12:50pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 12:50pm Aug 3 2010)
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((I guess we started. :P)) Crystal was a Mew at the moment. She was staying invisible so no one could see her. She was just floating around the room feeling very lonesome although there were other guardians there, too. She knew that she could leave this place and come back whenever she wanted to since all the guardians could create the portal anytime, but she didn't leave since she recently heard that a group of evil people now have access to this room, and she didn't want them coming while she was gone. All the guardians knew this, too.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:59pm Aug 3 2010
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Valorie sighed. She was on a tight schedual. She tied her hair back into a ponytail and gathered up her research papers. "Babbit,"she called out to her loppuny. "Turn the main computer on." "Laahhpp"the loppuny hummed as she did as she was told.
1:20pm Aug 3 2010
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Crystal turned visible again, and was still a Mew. She floated around the room, until she finally floated over to the Orb of Life, which was floating and was surrounded by a veil of light. She kept gazing at it, then finally floated somewhere else, still feeling lonesome.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:30am Aug 4 2010
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Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
11:36am Aug 4 2010
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Can Dusk go find the mew?))
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11:41am Aug 4 2010
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11:51am Aug 4 2010
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((Sure. But she's in the legendary room, which only those with the rainbow star and guardians can access. Should Dusk have the Rainbow Star (theres more than one, all hidden deep underground guarded by a wall of light)? She's the champion, so shouldn't she have it? Or I could make Crystal (the guardian/Mew) leave the legendary room if you want me to make her leave so Dusk can find her.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:00pm Aug 4 2010
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((Dusk maybe has it, but doesn't know it, or she is trusted by mew when Dusk finds her? Yes, mew should find Dusk.))
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12:06pm Aug 4 2010
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((Okay, i'll make Crystal leave the room.)) Crystal finally was tired of being in the room, very bored. She immediately transported out of the room. She turned invisible so no one could see her, then wandered around the place. She kept floating around, and saw Dusk. She floated over to Dusk, still invisible. She started to float around Dusk, wondering if Dusk could feel her presence.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:13pm Aug 4 2010
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Hello?" Dusk twisted around, trying to feel what the prescence was. She reached out and her hand bumped against something floating in the air. She burst to her feet and sent out a pokemon, Raikou to be exact. "Rai!" Raikou seemed to back down a bit. He still wanted to fight, but usually it was Feyth who fought against enemies that were invisible. "Rai..." (Show yourself!) He growled...
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12:20pm Aug 4 2010
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Crystal giggled and turned visible. "Mew mew." (Now you can see me.) She said. Then she turned invisible again, giggling. "Mew mew!" (And now you don't!) She said giggling again. She floated around Raikou and Dusk playfully.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:22pm Aug 4 2010
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"I can't see you anyway." Dusk grumbled. "Rel, leap and use shockwave." Dusk whispered. Rel lept into the air and used shockwave. It turned into a sonic boom type thing, filling the air with noisy booms and powerful electric waves...
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12:33pm Aug 4 2010
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Crystal got hit, and was sent flying back, and hit a tree, and became visible again. She didn't seem to have minded, though truthfully she took a lot of damage. Since Mew can learn any move, she also knew Morning Sun, which only had 5 PP and would heal her a certain amount depending on the weather. It's sunny today. She thought. She then used Morning Sun, causing rays of light and sparkles to surround her body, and restored her HP fully.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:38pm Aug 4 2010
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Rel's fur stood on end and prickled with electricity. "Likeu Rel, Likeu." She said to him, 'be calm, Rel' in her native tongue. Rel did so and was returned to his pokeball. "what do you want mew." she asked, pinpointing the scent of the pokemno...
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12:43pm Aug 4 2010
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Crystal transformed back human. "Sorry for bothering you." She said. "I didn't really want anything, I was just bored." A slight gust of wind blew, causing Crystal's light pink hair to sway to the right. "I should introduce myself. I'm Crystal, one of the four guardians of the Orb of Life." She said.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
12:44pm Aug 4 2010
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Dusk cocked her head, "Orb of life..." she muttered trying to remember where she had heard that before. Her sightless eyes lit up as she remembered. They had talked about it when she had become champion. She shrugged...
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12:49pm Aug 4 2010
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Valorie was studying an item her pokemon had found in a casim she was exploring. She went to her computer that was connected by a USB cord to a gl*censored* case that had a multicolored, jagged rock inside. She had no idea what this rainbow rock was, but with extesive research she would find out.
12:52pm Aug 4 2010
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Crystal noticed Dusk was trying to remember something, probably the Orb of Life. "The Orb of Life gives life to Pokemon. If it were taken from it's spot, all the Pokemon would slowly fade away until they disappear. I wouldn't die, though. Instead I would lose my Pokemon form, and would be a normal human." Crystal said.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
1:08pm Aug 4 2010
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Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
1:24pm Aug 4 2010
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Posts: 12,384
((Recap? -too lazy to read-))