6:19pm Nov 27 2010
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((Alright, you may join, go ahead and make your bio.))
1:17am Nov 28 2010
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Mavryk sat on some hay inside his father's barn, watching a few chickens peck at something on the ground. What a boring day it was. He had nothing to do, and his parents wouldn't let him take a walk out side of the Shadow Nation. He told them that he could take care of himself, but they didn't believe him. Trying to forget about what they wouldn't let him do, he stood up and walked over to a container that was resting a small wooden table. The container was filled with chicken feed, and once he opened the container the chickens ran over to him and started clucking. "A'right here," he said and tossed some of the food on the ground. He closed the container and then went out the barn, heading for his house. Before he could reach his house men wearing the armor of the Fire Nation stormed up to him and his house, quickly shoving him on to the ground outside and doing the same to his parents. "Mavryk!" His mother sobbed as his father tried to attack the Fire Nation soldiers. "Run! You must get out of here." Mavryk stared at his mother in disbelief. "What about you and father?" He asked quietly. "I can't leave you here." He looked at his father who was forced to the ground by the soldiers and then saw him flick his head in the direction where the soldiers weren't coming from. "Do what your mother says, Mavryk." He grunted. A soldier kicked Mavryk's side and then leaned down. "I suggest you not," the soldier growled, moving his fingers infront of Mavryk's face. He made embers of fire appear and then threw a small ball of fire near his mother. "Unless you want them dead." Mavryk tried to stand up and tackled the soldier, but before he could another soldier shoved him down again. With one look at his parents, Mavryk glanced at the side of their house, where the roof casted a dark shadow on the ground and side of the wall. Gathering as much strength as he could, he pushed himself up and stumbled to that shadow spot, quickly blending in with it before the soldiers could get him. "Go and find him!" Ordered one of the soldiers, and Mavryk was thankful that they couldn't see him. He bit his bottom lip as he made his way away from his home and the soldiers, and not long after ended up out of the Shadow Nation and into the forest. ((Um, I think I'll do my fire bender later.))
2:09am Nov 28 2010
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Name: Tyku Poil Age: 17 Gender: Male Nation/Bending: Fire Rank: Prince? Looks: tle="View Full Size Image" width="188" height="250" />(Not mine. No wings) OTher: Nope ~~~~ Name: Rocky Tylii Age: 17 Gender: Female Nation/Bending: Water Rank: Peasent Looks:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="188" />(Not mine. She has londer hair.) OTher: Nope
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:13am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 1,256
Sorrel flung herself onto the hammock in the corner of the hut, leaving the door open to let a cool breeze in. "Hello, Papa..." she sighed exhaustedly. "Hello, Sorrel,s hall I leave you alone?" her father asked, raising an eyebrow. "That would be nice, thank you," Sorrel smiled weakly. Her morning had been full of running. Her and her fox (Pedalo) had been found up a tree by some Air Benders, and had to run. Fast. Sorrel had hoped they wouldn't find her now. The problem was, air being their element, this group of people were fast at running. No air resistance to hold them back if they wished. And that time, they did wish for there to be none. Sorrel had managed to create a diversion by making some leaves blow into their faces, and making sure the branches of a tree were in their way. She was out of luck though. The door blew open wider than it was, and three Air Benders strolled in. "Where is she?" said one, a man with many muscles, who picked her father up by the scruff of his neck and threw him across the room. "I-I don't-don't kn-know w-where sh-she is..." Sorrel's father stuttered, leaving her free to escape through the window. And she did so. But where could she go? Behind her, Sorrel heard the Air Benders leave the house, and then she went back in. "What happened, Sorrel?" "Well... I accidentally crossed through an Air Bender's land..." Sorrel grinned. "Go, Sorrel... you must go." "Go where, exactly?" "Join another Nation, or Bending." "Not possible. They'll throw me out." "No, maybe not. Depends where you go. Don't take Pedalo-" "WHAT!? Not take Pedalo?" "Sorry. I will look after him, but it will show you are an Earth Bender. Choose a nation, dress like them, and join them. You must do so. It is the only way you can be safe."

Albino Uilus 24/120
8:53am Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 9:02am Nov 28 2010)
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Posts: 4,258
((Accepted tri...)) Sakura opened her eyes, her body going ridged the minute she realized she was bound up. "Hey! Let me go, you dont know who you are dealing with. I am Sakura, princess of the Shadow Nation! I demand that you unhand me at once!" She yelled, her voice hard and demanding even though she was parched. Her yelling sent her into a coughing fit, her throat scratching with each cough. Tears streamed her face for she knew her city was gone, her parents were gone and all of her people must have been in despair. She was a good person and the majority of the towns people loved her but even that was not enough to save her town. She winced as a few gaurds walked by, kicking her then laughing loudly at her pain. Sora walked about the Fire Nation's cities, looking in disgust at what these people had done. Her black cloak rusled as the breeze blew her hood off, her long silver hair freeing it's self from its place. "I must find where they are keeping the prisoners from the Shadow Nation. The princess is rumored to be there, and I promised a group of escapees that I would do my best to bring them back. I must consult with Monta in the forests. I will return you disgusting creatures, you think you scared us away but the dragon links will survive." She mumbled to herself, pulling her hood back up. You filthy beasts, you are so lucky that I dont decide to kill you here and now. She scowled, turning on her heel and making her way swiftly out of the city, heading in the direction of the destroyed city. She entered the forests, whistling softly and soon her dragon appeared. Yes my mistress? The low gravelly voice sounded, and she smiled always joyous to be in the company with her dragon. "I wish to save the Shadow princess, who is rumored to be within the Fire Nation's boundaries. I just dont know the best way to do it." She froze, hearing footsteps on the fallen branches. "Who is there? Show your self, or are you such a coward to hide among the trees." She demanded, glancing up at Monta, not sure what to do with him at such short notice. ((Garcia, could that be Mavryk? COuld he discover that she was a dragon link?))
9:12am Nov 28 2010
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((Ok, well because the Ice benders are paired with water benders Here are your partners. Tribecka's charry Rocky will be paired with Lucy's charry Olive. And Lucy's charry Wilson will be paired with Leo's charry Zelatrina. I wanted it this way because I thought it would be more interesting if Lucy's two charries werent paired with each other, so this is the only other way we could go... Is everyone ok with that. If you have a water or Ice bender that I forgot to add to the list, please dont hesitate to let me know.))
10:19am Nov 28 2010
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(May I ask what you mean by 'partnered'?)

Albino Uilus 24/120
10:26am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((Ya sure... Ice is a sub element, and they cant bend water, so in order for them to survive they must have a water bender as a partner or friend. They pretty much have to stay close to each other for the ice bender to freeze the water that the water bender creates for them... is that better?))
10:32am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 26
Rosalie gazed up at the sky above her. The gr*censored* tickled her face, and the clouds moved softly along the blue. A gentle evening breeze circled the garden she was in. Rosalie sighed. Today was perfect. The one day where, so far, she had not be chased, or found, or had to worry about any other nations. Wilson waded through the deep water, pushing the hangings of the willow out of his way. A group of Dragon Links were circling the skies above him on their dragons. Pah. He thought angrily. Dragon Links with their dragons. Show offs. What's so special about them? Wilson slumped himself down against the willow's trunk, the cold water coming up to his chest and the water plants brushing his legs. He heard the cries of the dragons and their Links above him. They had just seen someone from the Fire Nation close by, and where about to attack. Why? Why are all these people so viscious? Wilson was peaceful by nature, as most Water Benders were. (I'll do Olive later)
10:34am Nov 28 2010
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Albino Uilus 24/120
10:41am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((Lucy, note this: The Dragon links are in hiding... it is very rare to see them. No prob supernova))
11:53am Nov 28 2010
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Posts: 26
(Oh... whoops. :/ Er...just pretend this is a group of Dragon Links that erm... don't particularly care about concealing themselves??) Olive looked back at Rock, her partner. And her only source of her power. "Please Rocky?" she pleaded. Rocky looked at her sternly. "You know we shouldn't abuse our powers. And simply using them for fun is definately abusing them." Rocky said. "Oh, but I haven't practised bending ice for weeks now... Who knows... I may have forgotten how to use it..." she said slyly. "No. You can't fool me any more, Olive Fenter." Olive scowled, but dropped the conversation.
12:03pm Nov 28 2010
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((*random lurk* (got emie's permission to lurk)... lucy, I think thats powerplaying. You controlled Rocky, who is another user's charry o.O my apologies if I misunderstood.))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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12:08pm Nov 28 2010
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"Hello, dear," said a voice from behind Rain. Rain turned round, startled. There was an old woman behind her. "You will be joined very soon." Then, she dissapeared without a trace. Rain stopped for a moment, then looked around. Earth. She thought. Rain focused hard, and her clothes changed. Her hair turned a shade of green she had never seen before, it was like khaki, yet brighter, Rain looked at a leaf infront of her, and she moved it so it connected with the tree it once belonged to. Perfect. But then, she saw the figure of a young Earth Bender strolling towards her. Rain took a few steps back. Any Earth Bender would know she was an imposter, any true bender could tell their own kind... but then, this was a kid. (Incase you wondered, this is roughly what Rain looked like, not my art:) 

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:08pm Nov 28 2010
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12:22pm Nov 28 2010
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((Sure alice, make your bio.))
12:40pm Nov 28 2010
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Name: Kirra Age: 17 Gender: Female Nation/Bending: Earth Rank: Peasant Looks:  Name: Juliu Age: 18 Gender: male Nation/Bending: Air Rank: Peasant Looks:
1:01pm Nov 28 2010
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((Accepted, feel free to post your intro when ever.))
1:21pm Nov 28 2010
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Rocky sighed. "Don't freeze all the water Olive." She said. "I still need to practice a couple moves."She told Olive. She raised some water up. Soon, it looked like she was in a seethrough octupus. "Olive! Throw some ice at me!"She told her.
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:20pm Nov 28 2010
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((EMIE-CHAN :DD I was called?))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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