1:51pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 302
OOc:// Alrighty, thank you! Dear canary yellow sun, Kaiyo laid horizontal on the vertically placed bed. Her head position back at a slightly craned angle, her dark eyes staring at the sky through the somewhat clean window. Black sheets sprawled across Kaiyo's lean build, you make me feel--hungover. She squinted and moved her left hand to block off the beaming light. The sounds of rushed foot steps blurred outside of her door. Kaiyo has never experienced the alcoholic life, she didn't smoke or do drugs...but she has heard the term used to express to acute the senses to light and sound. Opening her eyes and blinking vivaciously, Kaiyo rubbed the drifting sleep from her ex pression. Lunging her body forward, her caramel colored hair flipped and curled in the weirdest way. Giving a minuscule huff, she stood and outstretched her arms and legs. A popping noise rose from the now calming silence. Puzzled, Kaiyo stole a glance to her alarm--which failed to go off by the way. "Dammit! No wonder there isn't any fuss, I'm late!" Kaiyo hissed. Luckily, the late young lady took a shower the night before. Gathering all her make-up and hair styling tools, Kaiyo turned on her curling iron and positioned her basic face routine. She sprinted to the bathroom with her uniform. The sound of rushing water followed soon after. Kaiyo washed her face with cool h2o and applied moisturizer. As it dried, Kaiyo threw on her school uniform. Some girls had a problem with the skirt, though it didn't bother her. As soon as Kaiyo was dressed she returned to her room, the curling iron was finished pre-heating and it couldn't have helped her any faster. Fifteen minutes later, Kaiyo was presentable for the day. As she checked her make-up once more, she then threw her head towards her alarm. Pouncing on it without another thought, Kaiyo realized she might make it on time. ----& It was only a few more duck quacks later, Kaiyo panted as she made it to the halls of her school. Breathing in and exhaling in a large manner, she peered up. Dachi and Mizu stood only a few feet ahead, they were calling out for Nyko. "Nyko?" She repeated. Ooc:// This whole intro is a fail. I'm so braindead, please forgive me. :|

3:13pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 3:15pm Nov 29 2010)
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Nyko's eyes widened as he fell back, landing on his butt with the girl on top of him. A second later there was a large poof and in place of Nyko sat a longhaired orange cat who wore the same silver pedant as the boy, and also sat among Nyko's clothing. The poor feline lay beneath the girl with a dazed look on his face from basically getting crushed by the brunette girl. ((And so it begins. xD))
3:42pm Nov 29 2010
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Kazumi looked at the cat in shock before kneeling up as she still looked at him. "What have i done" she asked herself mostly thinking there was a curse on her to make people turn into animals when she touched them. ((fail but oh well XD))
3:57pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 302
Blinking in disbelief, Kaiyo murmured, "No...way..." She looked to Mizu and Dachi again, then decided to do something spontaneous. Picking up speed, Kaiyo evolved into a full sprint and tackled Nyko's cat body. "There you are, Mr. Button-Bottoms!" She nervously spouted, wrestling with the cat to rest him in her arms. Kaiyo looked to the young brunette girl, a smile formed. She didn't know what else to do...something like this has never happened in her presence--if it occurred at all. "Oh, e-excuse me! My cat for some reason jumped through one of the windows and wondered in the hall." Kaiyo lied, it was somewhat obvious because her current emotion was hysterical. Peering around the hall to see if anyone saw, she noticed Nyko's clothing. DAMMIT, NYKO! YOU'RE SO DEAD!
4:11pm Nov 29 2010
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"Oh Jesus." Cried Mizu, when she saw the poof of smoke. Mizu forced her satchel upon Dachi and started sprinting towards Nyko and the girl. She panted slightly kneeling down beside the cat and the girl, taking her by the arm and lifting her to her feet. "Erm, Are you alright miss?" At that moment, Kaiyo turned up, thank heavens someone else was there. "You know you shouldn't get too close to girls." She muttered at him, before turning her sight to the dazed girl. "Oh, don't mind that..." She said, struggling for words. "Hey, hold on, how come you get to wear the guy's uniform?" She said slightly annoyed. partly to change the subject of a poofing lad into a cat, and partly due to her seeing it as an injustice in the world. She picked up Nyko's clothing and indicated to Kaiyo that they go somewhere private. "Dachi, get over here." She ordered at her kin, the tall lad following her orders, gulping at the possibility the girl fall into him.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:53pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at the new girl talking to her snapping herself out of the daze "erm i wear it because the skirt on the girls uniform is too short and it doesn't say that we have to wear the girls only that we have to wear a uniform." She told her but couldn't stop looking at the cat that had the same pendant that the boy she fell on had on. She was confused how the boy dissapered and the cat appered both having the same pendant and the boys uniform being on the floor with no boy in them.
5:08pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 302
Kaiyo stared blankly, her face in deep thought about what if they couldn't pull this off. Looking to Mizu, she gave a nod. The normal girl muttered something about the uniform, this caught Kaiyo's attention. Peering back, Kaiyo noticed she was staring at the cat. Without moving her gaze, Kaiyo moved her hand to the pendant. "Are you looking at this?" She asked her nerves calmed but then shot up to a loud tone, "BECAUSE I HAVE A FRIEND WHO'S A...A-ermmm MAGICIAN! THAT'S IT! YEAH, HE GAVE ME THIS CAT AND-annnnnddd, THEY BOTH WEAR THE SAME NECKLACE THING! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaiyo pressed the cat closer to her chest, she arose from her kneed position and slowly began to walk away. Why did I yell like that...?
5:13pm Nov 29 2010
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Kazumi narrowed her eyes at the girl that was walking away people only yell when they are hiding something and don't want that person to know.Soon she let her look soften that poor cat with her yelling it's going to hurt the cats ears. She looked back at the girl who had asked about the uniform and waiting for the boy called Dachi to come over.
5:23pm Nov 29 2010
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Nyko flinched, letting out a hiss at the loud sounds as he pulled his ears back. He squirmed in Kaiyo's grip, clawing until he could be released and allowed to run away. After all, they never knew when they could return to human form. Why did this have to happen at school?!
And why was everyone freaking out and yelling? Could they not casually cover up his transformation? Why was there yelling involved? He'd always hated loud noises...
(Rika's a fail. ;C)
6:01pm Nov 29 2010
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Posts: 302
Kaiyo hoped that the loud noise would scare Nyko away, "Ohmy, why won't you look at that--my cat's loose again..." Kaiyo laughed, then looked back to Mizu and Dachi. She didn't know what to do next, Should we tell her? The atmosphere concluded that something was up, did the girl already figure that they weren't the normal teenagers? Kaiyo coughed and her mood took a drastic change, it was more serious and very calm. "Alright, girl." She pointed to add emphasis, "What did you see?" Kaiyo was pulling stuff out of her rear as she went along, it prolly annoyed Mizu and Dachi a little bit. She thought about being quiet after her last comment.
1:38am Nov 30 2010
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As mizu followed Nyko with his clothes, she continued thinking about the uniform. When I wore the males uniform i got done for it. She muttered to herself. Upper cl*censored*mens gona pay. She continued, just avoiding a collision with a male senior. "Watch it will ya?" He said, brow furrowed. "Oh go watch yourself!" She yelled back. Nyko sure was fast for a cat. Dachi watched as two of his kin vanished round the corner. "Alright girl, what did you see?" He looked from Kaiyo to the brunette, backing behind kayio. he placed his head just over her shoulder. "Look, a two headed Sohma." He joked, trying to hide how terrified he was.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:26am Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at them and tilted her head. She wanted to laugh at Dachis comment but thought this was a serious moment. As she looked at Dachi she could see he was scared but was it because she turned one of his family members into an annimal looking down she was sad she didn't want anyone to feel scared of her looking up at them she had an sad look in her eyes "i didn't see anything" she said before walking off towards her clas.s as she tried not to cry. If she could turn people into animals then she would never have friends now which is what she wanted the most, ever since her mother died she had felt as if she was alone with no one with her to cheer her up or talk to when she needed to and now that she turned people into animals she could never talk to them or get too close incase it happened again.
10:30am Nov 30 2010 (last edited on 10:35am Nov 30 2010)
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Posts: 302
Kaiyo didn't faze from Dachi's action, he was comic relief to the situation. The brunette withheld an upset ex pression upon her pretty little normal face. Kaiyo let her eyes soften, "Wait! Before you run off--What's your name?" She asked, trying to turn the distressed atmosphere around. They have spent a long time in the hall, it was empty for cl@ss started quite sometime ago. Mizu was following Nyko to make sure he had clothes when he transformed. Kaiyo would stay with Dachi, she tilted her head in an adorable manner, "Sorry if we frightened you, I promise--we are just a couple of REALLY strange people." She added, taking steps closer to the girl she picked up her hand. With a huge smile Kaiyo patted it, "See? You had nothing to do with that cat! So, don't worry...and Dachi over there is...hmmm, SCARED of--other women...?" Her voice faded out, "I'm Kaiyo Sohma, by the way!" We'll have to consult the main house...This is going terribly.
10:46am Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at her hand that the girl held and was now more confuzed then ever looking at the girl she tilted her head "i'm Kazumi Honda" she told her smiling abit before she looked at Dachi "you don't have to worry i won't touch you if your scared of me" she said to him faking a smile to try and calm him abit but deep down she had a feeling that the family was plain wierd.
11:10am Nov 30 2010 (last edited on 11:10am Nov 30 2010)
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Dachi furrowed his brow and stood up straight when Kaiyo said he was scared. he turned his head to Kazumi girl and acted as if nothing was the matter. "I-I'm not scared, I'm just a very alert person." He snorted holding his head up high. "Oh and-er Kaiyo, get your math right, a couple is two." He sniggered, quickly gripping the peak of his cap to prevent her from stealing it. ((I think we should wait for Rika))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

11:12am Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((yes we should XD but i am soooooo bored XD))
3:42pm Nov 30 2010
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Nyko shot up to Mizu, ears pulled back as he jumped into her arms and grabbed his clothes, promptly leaping back down and dashing off once again. Not even a second after he had disappeared behind a wall, there was another poof. A few moments later, Nyko walked back out, so far just with his pants on. His bright orange hair spilled over his shoulders and hung around his face, a scowl present on the 'cat's' face. "I lost that rubberband... Damn, now I have to go all day with my hair in my face while I'm trying to work," he muttered. He shook his head and started walking towards the others, slipping his arms into the sleeves of his shirt. He left it unbuttoned for the time being, since right then he was just worried about hiding the long, thin scar on his back from when Yuki had gotten mad and taken it out him. He went to move his hair out of his face, only to let his hand fall back to his side to avoid revealing the scar across his forehead, once again caused by Yuki.
4:24pm Nov 30 2010
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"Hey, Nyko, I think a Thanks is in order, don't you?" she scuffed, turning around to join him by his side. She really felt like ramming him in the gut, but that would just anger him even more, after all, he just lost his elastic band. "You'd be naked right now ya know." she muttered, not to loud incase anyone over head the obscure conversation. She sighed, when she realised he wasn't listening, still focusing on his hair. Mizu brought her hands to her head and removed the band from her hair. It framed her face nicely, making her look more feminine with her in the uniform. The façade soon depleted as she pinned the strands behind her ears. "Here, you need it more than I do." She said, her tone somewhat softer, sympathising with him, fully well knowing the wrath Yuki can bestow on one person. "You should get to clas.s, Dachi should be waiting." She said before jogging to room 5a. "Geeze, clas.s rep is gonna be annoyed. " Se murmured, reaching the door, entering. "Sorry I'm late Mr. Kawasaki." She said politly, bowing in apology. He nodded her in and she sat down next to the window. Nyko, Kayio and Dachi where one year senior to Mizu, but she still treated them as if they where on the same level. Many of her clas.smen saw it as disrespectful, but that wasn't how she saw it. First off, Dachi lived in her house, so he was in no position to be cl*censored*ed as 'Upper'. Kayio was never one to follow the rules anyway, so she doubted greatly that she had a problem with it, and Nyko, well he was just Nyko. When she first confronted Yuki and insisted that she would leave, he slapped her and threw her to the floor. She had never really gone back to the Sohma house after that, she still visited, but not really. This was why she empathised with Nyko. He had to deal with much worse abuse from the family head then she would ever see. ((Long post XP ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:27pm Nov 30 2010 (last edited on 4:39pm Nov 30 2010)
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Posts: 302
Kaiyo released her grip on Kazumi's hand, she shot an annoyed look to Dachi, "Don't get technical with me, Cow." Her temper was rather on edge today, it could be that someone disarmed her alarm clock after she fell asleep, or not...It was easy to tell that Kazumi was uncomfortable with their presence. Kaiyo wasn't sure about what she should say, or even do at this point. Mizu was more than likely back in cl*censored* now, the day was half over. "Dachi..." She whispered lowly, "What now?" There was high consequences for letting someone know about the family secret, Yuki would be very displeased. Kaiyo sighed, the weather outside was rather peaceful and quiet... ...still a fail.
4:57pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at them before looking around "i think we should go to clas.s" she said before turning away and walking into the clas.sroom and was told off for both wearing a boys uniform and being late into clas.s in whuch she just told him to be glad she was wearing a uniform and not in her own clothes and it wasn't her fault for being late as she now lives in a new place. She didn't want the sohma's to get into trouble so she told him to blame her for them being late as well. When she got into her seat by the window she sighed she would have to go to her job after school so she could start earning money to live.