2:27pm Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"So what's you name?"Heath asked the new guy,curiosity overpowering his politeness
4:05pm Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 950
"Done shows every where you guys have already said..." Aiden grinned. "And Heath, if paparazzi is in one place it is sertainly in another..." She added, stilll grinning. Aiden looked over to the new commer. "Hallo. I'm Aiden." She smiled, her germanic accent ever prominant. The dogs layed around her, carefuk not to be in the way.
5:13pm Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace gave a small wave to the new guy and then turned to Evessence. "Yeah, California's great, actually," Jace smiled. "Pretty crowded though." He laughed.
5:26pm Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath glared at Aiden. "Of course.You're in shows and I'm in movies,"He snapped,rolling his eyes
10:36am Oct 26 2009
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Posts: 950
"I'm not the movie type, yeehs... And I don't mean shpws as on the TV, I mean concerts, plays, fashion shows, thinkgs that a mind like yours cannot even begin to fathom." Aiden grinned... She'dd had it with people talking down to her.... All her life males did nothing but talk down to her... All her like girls did nothering but hate her.... Aiden was alone.... Always had been alone.... This made her grow to be the "spit fire" that she some times is... And the argumentitive show off that she is as well.... She strived to be better.... She didn't care that none of the people in this room hadn't heard of her, this only made her think she needed to be better.... become even more renound with the things she did.
4:49pm Oct 26 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence smiled. "Still must be pretty fun right?"She asked. Then her eyes glazed over second. "Isn't Disneylan in California or something like that?"she asked looking back at him. Sais just looked over at the people. "My name is none of your frikin' bissness okay?"He said. He pulled out a iPod from his pocket and put it in his ears. He turned the music up loud so he could blck out their voices. Evessence looked back at Sais. "okay then..."She murmured to herself.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:52pm Oct 26 2009
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"DisneyLand,yeah."Heath said,turning to Aiden "Ha.I bet I put more fashion trends than you can guess.I've been in so many plays,Broadway has my number.I sing,though I rather be in movies,where I make billions"He snapped,growling a bit
8:28pm Oct 26 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace glanced over at Sais for a moment, with a bit of a confused look. He quickly turned back to Evessence and smiled. "Yeah, Disenyland!" He giggled like a little kid. "Honestly, I actually love Disneyland. And there's tons of other amusement parks too." He shrugged slightly and smiled.
6:12am Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 10,925
Amber blushed slightly. "I don't have a boyfriend," she said, "And I wasn't planning to have one." She laughed. "Disneyland! I've never been, but I went to Disney World in Florida a couple of times before, and I'm sure it's almost the same."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:24am Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 950
"Hunny puh-lease." Aiden said, rolling her eyes at Heath. "I've not only been to DisneyLand, but Disney World AND Japan's Disney World." Aiden grinned, the memories of the times she'd been there rushed though her head... For once all of her memoried.... Actualy her first trip to Disney Land was what started her singing career.
7:19pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace rolled his eyes, the girl was getting on his nerves. "Like I care?" He retorted, sneering. "At least I don't have to brag about all my fancy vacations and immediately try to be better than everyone to get my sick pleasures!"
7:30pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"And?I've been to Disneyland,Disneyland Park,Walt Disney World Resort,Tokyo Resort,Hong-Kong's resort and Disneyland Resort
Paris.I've been more places you can count.Now,stop trying to better yourself,because your getting on my nerves.I bet you're just some insecure little girl who strives for attention.Well go find it somewhere else."Heath snapped,trying not to yell.He looked to Jace,and smirked a bit. "Isn't she annoying?"He asked loudly,not caring if she heard
1:53am Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 950
Aiden rolled her eyes. "I'm simply joining in the conversation... Not trying to get any 'sick pleasures' or trying to 'better myself' as you two put it." She replied with a smirk. "Maybe you two should check your selves... Your own insecurities, and not point the finger. 'Cuz ya probably got six pointed back at ya." She added with another grin. "Oh, and I've been around the world seven times, and have visited all the Disney attractions, Six Flags, King's Island, and any other big, or small, name place you can think of or look up on the internet." She added flattly.
((No one seems to like poor Aiden. XD))
3:16pm Oct 28 2009 (last edited on 3:59pm Oct 28 2009)
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Posts: 10,925
((That's because Aiden's sorta bratty :P)) Amber narrowed her eyes at this girl. "Hey, I could care less where the hell you've been. Not that I'm going on Heath side either. But you two should really cut the hell out. "You guys are jealous of each other. Who cares how famous you are? Stop trying to be better than each other. None of us give a damn."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:52pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"I"m not jealous about anything.She's just so...annoying.Screw politeness.I've been around the world,quite a few times myself.I've met more famous people than you can imagine. And my insecurities happen to revolve only around if The Dark Knight is going to blow up the stock markets."Heath snapped,getting up/ "I have no time for peasants..."He muttered,walking out into the forest.He walked,Logan at his side,until he hit the beach.He sat on the sand,watching the sunset
3:58pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 10,925
"PEASANTS?! PEASANTS?!" Amber screeched, running out after Heath until she stopped right in front of him. "Who do you think you are to call us that?! You couldn't live in the normal life for one freaking day! You just sit there and let everyone else do everything for you! If you had to switch places with anyone of us, you couldn't survive! Just because We don't have a freaking 15-storied house and eighteen maids and butlers waiting on us all day doesn't mean you have the right to call us peasants, like you're the damn king or something!" She flashed her amber eyes, now full of sincere, genuine hatred, and walked back into the gray building without another word.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:32pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath snapped up,running up to Amber.He grabbed her arm,steering her back outside. "I didn't mean you.I don't have a fifteen story house.I don't have maids,or butlers.I live a normal life,why do you think I travel a lot?I don't like being in the spotlight.You know nothing about me,"He grimaced,face set in agony.He dropped her arm,before walking back to the beach,trying not to lose his cool
4:35pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((Paige denied me...  tle="Cry" />))
4:42pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 10,925
((O.o?)) Amber grimaced after him. Yeah, right. If what he was boasting about earlier was true, then he hardly lived a normal life.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:51pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath sighed,finally letting the tears fall freely.He didn't swipe at them,knowing that if they came now,they wouldn't come later. He had always wanted to live a normal life,but being born into a family that was made up of actors prevented that.He traveled,only to stay away from the spotlight.He let a sob escape,as he checked his phone.He had one new message,though it did nothing to comfort him Hey,Heath. Sorry,I can't get you... Wolverine's still shooting,but I'll come when I can Hugh Heath shut his phone in disgust,as Logan bounded next to him.The dog layed his huge head on his owner's lap,sensing that he was distressed.