6:23pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nyko blinked at the hairband, then dipped his head in a silent thanks before he pulled back his hair so that only the bangs that hid the scar remained in his face. He let out a sift sigh as he buttoned up hsi shrt and fixed the little tie, heading into the school as asoft stream of swears left his lips. "I don't care what Yuki says, I am /not/ going back to the Sohma House," he hissed softly before he paused to look up at the sky, amber-green eyes focused on a pas-sing bird. Only minutes later he was in the clas-sroom, ignoring the rant from his teacher about being late as he stared out of the window. He hated school and being forced to stay inside for eight hours. He sighed, absentmindedly brushing his bangs away fom the left side of his face, revealing the scar that stretched from the hairline above his left eye, all the way to the bottom of his left ear. He was so bored, howeever, that he didn't even realize he'd done it. ((ouo))
6:35pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at Nyko before gasping seeing the scar, leaning over to him she whispered "how did you get that scar?" she asked him it looked like a nasty scar she had a few on her back from her auntie and uncle but she didn't find scars nasty she liked them it told alot about the person and their life.
6:48pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nyko blinked, looking over at Kazumi when he was spoen to. Then he realized what she said and quickly replaced his bangs to hide the scar, green-amber eyes focusing onto the brunette girl. "That information has personal, famly issues with it," he stated. "Issues I don't feel like discussing with someone who couldn't even hope to understand my life."
6:55pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi tilted her head before shrugging as she turned to the front "how can i start to understand if im not told" she said absentmindedly moving her hair forgetting her scars started from the back of her neck.
7:05pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nyko shook his head. sighing. "Only twelve other people could understand what I was to say..." he stated with a low growl. "And one of those people is the bane of my existance and is able to make my life a living hell without even being near me," he hissed.
7:16pm Nov 30 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at him and nodded "then that person isn't very nice are they?" she asked before resting her head on her arms not having that much sleep the night before. The sleeping bag she had wasn't very comfy and so that ment she had tossed and turned.
12:13pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Dachi, followed Kazumi and the others into clas.s making a joke about being late after Kazumi had already somewhat explained what was going on. He caused a laugh from his friend Ichigo, a short black haired lad with brown eyes. He patted him on the back before he sat in his seat behind Nyko. Being who He was, Dachi didn't pay any attention to what the teacher was saying, instead, he was listening to the conversation going on between Kazumi and Nyko. "Aw, come on Nyko, no need to be so negative, she was only asking a question." He said quietly, butting into their conversation. He looked over to Kazumi's desk whilst the teacher was marking papers, ignoring the fact that there was a riot going on in the cl*censored*, Ichigo throwing a piece of paper at the back of Haruhi, the cl*censored* rep's head. He gulped down, swallowing the anxiety running through his head. "What's, err, wrong? Tired or summin?" He asked, leaning over his desk.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:02pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi lifted her head and looked back at him "yes i'm very tired i moved house and i'm not use to the bed" she said smiling at him. She was lieing somewhat she had moved but she wasn't sleeping in a bed she was sleeping on the ground and it was very uncomfitable to sleep on. She was very tired and she knew she wouldn't make it through school without falling asleep.
1:34pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 302
Kaiyo watched Dachi and Kazumi venture back to cl*censored*, swishing her weight to her right leg she placed her hands on her hips. Pondering whether she should go with them or not, Kaiyo gave a shrug. Turning the opposite way of her peers she started walking towards the library. Each step was leisure and unhurried. The thought of letting that girl know of the Sohma Family curse was burdensome. The sun was still as bright as ever, the clouds moved with the same pace as Kaiyo. A slight breeze was noticeable as the branches of a near by tree danced with grace. After walking for so many minutes, Kaiyo reached the peacefully resting door to the library. Reaching, her pale hand opened it. She peered in, just as she was hoping, it was empty. Placing her bag onto one of the tables, Kaiyo yawned. "Take a nap...or read," Taping her index finger against her lips, Kaiyo's curiosity gained dominance, "If I wanted to sleep...I could have gone home." Glancing among the numerous titles, it was hard for her to decide what to read. There wasn't much more time within the school day, Kaiyo decided she would just wait for the last bell and rejoin Dachi and the others.

1:39pm Dec 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 302
Kaiyo watched Dachi and Kazumi venture back to cl*censored*, swishing her weight to her right leg she placed her hands on her hips. Pondering whether she should go with them or not, Kaiyo gave a shrug. Turning the opposite way of her peers she started walking towards the library. Each step was leisure and unhurried. The thought of letting that girl know of the Sohma Family curse was burdensome. The sun was still as bright as ever, the clouds moved with the same pace as Kaiyo. A slight breeze was noticeable as the branches of a near by tree danced with grace. After walking for so many minutes, Kaiyo reached the peacefully resting door to the library. Reaching, her pale hand opened it. She peered in, just as she was hoping, it was empty. Placing her bag onto one of the tables, Kaiyo yawned. "Take a nap...or read," Taping her index finger against her lips, Kaiyo's curiosity gained dominance, "If I wanted to sleep...I could have gone home." Glancing among the numerous titles, it was hard for her to decide what to read. There wasn't much more time within the school day, Kaiyo decided she would just wait for the last bell and rejoin Dachi and the others.

1:40pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 1,805
"It can't be a very good bed then." her replied, stalling for something else to say. "You know what?" He asked her rhetorically. "You look like my cousin Mizu, the blonde one earlier..." He stopped, retracing what he had just said. "Not actually looks, but more like after she has been camping and I keep her awake. She likes camping... Yea, Camping... Camping." He stated, stuttering near the end, just repeating the last word to look as though he was in thought. Mizu stretched, pinning hair behind her ears. She had just finished a pop quiz on trigonometry and Pythagoras. "Well that was boring." she muttered to herself, peering out the window as two birds fluttered by.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:55pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at him before laughing abit "hahaha i haven't been camping in years" she said still laughing before turning to the front her hair over her sholder as she played with it a sign she was bored or worried. Right now it was the worried one if he or anyone found out that she was living in a tent she would be teased until she either moves or until school was over with. ((sorry my posts are short XD))
5:19pm Dec 1 2010
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Posts: 302
Kaiyo shuffled between six open books that littered an empty table near the only open window of the library. It was lonely, no one seemed to dare enter the room. Draining each word from the pages of the knowledge that rested before her, Kaiyo eventually slammed her head against the table. Pain seized through her nerves, she stumbled and rolled onto the floor. "GRAAAAAHHH!" She howled clutching her head. (Can you say fail? F-A-I-L! FAIILLL!! C: )
3:54pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Mizu looked up to the clock. "3-2-1...." 'Buuurrr' went the bell for the end of the day. Mizu gave a sigh of relief, packing up her satchel and darting out of the room. She had to find this girl. She had to find out what was going to happen. She had to find the others. ((THis is a fail, but its to get the thred moving again ;) ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

5:10pm Dec 6 2010
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Posts: 5,406