7:37pm Nov 28 2010
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(('we will make it to Cerundia' lies. i will kill them before they get there c:< mwahaha could zre have funneh's favorite power evr? I will rmail.))
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7:44pm Nov 28 2010
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((ATTENTION! Instead of having the cla,sic power of the shadow nation. Zre can create an illusion of pain that can kill on highest levels. (emie-approved) adding to bio NOW))
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10:29pm Nov 28 2010 (last edited on 1:14am Nov 29 2010)
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((Sure, Em.)) Mavryk walked around the forest while still blended in with the shadows. He had to resist the urge to just scream out of anger. Why did he leave them there? In the hands of the fire nation soldiers? Mavryk stopped moving and leaned against a tree, his teeth clenched and a fits banging against the trunk of the tree he leaned on. "I shouldn't have left them." He murmured and then looked back in the direction of the Shadow Nation, where his parents where. But he didn't know whether they were captured or... He couldn't say it. Or think about it. That word he want think or say felt like poison to him now. It never did before. Shaking his head, Mavryk continued walking again, but no longer in the shadows. A few minutes pa$$ed when he heard a voice, a female's voice, and he instinctively jumped into the shadows. Please, let her not be a fire bender. At the moment he would prefer any other bender than a fire one. Slowly, he crept along the shadows and around some trees to see who had talked. Well, it was a female, but doesn't seem to be a fire bender. "A dragon!" He gasped in surprise, and way too loud than he wanted it to be. He has only heard of dragons in stories, and this was his first time seeing them in real life. He didn't know if this person and dragon were friendly, he tried to get away but since his attention was to the Dragon Link, he didn't notice the tree root right in front of him. He stumbled and because of this hopped away from the shadows, revealing himself. ~~~~~ Felan stood in front of the side window of his house, looking in the direction where he could barely see the palace where the royals lived in. He didn't want to be some one of great royalty, but a soldier for the Fire Nation. He would probably do anything to be a soldier for his nation. "If only.." He murmured and then turned away from the window. He had actually tried asking his parents if he could be a soldier for their nation, but they always said no. 'It's too dangerous.' his mother would say, and his father said that the Fire Nation already has enough soldiers to last for a very long time. Of course, Felan never believed him. "I'm going out, Ma." He said before leaving the house. Where to? He wasn't sure. He liked taking walks outside the Fire Nation, though, and be around the wild animals and practice his fire bending, so he decided to do just that.
11:42am Nov 29 2010
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Sorrel strolled forward and approached the strange girl ahead of her. She had never seen her around before, and was nervous. She could be someone ready to attack... because, unless a baby, there were no sudden new people around. Sorrel raised an eyebrow as they came closer to each other, and the girl muttered something. "God, oh god, I really hope she's not too powerful, or good at recognising dragon links..." Rain said under her breath. "Erm, hello?" Sorrel said nervously. "You new? Haven't seen you round before..." The person seemed to be thinking for a moment, and then, a few minutes later said, "I have been spying. Away. You know, on the other Nations." "Yes... I get it. However, how can I trust you? Earth people don't send spies." Sorrel was suspicious. Rain was worried that she would discover who she really was. It was change the subject, or lie. "It was for my own personal use." "Oh, right. OK..." "Who are you?" "Sorrel Redcliffe. You?" Rain decided a fake name would be best. 'Rain' wasn't a particularly earthy name. "Avani Crockspurt." "Ah... Well. I'd best be going," But as Sorrel walked away, she walked away from the Earth boundary also. "Where are you going?"

Albino Uilus 24/120
11:43am Nov 29 2010
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(Can moi join??)
12:07pm Nov 29 2010
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(Sorry... tle="Embar*censored*ed" />) "Oh, alright." Olive froze some of the water that Rocky had created, which sent a shiver down her spine, as usual. She really needed to learn how to stop that. And fast. Who knows? Her life might be shorter than she though. After all, with the war... Rocky's voice brought her back to reality, and she telekinetically hurled it at her. Almost as if in slow motion, the ice moved a little way into the jelly-like substance, then rebounded and came back like a boomerang. It narrowly missed hitting Olive's head even though she ducked. There was a small 'crack' as it hit the tree behind them. The two burst out laughing.
3:09pm Nov 29 2010
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((Is ronald duck semi-lit or lit?)) Sakura hissed, her dragon bending his neck around her protectively. Human boy, who are you? Why do you spy on my mistress and myself? Sakura noticed that the boy was of the shadow nation, hardly a threat to her so she stepped around and towards the boy. "Yes, what you see is my dear friend Monta. I am Sakura and I am with the dragon link society. You are a shadow bender, correct? I heard what had happened to your princess, my sincere apologies for arriving too late to help. May I ask your name?" She said softly kneeling down to where the shadow nation boy had fallen. "Please be honest, my dragon can detect lies as with all creatures of the sort." She added quickly, her light eyes shimmering in the sun that shone through the overhead branches.
8:05pm Nov 29 2010
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Pin, Seri's companion, lifted his broad head into the air, inhaling deeply... a threatening growl caused his muscles to ripple under the dark violet scales. Seri rose her head from her relaxed poise and whispered ancient languages in the broad creature's ears. He was still tence but spoke to his master. "Mistress...I sence another of our kind quite near. As well as a shadow mutt." he growled, his forked tounge flicking from in between his dagger like teeth. Seri nodded and said nothing. Only stayed seated upon the bluff. Overlooking the nation. Pin growled and lowered his head. Glancing at Seri...who nodded. A wicked grin seemed to cross his face as smoke rose from his nostrils. Flame developing in his chest. He allowed the spark to escape his jaws, where it landed on dried debree farther from the two. Seri flew to her feet, and mounted Pin. She watched the flames engulf the hedges, moving towards the trees... knowing those caught inside would perish. She could not be found. Not again. ~~~~~~~~~~ Rein emerged from the bath, encasing himself in a slate colored towel of the softest fabric; exiting the room. His body glistening in the warm water. He came to the hall where Zre awaited him, soup beside her on teh side-table. He smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. The once shadow, was and remains to be...his best friend. He smiled once more towards her, still as a statue in the center of the stone lined room. The girl stalked across the room, grabbing his garments in her palms. He followed her with his eyes as she approached him. She came behind him, and he held out his arms. The girl sliding his arms threw the robe's long sleeves. The robe was red; for his nation; made of the finest silk. Woven by his own mother. He shook out his damp hair as Zre tied the knot to hold his robe; the access water flying from his head, and splattering Zre in an array of dampness. She flinched at the sudden touch of cold before disappearing into the bathroom. For a moment, Rein thought he had offended her and was about to go in pursuit, when she re-emerged with a bucket of water from the tap. He halted abruptly, his smile dropping as Zre advanced. He fled and jumped behind the lounger. Zre on the opposite side. The two playing a game of cat and mouse. They both laughed as they did as children as Zre chased after the fire prince. She finally threw the water from the bucket. Drenching him in the ice cold liquid. He quickly dried himself with his own bending talents, before chasing the girl and grabbing her by the waist and swinging her to the wall. "Check and Mate, my dear." he teased with a broad smile. Zre smiled deviously and nodded. It was then a note, carried by a hawk flew threw the open balcony doors, dropping the parchment on the lounger and disappearing from sight. He picked it up. Zre's name printed neatly atop it. He handed it to her. Knowing what it was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zre cocked her head and twisted the seal holding the letter. She unravelled it and read it silently. To a Miss "Zre" (current residence, the fire nation palace.) The young prince speaks greatly of your talents in interrogation. We have captured the princess of the Shadow nation (as your powers seem to be from), and we request your skills in 'weasling' information. Much thanks. Please come to the dungeons. Tonight. Midnight. Thank You. She felt Rein's stares in her back. "My past has returned." she growled in between clenched teeth. Her friend stroked her back. "Its okay, Zre...my dear. You will do excellent." he cooed in her ear
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8:06pm Nov 29 2010
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((ready for interogation, emie? xDD))
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8:09pm Nov 29 2010
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((... the suspense... oh my, now im scared XP))
8:11pm Nov 29 2010
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((posteth :DD))
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8:11pm Nov 29 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Nov 29 2010)
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8:12pm Nov 29 2010
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((Wait, was the fire blown towards Sora and the shadow bender?))
8:13pm Nov 29 2010
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((yesseth :D and make the princess in the dungeon so zre can come and they can have their 'reunion'))
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8:22pm Nov 29 2010
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Sora froze for a moment, just before the fire was blown. She looked at Monta for the answer to an unspoken question. Not Fire Nation, another dragon link. I can feel their presence but they must have felt threatened by us. We must leave, the fire will catch the attention of others. Lets go mistress. Monta bent down so Sora could climb on but she hesitated. "No, we cant leave him, he will burn to death. Come on. Hurry, lets get out of here before we roast." She held her hand out with a smile, trying to prove that there was nothing to fear from her and that she could be trusted. She ignored the protests from Monta and finally he gave up trying to change her mind about bringing the shadow bender. Sakura struggled against the Fire Nation gaurds who had come to collect her. "Get off me you foul monsters. Wait until you slobs screw up, then you will feel the wrath of not only me but every single human being that you murdered." She hissed, fighting to get away. Finally one of the gaurds picked her up and charried her all the way to the dungeon where she aparently was to be ask a few questions. "Now, little missy. You better be on your best behavior or you wont have the will to even lift a finger to attack us. Then where would the fun be." All the other gaurds laughed at this and left her bound to the hand crafted chair obviously made from the Earth kingdoms withing the Earthen Nation.
8:51pm Nov 29 2010
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Zre's feet echoed on the stone floor of the shadowy dungeon as she stalked through the deep pas.sageways at the bank of the caves. Rein escorted her along the twists and turns; twitching his fingers, the torches becoming enflamed as he did so. The dim glow enlit the faces of the two benders... each holding a wicked gleam in their eyes. At last...Rein removed a hand from her waste, kissing her hand gently. "Have fun, my dear." he smiled at his friend before fading back down the winding pas.sageways. Zre smirked and held an expressionless face. Her breath was calm and even. Her distinguished scent of vanilla encased her. Her dark hair fell to her shoulders, a shrouded cloak hid her face as the hood masked it. Her body wrapped in the black fabric. She inserted a bras.s key into the lock and twisted, the cranks turning and she pushed foward. The large iron door opened with an eerie creak. Emerging into the room where the shadow princess was held. Her face was down. Something about her still menacing; like venom that would make one tremble and melt. Her body; still shrouded in the black cloak...hid her identity. She walked in and closed the door. Not moving. Standing by the doorframe. Several meters away from the prisoner.
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8:59pm Nov 29 2010
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Rocky was in the octopus. "Now, throw some ice chunks at me."Rocky told Olive. She was in position to catch the ice. (Fail~)
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:08pm Nov 29 2010
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Mavryk glanced at the dragon before turning his attention to Sora. "Yes," he answered. "I am a shadow bender." He frowned slightly at the mention of the Shadow Nation's princess. "What happened to her? The princess?" There was shouting back where his Nation lay when he was escaping, but he did not pay a lot of attention to what they were shouting about, for most of his thoughts were about his parents. "And, my name is Mavryk. Mavryk Zarus." He slowly got up onto his feet and then watched the dragon bend its head, and Sora hold out her hand to him. He hesitated, though. He's never ridden a dragon, and this one seemed to not want him to come along. But after a few seconds, he took the hand of Sora and, very hesitantly, went closer to to dragon with her.
12:17pm Nov 30 2010
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"That's for me to know and for you not to." Sorrel said sharply, turning away. "Oh, really?" Rain retorted. "Yes. It's really none of your business, got it?" "What if it is my business?" "Well, it's not." "I will find out you know... somehow." Sorrel sighed, shaking her head, and walked away from the curious, annoying girl that had been talking to her. She decided to go via the market so the girl got lost in the crowds, or, even better, suspected nothing. Sorrel changed direction and walked into the crowded morning market. Spicy fragrences filled the air, and the constant sound of talk was ringing in everyone's ears. Rain quickly darted behind a tree so that the girl didn't see her. She was going towards the market - why was that so private? Rain wondered.

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:31pm Nov 30 2010
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(Yus, I am.)