8:25pm Oct 6 2009
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Posts: 538
Jace laughed and ruffled the dogs fur. "He's cute," He smiled. "And very affectionate." He laughed again as the tiny dog licked his hands once more.
8:27pm Oct 6 2009
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Logan whined,wanting attention too.So,he started nomming of Motsuwa's ear,lightly,not to hurt him. Heath smirked,rubbing the little dog
8:31pm Oct 6 2009
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Mr. Motosuwa barked happily with all the attention he was getting. Evessence smilled. "Don't spoil him too much." She said to the two boys. She giggled.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:34pm Oct 6 2009
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"Sorry,I have a problem with that"Heath said,gesturing to Logan.Logan growled playfully at Heath,before jumping on his lap. Heath yelped,laughing,and tried to push the dog off.He sighed,giving up. "See?This is what happens when you spoil them"Heath said,tsking Logan
8:39pm Oct 6 2009
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Posts: 538
"I also have a problem with that," Jace smiled, petting Motosuwa again. "Whenever I have a pet, they always end up spoiled." "And isn't that dog a little big to be sitting on your lap?" Jace asked Heath, laughing. "He's gotta be kinda heavy."
8:44pm Oct 6 2009
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"He is,but not anything I'm not used to.He's mostly muscle though,so I think my leg just died"Heath joked,sliding Logan off.The dog turned to him,and whined like a puppy. "Lay down"Heath commanded,then petted the dog when he obeyed
11:23am Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 950
Aiden sighed... She felt a little lest out.... All her pets were in her hotel oom... Probably begging to be let out.... She also didn't fit into this group.... Just like at home in the orphanage she was a meer shadow... Not speaking to any one.... Not being noticed by any one... An annoying fly on the wall....
2:54pm Oct 7 2009
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Heath suddenly looked to a girl sitting off by herself,and looked like she needed company. He walked over to her,and sat next to her. "Hello,I'm sorry I didn't see you before,I'm Heath"He said,sticking his hand out.Logan walked up to the girl,licking her hands
3:14pm Oct 7 2009
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"Hallo doggy." Aiden smiled at the dog. "I'm Aiden." She smiled as she looked at the male next to her. Her germanic accent showing though quite a bit.
3:18pm Oct 7 2009
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Evessence watched heath walked over to Aiden. "Hey Tell her to come join us!" She called out. She tossed Motosuwa a biscuit. It caught it as easily as swating a fly. "Its amazing I swear he was in the circus he can do all sorts of crazy tricks." She giggled.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:27pm Oct 7 2009
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Heath looked over to Evessence,and sirked. "Hey,come join us over here,mate"He said,his Australian accent clearly showing.He could speak fluent English,but loved his Accent,since it reminded him of his favorite places ever.
3:30pm Oct 7 2009 (last edited on 3:31pm Oct 7 2009)
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Posts: 950
Aiden glared at the girl slightly. "I'm right here... Und I can here you...." She growled under her breath.
"Thanks.... But I doubt me entering your little get-to-gether will do much good..." Aiden said as she looked at Heath.
3:32pm Oct 7 2009
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Heath looked at Aiden,and smirked at the way she looked at Evessence. "Dun worry mate,Evvy's nice.She didn't mean it in a bad way,she just meant for you ta go over 'ere wit us"He explained,holding his hand out to help her up.
3:48pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 950
"I'll be right back.... I have something to go get...." Aiden said as she looked at the clock... She needed to hurry and get the dogs or surely they'd trash the hotel...
4:11pm Oct 7 2009
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"Alright,jus come on over when you're done,'kay?"Heath said,as he returned to his normal seat.He turned to Evessence. "Hey mate,mind if I call you Evvy?"
4:16pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 950
After running out the door, Aiden stopped for a second. "What if none of tem get along?" She muttered.... "Oh well..." She smirked and dashed off to her hotel room.
A few minutes later she came back with six animals wth her... Three cats and three dogs... None of which were on a leash of any sort.
((I'll have picks of all of them up asap....))
4:20pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 15,067
Logan looked up,and growled. Heath looked to Amber,and smirked. "Hey,remeber when I said Logan likes Kittens?I meant it,he hates cats,but loves them when they're tiny li-ttle buggers"He said,alguhing when Logan growled
4:23pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 950
((When I say cats... I ment kittens... You'll just have to look at the pics. ^_^ All of them, exept the dogs are mine... And I have to go so I'll post the pics later.))
4:37pm Oct 7 2009 (last edited on 4:44pm Oct 7 2009)
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Posts: 3,991
(Lol I like kitten better than cxats too. Although they are like the same. Cats are just grouchyer i guess)) Evessence looked up at Heath and gave him a strange look. "Evie? I'v ben called Eve befor but never that." She shook her head and smiled at him. "Sure why not. Evie it is!" Motosuwa licked Jace's hand one last time then lept of his lap and padded over to Aiden pet's and barked at them. He squatted into a playful pose and wagged his tail. His tounge loped out of his mouth.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:00pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 3,991
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.