1:05pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 950
"Actualy, I've done a few movies... Directed and acted, and a few plays, directed, acted, costume design and written." Aiden smiled.
1:09pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Cool,"Heath answered,smirking "Any blockbusters?"
1:28pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 950
"Only in Japan and Germany for the movies. A few plays I've writen have made it to braodway... And I've done voices for a few animated movies, including a few animes." She smiled.
7:20pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Interesting,"Heath replied,yawning yet again "Anime,not much of a fan.Or manga"
2:18am Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 950
"Not every one is." Aiden smiled. Candy layed down at Aiden's feet, yawning slightly. "Let's hope we can fool every one when we get back. There are no retakes here." She laughed, teasing Heath a bit.
11:32am Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Yup.The only thing I hate about live..."Heath trailed,laughing a bit.Logan bumped Candy,grinning.
11:47am Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 950
"well, it is what it is." Aiden smiled.
Candy looed at Logan, her head tilted to the side a bit, and a small smile on her face.
11:51am Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Couldn't have said it better myself,"Heath agreed,returning the smile. Logan whined,before cocking his head to the side.He didn't know what to do with Candy,since she was a tease to him.
7:14pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace triumphantly stopped running at the ferris wheel. He smiled at Evessence then laughed. "Hah! I win," He smirked. "Aaand, I'm not even out of breath. Beat that!" He joked.
10:32am Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 950
"I really thik doing things live just lets you test your acting abilities." Aiden grinned. She then smiled at Logan. "I think she wants to play.... But with her, you can never be sure....." She lauhed.
1:09pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan whined,shaking his head "That,and your patience level"Heath added
1:47pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 950
"True, true." Aiden laughed.
Candy yawned... This was obviously starting to bore her.
1:53pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan jumped up,and onto Candy's back.He yipped softly,urging her to move Heath laughed,shaking his head "What's your favorite thing to do?"
2:59pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 950
"Relax..." Aiden laughed. "My life is hectic... So I try to relax when ever I can." She smiled. "You?" She added as she watched tghe dogs.
Candy rolled over underneath the other dog, her nose pressed up against his. She then managed to slip out from under him and bark three times before running into the water.
5:14pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan bolted after her,yipping like a pup.He crashed into the water,as he doggie-paddled to her. "Well,relax is pretty high up the list,"Heath laughed,"But it would have to be acting,hands down."
6:43pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 15,067
12:03pm Jan 8 2010
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Posts: 950
((Sorry... I couldn't find this before..... Wonder if any one else is gonna come back...)) Aiden grinned and rolled her eyes. "How did I know." She laughed teasingly. ~ Candy barked and swam over to him, her tail waggging inside the water.
5:20pm Jan 8 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Logan yipped,before running after her Heath shook his head at the horse play,but laughed "Tuition?"He guessed,smirking
2:24pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 15,067
2:58pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey, I remember this rp didn't it like die, a long time ago?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.