The Purge

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9:15pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Sorry, I have a small screen. ^^; Also, no such thing as an accuracy bow, to the best of my knowledge. Thought I'd point it out. And if I'm going to be a stickler for's seax, traditionally. o_o //shot


9:20pm Aug 19 2011

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[*swats at Det* you know how I am with spelling :[ and there is an accuracy bow... or that is what the bows we called at camp were called.. mostly the string is better quality to help with the release and recoil... and the wood itself was made to be more steady with targets.]

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9:23pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 9:25pm Aug 19 2011)

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; LOL I feel terrible saying this but that doesn't change the bow type (I think). xD What did it look like, as in shape-wise?


9:31pm Aug 19 2011

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[Oh I know that... I just am using the name because that was what they were called there and I am not sure what the literall name for it was. :x I am an idiot when it comes to names.... and it was a half moon shape... except for the grips and the ends were bent just a smidge more. This was all a few years back.... so I am going of memory. All I know is that I loved shooting that bow. It was like gold in my hands]

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9:34pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 6,948
((This is an accuracy bow: ))

Party image<-- Click me

9:37pm Aug 19 2011

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[And that just might be it... except the thing on the end closest to the bottom doesn't seem to be there in my mental picture. Anyway, no more talk on my part. I am cluttering up my own thread. x_X]

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9:47pm Aug 19 2011

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Ooc; Compound bow, actually, if the pulleys are anything to go by~ And it might have been a composite bow. :o They're bent at the ends a bit. xD *flails* Almost done my bios too. :3


9:58pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 10:05pm Aug 19 2011)

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Name; Alessandra Dal'efois

Age; 16

Gender; Female

Appearance; Alessandra is pale-skinned and black-haired. She is about 5'7" and weighs around 119 lbs., most of which is muscle. Other than a light dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks Alessandra does not have any moles or beauty marks. However, one particular scar of hers is rather visible. It curves around her torso going upwards from her lower-back. It is flat and smooth but the skin is slightly paler than her natural skin tone. It reachs just below her right breast and the edges are smooth. It gets more visible when Alessandra tans. Alessandra's hair is jetblack and slightly curly, though her hair is soft and Scandinavian-thin, not rough. Her eyes are electric blue and she has average features, excluding her large, expressive eyes and straight 'Roman' nose. Her figure is boyish and not very curvy.

Personality; Argumentative, brusque, chafing and an all-around non-people person. She's outgoing about her views, doesn't give people a break when they mess up and while not cruel, she's not a guardian angel either. [if I expand I'm afraid I'll lose her]

Faction; Mordai 

Skills; Raised to fight from birth, as is the Mordai way. She was taught solely on two weapons to add to her luck in the Purge, but does know a fair bit of hand-to-hand combat. This is mostly disarmament and pressure point knowledge, which she uses to her advantage.

Weapon Choice; Recurve bow and a typical Crusader arming sword (one-handed, plain cross-guard and hilt with a round pommel)

Brief History; Alessandra wasn't the most liked person in her faction, but she got along simply due to her fighting expertise. Shunning social activities Alessandra worked for hours a day just so she would come out the winner in the Purge. If anything, her obsession is to become the winner in the Purge and anything less would be hestitation.

Other; Nothing


Name; Morwydi [More-wed-ee]

Age; 16

Gender; Male

Appearance; Morwydi is a tall guy with a muscular figure, though he is an ectomorph by nature. A.K.A he's on the skinny side and has a thin, tapering waist and sort of a lanky build. Only plenty of food and daily training managed to train this, and Morwydi isn't even one of the stronger kids. He has wavy golden hair and Caucasian skin, with fairly pale skin. His eyes are dark transparent moss green with amber rings around the pupils. He has delicate facial features and usually has a shy, nervous grin hovering around his lips.

Personality; Morwydi is of higher intellect, as all Liress children are. He is naturally curious and loves learning things, leading to a rather large store of knowledge sitting in his head. While battle is not the first thing on his mind Morwydi was not raised to be a pacifist and fights when needed. If he gets upset he does have a tendency to be violent, however. Around others he is shy, nervous and doesn't like speaking up.

Faction; Liress 

Skills; His intelligence and skill with throwing axes.

Weapon Choice; Tomahawk (throwing axe) and twin rondelle daggers.

Brief History; Raised on books and weapons from a young age. From ages five to fifteen Morwydi more or less breathed and ate the two with much enthusiasm. As the Purge neared, however, he grew more despondent as he was pushed ever harder to be the best. He hates the Purge and isn't really trying to win, but he doesn't want to die.

Other; Nope


10:00pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,586

Ooc-They will forever be called acurracy bows to me though... but now you all know what I mean when I say it. Anyay... I am trying to find a pic for the last charrie of mine... but do you think the first 2 look ok Detter? I love their pics so much *-*

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10:05pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; They looks great, though you'll have to be careful with the girl (too lazy to check). There's potential for a sue. D:


10:10pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 10:52pm Aug 19 2011)

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Posts: 1,586
[I agree with you completely but I wasn't done with either yet. Go check it now. I hadn't added the weakness section in before. The girl is actually me in a few ways.... and the picture itself is me except with pure green eyes and not green gold.]

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11:11pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 5:56am Aug 20 2011)

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Gender: female

Age: 16 


She’s rather tall, standing at about 5'9". She has extremely thick and straight black hair, which is in a bobcut with a large chunk of hair in the front (emo style) with her eyes being a light blue. Her skin is exceedingly pale with pink scars on her shoulders and back from being whipped once in the past. Despite this, it gives her an ethereal look, but there is a constant aura of darkness surrounding her. She wears silver cargo pants with a white tank that has rhinestones on it, a silken woolen lined hoodie, and a black and white striped fedora. Saber doesn’t wear shoes most of the time because she doesn’t go outside a lot. But when she does go out it’s in a pair of white and black converse. 



Saber is a bit of a mature young lady with a childish side. Though she lives for fighting against the other tribes to prove they are right, she doesn’t actually want to. She finds that all the fighting now is just like the fighting before and it won’t solve any of their past or future problems. She prefers not to talk to people, especially not if they’re alone and if she’s with a stranger. Saber just doesn’t adapt well in unfamiliar situations when there’s not adrenalin streaming through her veins. She also has an extreme attachment to her fedora and will sometimes change from her mature side to her childish one in the bl
ink of an eye if it is taken away from her.


Faction: Guipice

Skills: From an extremely young age she was trained in the ways of the kitchen knife and the wash cloth, but she utterly failed in this respect, being able to burn water. So she tried to learn other house-work and that didn’t work too well either. When she turned 8 she picked up her father’s dagger for the first time and never looked back. Saber's favorite weapons to use are a sword or glaive.

Brief History: Since she was young Saber had great things expected of her. Her father was a noble and her mother a well-respected advisor, this making her an illegitimate child. But her father’s wife had a child at the exact same time as Saber’s mother, who died in childbirth. So in the end, young Saber was raised by her father’s wife along with her son whom looked almost exactly like her. As they grew and it became time for them to start their final paths in life, and at the age of 6 no less as it is believed that the earlier the start, the better. Sadly they both failed at the tasks their parents set for them, Saber (Yoko at the time) was a terrible house-wife and her half-brother Blade (Yuko) wasn’t much better. It turns out that Saber was actually the more proficient at fighting and Blade at house-work, so they switched places, lives, everything and even their parents are none the wiser. Saber was always too shy to bathe with all the other ladies that worked in their mansion so Blade didn’t have to worry about that, and Blade always wore a chest bind so Saber didn’t have to worry about that. They cut their hair to the same length but continued to wear their own clothes which didn’t strike anyone as being strange because they’d often swap clothes for a long period of time. Because they’d spent three years studying in each other’s fields, Saber would sometimes help Blade pick out supplies he needed for cleaning or ingredients for certain dishes, and Blade would help Saber with battle strategy, telling her all her plan’s weaknesses and emphasizing how to correct them.


Weapon (your choice of 2): 

sword & a pair of sais if that's okay


Other: Despite her normally stoic attitude, she loves cute animals that are black and white, namely cows and pandas.




11:15pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,586

OOC: Shao, its gladiator style... no guns :c Sorry if that wasn't clear

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:26am Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 1,792
[Ohrite >.> my bad. I'll fix in a sec.]


4:28pm Aug 20 2011 (last edited on 5:23pm Aug 21 2011)

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Posts: 778
Name; Abigail (Abby)
Age; Sixteen
Gender; Female
Appearance; Picture coming soon. She is rather hard to describe.
Personality; Abigail for one thing, hates people calling her Abigail. For her, Abigail is much too girly. She isn't one to take 'no' for an answer. Once her mind is set, it's quite hard to change her mind. Abby is a rebellious girl, with a hard head. Her punk-like attitude always gets her in trouble. A strong girl, indeed, but hates being wrong. Hatred mostly powers her anger. Not the person who you would like to stand in their way. Though, she has a very soft side in her. It's not likely to pull it out. Also not the kindest person ever.
Faction; Crivetes
Skills; Very skilled with knives, Has great aim. For a certain reason, she carries her knife deep pockets for use. Abby carries the sword on her back. Her motto seems to be: 'Better safe then sorry.'. So It rests there. She has more than one for extras.
Weapon Choice; Bronze Knife and a   Bronze Sword. 
Brief History; Abigail was always the way she is now. She had to be fearless whether she wanted to or not. It was simply: Not an Option, to be different.  Though younger, she worked harder for some odd reason. Being powerful is her drive. Abby sometimes likes to believe power is the way to rule, even if sometimes it isn't.
Other; I hope it's okay. This is a new character and I wanted to try her out. Her picture will be here soon. 

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave

4:52pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 1,586
[I would allow it Shao just this once, but we should ask Det as well.]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

6:27pm Aug 20 2011

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Posts: 778
Ooc; Ill add more if needed. Just tired, as I should say. I don't know If tired is the word though.

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave

10:29pm Aug 20 2011

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[Hokay Lackey <3 if it makes you feel any better, I was going to have it where she only gets three shots from each gun or something like that. You know, to make it more fair, after that she has to go melee.]


5:18pm Aug 21 2011

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[I knew you would be fair Shao, but a gun sort of would ruin the gladiator style. ^^ Glad you changed it.]

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5:40pm Aug 22 2011

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Posts: 1,586
[I think all the forms are in that will be coming in... I will start my intro posts now.]

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