to his friends (if he had any), misunderstood, not really social. History: I'll make it brief, for now. When he was born, he was just a runt. His family didn't like him. When they died, he survived. He lives in the Etheral River Pride, but you barely know, because he stays away from others as often as he can. But if you can get through, aterrific friend is right there. Scarred for life, he doesn't like being so near others, fearing that they'll treat him like his family did. Other: Not really, no.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:38pm Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// Sure, haha. Though please can some of the loners/rogues change to the second or first pride? We need a king more than we do rogues. Plus when I mentioned we needed more cubs, I also meant inside prides.
8:49pm Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[I think I've contributed enough x.x I can't RP that much, and I don't understand how people that create 5+ characters can, unless they only post one-liners, which stinks.]]
10:26pm Jul 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,422
{{Is it ok if I play as an African wild dog? I can change Notte to pride one. If that's ok. But I would like to keep the two cubs and Fyre loners.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:29am Jul 30 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,097
((I'll change Kunloa to Pride 2. But he'll still be antisocial, oaky?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:19am Aug 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Ooc:// Thanks guys, I'll check what we need later.