5:48pm May 5 2010
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Windrush smiled, "how successful was that?" he asked. __ Dreamsplash nodded, "no problem. I will go find Ashfeatehr." she purred, heading back to the warriors den. She padded up to Ashfeather and prodded him with her paw, "c'mon. We are supposed to go on dawn patrol" she purred.
4:21pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Nightspell sat back on her haunches. "I caught a nice vole. Din't really fell like hunting for a length of time." She purred, narrowing her oddly colored eyes against the sun as a cloud moved from in front of it. _______ Wolfhowl watched her go then sat down and curled his tail around his paws. His thoughts drifted back to his warrior ceremony just two weeks earlier. It had been a stormy afternoon and the moon had risen early and just before his naming, wolves howled all over the forest.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:28pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((blood, fix the signature? I dilike page stretch -.-' ))
4:39pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
(I did. I had to resize it like four times before it got right.)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:42pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((lol nice XD)) Windrush nodded, "yeah, I may go hunting, as long as its not raining." he meowed, his thick fur retained water and made him soaked for at least an hour until he dired out.
5:05pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 5:08pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 2,422
(Imma re-edit Nightspell's crush...)
"Mind if I come too? I need to get out of camp." She said, washing her wiskers quickly then curling her twitching tail around her paws.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:13pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Windrush shrugged, "sure, If you want. I could always use someone to talk to." he purred.
5:28pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
"When do we leave?" Nightspell asked. She caught sight of Wolfhowl outside of the warriors den. Then she saw Silverstar, Icetail, and Moonclaw a few paces way. 'This is the life.' She thought, purring. No looming prophecies, that she knew about, no battles, plenty of prey...
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:29pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Windrush chuckled, "how about now?" he asked. ___ Mistcould bolted out of her den, "Silverstar!" she yowled, "we need to talk, NOW." She hissed.
5:34pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 2,422
Nightspell nodded and stood, flicking her tail for him to go first. She was worried why the medicine cat had bolted out of her den but put the thought aside. ___ Wolfhowl started at Mistcloud's yowl. He padded over to stand beside Moonsong. Whatever it was, he wanted to be a part of it. ___ Icetail watched Mistcloud calmly, knowing that if he or Silverstar freaked, the rest of the clan would most likely follow.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:39pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Moonsong there love ;D)) Mistcloud glanced around at the gathering of cats, "I meant, just Silverstar and Icetail if you dont mind." she growled. Moonsong nodded and walked away, accidentally brushing against Icetail as she walked by. __ Windrush padded out of camp, tailtip twitching, "I wonder what that was about." he said, refering to Mistclouds outburst.
5:49pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
(Sorry, I have another warrior called Moonclaw.) Nightspell shrugged. "Probably a dream from Starclan. Might be a new prophecy." She sighed. ____ Wolfhowl nodded and returned to his waiting spot. He sat again and waited patiently for the others. ____ Icetail watched the two warriors walk away then turned back to Mistcloud. He gazed at her intently, waiting for her to start. (Wow, impatient tom cats, huh? Lolz)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:55pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Windrush nodded, "probably. But It kind of makes me curious." he said, whickers twitching. ___ "Starclan has sent me a prophecy." Mistcloud said gravely, " Look to the moon when you are filled with doubt. She will sing to you the song of truth. Your world may be burnt to ash. But hold your head high. He will make your thoughts light as a feather. Look to the night when all seems lost. Her spell will show you the way. The wolf is usually your enemy, but now, his howl is the sound of victory. - Only then, will you find the Snake in the Gras.s of the Clans, But I don't understand it." she muttered, shaking her head.
6:03pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Nightspell nodded. "Yeah, me too. I wonder what cat's are entailed in it, if any." She said, idily scanning the ferns. ____ Wolfhowl only caught the last two lines of the prophecy, and even then, it was faint. 'The wolf is usually your enemy, but now, his howl is the sound of victory.' He thought over that quickly then dismissed it with a shake of his head. The leader would figure it out. ___ Icetail flicked his tailtip in thought. "Well, I think I can help with part of it. The part of wich cats it entails. If you listen closely to the first four lines, you can hear a fe wof the warriors names. For example, the first line has 'moon' and 'song'. Moonsong might be one of the cats. And the second line says 'ash' and 'feather'. Ashfeather."
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
6:09pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Minstcoulds eyes widened, "thats GENIOUS!" she gasped, "well, then The Nigt's spell, Nightspell, and the Wolf's howl, Wolfhowl." she shook her head, "but what about the snake? It makes no sense." she shook her head. ___ Windrush nodded, "it could just be about twolegs, we will have to wait and see." he purred.
6:15pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 2,422
Icetail shrugged. He said the first thing that came to mind. "Well, snakes are susually harmful so... a hidden problem. If the snake is in the gr*censored* it might be hidden." He said thoughtfully. That was the best he could come up with. _____ Nightspell stopped dead in her tracks. Nearby, she heard a small rustle, then another. Shifting in a hunters crouch, she stalked her prey silently. Moving aside a few ferns, she saw it was a rabbit. She didn't see rabbits around normally. But then again, she rarely ever hunted in this part of the clan's territory. She pounced and quickly killed the rabbit.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann