The Purge

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12:14am Aug 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Sorry, I am posting my images in the morning. I typed em all up, but they are on my downstairs comp and I am on my iPad))

Party image<-- Click me

1:01pm Aug 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Lol bump? o-o *pats Lakey* Sorry I disappeared. ;w;


11:05am Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Actually, I think I shall lurk for now. I am in Washington, so...ya...))

Party image<-- Click me

2:49pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

This was it I guess... the time everyone had to face. It seemed like it wouldn't get here and I am not ashamed to say that I didn't want it to. Really, who would want to go to some place that screamed death like a cemetary? But here I am, being packed and shoved away into a beat up train that looked past its years, suitcase in my hand. Any others from my faction would be piled on or have already been stowed away in thier designated cabins. In three other places, the exact same thing was happening to more kids than just her. Each was heading to war against one another. 


Shaking her light brown hair out of her eyes, Mia swiftly stepped onto the plateform, a gaurd holding onto her arm so as not to let her even consider running. Apparently some did... though she had never actually seen it take place before. Running meant a bullet through the head... at least in the arena you had a chance at life. Once the girl was on, and the steel doors closed behind her with a dull thud she looked around. Each person would have a room to sleep in... since the ride would take about two hours if the train didn't malfunction or anything.

Finding her way around was the easy part of all this. Her room had her name on a plate stuck to the door. Mia was all it said because Mia was all she was. No last name... being abandoned and all. Usually the kids don't know their last name... since they never once meet their parents back at the training center. Some had enough courage to ask but it was just needless pain that Mia didn't care to experience. She was abandoned by choice and by decision of the faction. It was the way it was, the way it would always be. Why bother to find out... if it didn't do any good in the end?

Brushing her bothersome bangs out of her eyes again with a scowl, she stepped into the room and took in her surroundings. A big bed twice as big as the one she shared back in the faction was against the wall, with a small table and a lamp next to it. It was just a make do room until they got to the Purge arena anyway. Taking a breath, she threw her suitcase onto the bed and followed after it. Sitting on the edge of the queen sized matress, her head in her hands, Mia took to wondering just how many people were on this train... and how many would die before the week was up.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
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