5:32pm Jun 9 2011
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"Well, amusement parks are really crazy, but they're also noisy and crowded and kind of dirty. I don't think you'd be safe there if today was your first day on land. Dancing... maybe we should save dancing and running for after you've gotten your land legs, so to speak. But then... How... How long to you plan on staying?" It was a reasonable question, and I did my best not to look to worried about it. Here I was with an actual mermaid. What if I saw her once, and then never again?
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5:48pm Jun 9 2011
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I listened excitedly about all of the things that humans knew about. And then he asked how long I planned on staying. "Um, I have to go to a source of water by nightfall, or I'll be stuck on land with fins, and it won't be too fun..." I thought and said, "But it's early morning, so I have the whole day to explore. This is a really big mansion, you know. It reminds me of a castle." I smiled.
Love is all we need~
5:53pm Jun 9 2011
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'Whoo. So, any source of water. Nice.' I smiled, hiding my relief fairly well. Nodding, I shrugged. "It does rather resemble a castle. I guess that makes my the prince." The though is a pleasant one, and my smile becomes joking. "Well, if I am the prince, then you must be the fair maiden. And that being the case, it is my duty to make sure that you thoroughly enjoy yourself. First, I shall show you around my humble estate." Rising, I hold my hand out looking down at Zarya with light in my eyes. Nothing can ruin this day.
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6:00pm Jun 9 2011
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Once again, I blushed. Dathan was making me do that a lot. After he got up, and held his hand out to me, I grabbed it and pulled myself up. However, I let my hand linger in his for a while before I pulled away, looking at the ground, my face red. "Okay, lead me, Prince Dathan," I said, smiling in a playful way. That day was going to be a great day.
Love is all we need~
6:12pm Jun 9 2011
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With all the theatrics I could muster I led Zarya through the halls leading to the stables, making up ridiculous bits of 'factual historic trivia' as I went, doing my best to sound like a tour guide. "And this is where, during a game of indoor tennis, the late Lady Hillary began to give birth, only to have her dress catch fire." That was the general style of story I spun for Zarya, doing anything I could to make her laugh. Eventually we reached the stable, where I paused. "Now, we're about to get to my favorite bit, though... Maybe you aren't really dressed for it. I suppose my sister's old riding chaps..." And just like that, they were there, being held out to me by some nameless servant, which we had even now. While I my not have been royalty, it did seem as though my parents were in the smart set of high society. "Ah, here we go. You put these on over swimming bottoms. Then we can go see abo-" Barking cut me off, and out of instinct I dropped to my knees, throwing my arms out to catch the bundle of fur that came flying into them. The bundle of fur was my beloved dog, Shaz, a blue merle australian shepherd of champion lines. "Aaah, Shazzy!" I laughed, tussling her fur and allowing my face to be covered in doggy kisses. After a moment I held Shaz at an arm's length, looking up to Zarya with a grin a mile wide. "Zarya, this is my dog, Shaz. She's the sweetest, smartest, and most amazing dog in all the world. Shazzy, this is Zarya." In response the dog looked up at Zarya as well, with a very canine smile, and gave a short, happy bark.
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6:19pm Jun 9 2011
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I laughed at all of the ridiculous things that Dathan said, my cheeks turning red from laughing too much. When he led me outside, I gaped at the large stables. I had seen horses before, and they were majestic, and fast. I used to race them when their riders made them run along the shore. Of course, I made sure to stay out of sight of the riders. My pet dolphin, Siren, also raced them. And then a loud, deep noise sounded, and Dathan was tackled by a dog. I laughed, and watched as the dog smothered him with doggy kisses. He picked the dog up, which was apparently named Shaz, and introduced the two of us. I reached out, and patted her head. I was good with animals. Or at least in the sea I was.
Love is all we need~
6:41pm Jun 9 2011
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I watched with pride as Shaz licked Zarya's hand, tail wagging. "Well, love, we're going to be out riding. You wanna run with us?" She barked in what I assumed was the affirmative, the darted circles around my legs as I stood. Waiting until Zarya had put on the breeches I led her out to the largest of the barns, where my father's legion of horses were kept. We may have started out as fishermen, but my family had quickly come to corner the market on general animal ownership, and this barn boasted one of the largest varieties of purebred show horse breeds in the country. "You may have your pick of them, my lady. They are all trained, and I trust you to be drawn to the steed most suited to you. One of the grooms will prepare whichever horse you choose." With that I turned, going straight for my baby, a thoroughbred stallion of such a gleaming dapple grey, he was practically silver. I looked up at him adoringly, running my hand along his stretched, high-crested neck and tangling it in his cloud-white mane. He pushedhis head against my chest, snorting softly. "There we are, Wavebreaker. I'm here. Wanna stretch out, sweet?" At once he was alert, pulling his head up in that beautiful arch, eyeing me with static energy as he pranced in place. "I take that as a yes." Chuckling I set to work tacking Break up, pausing now and then to bask in his affection. Perfect, lovely, wonderful horses.
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8:06pm Jun 9 2011
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As Dathan led me into the stables, I saw row upon row of horses. All of them were beautiful, and I gaped. He told me that I could choose, so I began to walk down the middle of the stable, gawking at the beautiful horses. All of them seemed ordinary, except for one horse. She was at the very edge of the stables, and was a bit lonely. She seemed to be anxious, so I reached out both of my hands and cupped her cheeks. She snorted, and calmed down. "Hey, sweetie, wanna go for a ride?" I said to the horse. The golden name plate below the stable door read, 'Sollen'. I patted the Sollen's head, and took in her details; she was obviously and Akhal-Teke, a rare breed. Her coat was a blonde color, and when the sun flooding in from the window behind her stall hit her hair just right, she gleamed like a golden sheet had been wrapped around her. "Excuse me, Sir," I said, getting the attention of one of the grooms. "I'd like to ride this fine horse right here." The groom nodded, and went to work on getting her all tacked up.
Love is all we need~
10:19pm Jun 9 2011
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Once finished I leaped into the saddle, gently leading Break toward Zarya. I smile at the sight of her next to Sollen, my gaze approving. "That's a fine mare you picked for yourself. She's the ony Akhal-Teke in our stable, and we have at least two of every other one we have." Break naturally went to the mare's left side, having a bit of a sid conversation as I leaned down out of my own saddle and over hers, stretching out a hand to help Zarya into it. "I've never ridden her before, so I can't say how she runs, but I'm sure that any animal would be proud to carry you."
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10:37pm Jun 9 2011
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Once again, I blushed. I grabbed his hand, and got onto the back of Sollen. I patted her neck, and said, "C'mon. Let's go." I had observed people riding horses before, so I had an idea of what to do. However, I didn't know the specifics of riding a horse. I squeezed my knees against Sollen's side, and she began to trot forward. Her neck arched gracefully, and I sat straight in the saddle. This was a magnificent feeling, to be carried by a horse. They were so smart, and understanding of your feelings. Of course, if someone was sitting on me, I would have to be understanding of their feelings, too.
Love is all we need~
10:42pm Jun 9 2011
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((No octopus lady? Awh. Lol. I know this is 1x1, but I decided to read like, all of it x3 It's really good. I SHALL BE STALKING.))
10:48pm Jun 9 2011
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I watched her settle, seeing how natural she looked sitting astride a horse. Without waiting for my signal Break broke out into his own hottrot, prancing a little to show off to both of the ladies we were riding with. He was a proud creature of champion racing stock, and it showed in every supple curve of his magnificently sculpted body. His shimmering silver was a beautiful contrast to Sollen's gleaming gold, and I couldn't hel but smile. He was big where she was small, bold where she was quiet, and reckless where she was careful. I would have to ask later about breeding them, wondering how the lines would show in a foal so concieved. Keeping the thought tucked in the back ofmy mind I smiled to Zarya, riding out the roughness of my stallion's show trot with asmused patience. "Usually he doesn't brag this much around the ladies. I think he likes you." I pause, then continue with a rakish grin. "He wouldn't be the only one here. Would you like to ride up and down the beach?"
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10:49pm Jun 9 2011
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ooc:// Yaaaaay stalker! =3 I iz celebertie.
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12:59am Jun 10 2011
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When Break began trotting, Sollen kept her own, steady trot up. Sollen rode smooth, and it felt almost as if she was floating. Akhal-Tekes were bred for their agility, given that they had deep chests and small stomachs. I looked over at Dathan, who truly looked like a prince upon his magnificent steed. I admired his grace, before peeling my eyes away. Then he mentioned that his horse was showing off. Two sentences truly caught me off guard. Well, really, it was only the second one. But the first one was amusing. "I think he likes you. He wouldn't be the only one here." I fought back the redness that threatened to form in my cheeks, only to end up smiling. Sollen seemed a bit oblivious to Break's showy gait, but she must've gotten that a lot. A horse as beautiful as her must've had many stallions show off in front of her. "Yes. I would love to ride along the beach. I'll introduce you to my pet, too. Of course, we have to go to the ocean, first."
Love is all we need~
1:09am Jun 10 2011
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I loved making Zarya blush. It was almost as much fun as making her laugh, and that was a rather enjoyable passtime. With a wry grin I leaned in against Break's neak, whispering into his ear. At my command he sprung forward, like a spring unwinding. This gait was like flying, as he stretched to his top speed. I knew of the akhal teke legacy, and wanted to test it. A mare who could hold her own against my born and bred runner was certainly worthy to bear his offspring. Looking back to find Zarya I gave a whooping yell, mimicked by Break's cry of challenge, directed to the shining gold mare. This was all a game to him, and I couldn't help but laugh. The wind caught my hair, tearing at my loose shirt and stinging my eyes. It was gloriously free, and I wondered if everyone else got this same feeling when in full gallop. Surely Zarya would understand if anyone would. So I headed for the beach, knowing that in seconds the girl and her mare would jump ahead.
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2:09pm Jun 10 2011
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I was surprised when Break took off like a bolt of lightning. I nudged Sollen's sides, and clicked my tongue. She took off, her hooves beating the grass. However, her gait was so smooth that she made hardly any noise. Her neck stretched forward, edging her on. Sollen's breathing didn't change. This was effortless for her. In the olden times, Akhal-Tekes ran over vast dunes of desert sand, and went days without water. They truly were tough horses. Before I knew it, Sollen and I had passed up Dathan and Break. My hair flowed behind me in the wind, and I headed towards the beach. Sollen was very, very fast. Almost faster than Siren, my pet dolphin, was.
Love is all we need~
3:22pm Jun 10 2011
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Giving a shout fo joy I touched Break with a bit of a tap on the rump, and he replied with more energy. His long, rolling strides seemed to swallow earth, and I could feel him just beginning to stretch beneath me. Here was the result of hundreds of years of breeding, aiming for the fastest of horses. Still, I watched, amazed, at the inspired beauty of the hearty desert breed. Break wasn't one to be outdone, though, responding to her light-hearted running by deepening his breath and his stride, hoofs barely brushing the ground before shooting back again. Nowingly I crouched against Break's back, making myself as small as possible, while rocking gently with his gait. For that moment it was as if he were an extension of myself, and I saw through his eyes, took in a breath through his lungs, and felt the rewarding pull of his muscles. It was incredible. He raced toward the beach, pulling beside Sollen with a swell of pride.
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8:03pm Jun 10 2011
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oh I just love mermaid stories.....keep going:) :) :)
3:52pm Jun 11 2011
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Sollen snorted, and flicked her forelock out of her eyes. She then sprang forward, her neck stretched out. Her hooves sounded like drums, and I wrapped my arms around her neck. I squeezed my legs around her belly, and smiled into the wind. Soon, we hit the sand of the beach, and Sollen kept going. She finally stopped when her hooves hit the water, and looked back at Break with a loud whinny. That was her way of telling him that she was way faster than she was. Of course, she had genetics on her side. I finally let go of Sollen's neck, and slid off of her back. I waited patiently for Dathan and Break to come to a halt beside me.
Love is all we need~
9:22am Jun 13 2011
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At the second pass, Break was too shocked to respond, and I didn't blame him. He'd never been beaten before, and he was a racer. It was his job to run. And here this unraced, untrained mare had just stomped him in to the sand. The two of us must have looked ridiculously bemused as we came to a stop beside the ladies, Break lowering his head in admittance of defeat to the golden mare, his posture saying, 'You're better than me and I know it. By the way, you're so hot right now.' I laughed, shoving his nose away before looking to Sollen, then to Zarya. "You picked a good one. I never would've known how fast she is... Gotta try to get that speed in a race, maybe build up a bloodline from her. That would be incredible. Anyway... yeah. If we let them go they'll just wander around while we, i dunno... relax. All the horses in the stable are trained to come when we whistle. Would you like me to send out for someone to bring us food? Are you chilly? The breeze in from the ocean can get a bit nippy..."
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