9:14am Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 10,925
((I love the Boomerang, too. 8D))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:29pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 3,991
((Woah, those are some intese roller coasters. I would never go one those XD)) Sais shrugged. "I was saying that for your benefit. I know some girls don't like roller coasters. Just trying to be nice. Evessence nodded. "Way to rain on my parade."She laughed. "Anyways what you wanna go on first?"She asked looking at him. "And Im just telling you now we have to go on the merry go round it like a tradition me and my friends do."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:36pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 950
((I went on almost every big ride at King's Island in Ohio. ^_^ The beast was the first thing I went on. ^_^ ))
"Uh-hu... I suppose every one is looking for a get away..." Aiden replied... "He's SO full of himself......" She thought with a growl.
7:45pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace laughed, "We can go on the merry go round first, if you want." He smiled. "But then we HAVE to go on a super crazy roller coaster, okay?" He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
7:51pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence grinned and nodded. "To the merry go round." She grabbed his hand and started pulling him towards the merry go round.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:23pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath laughed without humor "I suppose you think I'm full of myself,just like everyone else does.But,I'm not.Yet no one seems to get it"He ranted,sitting on the sand
12:26pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 950
"Maybe they would if you acted different... Really, I don't care if you've heard of me or not... But I am famous, but at least I don't sit there and say 'Well I've got seven condoes in seven places... And Err my smile is worth a million what ever...'" Aiden replied trying to be nice about what she was saying.
12:34pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath laughed a bit,but this time humor seeped in "It's,just so hard,you know?I'm a very competitive person,and I didn't know another Famous person would be here." He turned to her,his teeth glinting in the setting sun "And the smile thing,it's true,but I really don't know why..."
5:28pm Nov 14 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace allowed himself to be pulled to the merry go round and laughed. "So, you really like the merry go round, huh?" He asked.
8:31am Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 538
((bump? o.o))
2:42pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 950
"Well, famous people are every where... And cometitiveness, belive me hun, you're not the only one." Aiden smiled as she sat down next to him. She looked at him for a second then to the water... The sun was begining to set... And it seemed to light up the water as well as the sky...
4:00pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence laughed. I guess you can say that."She smiled. She stepped onto the merry-go-round. "Oh i get the horsey!"She squealed and rsuhed up to a brown horse. She climbed onto its back. "Well c'mon Jace sit here!"She said pointing to a dinosaur next to her.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:37pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Oh,I know there everywhere,I just didn't know anyone else would be here,"Heath added,laying back into the sand
4:39pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 10,925
"Wow, You're trying to be nice! Okay, that's a small improvement." Amber smiled, and pointed at a really frightening-looking rollerocaster. "You wanna go on that?" She asked with a look of ominousness in her eyes.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:53pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 3,991
"Ahh what the hell."Sais said. "Why not. You sure you won't be scared Ashley?"He asked as he trotted up to the roller-coaster. ((My friend I dont know how the hell he does this but every ride he goes on on he completely unfaised. He just doesn't like roller coasters at all.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:52pm Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 538
"Oh, heck yes!" Jace hopped on the dinosaur happily. "Dinosaurs are awesome!" He smiled at Evessence and laughed again. "Yep, I'm weird." He admitted.
9:35am Nov 17 2009
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Posts: 950
"So... In your spare time, what do you do?" Aiden asked, still looking out into th water.
3:19pm Nov 17 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence smiled as it started to go round. "Yeah well who doesn't like dinosaurs?"She laughed. She liked how her horse went up and down.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:03pm Nov 17 2009
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Posts: 538
"Umm. I'm pretty sure meteors don't like dinosaurs." Jace stated thoughtfully. "Since meteors killed them and all." He cracked a smile as his dinosaur rose up.
5:26pm Nov 17 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence nodded. "Well I guess your right."She looked over at him. "And you are pretty weird."She laughed. Watched as her horse started rising and falling slower. The ride was almost over.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.