12:21am Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 2:00pm Aug 1 2011)
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Breathing heavily, you try to escape. But there is none. The huge hellhound is clawing at you, ripping apart the walls of your shelter as you try to hide. There is no way out. Blood drips heavily from your brow as the huge cut on your forehead stings. Sweat beads on your neck as the hot, musty breath of the hellhound blasts onto you as it snaps and growls ferociously. Tears steadily fall to the ground, sparkling and shining, the only human thing that's happened to you all day. Your tears wet the ground and dance around as they drop steadily, one by one, as they dance to the ground, dancing, dancing, all around. The tears mix with the blood slowly falling to the ground. You rip off part of your already tattered shirt and wrap it around the terrifying wound on your forehead. It stops the bleeding, but you are worried the cut might get infected. You have given up all hope of surviving, and you even end up opening the door of the shelter for the hellhound to get in. Might as well make your death quick. The hellhound leaps forward eagerly, bigger than a rhino, and it lashes out furiously, knuckling your chest. You are blown back, and you slam up against the back wall of the shelter. You wince, and stutter out, "What have I done to deserve this?" Your cries of sorrow and pain are drowned out by the raucous, triumphant howls of the dangerous monster. Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning strikes the hellhound and it dissolves into shadow, killed and beaten. Suddenly, a voice from the skies rings out, loud and clear, "Rise, my son, for I have sent the lightning that struck down the horrid beast. Make your way to Camp Half-Blood, the only safe refuge for demi-gods like you. All will be revealed to you then." A shimmering, glittering, golden lightning bolt appears above your head. It is outlined with blue and is like a hologram. The lightning bolt stays there, and new strength fills your body. Your wounds heal, and the tears and rips in your clothes mended. "I have granted you health, cleanliness, and energy. This will be enough to make it to Camp Half-Blood. Go to the nearest intersection in New York and throw this golden drachma into the street. A taxi cab will appear and it will take you to Half-Blood Hill. Good luck, my son." The voice disappears and you stand up. A glittering golden coin falls from the sky and lands at your feet. You grasp it in your hands, rubbing the smooth surface. Following the voice's directions, you make it to the nearest intersection without running into anymore monsters or Kindly Ones. You grasp the drachma the voice had sent down from the skies and toss it into the road. A shimmering, gray taxi that seemed to be made out of smoke and fog comes out from nowhere. You jump in and three old hags are sitting in the front seats. They had one tooth and one eye between them all, and they argue all the way over to Half-Blood Hill. You hear them screaming, "Give me the eye!" "Give me the tooth!" "GIVE IT HERE, SISTER!" And things similar to that. You don't make any small talk. You are too disturbed. The taxi goes faster and faster until you are clinging onto the seat for dear life. The taxi pulls to a very sudden stop in front of a large, steep hill. Strawberries are noticeable in the distance, and there is a huge, white house in the background. There's a forest and a river and bushes everywhere. You get out. The taxi screeches away, and you hear the three sisters cackling and fighting over their eye and tooth. You walk a little unsure, over to the hill. A huge pine tree is at the base of the hill and a large, bronze and golden dragon is curled up around the trunk of the tree, blowing smoke rings. It blinks, and lets out a faint snort. You see a large, heavy-looking pelt that once belonged to a sheep. It is made out of pure gold, and the dragon stared at the wool protectively. You make your way past the dragon and it doesn't disturb you. You trudge slowly and steadily up the hill. You are greeted by a few other people who are wearing bright orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirts. They had necklaces with beads on them. One girl had seven beads. She had striking gray eyes, as gray as storm clouds that were pretty, but very intimidating. Her hair was blond with dark brown streaks and it fell in long, curly ringlets to her elbow. She calls for someone named 'Chiron'. A huge centaur covered with coarse, thick, silver fur and a powerful upper-body of a man trots over. He has a wise, gentle face. His eyes were as brown as chocolate and he bowed to you. "Lord Zeus gave Dionysus a message to give to all of us. Dionysus is our camp director and he is also a god. He said that one of Zeus's children would be coming. Welcome." Chiron stated calmly. He bows to you, and so do the other campers gathered around you. You are quite shocked, but you are also pleased. They were people just like you. You felt a connection to them, even if you didn't know them yet, and you manage a smile. This is my new home, you think, feeling happy that you can have a true home for once. Camp Half-Blood is my new home. RP based loosely on the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. --- RULES: 1. All of Res's rules apply. 2. No god-modding, power-playing, Mary/Gary Sues, etc. 3. Please use the bio skeleton I give you. 4. Please wait until you are accepted before you start RPing. 5. You may have as many characters as you can handle. 6. Try to be as realistic as possible. 7. Try to have at least one well-written paragraph. The occasional one-liner is fine, but try not to make a habit of it. 8. If you would like to be a child of the Big Three (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) please ask before making the bios. 9. If you would like to be one of Artemis's Hunters, then please ask before making the bios as well. 10. Only one cabin leader per person. I want to give everyone a chance to be able to be a cabin leader. The first person to join with a character in a specific cabin gets to have a cabin leader. However, the Big Three are top priority and they must be the cabin leaders if you have a Big Three character first. If you don't and you have more than one character that can be cabin leader, then you can either choose or have me choose for you. If you'd like any cabin leaders changed that are yours, just ask me and I can work something out with you. --- Bio Skeleton:
Delete everything in the brackets. Username: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: [pictures and deions are both fine] Personality: Cabin: Weapons: Crush: [no automatic boy/girlfriends, only crushes] Other: [put anything extra about your character here, like any powers they have] --- ZEUS: Cabin Leader: Seth Fey - SugarSnow Members: ~ POSEIDON: Cabin Leader: Avalia Coronoki - Feyth Members: ~ HADES: Cabin Leader: Laken Neils - RikaTheFallem Members: DIONYSUS: Cabin Leader: Members: Warren Thompson - Feyth
~ APOLLO: Cabin Leader: Members: Lana Richardson - SugarSnow ~ HERMES: Cabin Leader: Members: ~ ARES: Cabin Leader: Members: ~ HEPHAESTUS: Cabin Leader: Members: Mitchel Zen - Feyth ~ HERA: No members; cabin built out of respect. ~ ARTEMIS: No members; cabin built out of respect; Hunters stay there when they visit Camp Half-Blood. Lieutenant: Hunters: ~ ATHENA: Cabin Leader: Members: Willow Tain - SugarSnow ~ APHRODITE: Cabin Leader: Members: Niccolai Marks - RikaTheFallen ~ DEMETER: Cabin Leader: Members: ~ --- PROPHECY: ~ Campers In The Prophecy: ~

12:22am Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((May I join as the daughter of Poseidon and a son of Hephaestus?))
 <-- Click me
12:25am Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Sure! Yeah, of course. Go ahead. The opening post is a little messed up because I started it on Word. Once I was done, I just copied and pasted. :3 Remind me to never do that again!))
12:29am Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 12:30am Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 6,948
((never do that again. XD can my character be part of the prophecy?))
 <-- Click me
12:40am Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((lol xD Of course! I just need to create a prophecy first. I'll create my bios later. I need to go to sleep. =P I'll definitely be on tomorrow though. Thanks for joining! Bye!))
1:14am Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 10:34am Aug 7 2011)
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Username: Feyth Name: Avalia Coronoki Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Being that she lived in the wild for a good long time before she was found a taken in by the camp, she is not very nice looking. She has short, dirty blonde hair that usually is soaked from the water that is on it. Her skin is blotchy and pink and in the cold, her hands get purpleish and red. She is average weight and about 5'7", with not a lot of curves in the right places. The only thing that is beautiful about her, are her eyes; stormy blue irises lap against a black pupil like waves upon the sand. On the side of her neck is a birthmark in the shape of thre wavy lines, blue-brown against her sunburnt skin. She can usually be seen wearing a blue halter top and very short shorts and go to just above her knees. She walks around camp without shoes because her feet are caloused from living with the woodland creatures for four months. Around her neck is a hemp necklace with eight charms; one for each year she has been at camp. Personality: Avalia is a very skiddish person that tends not to like large spaces, being that she has agoraphobia. Because she lived in the wild for four months, she is a bit feral, always snarling and growling at stuff that makes her mad. Sometmes she will try to hunt her own food when she is hungry. She is a very good fisher because for some reason, the fish are drawn to her. Although she has been living at camp for as long as she can remember, she has never been chosen by her father or mother and hasn't shown any apptitude for things like fighting and such. In fact, the only thing she is a fantastic at, is swimming. Because of this, she is very withdrawn, preffering to keep to herself if she has the choice. Cabin: Hermes (Her father is poseidon, but he hasn't chosen her yet)) Weapons: She has a wood spear with an obsidian arrowhead attached to the end. She uses this for hunting and fishing. She also has a sword named Silverhook that has a siler hilt and an iron blade which can be quite sharp. Crush: Open, but it won't be easy Other: She heals in water, can breathe in it, never gets wet, less he wants to, and can sometimes control it. She can also speak to horses and creatures of the deep. However, she can't do these thngs, except for healing, until her father clams her. Username: Feyth Name: Mitchel Zen Gender: Male Age: 12 Appearance: He comes from one of the richer families in the town where he was born, but because of his pasion for building, her usually has sooty hands and feet. When he was 9, he took a job with the local blacksmith, they had one because it was a historical town, learning how to metal-work. Now, by age 12, he can work the forge all by himself. He is slightly larger that the average weight, but it is mostly the mucsle that has built up over time from working on the forges. His eyes are a muddy brown with black flecks and his hair is a mess of black that never seems to lie flat. He has strong, caloused hands. He is usually seen wearing no shirt because it gets hot in the forge, and ragged pants. He has a camp necklace with 1 charm on it from the 1 year he has been at camp. Personality: He is a charming young man who always seems to have something funny to see, even in the darkest of situatns. He is teased at school, but always seems to ward the bullies off with some witty comeback to whatever they have said. He loves to build stuff with his hands and even built his half sister a small metal dragn for her to play with. He isn't in a ton of danger, so he gets to go back home after every summer to see his family, which he enjoys. He, however, is easily scared and a bt of a coward, prefering to stay back and make weapons than to actually fight thw bigger battle. Cabin: Hephaestus Weapons: He has a toolbelt that all hephaestus's kids get. He can reach in and get any small tool. He can't get magic items or certan large items, but most things that he asks for, he can get. He also has a dagger that he carries around on his belt. Crush: Open Other: He is immune to fire Username: Feyth Name: Warren Thompson
Gender: Male Age: 15 ppearance:  Personality: He is a huge rebel, not really listening to anybody unless it pertains to him. He loves to drink even though he is way underaged, buthe is actually a nice person if you get to know him, if not a bit hardheaded.
Cabin: Dionysus Weapons: He has a bo (a staff type thing) made of birch wood. Crush: Open Other: Background Character. He can make wine out of any drink
 <-- Click me
12:33pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 1:01pm Jul 22 2011)
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((Accepted. Sorry that the text is so small on the opening post. O_O Like I said, Word really messed it up! I only did that because for some reason, Res hadn't been working very well for me - it was really slow and sometimes it kept freezing - so I just decided to type it up on Word and wait for Res to be okay again.)) ((Edit: I put Avalia in the Poseidon cabin, even though she's technically in Hermes, because I knew I would forget to change it once she was claimed by Poseidon. :3))
12:58pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 2:13pm Aug 1 2011)
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Username: SugarSnow Name: Seth Fey Gender: Male Age: 14 years Appearance: Seth is kind of tall and gangly, with messy brown hair that hangs just above his eyebrows. He has tan skin and a friendly smile. He has straight white teeth and an Australian accent. He has electric-blue eyes and a crescent shaped scar underneath his right eye from the time he shook up a bottle of Coke and held it right in front of his face for a dare. Personality: Seth is pretty easy-going. He's friendly, nice, and tries to be optimistic. He tends to get overly excited and sometimes annoying, but he's a nice guy once you get to know him. He can sometimes get mad pretty easily, but tries to keep his temper in check. He's witty with a cheeky sense of humor. His smile and his laugh are contagious. Seth tends to not believe in himself most of the time, which can be really bad. He often looks to others for help because he tends to have a low opinion of himself and doesn't believe in himself. Cabin: Zeus Weapons: Seth has a celestial bronze sword called Κομιστής καταιγίδα or Komistí̱s Kataigída (Storm Bringer) which he likes to call Storm because its name is a mouthful. Storm Bringer was a present from his father, Zeus, and can summon thunderstorms. Storm is an electric sword and always has bolts of lightning surrounding it and wrapping around it, almost like snakes made out of electricity. Seth's sword can't do damage to him because of a magical charm his father placed on it. Crush: None Other: He can summon thunderstorms (with or without sword) and can shock people whenever he wants. :3 --- Username: SugarSnow Name: Lana Richardson Gender: Female Age: 13 years Appearance: Lana has platinum-blonde hair with dark brown and light brown highlights. She has a heart-shaped face and high cheekbones. Her face is marred by a large scar on her left cheek. Her eyes are liquid gold and she has a sweet smile that is rarely ever seen. Personality: Although Lana may be pretty, she can be pretty nasty at times. She used to be nicer until a quest gone wrong when she ended up losing part of her memory from temporary amnesia and she recieved the scar on her cheek, as well as another large scar on her stomach. She tends to be reclusive and can snap at other people when aggravated. She has a temper that is pretty fierce, but she tries to hold in check. Lana is often haunted by dreams of the quest, where everyone ended up dying except for her, and tends to feel guilty about surviving when the other demi-gods died. Lana is quiet but tough, and doesn't like talking about the quest that had failed. She is a loner in Camp Half-Blood, and doesn't appreciate company or help from others. Lana doesn't like using swords because she's not very good at it and is more of an archery person because she's the daughter of Apollo. She is a decent healer, although she isn't as good as the others in the Apollo cabin. Cabin: Apollo Weapons: Lana has a golden bow that can never miss with a quiver of a dozen golden arrows that have celestial bronze arrowheads that will always return to the quiver once they hit their target. She also has a small, celestial bronze dagger that she often keeps concealed in her sleeve, just in case. Crush: None, and definitely doesn't want one. Other: She can heal others, but she hasn't had a lot of practice with first aid, even though she's a daughter of Apollo. She tends to be on the more violent side and is very good with chariot races!

1:10pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 1:11pm Jul 22 2011)
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Posts: 6,948
((Kay, Also, I think there should only be one child of each of the big three EDIT: Can I make some random, minor characters for filling spots that will never be taken? ))
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1:15pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((8D Son of Aphrodite? ;D And son of Hades? ;D))
1:19pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Sure! :3 You guys are lucky. You can literally take whatever kind of spot you want. =P I think that so far, three children of the Big Three are enough. So I don't think I'll be allowing any more after Rika.))
1:23pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((;U; I feel so cool. |D I'm gonna go fetch Niccolai to use for my son of Aprhodite. He's just such a pretty boy. xD))
2:05pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 6,948
((The minor characters are just going to have pictures and some personality, but they ar4e characters that can be used by anybody if they need a person in a specific part))
 <-- Click me
2:20pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((ADSFASLAKSD. Okay. For the son of Hades can I use a pic? xD; -laaaazy-))
5:48pm Jul 22 2011 (last edited on 5:53pm Jul 22 2011)
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Username: RikaTheFallen Name: Niccolai Marks Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Niccolai is what many girls like to refer to as a 'pretty boy'. He has naturally tousled-looking silvery-blond hair that falls perfectly around his almost rounded face, giving him an almost adorable look when coupled with his ocean-blue eyes and his pouty-looking lips. His skin is semi-pale because is simply refuses to soak up any sun, and he is also rather slender, built for running and flexibility. Standing at only 5'4", he's also rather short for a guy, and his usual clothing consists of semi-loose T-shirts and jeans that fit him rather nicely, as well as a pair of black tennis shoes. Personality:
He's a real sweetheart and loves everyone. <3 He's a very trustful person and wouldn't even be able to hurt a fly without feeling remorse. He cherishes all forms of life and wouldn't know what to do if any one of them were gone. And he can play several different instruments. cx Cabin: Aphrodite Weapons: He uses throwing knives. ouo Crush: Open. |D Other: Can he use music to control emotion or is that too much? XD And yeah, he was born in June. :D Username: RikaTheFallen Name: Laken Neils Gender: MAle Age: 19 Appearance:
 Personality: He's a gentleman most of the time, able of fooling all but the most intelligent with this charade. He is in truth a cunning trickster and takes joy in the pain of others. He is, yes, a bit of a closet sadist, as not everyone knows he is internally evil. Cabin: Hades Weapons: A sword made of flames as a gift from his father when he was twelve. He calls it Faleinm, or just Fallen. Crush: Pffft. Other: None really. ouo;

9:39pm Jul 22 2011
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Posts: 834
||Hm, Might join! I love Percy Jackson :3<3.||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
6:49pm Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 6:50pm Jul 23 2011)
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((Yayyyy so many people are joining! <3 I feel so loved! Accepted. Your powers are fine, Rika. Hope it's ok that I call you that. Your user is a mouthful! I am off to make a cabin for Hades. ouo The background character is accepted Feyth.))
6:50pm Jul 23 2011
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((Rika is what everyone calls me. xD It's fine. <3 Well, I've been called Rika-fail and Rika and RiRi I think...but that's not the point. xD))
6:52pm Jul 23 2011
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((We can start after Yummiland makes bios. :3))
7:03pm Jul 23 2011
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/99how does one become the leader of a cabin, might I ask? ouo))