6:19pm Nov 30 2010
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((Then you may join my dear XP)) Sakura stayed silent, her eyes focusing on the cloaked figure. "Show your face coward. I will not talk to one who hides there face from their own captives." She said sounding calm but in reality, her blood was boiling with rage. She had stopped struggling against her bonds finally realizing there was no escape for her. She looked around the room, taking note of every shadow of every speck of darkness on the stone floor. There wasnt a room ever made that didnt have at least one shadow in it. Maybe I will have a chance to test out the new technique I have been practicing. She thought to her self, refusing to let any other emotion show on her face. Sora could smell the fire before she could see it but she knew they were running out of time. The fire from a dragon burned far worse than that of a bender so no one could blame her for beginning to rush. She climbed up onto Monta then pulled Mavryk up. "Well nice to meet you Mavryk, oh and you might want to hold onto me tightly. Take offs are usually rough." She smiled deviously as she whispered a word in her native language. Monta roared before running on the flat ground towards the fire. Just before they reached the fire, Monta pounced gracefully into the air, spreading his wings to full length as he began rising farther and farther away from the ground. "Oh, I thought you knew. There aparently was a traitor among your kind, and she gave away the princess' hiding place. The Fire Nation kidnapped Princess Sakura, and I fear the worst for her. Rumor has it that there is one within the Fire Nation with the power to create pain, and that person really wants to know something. Obviously its important enough to kill others over." Her tone had changed to that of a sullen grieving sound. "We have made it our mission to rescue the princess before any major harm comes to her, though I can not garuntee that we will succeed. Thats why I didnt kill you when you stumbled across us. I need you to help me to get into the Fire Nation dungeon where they are keeping her." She said a little too cheerily, as if it would have been second nature to have killed Mavryk when he tripped.
7:05pm Nov 30 2010
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"You don't reconize my stance...Sakura?" Zre cooed in a calm but still menacing whisper. Her cold and eerie heart shining through her words. She made no effort to reveal herself, a dark chuckle escaping her lips. She stayed. Still as ice. In the doorframe, her eyes on the stoney floor; her cloak still encasing her. Not even a hair showed through her shadowy masks. She resembled her nickname..."The Grim." in this case... the cloak gave the appearence of the ghostly spirit used to frighten young ones...The Grim Reaper. ~~~ Seri heard the beating of a rival dragon's wings. Her heart was racing; Pin seeming to sence the danger reared, and closed his wings...both plumeting to the earth. At the last moment, the violet dragon pulled up and swayed for the safety of the trees. It wasn't that the two were scared. Oh no. Quite the opposite in fact. ~~~ Rein whistled as he journeyed down the vast corridors. The usually cheerful tune was morphed by his style... shifting it into a ghostly haunt. ((ugh....fail.))
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7:16pm Nov 30 2010
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"Well maybe I could recognize you better if your hood were to be removed, but if you are truely of Fire Nation descent then I will not know your face." Sakura whispered silently, knowing it was loud enough for her captor to hear. She focused on the words that had been spoken, the sound odly familiar to her. Like that of a royal member courts daughter. Sakura''s eyes shot wide with disbelief. "Eliza- I mean Zre?" She corrected herself remembering the mistake of someone calling her by the detested name she was given. If this was who realy stood before her, Sakura wouldnt know what to do. Her father, the King and Zre's father had hoped that the two girls would become friends. For some time they had tolerated each other but they both knew that they couldnt truely get along so they began to ignore each other, then she began to murder people and Sakura forgot all about her, didnt even think of her untill now when she was standing right infront of her. "God, What happened to you? Why would you betray us like this, you should be brought to the middle square and beheaded for the treachory you have commited. It's the least you deserve after all this, those 3 years you spent locked away... I would have thought you would have changed some." She said, dissapointment filling her nervous voice.
7:45pm Nov 30 2010
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Zre allowed the cloak to fall to the ground. She had changed much since Sakura last saw her. Her eyes met hers. They were deep...venom like green. Her pupils much like slits. Besides her frightening eyes...she was no longer the disturbed little girl she once was. She was actually...quite beautiful. With faire skin, and slender features...and silky slightly curled locks that fell to her mid-back. Zre seemed to read Sakura's mind... She always knew. The two of them would never be friends. Far to different. Far to different. She spoke in the same menacing tone, it was cool and collected. And cunning and oily. A slick voice one would be idiotic not to be afraid of. "I was always the difficult child. From my birth I used to listen to my parents bickering of what to do with me...whether to slaughter me like an animal, or imprison me where I wont do harm. My mother of course, sent me to school... a mistake that was. You remember...correct? The children feared me. My siblings feared me. My OWN parents feared me." she paused and cocked her head. "The NATION feared me." she finished in between gritted teeth. "At last...the time came. At the age of 12; I couldn't be tolerated by any in the nation. The council, your own bloody father. Sent me away. Sent me to that jail. But you wouldnt know where that was. For your majesties dont journey there. Deep beaneath the rock. Where life is scarce. The air thin and intoxicated. I was dragged. Beaten to make me weak. It was there...I; cut and broken; I could hear shattered bones twist under my flesh...see the maroon liquid drip from my casualties...smell the aroma of the red rust... It was there. I was chained. My arms suspended above me. My legs held in place by iron. The stone floor cold under my thin clothes...." she put each word in vivid detail. As if she wanted Sakura to picture her suffering. The girl lunged foward, so her vanilla scent drifted and touched the skin of the princess. "Three.Years. For three years I rotted in that prison. For three years I was only accompanied by rats. For three years my own father plotted my destruction. For three years I was broken down. Three years, my heart was shattered... but when my fourth year was approaching fast....it repieced itself...problem is...when a heart is remade...it is missing pieces." She pulled away, returning to her still stance.
"16 days before my fourth year approached. I suddenly felt empowered... my limbs repaired. The blood dried. And I rose to my feet. The chains clinking as I did so. I rose. And I gripped the chains with my bare palms. And I tore. I created a ruckess. I yanked for what seemed like hours....and the chain snapped. My arms free. The iron left cut bracelets into my wrists. I gripped my feet for the first time in years, and undid the chains that bound them. At last. I could walk freely. The guards...hearing my chains destruction, raced into the room. Spears pointed. Shadows creeping up the walls. But they could not scare me. I endured the worse. My eyes narrowed and I heard their screams. The most lovely sounds I heard. A smile came to my face...as they pleaded for mercy...I didnt stop. I allowed theif suffering...watched them cower in pain...watched them suffer as I had. And only when they were begging for death. I gave it. I killed the vary guards bound to keep my locked up. I manuevered my way through the tunnels.... and emerged into the fresh air. Taking in the first oxygen breath since my imprisonment." She stopped. "But you and the council did not know of my escape until the bodies were found. And I had information I wanted. You remember Geofrie and his family?" she teased...knowing that Sakura knew nothing of their deaths.
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7:55pm Nov 30 2010
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"Ya, they were expecting a child the last I saw them. Why do you mention them Zre?" Sakura didnt sound afraid. She sounded confident and strong but inside she was withering under the fear that arose the moment she realized her danger. "I dont know what it must have felt like down there, alone with no one to tell you it would be alright. But you dont have to take it out on me for I did nothing. I couldnt stop a decision made by the king especially about you. I respect your power and beauty but I do not respect you any longer." She bowed her head in sorrow at the loss of such a powerfull ally. Someone who could have saved them from disaster, instead she had brought disaster upon her own homeland and laughed as it was devoured in flames.
8:01pm Nov 30 2010
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"Yes. Let's just say... you wont see the child grow." a wicked laugh escaped her lips once more. Her head cocked to the side in a cold hearted taunt. She senced her prisoner's fear, but did not acknowledge it. "I never respected you. So I suppose the feeling is mutual." she responded casually. Curious if Sakura would ask of the fate of the family. -fail, sorryD:-=
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8:08pm Nov 30 2010
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Sensing that there was a taunt to that she couldnt resist the question. "What did you do witch? What did you do to that child?" She hissed jerking forward but pulled back by the bounds that held her. Tears began to stream down her face. "What did you do to those people, they were so peaceful. Probably the only people who feared you but wouldnt act upon it. Tell me, damnit. What did you do?" The shadows began morphing, her rage beginning to take over her bending. They quickly took the shape of the memory within Zre's mind, the pleasure of the kill. She gasped as she took in the sight of the murdered family as Zre turned and left the bodies behind. "You monster!" The shadows rushed at Zre, faster than a normal eye could see but some how, she knew that it was average speed for Zre.
8:13pm Nov 30 2010
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Zre let the amusement show from her prisoner's desperate attempt to attack her. She manuevered swiftly to the side...dodging the shadows with ease. She jumped and landed gracefully on the table before Sakura...pressing her palms to the girl's head. Another gift of hers was sharing memories. She pas.sed the memories of Geofrie's kill... when sharing these memories, Sakura would have no power over her motions/thoughts. And Zre herself would have none over her own body. TALK." she growled in between clenched teeth. The colar of the father in her firm grip. he dangled off the ground of the mannor, slammed against the wall. His wife and children behind her. Each with dangerous wounds carved into their flesh by her force. Her eyes were like ice. Cold and uncaring. And burned with a flaming hatred...fury consuming the sea of green. Her face leaned in. So her breath could be felt on her 'prey''s skin. "I-I dont know what you are t-talking about. Let my family go." the father pleaded; only causing her to tighten her grip...moving from the collar of his shirt to the flesh that made his neck. She held him by this neck, forcing more pressure so she felt the bones creak underneath her firmness. The man choked... maroon dripping from his jaw. "Speak." she growled in a frightening growl. Her eyes even more crazed. "I DONT KNOW!" he screamed in a panic. It was then she tightened her grip, throwing him to the tile in a fatal thump. He hit the ground and groaned in pain. She stalked back over, placing a foot on his chest. "Speak." she repeated. He didnt anwser this time. Just stared pleadingly. She took her foot off and she heard a sigh of relief escape his mouth. Fear still drove his face into a ghostly white. She stalked over to the family, snatching the youngest daughter. Aged around 6. She held the girl by her blonde locks, the young one screeching in pain. Tears streaming down her cheeks. The mother whimpered loudly..."NO! P-Please! Not my dear Emily...PLEASE!" she yelled, tears streaming down her face...making a clear puddle about her feet... wettening her skirts. A buddle that was the youngest son wrapped in her arms. "Talk, old man." she growled, ignoring the child and mother. It was then the father cried. "I Dont know." he repeated. The girl glared. Her anger boiling. "You.LIE!" she screeched, keeping hold of the blonde's hair and twisting her arm in a swift motion. The shatter of the child's neck echoed about the den of the home. She threw the limp girl, 'Emily', to the side. Her head hung awkwardly from her unmoving body. The mother screamed and cried. The oldest son, 17 perhaps, held her tightly. His own face smeared with red. Ignoring the sobs and glares of hatred, the girl returned her gaze to the father, who was now weeping uncontrollably over the loss of his child. "SPEAK." she repeated in between gritted teeth. The father was silent once more. In responce the girl now grabbed the arm of the eldest son; whom she had to pry out of the grip of the disturbed mother. The son struggled and recieved a quick and painful punch to the ribs, which broke them instantly. He fell to the ground; clutching his side, coughing up blood...a pool of crimson collected at his feet. The father weeped harder now..."Not my eldest son. Not my boy. Please." he pleaded with the unmerciful killer. The girl withdrew a blade of several inches from her garments. "speak." she repeated in a near whisper. It was then the mother called out, clutching her youngest and second to last living child. "Dam it...just tell her Geofrie!" she cried frantically. "I cant loose my Harrison!" she wept, her body hunched over, her forehead on the stone in front of her. The father was struggling in pain. "I know nothing." he repeated desperatly. The girl narrowed her eyes and thrust the blade into the boy's neck, dragging it across...a waterfall of crimson fell from the open wound. She kicked his back, he fell face foreward...she manuevered out of the way from the flowing blood. He to. was unmoving. The girl shook her head, but not in regret or pity. "Speak." she said in a less harsh voice...knowing she was wearing him down. He shook his head, growing crazed over his loss. The girl awaited a few seconds, before reaching foward and attempting to tear the young baby from his mother. the young one was crying as well now. And the mother held tight. "No. NO. no." was all she mouthed in between gasps. The girl raised her fist, slamming down on the mother's forehead, hesitating her enough to rip the blanket wrapped child from her arms. the mother crawled foward kissing the ground where she walked. "please. Please. no please." she cried, tears following her. The girl turned and slammed her foot into the woman's sides. Causing her to still and climb into a ball and weep. "TELL HER GEOFRIE!" she cried more frantically, reaching toward her last child. The blood of her eldest son, drenching her skirts. She stared towards the father, who still said nothing. She ripped the blanket off the baby, and it fell to her feet. She wanted the family to see the full bodied child, he wore a long shirt that covered his body. It revealed his arms and his small head. Covered by a bonnet of blue silk. She tore this headgear off as well. She grabbed the mother with her free hand and dragged her beside the father. She looked at them both. "Talk." she repeated. The man again said nothing, the mother....didnt know. She slammed her palms against her husband, "tell her. tell her." she repeated again and again. The man said nothing, and glared at the girl holding his last son with a fiery hatred. The man finally spoke, reaching towards his son encased in the killer's arms. "Please. Please let him go. Please Elizabeth" It was then her eyes glazed over in complete anger. Her voice was in a menacing growl..."DONT.CALL.ME.THAT.NAME" she screamed, as she twisted the head of the child in her arms until he too hung limp, and she threw them to the feet of the parents. The mother screamed,and ran foward, being grabbed by her husband...she was pulled into her arms. "You monster." she said in a low whisper. The girl took no notice. "Speak." she repeated. the man finally, tear streaked, spoke. "The key to our defeat is..." the man went on for several moments, explaining the weaknesses of the nation. He finished. "And...A-And. What you seek, the amulet. The amulet lies where beggining ends." the girl glared. "What does.that.mean." she growled, leaning foward, both flinching away. The man stared. "I dont know. I-Its the truth. Let us go." he pleaded, clenching his eyes shut. The girl knew. He was telling the truth. She turned her back, about to leave. The mother escaped her husbands grasp and ran to the killer, a knife in her hand. She was about to thrust foward...but no, the girl was expecting it. She withdrew her weapon in a swift motion, and slashed the neck of her attacker. The mother fell beside her children. The girl reapproached the now frantic husband. "Thank you for your services. Your family dead. You may join them." she growled, thrusting the blood soaked blade; the blood of his family; into his neck. The den of the home was forever dyed in the blood of those who died. The aroma of rust reaked the room. She slipped out the window and was engulfed by night. She was Zre. And she was...the Grim.
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8:23pm Nov 30 2010
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"No, get away from me. I do not wish to see this." No matter how hard she tried, she couldnt get away from Zre, she couldnt even move. She was forced to sit and watch the murder of a close family friend, over... an amulet? Finally when the images ceased and Sakura took control of her sobbing she looked up at Zre with puffy eyes. "Is that what you wish to know from me? The meaning of the riddle? I am afraid I cannot help you with it's location. You will never find the great tressure, and I will have the pleasure of watching you fail." She growled, knowing full well what answer Zre wanted, though it was a secret that Sakura was prepared to take to the grave.
8:37pm Nov 30 2010
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Zre cocked her head. "I am afraid. I do not seek the anwser to the riddle." she mused, flipping her hair as she twisted in the opposite direction. She paced about the room. "I dont want to know your meaning of the riddle. I already got it out of my dam brother, may he rest in peace...." she paused, to let her words sink in "The amulet... it has the power to sink the land...raise the seas. Cause the world to perish...and a new to be reborn in the ashes." she looked to the sky, as if in deep terrorizing thought. "I just wanted to let you see the death of your close friends. The death that the royal families will soon experience...your royal family I intend to have great fun with." she paused and stroked her chin. "The royal families. They each know of this amulet. Forged by ancestors centuries ago. Each royal family knows its location...correct?" she stopped "Have you forgotton I live in the royal palace...my best friend the fire prince? The king looking upon me as a daughter? I need not the amulet information...but I need one thing. I need the scroll." she as.sumed Sakura knew what the scroll was. For only the Shadow royals knew of it. "The scroll tells me how do one thing. How to use the amulet, for not only the destruction of my rivals...but much more." Her eyes began to shift into a deep grey, as she watched the invisible smoke auora that was her own shadowy gift, to drift across the floor...about to touch the captive.
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8:46pm Nov 30 2010
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"This scroll you speak of is not with us any longer. You fools burnt it when you destroyed the village. Their mistake, unfortunately, leaves you without your precious instructions." Sakura eyed the slight movement until it had almost touched her, she then snapped her eyes up as if she had never seen it but instead listening to the notes of a song being played in the distance. She couldnt place it though she heard it before when she had opened the scroll, a note that only she could hear. "No." She breathed, all her muscles relaxing from their tense positions. "No, it cant be. That's not possible." She strained to hear more but the winds had begun to pick up, hiding the sound of the note. (Fail)
9:02pm Nov 30 2010
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Zre caught the whispers..."Impossible. It lives my dear. I know it does." she said. "And you will tell me where." she growled, forcing her gift upon her prisoner. the dark forces of her shadowed gift engulfing the form that was Sakura...her lips curled into a wicked grin... she held her gift on a low level, knowing even this would bring more pain then a dagger being stabbed through the skin and dragged across...slowly. "Talk." she stated. -fail-
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9:08pm Nov 30 2010
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((Going to bed, will post tommorrow.))
10:47am Dec 1 2010
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Mavryk slowly got onto Sora's dragon, still quite unsure about doing this. But he didn't want to back down now. He looked up at Sora and then held unto her, as tightly as he could, and then let out a "woah" as Monta began running and then eventually took of into the air. The view from where they were was amazing. At least, amazing to some one who has never been this high before. He took his attention away from the small houses a distance away when Sora began talking about the Shadow Nation's princess. "A traitor?" He murmured after she spoke, a hint of anger in his voice. What would one from his Nation gain by letting the Fire Nation take over the Shadow Nation? Get into the Fire Nation's dungeon? If it were dark and eerie like most dungeons, then there would be a good chance he could find a way for Sora and he to get in. "Sure," he replied at last. "I can try to get you in. It'll be easier if there will be a lot of shadows in the dungeon, though." He added to himself. ~~~~~ Felan, after a while of walking, ended up in the forest. He inhaled the smell of trees and gra$$ as he walked in a random direction he chose. What was he was planning to do? Maybe practice his fire bending. Yes, that was what he was going to do. He walked for a few more minutes before stopping in a small clearing. He looked around, hoping there was no one around since he liked to practice alone, and then took a deep breath. He pulled his right hand to his side and then shot it straight out with his palm open, aiming for a tall rock. Not waiting to see if it would actually hit the rock, he turned around and shot another fire ball at a tree trunk, and then again at another tree trunk. He put down his hands and then turned to look at the rock he has aimed for. It had a dark singed mark on it, so the fire ball did hit it. Then turning to the trees, it was also singed, and one of them was slightly on fire. He quickly dashed over to the tree and then ran his hand over the fire calmly, making the fire disappear. If the forest caught on fire.. Well, he definitely didn't want to be the cause of that situation.
11:55am Dec 1 2010 (last edited on 12:13pm Dec 1 2010)
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(Thankya...) Name: Ella Age: 17 Gender: Female
Nation/Bending: Water Rank: Royal Looks:  OTher: Ella is, and acts like, royalty. Without her maids and servants - she would be lost, probably dead. Her father spoilt her ever since birth, yet her mother believes that she should learn how to fend for herself. ...We hopefully will make it to Cerundia...
7:41pm Dec 1 2010
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((*needs emie*))
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7:44pm Dec 1 2010
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((accepted...)) Sakura grimaced, unable to hide all of her pain. She shook her head allowing a smile to spread across her face, knowing that her fate could very possibly end just like her dear friends. "I don't know what you are talking about, and even if I did I couldnt, no wouldnt, tell you. So you are wasting your time." She had no idea that Zre had other powers, Sakura had only figured she was born without the usual shadow bending skills. "However did you come across such an interesting power?" She said trying to get off the topic of the amulate. "The reason is unclear. It is more likely that this traitor has a personal vendetta against the throne. From earlier patterns, my guess is that the traitor is a girl of 15 now, her name is Elizabeth. I think you might know her as Zre?" The name came out in a questioning tone, her head turning slightly to look at the other pas.senger. "Dont worry about where to go, its your power I need to borrow. Where there is fire, there is also smoke and shadows so I'm pretty sure we will be fine."
8:25pm Dec 1 2010
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((zre is 17 xD)) Zre cocked her head. "You LIE." she spat viciously, forcing more power against her captive...one that would make her body feel as if it was burning from the inside out...the invisible flames engulfing and devouring her insides...tearing the tissues on the upper layers. She awsered calmly to the question involving her power. "My power? I am unsure. My guess is it was a recessive gene...some weird hybrid thread. However it was only documented with me in history...therefore I am the first of my kind...since the nation no longer considers me one of them" she stated in the same malicious tone. Another reason she needed the scroll...using it and the amulet she can learn how to make more of her kind by sharing her gifts with allies. She explained her plan to Rein. He was more then happy to be the second possessor of the gift...therefore the test subject and first "newborn mental killer" as her majesty of the fire nation called her. The queen was never a fan of her... but the king and his sons were no doubt her friends-and family. She ceased her torturous gift on Sakura. "Talk" she stated. ~~~~~ Rein emerged to the grounds of the kingdom. He locked the door behind him, the screams of prisoners dying away as he did so. ~~~~~~ Seri remained in the forests with Pin. My dear, Seri. Zre is approaching fast. I sence her gift in use. He reported in a slick tone. Pin's gift...he could detect the use of other gifts. Seri looked up, that meant Zre was getting information or killing. She would destroy the shadow killer...because of her, she was alone with Pin. Her kind, her family...all destroyed due to the hideous mind power as well as other nations...but Zres...Zre was a traitor to her kind...and her gift much more dangerous. She heard the voice of a link like herself in the distance... she looked at Pin who nodded. Pin closed his eyes and sent a message to the link's dragon... Hello, fellow dragon. My name is Pin. My rider being Mistress Seri. you seek information of Zre's whereabouts...I have news. Land in the forest. You will find me and my rider.
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5:38pm Dec 2 2010
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((Whooopsey, sorry... DX)) Monta relayed the message to Sora. "Seri? The name rings a bell. Tell them we are on our way." Sora said, preparing herself for the landing. It is good to hear the voice of another. I am Monta and my rider is Mistress Sora, she accepts your invitation and we will arive soon.
He shifted his wings until he began making swift tight circles towards the ground. Before long they had landed and he began moving in the direction of Pin's presence. "I think I remember that name, but I cant quite put a dragons talon on it." Sora pondered this as she rode Monta to the location Seri was hidden. "Oh sorry Mavryk, we are meeting up with another of my kind who has information about our target Zre. ~~~~~ Sakura couldnt catch her self before the pain really began, a loud screech escaping her throat. Gasping she managed to speak to her captor. "And why should I tell you anything? You only need me for that scroll, one of many peices to the puzzle. The amulate lies where the beginning ends, your journey will be long. As she said this, a memory of her father flashed through her mind. I skipped around the room, my little red shoes catching the sunlight as I played with my demon. The song I had been singing ended when Daddy called me over to tell me something, the look on his face was one I only ever saw him use with important people. "Yes father? What is it?" I asked, walking over to his desk. "Something very important, can you keep a secret?" He waited until I nodded and finished my promise ritual. "Cross my heart, hope to die...." I chimed, proud that he was trusting me with a secret. "That's a good girl." He said, his face softening. "You remember grandmother's scepter?" He asked, picking me up and sitting me in his lap. "Yeah, the one in the vault? Why?" I asked, picturing the golden staff with the blue gem at the top. "Yes, that's the one. When you grow up, you will need to protect that scepter from theives. The gem is very valuable and is said to have special magic with in it. Dont ever let anyone have, not ever. Ok sweet heart?" I nodded, not fully understanding what he meant but I never questioned him so I repeated him. "Not ever." Sakura's eyes widened in understanding, realizing her father's words. She swiftly shrouded the memory in black, impenetrable to even her own mind at the moment. She pictured a box and key, locking the memory away. She didnt actually know if Zre could turn the memory power around and use it in the other direction but she wasnt willing to take the chance.
5:59pm Dec 2 2010
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Zre cocked her head... "true. many pieces. But I only need a few. And I have one." she smiled wickedly, oulling her lavish brown locks out of the way and gripping a clasp from behind her neck, unlocking the clip and holding the artifact in her palms... she outstretched her hand. A chain made of the strongest metals...forged so long ago by those so skilled... on the chain hung a diamond shaped gold... twisting about like vines... and in the center...beneath the vines, there seemed to be a black orb. That seemed to be in motion...seemed to be alive. Every now and then the inside flashed like lightning, to display the other colors of elements. This was it. This was the amulet. At begginings end. Quite simple when you think about it. The beggining...the beggining of time was believed to be from God...the beggining of life given by God or blessed by spirits. And the end... the end was satin, who was believed to one day destroy life with the powers of hell with the help of his damed souls of the underworld...if you believe such things...so there was only one place the amulet could lie... where beggining met end... The Church. It was there Zre obtained it. Scowering perillously for days and nights...for so long the riddle taunted her. For so long she was baffled by the phrase. At last...she had it. The most powerful item known to the nations as they knew it. Of course it was limited to powere until all artifacts were taken... She swung the chain for a moment holding it in her hands as a cold taunt. "now. About that scroll." she pushed on, the screech from Sakura warming her cold heart. ~~~~~ Pin recieved the message and reported back to his mistress, who nodded calmly. Seri sat in a towering oak, the largest oak in the forest, hundreds of meters above Pin's head even as he stood. The cool breeze set her at ease as the aroma of smoke rolled into her nostrils...she knew this to be Pin's smoking mouth but she said nothing of it. The large dragon curled beside the tree, his back leaning on the trunk, as he awaited the arrival of those he tried to destroy. ~~~~~ bleh. Rein is blank for now.
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