The Little Mermaid (A Modern Fairy Tale)

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3:36pm Jun 8 2011 (last edited on 3:51pm Jun 8 2011)

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As I swam through the ocean, I propped myself on a rock, and stared at the horizon. Not too far away was a large chunk of land. It was secluded, and there was a large structure that had towers. It was beautiful, and exciting. I had never been this far towards the main land. And then a huge wave came up behind me, and washed me on shore. Before I could even think about going back into the water, I looked down.

Legs! I had legs! No fins or flippers. I smiled. Now was my chance. But I knew the rules. I had to return to the water by sunset, or my legs would turn to fins, and I would be stranded.


This is a modern version of The Little Mermaid. It takes place in florida. The mermaid washes on shore, and wanders to a mansion, which resembles a castle. There, she finds a boy who would be the prince in movie, The Little Mermaid. However, this is modernized, so no princes. And the octopus lady doesn't exist in this rp. Just sayin'.


- This is a 1x1. First come, first serve.

- Ask to join.

- I will roleplay in first person. You don't have to, if you don't want to.

- No gay/bi/lesbian characters.

- I will play as the mermaid.

- You must be at least semi-literate to join this.

- No mary/gary sues.

{{Character Bios}}





Personality: (Not Required)

History: (Not Required)

Other: (Not Required.)

{{My Character}}

Name: Zarya

Age: Looks to be from 17-18

Gender: Female


((**All credit goes to the artist on DeviantArt, efira-japan.**))

Personality: She's new, so rp it out.

History: She's a mermaid. She was born in the water, and lives in the water. Her father is a bit protective over her, but he recently died, leaving her to wander on her own.

Other: She has a pet bottlenose dolphin named Siren.

Love is all we need~


3:38pm Jun 8 2011

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ooc:// ouo Might I have joinage?

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3:40pm Jun 8 2011

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((Yus. You know that you join as the boy, right?))

Love is all we need~


3:55pm Jun 8 2011

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ooc:// Sure! i can be manly. *attempts to puff out chest, failing miserably*

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4:07pm Jun 8 2011

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((Okay. You may join, Reina. Wolfie is excited about this rp.))

Love is all we need~


4:53pm Jun 8 2011

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Love is all we need~


5:06pm Jun 8 2011

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Name: Dathan

Age: 19

Gender: Male



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5:06pm Jun 8 2011

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ooc:// Sorry it took so long, but I had to find the perfect picture...

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5:13pm Jun 8 2011

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((It's fine. I was just wondering if you abandonded me. People do that a lot...))

I layed on the sand for a while, staring at my legs. They looked just like a human's. I was so happy. Finally, I could see what life on land was like. I stood up, but I only walked a few feet on my wobbly legs before I fell to my knees. Walking was a lot harder than it seemed.

After gathering up the courage, I stood up, and began to walk on my new legs. It wasn't exactly the most graceful walk, but it got me somewhere. I walked towards the building that resembled a castle. Of course, the only thing that I had on was a bikini, or at least that's what the humans called them.

I stopped in the grass of the yard. It was green, and soft. I sat down in it, and smiled.

Love is all we need~


6:50pm Jun 8 2011

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Love is all we need~


6:55pm Jun 8 2011

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Rustling. Heavy, uncoordinated footsteps, followed by a heavy thud. These sounds pulled me from the book in my lap, forcing my gaze up. Mostly naked girl. Completely oblivious. Crazy blue hair. The thoughts whizzed by at a mile minute, each one making me that much more invested in the current situation. Mostly naked, and very pretty. Huh. With a certain amount of cautiousness I rose, watching the weird girl with steady green eyes. There was something about her definitely not right. Not the hair; anyone could get dye. Just... Something.

Upon approaching I held my hand out to her, keeping my ex
pression neutral. "Um, excuse me miss, but, uh... This is kind of my family's property. Is there anything I can help you with? My name is Dathan, by the way, Dathan Faustus."

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8:29pm Jun 8 2011

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I turned around to see an attractive boy. My blue eyes stared into his green ones. I stood up and turned around, but I wobbled, so I put my hands on the boy's shoulders. I had to look up to see into his eyes now. They were georgeous.

"Look at me," I said, grinning. "I have legs!" I twirled around, only to stumble and almost fall, barely catching myself by grabbing Dathan's arm. I pulled myself up, and smiled. "I'm Zarya."

Love is all we need~


10:17pm Jun 8 2011

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'Okay, this chick is out of her mind.' The thought was clear, cancelling out any observations I might have had about her appearance. It was quickly followed by a much more befuddling thought. 'What am I gonna do about it?' I couldn't very well leave her here. She'd get herself killed for sure. I didn't want something like that on my conscience. So, I went with the play it cool and be friendly until I had time to get her to the nearest looney bin. But seeing her hanging off my arm, looking up into my eyes, hers such a pretty shade of blue...

"Zarya. That's a really pretty name. Would... That is, would you like me to help you with anything? Maybe show you around?" I sighed, spellbound. 'Anything to stay close to you.'

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10:29pm Jun 8 2011

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I blushed, my cheeks turning bright red. "Um, of course you can show me around," I said, smiling. I was unaware of how close to being naked I was. Of course, The most I ever wore was a bikini top in the ocean, due to my bottom being fins. Land was good, other than the fact that it was hard. I felt the grass beneath my feet, and I scrunched my toes up. It was cool, and wet with the morning dew. Luckily for me, nobody was breathing down my neck anymore. (My dad in particular.)

Love is all we need~


12:36am Jun 9 2011

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Love is all we need~


12:55am Jun 9 2011

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Smiling, I made a hook of my elbow, sliding Zarya's hand through so that I could lend her some support while we walked. Leading hr through the garden I pointed out all my favorite places, coming to pause by a beautiful fountain in the shape of a mermaid. "My great-grandfather had it sculpted. He said that if we kept a sign of those who cared for the ocean then they would bless us and let our fishing boats always prosper. Grandpa said he was crazy, but it must have worked because we have never been troubled by storms before, and our family prospered. Now we're rich, and still honor a bunch of imaginary creatures."

With what must have been a starry-eyed look I stared up at the statue, sighing before turning back to Zarya. "Anyway, maybe we should get inside. Lunchis usually served around now, and our cook is quite good." Cheerily I led her inside, through the massive double door into the back parlor, to which the entire back wall was glass so that those in it had a brilliant view of the garden. I took a seat in oe of the plush gold and cream rose embroidered chairs, sinking in. "So, where are you from? Not 'round here, I suppose..."

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1:55pm Jun 9 2011

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I couldn't help but stare at the mermaid statue. It looked just like my mother, Yara. I stumbled when he led me into his mansion, but I didn't fall. He gave me a good deal of support with his arm. I took a seat across from Dathan, and sighed. I ran my hands over the soft arm rests.

When he asked me where I was from, I answered truthfully. "From the ocean." I had a grin on my face that probably made him think that I just didn't want to tell him where I was from. Of course, I had the looks of a girl who spent a lot of time on the beach; I had tan skin, a slender figure, and a bikini to match it all. Of course, I didn't bother with my looks much. The ocean water would just mess my hair up again anyway.

I couldn't help but to keep looking out of the glass wall and into the garden, looking at the mermaid statue. It was so ironic as to how it looked like my mother, because she was the one that discovered that us merpeople could walk on land. But I never had the courage to try it out until I accidentally washed up on shore.

Love is all we need~


3:18pm Jun 9 2011

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Her revelation was absolutely stunning. Then again, being the kind of person who had always believed in the back of his head that mermaids existed, it all made sense to me. Random beautiful girl shows up on the lawn. I'd seen the footprints leading through the sand to the grass, though atthe time I hadn't thought much about it. She had blue hair with no roots, and bits of seaweed and broken shell in it. She'd been stunned and possibly a little bemused at my story of the statue, and had been way too excited at having legs.

Yep, definitely a mermaid.

Which meant that Zarya wasn't crazy, and I didn't have to have her committed. That was a very happy thought, and my smile grew, lighting up my eyes. "That's incredible! I knew you were real. Well, not you specifically, because obviously you're real. I mean merfolk. Merfolk are really actually real. And now I have you, and you prove that I'm right, and you're gorgeous and wonderful and magical and all that, and I'm so happy!" Before I could embarrass myself any more I cut the rant short, going red with blush and dropping my gaze to the floor. "I mean... That's cool, I guess."

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3:18pm Jun 9 2011

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((Pfft. I just noticed how funny the phrase, "Looney bin," sounds. Lol.))

Love is all we need~


3:24pm Jun 9 2011

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As Dathan complimented me, my cheeks got redder and redder. Finally, he cut himself off, and tried to cover it up with a short phrase: "That's cool, I guess." I giggled and said, "You're funny."

I crossed my legs indian style, and put my hands on my knees. "So, what are amusement parks like? And what is flying like? You know, like in those things that soar up in the air. They're made out of metal. What's it like to dance, and run?" I babbled on with questions about life on land, my eyes wide and full of curiosity. I felt happy that he actually didn't think that I was crazy, or didn't want to tell him where I was from.

Love is all we need~

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