10:23pm May 20 2010
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Posts: 516
Mizuha burst from his cover and rammed into Dusk.He bit down on the other wing and tore a peice of bone out,then cloaked back.
10:28pm May 20 2010
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Why did he do that? Akai thought. The thought of everything going on was far too much for her head to handle. Solid beams of water came up from the ground, two on each side turning into another set. Becoming four, two sets on each side of Akai's body, along with Akatsu. The powerful beams twirling and becoming more powerful the higher they rose.
10:32pm May 20 2010
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Akatsu whimpered, moving back as he stared up at the worlf fearfully. She was big enough to easily eat him if she wanted to. "A-Akai...I-I thought this p-place was safe...." he whined, looking up at her before moving under her and curling up into a little ball of red fluff, shaking lightly. Scary wolves...scary... ((Should my other two foxes come out of nowhere and be all like 'RAWR! >:O'))
10:34pm May 20 2010
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Mizuha decided to run.He cloaked himself and bolted back toward the thick bursh.He dove into safety.
10:35pm May 20 2010
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"I am not gonig to hurt anyone." Dusk pulled her other wing back in and snapped wildly at the other newcomer. Her small teeth bit through flesh and sinew, but she stopped , she was young and she didn't want to hurt anybody. She was only 4 years old and everybody thought she was evil becaue of her element...
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10:38pm May 20 2010
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Akatsu continued to hide underneath Akai, covering his face with his little paws as he flattened his ears. If this wolf could get in, then who's to say that all the others couldn't as well? Were they really safe here? Would they...every really be safe? ((ouo))
10:40pm May 20 2010
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"Sorry I scasred you." dusk whimpered, cradeling her wing as she sat down. "*m young, the whole darkness thing gets me into trouble." she peeked at the little Fox cub...
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10:48pm May 20 2010
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Akatsu moved his paws a little bit to look up at the wolf with big, pale violet eyes. "U-um...wolfie...? Th...there aren't any more coming...a-are there...?" he asked as a small strawberry plant started growing beside him, the delicious scent beginning to fill the air. ((Remember what I said Akatsu's power was? ;D))
10:56pm May 20 2010
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((Gotta go.))
10:59pm May 20 2010
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Not u7nless mom comes, but she is nice." Dusk said with a smile...
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11:07pm May 20 2010
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(( Yup. c: ))
11:54pm May 20 2010
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Mizuhawent beside AKai and whispered into her ear,"Come over here."He uncloaked himself,reaveling the purple-greenish scales and his one wing.He got down low,showing obedience.
12:33am May 21 2010
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Akai flicked her ear. "Stay there, Akatsu." She said, following the voice of the mysterious being.
6:10am May 21 2010
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Spirit smiled and turned away. "Follow me." she said walking twored her pack. as she arived she saw akai. "hello akai." she said smiling sitting down in the sun ans watching the clouds go by.

3:13pm May 21 2010
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Zhane smiled happily and followed Spirit...he cocked his head at the other foxes, "who are they?" he questioned curiously... then a rustle in the bush made him jump, emerging was another she-fox Silvie stared at the newcomer..."Who is this SPirit?" she asked calmly smiling at Akai, Akatsu, and Mizuha
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3:15pm May 21 2010
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"This is my friend zhane silvie." Spirit said to the fox.

3:21pm May 21 2010
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Zhane bowed his head respectfully to greet the new ally, Silvie. Silvie smiled at the newcomer. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Zhane." she said respectfully.
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3:24pm May 21 2010
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"Silvie, do me a favor please and can you find somthing to eat?" Spirit asked in a very kind voice. "Zhane you are my guest sit." she said to zhane. ((we need the others))

3:34pm May 21 2010
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Silvie nodded toward her alpha and jumped back into the desert brush...chasing down small hares. She lunged and cracked three or four of their necks and started carrying them back. Zhane stared at Spirit, "No I insist, I should help"
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3:35pm May 21 2010
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"Silvie is a good hunter Zhane." Spirit said happily.
