3:51pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Yes, it is. c:))
4:00pm Nov 24 2010
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Name: Mizu
Age: 16
Sohma?: yes
Part of the curse?: yes
Which animal?: Goat
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Personality: Mizu has a tomboy-ish personality, and despises the colour pink. She likes to be outdoors, camping, rock-climbing or hiking which relate to her being the goat. She refers to herself as a good cook, grows her own vegitables and will eat almost anything. Mizu is often found talking to herself which puts people off greeting her. When she comes to talking, she is blunt and to the point.
Do you live at Sohma House?: No. Lives in a house at the foot of a cliff on the forest edge. (think yuki's house).
Other: She earns money by supplying the local pharmacy with herbs. History: Grew up with her father in the Sohma house, then decided to leave the main building as it was too hectic for her.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:22pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Accepted. c:))
4:22pm Nov 24 2010 (last edited on 10:37am Nov 30 2010)
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Posts: 302
Name: Kaiyo Sohma
Age: Seventeen Sohma?: Yes, yes.
Part of the curse?: Yes, Yes...
Which animal?: La Tiger
Crush: Open
Lover: Open
Personality: Spunky yet logical, Kaiyo loves to voice her opinion but doesn't like to overstep boundaries. She always thinks of the consequences and how they would affect her. Kaiyo's perspective is formed by facts and knowledge that she inquires from everday life. She can have a slight temper but tries to keep her cool. Kaiyo appears slightly lazy but when stirred by pure determination she has her mind set that she can finish anything. She is also somewhat very flexible. Downsides to her personality is that Kaiyo can sometimes come off as rude and ill, though she tries her best to watch what she says Kaiyo has a tendency to 'right the wrong' in peoples' opinions. Do you live at Sohma House?: Most of the time, so yes.
Other: She is sorta a trouble maker.
History: Kaiyo lived away from the main house as a child, she was always taught that boys had cooties and that she should never have one touch her. Growning up she went to an all girl school, her parents hoped that it would keep her out of trouble until they thought she would be old enough to understand. Though little Kaiyo made a friend one day, a boy who lived down the street. He recently moved and she wanted to be his friend. Despite what her parents told her about cooties, Kaiyo was drawn to boys almost since birth. The little boy from down the block came over one day, Kaiyo was playing in the back. He asked her if she wanted to play tag. Now, everyone knows that a simple touch between the different genders is okay...well this story ends with the boy tripping and glomping on Kaiyo. She transformed into a tiger, of course this frightened the boy and he ran away. Finally Kaiyo's parents decided to tell her about the curse. They didn't bare the weight of having to deal with the fact that Kaiyo could transform for long after. She was offered the choice to live in the Sohma home with others that shared her situation. Now to simplify this story: Kaiyo was born, ate a few things, took a few naps--turned into a tiger--made a couple of friends...and that's how we got here.

4:25pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Accepted. c:))
4:33pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 1,805
(( I wish to add another character, and i'd prefer it to be girl, but it should really be a boy shouldn't it?))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:51pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Yeah...lotsa girls right now...)
5:01pm Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 6,409
((I'll make a boy for the horse...))
Love is all we need~
2:20am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 1,805
(( Rika, would it be okey if I nabbed the cow and the boar? male & female? I know that you said there are lots of females, but i was just thinking that, because I would have three farm animals ^_^ And I still like kyo ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:21am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(I like Tohru! Join as the Dragon?)
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:28am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 59

My fursona, Paranoid.
2:31am Nov 25 2010 (last edited on 2:32am Nov 25 2010)
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Posts: 3,426
((Would it be okay if I join? :3 I haven't watched the series in a while so I don't remember a whole lot, but that doesn't matter too much, right? ^^: I still remember the important details. Join as the Rabbit? And my favorite charrie was Haru, I believe. x3 Edit; Don't just spam Roleplays. T_T If you don't get something, keep it to yourself or just ask.))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:46am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((yay thank you rika XD oh does the head have to be mean?))
2:39pm Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:00pm Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((You may all join, and to go with the plot I made, the head does indeed have to be mean. I'm remaking Nyko's character with scars, so I'll update his bio at a later time.))
2:27am Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Name: Omashu Sohma {Some call her Oma or Shu. Mostly Oma.} Age: 16 Sohma?: Yes Part of the curse?: Yes Which animal?: Dragon Appearance:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="180" height="250" />(Not mine) Crush: Open :D Lover: None Personality: Omashu's very fierce, like all dragons. She'll bite your head off if you're in her way. She can be very cold, but that's only because no one talks to her. Get to know her, and she'll be very sweet. Do you live at Sohma House?: Yep Other: Nope History: She doesn't remember much.
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:56am Nov 26 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Name: Yuki Sohma (yes i'm making the head female XD but everyone thinks she is a male) Age: 18 Sohma?:Yeah Part of the curse?: Ish XD Which animal?: God XD Appearance:  Crush: Open XD Lover: Open XD Personality: Evil, Mean, Controling, Sadistic and Twisting Do you live at Sohma House?: Has no choice Other: She is mostly sick all the time so the family doctor has to check up on her (whoever the doctor is) up to now it's only the doctor who knows that he is a she. History: what is there to know. When she was born she was told she was to be the head of the family but she had to be a boy not a girl she was ment to be and that one day because of the weight of the family curse she would die young. Also that she would be ill because of the curse and she was weak health wise, strength wise she was stronger then any of the family members. all of this has made her very mean to everyone unless she was planning something. Name: Kazumi Honda (XD yes she is a Honda) Age: 17 Sohma?: nope Part of the curse?: nope Which animal?: non Appearance:  Crush: open Lover: open
Personality: She is nice, friendly but can be mean if she has to be. Do you live at Sohma House?: nope Other: she lives in the woods not because she doesn't want to be a burdon but because her auntie and uncle threw her out.
History:She grew up with her mum. Her dad was never in the picture one day her mother died in a car crash and she was sent to live with her great aunties and uncles but after a while they couldn't cope with her and threw her out. so now she lived in the forest which she prefered. ((there XD))

10:34am Nov 26 2010 (last edited on 1:51pm Nov 27 2010)
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Posts: 1,805
Name: Dachi Sohma
Age: 17
Sohma?: yea.
Part of the curse?: Yea.
Which animal?: Cow/Bull
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Personality: Dachi is a Hyperactive lad who loves to mess around. he plays jokes on people and Charges in on people even if they don't want him around. However, whenever a 'normal' girl is around him he gets nervous, not just because he is a Sohma, but because he doesn't know how to talk to them properly so often stutters. He goes crazy if someone messes with his hat.
Do you live at Sohma House?: Live in Mizu's house
Other: his sister is Areina, and and is cousins to Mizu.
History: Dachi and Areina are siblings, and both got the curse. This is very rare for first hand siblings, as the curse usually branched out to other Sohma family members. Also, they both got two of the most destructive, so Their parents, ashamed on the mess they caused, insisted that they stay with Mizu, who, to her dismay, agreed. ----- Name: Areina Sohma
Age: 15
Sohma?: yea.
Part of the curse?: Yea.
Which animal?: Boar 
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Personality: Areina is a Cross between a sporty girl and girly girl. This sometimes contradicts each other. She loves Relay running,sprinting, Lacrosse, Kendo, and boxing. However, she is also really squimish when it comes to mud which is why she stears from cross country. She loves cute things and carries round a Kuromi plush with her. Areina sometimes doesn't know her own strength.
Do you live at Sohma House?: Lives with Mizu.
Other: Sister to Dachi, cousins with Mizu. History: Dachi and Areina are siblings, and both got the curse. This is very rare for first hand siblings, as the curse usually branched out to other Sohma family members. Also, they both got two of the most destructive, so Their parents, ashamed on the mess they caused, insisted that they stay with Mizu, who, to her dismay, agreed.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

8:37am Nov 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,805
((0.o helo?))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

10:56am Nov 27 2010 (last edited on 10:57am Nov 27 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((What animal is Areina? You didn't fill out the whol bio for her...otherwise, accepted. Will edit them in in a bit.))