4:55pm Aug 4 2011
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11:08pm Aug 5 2011
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11:10pm Aug 5 2011
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((I can't think of anythnig to do...))
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11:20pm Aug 5 2011
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((What was that shimmering light? xDD Do you have any other characters?))
11:24pm Aug 5 2011
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((Ummm... It was supposed to be her father claiming it, that's why I wanted your character to be awake an see it XD))
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11:33pm Aug 5 2011
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((>_< Well, I think they're very preoccupied with the hydra.... :P You could have one of your characters see it. Because my characters are battling a hydra. D8))
11:35pm Aug 5 2011
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((My other character is a minor one. geuss it could just stay there and she copuld get out.))
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5:52pm Aug 6 2011
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((Yah. xDD And then maybe she could go to the hydra and be all, "What's happening?" And then the trident would still be there and then they'd be all, "Whazzat?!" :P))
10:05pm Aug 6 2011
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Avalia got out of the water and dried herself, not realizing, for asome reason, that she was already completely dry. She sighed and pulled back on her clothes before wandering over to a fallen hydra. "Hey, Are you alright." She dropped her swim suit and ran to the other people. "Should I get Cheren?" She inquired the girl who seemed to be comforting the boy...
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12:53am Aug 7 2011
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"Lana just left to go get Chiron," Seth replied. His eyes were now concentrating on the shrieking hydra. He picked up his sword and swung it angrily, his eyes flashing. Electricity crackled, and it swung it with so much force that the lightning shot out ten feet. He stalked toward the hydra, glancing at Willow. She was busy stabbing at the beast with her weapon. It had changed into a spear and she was jabbing at it mercilessly, her eyes hard and determined, with just a faint flicker of fear in them. Seth let out a yell, raising his hand. A huge bolt of lightning shot from his palm and struck the hydra. It screamed, its skin burning from the fiery bolt. Seth immediately felt fatigued, but continued forward. Raising his sword, he waited until the hydra picked him up. The hydra was weakened from Willow's blows as well as Seth's, and it easily grabbed Seth's shirt between its teeth. The six other heads were busy snapping at Willow, occasionally spurting toxic sludge. Seth waited a bit more, and then plunged his sword deep into the hydra's eye socket, all the way to the hilt. The hydra shrieked, and its six other heads started ganging up on Seth. He recieved a few scrapes and his shoulder got bitten, but as the head he stabbed disinergrated, he fell, landing heavily. He rolled as he fell, absorbing the impact as much as he could. Willow stabbed the hydra in another eye as it collapsed to the ground. It let out a yell of pure fury and pain as another head disinergrated. A whizzing arrow flew out of nowhere and it struck the hydra in one of its throats. Shrieking, the monster writhed in pain, clawing desperately until it disappeared into sand and was blown away by the wind. "Is everyone alright?" Asked Chiron, his voice surprised and worried. Seth nodded, ignoring his bleeding wounds as well as his injured shoulder. Willow looked tired, but not as tired as Seth. He had never tried to blast anything with lightning from his palm before, and the energy it took was unexpected. He was still alive though, and that was all that really mattered. At first Chiron didn't notice anything about Avalia, and neither did Seth or Willow. They were instead talking about the hydra. "Look," Lana said quietly. She pointed at Avalia. The shimmering holographic trident over her head was clear. "Daughter of Poseidon..." They all knelt, even Seth, and Chiron murmured something of out respect. "Hail, daughter of Poseidon. You have been claimed." Chiron's voice was clearer as he stated this, and he stared at Avalia gently and with respect.

10:42am Aug 7 2011
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"Daughter of who." She suddenly felt angry. "Why now!? I'm 16, he waited 3 yearsd, 3 years to claim me." She snarled. She turned to Chiron. "Why." Her voice suddenly cracking. " didn't even do anything, I just swam for the same amount of time I have been doing every day since I got to this stupid camp." She turned away and walked towards the hermes cabin to move her stuff. When she got there, she glanced around her area. It was a bit messy because she hadn't even bothered to throw her clothes into the laundry, but there was time for that later. She stuffed it all in the one suitcase she had looked for her bag. When Avalia found the bag, she zipped it open and started placing the more precious items into it: A picture of a lady believed to ber her mother, a scarlet, velvet piece of cloth, her daggers. She organized them neatly into the bag and pulled the strap over her shoulder. Picking up the bag, she wandered over to the poseidon cabin and put her stuff down. She looked around the area, deciding that it must have been refurbished. It was a cool blue color and the cieling looked like the sky, while the ground looked like a pool of water. It took her a moment to realize that it was.She slumped onto her bed, wondering why she wasn't happy about being chosen...
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11:17am Aug 7 2011
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((Hold on. I shall bring in my son oh Aphrodite dragging in the son of Hades. |D))
11:35am Aug 7 2011
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11:49pm Aug 7 2011
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((xDD)) Willow couldn't help but roll her eyes at Avalia. She had waited even longer to be claimed. It had took her four years to be claimed. She had stayed in the Hermes cabin for what seemed like forever, and she was happy when she had been claimed. She had felt like a somebody instead of a nobody who lurked in the Hermes cabin all day long with no purpose. She had felt wanted. Her stormy gray eyes softened a bit because she understood the exasperation and frustration directed toward the gods, but they were family, and you couldn't stay mad at family forever. You just had to deal with it. She knew that Seth had been lucky, in a way. He had been saved by his father, Zeus, and had been claimed. Zeus even gave him directions to Camp Half-Blood and healed his wounds and had slain the hellhound chasing Seth. Athena, Willow's mother, had never done anything like that for her. A satyr had to come and guide her to camp. --- Lana let out a breath, a cut on her shoulder and stomach making her bleed. She had been in awe when Avalia had been claimed, and she understood how she felt, although Lana herself had been thrilled when she had been claimed by Apollo. It had only taken a week, after she had gotten settled into Camp Half-Blood. Apollo was always her favorite god, and she had met him before when Artemis' Hunters had come to visit Camp Half-Blood. Apollo had been their transportation, and he seemed much more care-free and enjoyable to be around than most gods.

1:03am Aug 8 2011
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Niccolai soon appeared, dragging a certain son of Hades behind him. the blond boy sighed, looking around, a little worried. "Oh...Sorry I wasn't here sooner! I had to force Laken this far..." He released Laken's hand, the black-haired male's vivid blue eyes apologetic. He then sighed softly, rubbing the back of his neck as he shifted slightly. "Sorry I couldn't help you guys..." he said. feeling pretty awkward now. Meanwhile, Laken was moving forward with steady, even, almost floating strides. He had seen the light and the trident, but he didn't really care much, seeing as he'd been claimed beforehand. He trailed his fingers across the hilt of the sword he'd been given, chuckling at the fact that Niccolai had a flute in one of his hands. Who fought battles with music? But still, it isn't like it mattered. He shook his head when Avalia walked off. So what if it took Poseidon three years here? It's not like that means she should throw a hissy-fit. Sometimes they might never be claimed. Jeez. ((Yeah it fails SORRY. D:))

5:02am Aug 10 2011
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((Tis not a fail. :3 *pats Rika comfortingly*)) Lana glanced at Niccolai. Her eyes were gentle, but there was a harsh, tough, sorrowful guilt behind her sweet face. The handsome Aphrodite boy was all looks, and not at all tough. Closing her eyes, a single tear leaked out of the corner of her liquid-gold eyes. She opened them, the tear quickly drying up. Her ex pression turned cold and neutral, her eyes calculating and hard. The memories of her quest lingered on her mind, the names of the dead campers threatening to be released from her pink lips.
5:14am Aug 10 2011
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Niccolai let out another sigh before he moved to head over to a lone stump. He decided he was going to play his music anways, regardless of anything. So he brought the silvery instrument to his mouth, closing his eyes as he began to play a soft, comforting tune that seemed to echo through the area. He smiled slightly as he played, the notes coming out rather melodically as he sat there, his fingers moving to create the notes he needed to play his song.
5:33am Aug 10 2011
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Lana's eyes softened as she listened to the beautiful, lilting music coming out of Niccolai's instrument. Her ex pression was gentle and sweet then, but she turned away from Niccolai, the memories of the failed quest rushing at her so fast and the bad memories were so numerous that she clapped her hands over her ears, dashing away despite her wounds.
11:17am Aug 10 2011
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Avalia wandered back out of the cabin, unable to stand being in there any longer. Thoughts were still clouding her mind over. Poseidon had left her with horrible stepparents and she had run away. Somehow, this stupid camp had found her after she had been attacked by something they called a hellhound, then she was stuck into a cabin with people who were daughters and sons of hermes. Finally, Poseidon had claimed her, but why today, why now. As she was walking, she slammed into Lana who seemed to be running very fast awayfrom something... ((Hey, I have an idea for a prophecy.))
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5:53pm Aug 10 2011
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((What is it? 8D *excited* rmail me. :P)) Lana paused, staring at Avalia. The countless memories of grief floated and swam in his huge, mournful eyes. She closed them, thinking of the quest. She blamed herself. The only survivor. She shook her head, turning away from Avalia and ran to her cabin. The Apollo cabin. Everywhere she turned she remembered the dead campers. Their names, their faces, they spilled to the surface. Gritting her teeth, Lana took deep breaths. She vowed to avenge their deaths, to kill a monster never seen before, a new creature arising from the depths of Tartarus. A monster never spoken before in myths because of its immense power.