4:16pm Nov 29 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Logan.Down"Heath managed.Logan sat at his feet,whining.
4:22pm Nov 29 2009
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Posts: 950
"Down seems so commn." Aiden laughed. "How long have you had him?" She asked, stroking Candy's back.
4:26pm Nov 29 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Since he was tiny.It's been,um,5 years"Heath answered,as Logan leaned over and licked Aiden's face.
9:19am Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 950
"Hallo Logan." Aiden smiled, not minding the wet spot on her cheek. Candy looked from Logan to Heath as if she was thinking about something. "I've had Candy since she was born... Her mom p*censored*ed away when giving birth... She was the only surviver of her litter..." Aiden sighed, petting Candy's head.
4:12pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Poor thing.Logan was born breach: instead of his head coming out first,he came out backwards.Almost died..."Heath replied,scratching behind Logan's ears
8:56pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace laughed at Evessence's ex pression as the roller coaster went down. He threw his hands up over his head and yelled, "No hands!", with a smile.
11:07am Dec 1 2009
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Posts: 950
"Candy's sister came out like that... Only she lived for a couple of days then died..." Aiden sighed.
3:42pm Dec 1 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence laughed and looked over at Jace. She shook her head in a weird kinda way and screamed some more as they made another drop. Sais shrugged. "Just making sure. Last time I went on with a girl. She like barfed and pi-ssed herself. Not very enjoyable."He said. He smiled slightly when he remeber how his girlfriend had done that. Him and her friends never let her live that down.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:31pm Dec 1 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Sorry,"Heath muttered,looking down.He suddenly looked at his watch,and sighed "Time's up..."
10:43am Dec 2 2009
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Posts: 950
"Up, up." Aiden smiled to Candy as she looked at the dog who jumped to it's feet. "Hmmm, you sound like you're having fun." Aiden teased as she waited for them to start walking.
3:25pm Dec 2 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"I was,"Heath agreed, laughing lightly.He had his hand hooked in his back pockets,and his shoulders hunched. "So,where do you live?"
3:43pm Dec 2 2009
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Posts: 10,925
Amber grimaced. "Disgusting. Never go out with a girl with a weak stomach and a small bladder. They tend to do that." She rolled her eyes. "What, was her name Amber too?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:23pm Dec 2 2009 (last edited on 5:23pm Dec 2 2009)
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Posts: 3,991
Sais shook his head. "What gave you the thought her name was Amber?"He scoffed. "Her name was Lindsey."He rolled his eyes wonering how she ever thought her name was Amber.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:37am Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 538
After a few more crazy stunts, the roller coaster finally slowed to a stop. "Ahh, that was fun," Jace looked over at Evessence and smiled sweetly. "What did you think?"
10:55am Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 950
"Actualy, I have a home in Leipzig, but I'm rarely there... I travel all over the world for pet shows, saving endangered animals, fashion shows, concerts... All kinds of differen things." Aiden smiled as they walked.
5:44pm Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Really?Interesting...What's your favorite animal?"Heath asked,laughing
5:54pm Dec 3 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence smiled than nodded eagerly."that was so much fun!"She exclaimed. She raised the harness bar thing then stepped out. Her legs buckl;ed for a moment and lost her balance. She fell over and laughed. "I'm okay!"She said. She looked over at him. "This always happen's so I'm just gonna lay down here for a while."She said. She laid down on the cement.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:45am Dec 4 2009
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Posts: 950
"Actualy, I loe all of them... But I've always had a soft spot for big dog, exotic cats and horses." Aiden laughed, still walking back to where they had origanaly came from. "You?" She asked with a smile. "Oh, and hey before you answer when we get back, just to sture things up a bit, we should come in bickering and fighting worse than earlier." She said with a slight mischevious grin on her face.
2:59pm Dec 4 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"I'm down with that."Heath agreed,laughing loudly.He found himself walking closer to Aiden out of a will he could not control "I guess my favorite would have to be Servals.But I love all big cats,and dogs"
1:14am Dec 5 2009
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Posts: 950
Aiden grinned, not really noticing the closing distance between them. "Ok... Favorite hobby?" she asked with another smile, Candy bounding happily beside her owner.