3:11pm Oct 3 2009
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Posts: 10,925
Amber took Evanessence's hand and shook it. "Amber." She said.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:56pm Oct 3 2009
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Posts: 538
On the plane ride over Jace was texting his friends, telling them all about the view. He cursed audibly when his phone stopped getting service, and looked out the window to a large grey building. He flipped his hair out of his eyes and stared harder, "The Love Game...?" He asked as the plane landed. Jace stepped out of the plane cautiously, this place didn't look anything like the pictures. Suddenly there were cameras around him and he got uneasy. "What is all of this?" He questioned the nearest camera guy in a disgusted tone. "Well, Mister Jace, you're going to be on television." The camera guy smiled. "You're on the Love Game!" "It's just Jace, okay?" Jace retorted and walked into the building, trying to get away from the annoying camera crew. As he stomped away, the camera guy called out, "You won't be getting service around here, so you can put that phone away!" Jace realized he was still holding his, now useless, phone. He muttered something and shoved it in his pocket. "This is going to be great." He scoffed.
4:20pm Oct 3 2009
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Posts: 3,991
"Its nice to meet you." Evessence smiled. "So uh, when do you think the other people are gonna show up?" She looked aroun hoping to see someone else walk through those doors.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:44pm Oct 3 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath sighed,giving in to the man's pleas,but only because Logan was going to tear the man apart.He walked back into the set and sat next to two girls having a conversation.He pulled out his Cellphone,a Samsung Rant,and began texting his friends.
6:29pm Oct 3 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace sauntered into the building and looked around. It was a typical game show set, he guessed. He noticed three others who were already sitting down. He sat down next to the three and smiled at them. "Hey," He greeted nicely. "I'm Jace."
9:38am Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 10,925
((Chance: They don't have cell service. ;O)) "Amber," Amber told Jace with a small smile. "We're all in the same boat here, I guess. I think this is some new dating show game."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:42am Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 15,067
((I know,just watch)) "Hello,Jace,Amber.I"m Heath"He said,sticking one hand out to both of them.Just then though,his cellphone lost service. "S**t,"Heath said,digging in his back pocket and pulling out a sticker like paper.He inserted it into the back of the phone's battery,and he instantly got his service back.
1:08pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 596
Name: Sam Gender: Male Age: 18 SO: Straight
Crush: Open Bf/Gf: Open Personality: He's a pretty laid back person who loves to joke around. He can easily become good friends with anyone he talks to and will usually been seen smiling. Other: Only that I'm sorry that it took so long to get this up. Looks: Coming.
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
1:36pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 3,991
"I'm Evessence." Evessence said smiling. She stuck out her hand to whoever wanted to shake it. She tucked some hair behind her ear. "It's greeat to meet you guys." She smiled nervously.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
2:07pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 5,310
Zyon followed everybody off the plane and stood confused infront of a gray building witht he words 'The Love Game,' in neon pink. Then he heard that they had been chosen for a game show and he froze with anger. He had wanted to get away from his parents to a paradise, not some lame, stupid game show. Zyon clentched his teeth together, annoyed and thoroughly pissed.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:24pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 596
Sam eagerly jumped off the plane. "Finally here!" He exclaimed, seeing the building but not yet reading what the sign attached said. He was about to start off towards it when a camera man shouted his name. "Welcome, Mister Sam, to the new reality show the Love Game!" The man came closer. "Smile for the camera kid, your face will be seen by millions of people." Sam froze momentarily but soon began smiling. "This isn't what I expected but hey, at least I can have my 15 minutes of fame!" He laughed and walked into the building.
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
2:27pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Hello,Evessence"Heath said back,bringing her hand towards his mouth and planted a light kiss on her ring finger
2:51pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 596
"Ah, did the show already start?" Sam teased as he came upon the others. He stepped over cords and around equipment til he reached their sides.
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
3:27pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence blushed a deep scarlette. She pulled her hand away. "Its n-nice to meet you too." She stutted. Her face flushing even more.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:34pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath smirked back,seeing her blush. "So why'd you come here?"He asked her,before turning to the new kid. "No,not yet thankfully."
5:22pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence blush faded slightly. "To get away from the drama of my life." She said. "But unfortunatly,'She looked around "I got it all back ten times worse." She smiled sheepishly.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:32pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 538
"Aw, come on. This can't be that bad, right?" Jace stated hopefully. "I mean... I hope not, anyway." He laughed and tugged at the strings on his jacket absentmindedly.
5:50pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 15,067
"Well,I bet it's not going to be as bad as it seems"Heath said,rubbing her shoulder.He smiled,a breathtaking one,in all his Aussie glory ((XD))
5:55pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Evessence nodded and shifted uncomftably. She wasn't sure if she was ready to love again. And she completely found him too affection. Kinda reminded her of her puppy Mr. Motosuwa. She smiled at the thought. She opened her bag and looked in. She put her hand in and felt something rough and welt on her hand. She smiled slightly. And pulled out her hand. She looked around. "So when do you think they're gonna tell us what this show is about and what we're gonna have to do?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:04pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Heath pulled back his hand,seeing her rigidness.He sighed,only wanting to be helpful,and called Logan. "Here,boy"He called,as the big dog loped towards him.It stopped,sniffing near Evessence's bag.Logan whined,putting his head on Heath's lap