12:47pm May 5 2010
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((I guess I can make the med. cat if you want.))
12:47pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((why thank you Blood ^_^))
12:48pm May 5 2010
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((well, I want other people to join too. I could always make Wishcomet if all else fails..))
12:51pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 2,422
(I can throw in Icetail as the deputy... or other roles. I also have Roseclaw and Wolfpaw.)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:52pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Sure blood, since you only have one charra. Bring in as many as you want ^_^))
1:06pm May 5 2010
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1:17pm May 5 2010
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(I edited and added my characters.)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:22pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Sorry blood, but you cant have charras that like each other I dont think its fair, meaning, Icetail cant like Nightspell....))
1:24pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 2,422
(Okayz, redid it.)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:34pm May 5 2010
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((Did you see Wolfhowls prephecy quote?))
1:36pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm May 5 2010)
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Name:Mistcloud//Duskfall//Sunrise Gender:she-cats Rank:Med. Cat//warrior//warrior Looks: 
((shes usually better groomed XD))

Crush//Mate:forbidden/OPEN??OPEN Other:we can start now :D NOT IT!
1:37pm May 5 2010
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((Yah! NOT IT!))
1:50pm May 5 2010
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((I guess i hasta start XD)) Duskfall padded into camp on silent paws. Her ears were alert as she set down a mouthful of prey on the freshkill pile. It was not yet dawn, but she could tell the sun was about to begin to rise. The night was at its darkes. She sat down to groom her fur. As if on cue, the sun began to rise behind the distant mountains, and light began to wash over the forest slowly. Duskfall purred and stretched her stiff muscles with a contented yawn. __ Mistcloud twitched her ears in her sleep. She dreamed of standing in a bright, starry clearing. A large black tom stood before her, "Shadowflash," she whispered to her former mentor, "What brings you to talk to me?" she asked with a respectful dip of her head. "I bring a prophecy Mistcloud, you very first by yourself." He glowed with pride as he looked at his former apprentice, "But, it will be a challenge. not that I think you cant handle it; Look to the moon when you are filled with doubt. She will sing to you the song of truth. Your world may be burnt to ash. But hold your head high. He will make your thoughts light as a feather. Look to the night when all seems lost. Her spell will show you the way. The wolf is usually your enemy, but now, his howl is the sound of victory. Only then, will you find the Snake in the Gras.s of the Clans " The black tom faded into nothing, leaving Mistcloud to figure out her new prophecy on her own. __ Moonsong awoke with a yawn to blackness. It was always like that. And it always would be, ever since the infection she got as an apprentice took her sight. She rose to her paws and sniffed the stuffy air of the Den. She picke her way delicately through it and into the cool, damn morning.

1:56pm May 5 2010
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Sunrise slept soundly in her nest beside Windrush who stirred awake. Windrush blinked a few times to get used to the dim light. he rose to his feet and stretched with a great yawn. He flexed his claws and began to pad slowly toward the exit of the den, 'accidentaly' stepping on his brother, Stormwind. Stormwind jumped awake with a yowl, "Windrush! Watch where you are walking you mousebrained furball!" he hissed. Windrush laughed. "Sorry brother, maybe you shouldnt be sleeping in." he teased, flicking Stormwind with his tail before leaving the den hastily. ____ Dreamsplash was jolted awake by Stormwind's yowl. She blinked once, then looked around, Sunrise was awake too, she dipped her head to her friend, who lay back down with a sigh. Dreamsplash sat down and gaver her fur a few quick licks.
2:03pm May 5 2010
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Nightspell had sat outside the warriors den last night, watching the moon glide across the sky in a slow celestial dance. Now, she sniffed the air, her tail twitching against the ferns around her. Before her, the mouse twitched its whiskers as it dug for seeds. The she-cat crept forward then pounced, landing on the mouses tail. She ended the hunt with a swift bite to the neck, picked up her kill, and started back to camp. ________ Icetail blinked his eyes open and stared at the waking warriors. Another day as the deputy. He sighed and stood up, following Wolfhowl out into the camp. "Wolfhowl, find Duskfall and Ashfeather for the dawn patrol." He said groggily. ________ Wolfhowl nodded at the deputy and set off to look for the other cats. He wondered breifly where Nightspell was but as soon as he caught sight of Duskfall, he let the thought vanish. Padding over to the she-cat, he dipped his head in welcome. "Icetail wants you and Ashfeather to come patrol with me." (Is it okay for those two cats to go on patrol?)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
2:10pm May 5 2010
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Duskfall shook her head, "I just came back from a night of hunting. Why dont you go ask Dreamsplash? Maybe she will." She said quietly, padding into the warriors den for a quick nap. __ Moonsong padded up to Icetail, "good morning." she meowed happily.
2:16pm May 5 2010
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Nightspell emerged into camp to find it waking up. She smiled around her kill and picked up her pace. After she dropped her catch on the fresh-kill pile, she lay in a splotch of sunlight and began to wash herself. _______ Icetail turned to Moonsong. "Good morning." He said, the smile clearly heard in his voice. _______ Wolfhowl nodded and set out to search once more, nodding politely to Nightspell, Icetail, and Moonsong as he p*censored*ed.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
2:19pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Windrush padded up to Nightspell, "where were you?" he asked curiously. __ Dreamsplash padded out of the warriors den and headed to the freskill pile, grabbing a small vole, which she gulped down in two swift gulps. She glanced around camp, and dipped her head respectfully to Icetail. __ Moonsong purred softly, "so do you plan on doing anything important today?" she asked.
2:22pm May 5 2010
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Dust rose up around the nersury as Hiccupkit landed on the ground with a thud. She hopped back to her paws and rolled on her back as Aurorakit pounced at her. She laughed rolling around on the ground and crushing the smaller kit under her, "Give up! I am a better fighter then you." Aurorakit hissed pushing Hiccupkit off her. She pounced on Hiccupkit's back and softly bit her ear then hopped off before Hiccupkit could roll over again. She looked over at the finnish pra. They were playing a game were each kit tried to get to the pray and whoever got it first won. So far Hiccupkit and Aurorakit had had a tie the last couple times they played. Hiccupkit narrowed her eyes as she waited for Aurorakit's next move. Silverstar stretched. He walked out of his den and looked at his clan. He saw that the warriors were starting to wake up and saw the kits play fighting. He purred and padded down towards the camp to meet the deputy, "Have you already set up the patrol?" He asked.
3:09pm May 5 2010
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"Hunting." Nightspell answered. She stood and picked a few bits of gr*censored* from her pelt then met the tom's gaze. _________ Icetail sighed. "Other than the usual deputy duties, no." He answered Moonsong. Then he turned to Silverstar and nodded. Wolfhowl was supposed to go with Duskfall and Ashfeath but Duskfall was tired. Now he is asking Dreamsplash." _________ Wolfhowl padded up to Dreamsplash. "Want to come on a patrol with Ashfeather and I. I still have to ask Ashfeather."
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann