7:37pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Sure! And accepted Jemi!)) Padding from the apprentices den with a small stretched and yawn, Silentpaw glanced around the camp with a curious ex pression. He wondered what his mentor would have in store for him today, hopefully something challenging. But not seeing his mentor yet forced a scowl onto his face, and he padded over to his foster mother that was already up and ordering about patrols. "Good morning Falconwing." He chirped, trying to hide his disappointment on not being able to go out. "Can I do anything?" He asked, sinking his claws into the ground. He chose to ignore the deputies sympathetic look. "Go ask your mentor what they want you to do." He sighed and went to do that, tail twitching in annoyance. Mentally wondering what had gotten his tail in a knot, Falconwing went through her mind which patrols should do what. Poking her small frame into the warriors den, she grinned. "Fallenwind, Copperfire, your on border patrol. Sunflare your with me on a hunting patrol." She flinched again at the sight of so few warriors, all of which were male. We need kits, and all the females are apprentices, and me. She shivered at the thought of being in the nursery. She backed out as the toms went to do as she told. Nodding at the sight of them obeying, she trotted up into Fallenstar's den. Calling a greeting, she looked in. "Fallenstar? We might have a problem." She murmured. ((Who would you like to mentor your apprentices? If it's alright can Fallenstar mentor Silentpaw? I don;t really like mentoring my own apprentices.))

9:21pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Yes Falconwing?" Fallenstar dipped his grizzled head in a respectful greeting and then stared at her with piercing green eyes. "Is something wrong" He asked. His eyes follwoed Silentpaw behind her as she playeed, "I should train her some more." He murmered to himself...
 <-- Click me
10:16am May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Looking over her shoulder as Fallenstar spoke of his apprentice, she stopped a purr of amusement at his slitted amber eyes. "He's going to be a pawful." She meowed. Shaking her head to get her thoughts back on track, she faced Fallenstar again. "I wanted to speak to you because some of the warriors noticed the rocks by the canyon were coming loose. Theres a new hole large enough for a cat to fit in the side that a apprentice would be very interested to explore." She scowled slightly.
12:02pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((The Kin. May I join as two warriors?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:30pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Of course Ser!))
1:57am May 26 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((Sagepaw needs a mentor too))
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
8:41am May 26 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Duskpaw pawed at the moss ball in front of her, it wasn't her fault she had been a loner for her first few moons, so why did Fallenstar insist that she teach herself. She growled at the moss and pounced on it. It fell to the ground with a silent drift. "Argh!" she snarled and raced into the forest... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ok." Fallenstar said with another little bow of his head, "I will go down there with Silentpaw later and fix it." He said. "Could you possibly watch out for Duskpaw?" He asked Falconwing...
 <-- Click me
9:04am May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Are these mentors alright? Fallenstar - Silentpaw; Falconwing - Duskpaw; Sunflare - Sagepaw; Fallenwind - Heartpaw.)) Silentpaw growled in annoyance as the patrol padded out of camp, itching to follow them. Hearing another cat growling with anger, he glanced over to watch Duskpaw batting a ball of moss. About to pad over, the apprentice sighed as Duskpaw bolted out of camp. Then again she was free, so why didn't he follow her? Grinning now, he took off after her, ears flat as to not be seen. "Hey Duskpaw." He called. "Where are you going?" ------------------- Falconwing nodded, glad someone would go to check on the hole beside her. She tipped her head to the side as Fallenstar spoke of Duskpaw. "Of course i'll watch out for her. She a smart cat, will make a good warrior." She thought about it a bit more. "I know you don't want her to have a mentor, but is it alright if I teach her the basics of clan life?" She asked hopefully. ------------------- Padding back into camp after a quick patrol, Sunflare stretched his legs until they shook. He'd seen the hole for the first time, and thought nothing of it, except a apprentice could fit into it and possibly get stuck. Slinking into the apprentices den, he glanced around curiously. "Sagepaw? How does a hunting practice sound?" He asked, still getting used to a new apprentice. ------------------- "Come on Heartpaw, your not going to learn to fight sitting around in camp." Fallenwind growled lowly, joints a little stiff due to the morning weather. He knew he was getting old, but he refused to tell any cat or let them look at him like a senior warrior or worse, a elder.

3:25pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 1,588
((sorry for the short post, not feeling 100%, feeling about 88%)) Sagepaw looked so excited, she looked like she was about to start tearing through the camp at any second. "Sounds cool" she mewed
99.99% of the Girls in America would pass out if Edward Cullen disappeared. Post this to your siggy if you were the .01% Happily locking him in Sheldon Cooper's Apartment
3:40pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Hope you get feeling better.)) Sunflare chuckled at her enthusiasm and flicked his tail towards the forest. "In that case lets go. We're heading to Basking rocks, there should be a few mice in the shadows and I want to see your stalking technique." He mused, starting out of camp with a flick of his tail. The forest seemed quiet, more so then normal. But he blamed the oncoming leaf-bare, the chill of cold was already rippling through the air.
3:57pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 4:13pm May 26 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Sorry I took so long, here are my bios.)) Name: Midnightflower Age: 28 moons Gender: She-cat Personality: Can I rp it out? Family: Thornclaw, her half brother Mate/Crush: None at the moment Will be a Shifter? If so which animal?:
Rank/Clan: Warrior Appearance:
Midnightflower is a sleek black she cat with blue eyes Other: Nothing Name: Thornclaw Age: 24 moons Gender: Tom Personality: Can I rp it out, its different everytime Family: Midnightflower, his half sister Mate/Crush: Nope. Will be a Shifter? If so which animal?:
Rank/Clan: Warrior Appearance:
 Other: Nothing
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:58pm May 26 2010
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Posts: 2,092