11:29am Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 2:54pm Jul 23 2011)
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((Introduction)) The three friends walked aimlessly among the others that were dressed up in their Halloween costumes. There were two boys, who looked exactly alike, due to them not wearing costumes. They were twins, but their friend could always tell the two of them apart. Their friend, who was beside them, was also dressed normally. The three of them walked into the nearest tent. When they entered, their eyes were filled with colour. The tent walls were draped in red, yellow and orange fabrics. There were decorative pillows at the base of the walls. In the middle of the tent sat an old woman, who was also draped in brightly coloured fabric. She looked up at the three teenagers. "Did you come to have your fortune read?" The old woman asked, her voice shaky. The two twins looked at the girl and said, "Well, we didn't come here for that. Might as well do it while we're here, though." They grinned, and the girl pulled out her wallet. "No, no." The woman raised a hand, and the girl put her wallet back into her pocket. "I'll do all of yours for free." An evil smirk spread across her face, sending chills up the girl's spine. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come to me, and put your palms facing upward." The three teenagers did as the woman asked. The old woman looked first to the girl's hand. "You. You're such a big pushover. You need to learn to take something from someone." The two boys flinched, and the girl pulled her hand back, her eyes sad. "You two," The old woman said, looking at the boys' palms. "All you ever do is take, take, take! You need to learn how to give something to someone else!" The woman's voice got loud, then very soft. The evil smirk that was on her face earlier resurfaced, and she said, "You. Girl. You've been cursed with the mark of the predator. You two, the boys. You've been cursed with the mark of the servant. Congratulations." The two boys got angry, and began to run at the old woman. However, a smoke filled the room. When the smoke subsided, the old woman was gone. "What was that about?" The girl asked, and her question was answered quickly by a burning sensation on her back. She yelled out in pain as she felt her canines lengthen, and the burning sensation got even more painful. The boys felt a burning sensation also, but it wasn't as painful. Soon, the girl was collapsed on the floor, and the burning sensation on the boys' back was gone. "What do we do now?" The one twin asked the other. "We should go home. We're gonna have to carry her, though. She looks like she's out cold." ((Plot)) Three friends, two twin boys, and one girl, were cursed by an old gypsy woman. The girl was cursed with the mark of the predator, and the boys were cursed with the mark of the servant. Now, they must find a way to figure out what happened. However, when they go home, their families say that they've never seen them in their life, and threaten to call the cops. In other words, the mark of the predator curses the person to become a vampire. The mark of the servant allows a person to feed a vampire. Only those cursed with the mark of the servant can be fed on by those cursed with the mark of the predator without being killed. The mark not only affects the person who is cursed, but it affects their whole family. It erases their memories of the cursed person ever being in their lives. The mark appears as a tatto. It can be symbols, a picture, or just a word. So, the three teenagers want to break the curse once and for all. ((Rules)) - This is a 1x1. First come, first serve. - I play as the girl cursed with the mark of the predator. - Whoever joins must play as the two twins who were cursed with the mark of the servant. - Ask to join. - If you have any questions, ask me. - Romance and violence is encouraged. - No gay/bi/lesbian characters. - You must be at least semi-literate to join this. - When we start roleplaying, we will pick up where the intro left off. ((Characters)) Girl cursed with the mark of the predator: Kaitlyn (WolfieBelle) Twins cursed with the mark of the servant: (Paige) ((Bio Skeletons)) Name: Age: (15-18) Gender: What Mark Do You Have?: (Mark of the Predator, or Mark of the Servant) What Does Your Mark Look Like?: (Picture or deion is fine.) Appearance: Personality: (Optional) History: (Optional) Other?: (No pets.) ((My Character.)) Name: Kaitlyn Marie White Age: She recently turned sixteen. Gender: Female What Mark Do You Have?: Mark of the Predator What Does Your Mark Look Like?: It is on her back. It trails from her neck to her right shoulder. It's a rose vine, with several roses on it. The branch that connects the roses together has thorns on it, and there are strange symbols scattered throught the mark. Appearance: Kaitlyn stands at a 5'3". She has thick dirty blonde hair that falls in loose waves and stops a few inches above her hips. Kaitlyn has an athletic figure, and she is quite curvacious. Her skin is somewhat tan, and she sports a few freckles on her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Kaitlyn's eyes are a light hazel color, with more green than brown. She usually wears shorts that stop just above her knees, and fitted t-shirts. Personality: She's new, so rp it out. History: She's had a pretty normal life. Other?: Nope.
Love is all we need~
12:18pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
12:59pm Jul 23 2011
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Love is all we need~
2:07pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((I think I might wanna do this, lol. <3 It sounds really fun. ^_^))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:11pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Okay. Well you're free to join if you want to. I'm dying to roleplay this.))
Love is all we need~
2:18pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((All right, bio coming up in a few c:))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:20pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Okay. :D Can't wait.))
Love is all we need~
3:19pm Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 11:26am Jul 29 2011)
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Name: Cole Howlett/Cain Howlett Age: 16, going on 17 c: Gender: Male What Mark Do You Have?: Mark of the Servant What Does Your Mark Look Like?: Cain and Cole both have the same mark; Cain having a tattoo of twisted vines wrapped around his left wrist and Cole's being the same, except it's on his right wrist. There are some strange symbols embedded in the vines but they are very difficult to see. Appearance: Cole and Cain are identical twins, so obviously they share a very similar physical appearance. They have dark brown hair, almost black, which is kinda long and unruly, but in a good way. Their eyes are the same shade- a blue-gray color. Both are long and lean, standing at around five-foot-eleven. Cole is about half an inch taller than Cain, though, and sometimes the twins are told that they can be told apart by Cain's higher cheekbones. Their skin, obviously the same, is a creamy color, and flawless, for the most part. The twins don't wear matching clothing like the stereotypes expect them too; they think it's cheesy. However, they both tend to swap outfits at times. Personality: Cain's a rather adventurous fellow. He Takes what he's given, and goes with the flow, really. He's kind of calm, in a sense, although he enjoys a little action and drama at times. (Rp the rest out. They're new. D:) Cole, however, is very stubborn, and he's never one to just go along with anything like his twin brother. He's smart, and tends to think things through as often as he can. He is also cautious and careful. They're both generally kind boys, however, and are always there to comfort Kaitlyn. History: It's nothing too special. They've been raised by just their dad because their mom left when they were toddlers, but that's the only thing out of the ordinary. Other?: None
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:29pm Jul 23 2011
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((Yay~ I'll start.)) Kaitlyn's limp body lied on the floor of the old woman's tent. She had disappeared. Simply disappeared. That old woman had done something to her, but she didn't know what. She could taste blood. Did I bite my tongue? Kaitlyn thought, trying to move. However, she couldn't. She could hear things, feel things, and even smell things, but she couldn't open her eyes or move no matter how hard she tried. She didn't really want to move. Every part of her ached. Her bones felt like someone had beaten her. She felt sick at her stomach, yet hungry. Her stomach growled loudly, but she didn't show any other signs of waking up.
Love is all we need~
3:52pm Jul 23 2011
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"C'mon, Kaitlyn, up ya go," Cole grunted out as he scooped the girl up in his arms, bridal-style. She showed no signs of being aware to anything that was going on. "Gosh, she's lighter than I would've expected," the boy mused, and his brother, Cain, chuckled a little, leading the way out of the tent. "I wonder where that old hag went," Cain thought aloud, his eyes darting around the scene before him. The old lady had disappeared and was totally gone... like she had never been there in the first place. He pulled open the curtain of the tent with one hand, and that was when he noticed the desgin around his wrist. "Gah!" He yelped, his hand jerking back as he rubbed the tattoo, looking like he wanted to take it off. "When did that happen?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:56pm Jul 23 2011
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Kaitlyn felt herself being picked up, and she mentally slapped herself. She hated feeling helpless. When Cain yelped, Kaitlyn's eyes flew open, and she started coughing. She covered her mouth weakly with one hand and pulled away after she finished, only to find that she had blood on her hand. She had bitten her tongue with her newly formed fangs. However, instead of spitting the blood out like she normally would, she swallowed it. It tasted bitter, due to it being her own, but it helped her strange hunger. "It-It hurts..." She managed to say, pointing to her back, which was still stinging. She raised her hand to her mouth to feel her teeth, only to end up gasping in confusion. "What did that old hag do? I'll find her, and make her take back whatever she did." Kaitlyn squirmed out of Cole's arms, only to find out that her legs weren't going to support her. She fell to her knees, and winced. She had forgotten all about her body aching until she had hit the ground.
Love is all we need~
5:07pm Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 5:07pm Jul 23 2011)
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Before they even realized what they were doing, the brothers lifted Kaitlyn back up on her feet, slinging her arms around their shoulders on either side of her for support. "Your back hurts, Kaitlyn?" Cole asked her, staring at his friend worriedly. "We can't seem to find the old woman- Hey, wait a minute. Cole, what's that on your wrist?" Cole lifted his right arm so he could get a better view at what Cain had pointed out. Nearly identical to Cain's, a tattoo of twisted vines wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet. "Something weird's going on," Cole said slowly, and Cain nodded.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:14pm Jul 23 2011
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Kaitlyn's stomach growled again as the two boys lifted her up. She looked at the boys' wrists, and then at her own. "Well, I don't have one of those funny tattoo bracelet things that you guys have. Yeah. Something weird is definately going on." She looked up at Cain, her eyes zeroing in on his neck. She could see the veins there pumping blood through his body. Kaitlyn's brows furrowed, and she shook her eyes away from the veins. "How much do you want to bet that when my parents see me like this, they're going to think I'm drunk?" She asked, letting out a light laugh. She hoped that would lighten the situation, but that likely wouldn't happen.
Love is all we need~
6:34pm Jul 23 2011
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((I just now realized that Cole and Cain look like two twins in my class at school. o.o))
Love is all we need~
6:38pm Jul 23 2011
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((Lol, that's weird. o__o)) Cain and Cole both chuckled a little at Kaitlyn's joke, but the sound quickly died. This could be a pretty serious situation.... "Whatcha lookin' at, Kaitlyn?" Cain asked, seeing her stare at his neck like... he couldn't really describe it. It was most definitely not a look he had seen her give before, and they had known each other for years. Cole's gaze shifted to Kaitlyn's as his brother spoke, looking at her intently. Something was different... wait, that was it! "Kate, why do you have fangs?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:45pm Jul 23 2011
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When Cain asked her what she was looking at, Kaitlyn blushed. That wasn't normal. She needed something to do; something to take her mind off of the blood pumping through her two best friends' bodies. When Cole spoke about her fangs, Kaitlyn's blood went cold. She frowned and said, "To be honest, I don't know. I think it has something to do with that old hag. Please don't be scared." Kaitlyn felt tears sting in the back of her eyes, so she squinted them shut. "Something's not right. I'm hungry, but I don't want food. I feel sick, guys." She felt her stomach rumble again, and she felt even weaker than before.
Love is all we need~
9:56pm Jul 23 2011
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"Shh," The twins said together, as they often did. Cain pulled the girl into a hug, while Cole rubbed her back soothingly. "Of course we won't be scared of you, Kaitlyn," said Cole, trying to make his friend feel better. To be honest, though, it was kinda freaky, seeing Kaitlyn like this. He heard her stomach rumble, louder than the previous times it had, and bit down on his lip. "What are you hungry for, then?" Cain asked her, letting go to look down at her. She looked so weak... it scared him. ((Kind of a fail. xD))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:27pm Jul 24 2011
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When Cain pulled Kaitlyn in for a hug, she blocked everything else out. She could hear his heart beating, pumping the sweet liquid through his body. Her eyes flashed a bright crimson, and she raised her hand up to trace a vein on the boy's neck. When he pulled away, Kaitlyn snapped out of it. She blinked a few times, and her eyes returned to normal. She growled at herself, and rubbed her head. What was she doing? Cain and Cole were her friends! Not food! She swallowed the lump in her throat just in time to hear him ask what she was hungry for. "I'm not sure..." Kaitlyn said, obviously lying.
Love is all we need~
9:59pm Jul 24 2011
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Love is all we need~
10:37pm Jul 24 2011
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Love is all we need~