The Quiet Wilderness

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10:19pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 863
Fluzz.. You are either

A snowy owl!


A mountain lion!



10:20pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945
"Get outta here, wolf, trolling is my business." Reyna growled. She stood up and walked around the cat and stood face to face with the wolf.


10:21pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 863
Naomi made another unammused face towards the lynx. "I am well aware of the blood on my face." Naomi then turned to the wolf. "Save your breath wolf, I'm not scared of you."


10:21pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 4,873

Deesel barked and snaped at her growling "Try me!"



I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

10:22pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945
Reyna jumped on the wolf's back, biting at her fur and neck. She used her claws to make marks across her eyes and legs.


10:25pm Mar 29 2012 (last edited on 10:26pm Mar 29 2012)

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Posts: 123
Xaicus began to respond to the vixen, wanting to explain that the two of them ate the same prey, but there was a much more important matter to attend to. He looked over towards the lynx, and growled as only a feline can.
"I am a wild cat, thank you very much. Humans are disgusting. I only stay near them for the small prey- which I thought this deer was at first scent of t, which is the only-" he paused and frowned. 
"Wait a moment, why am I explaining myself to a low-life? I swear, another feline should have more sense." He jumped out of the tree and trotted off, having much better things to do.
"Come, Louanctus."
The falcon stayed put a moment, trying to make some sort of apology for his companion, but gave up after a moment, and followed.

[ Off to bed, feeling sick... Which isn't unusual lately unfortunatally. Be back in the morning~]

Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?

10:26pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 863
Naomi sat and wrapped her tail around herself. "ENOUGH!"


10:28pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945
Reyna jumped off the wolf, pinning her to the ground with her paws. "Can't take the violence, fox?" She smirked/asked.


10:29pm Mar 29 2012 (last edited on 10:31pm Mar 29 2012)

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Posts: 863
Naomi sighed... "No, you're just acting foolish. There are plenty other things to worry about here. And if all you can think about is violence then you're heading for deep trouble."


10:31pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 1,997
((Dayum. I want them both so bad...))


10:35pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945
"I don't think so, fox, not all of us scavenge day to day, hoping to survive, like you foxes. No, see, us greater species hunt for our survival, we keep on our toes, and fight to survive. You, you only hope you will find food, constantly depending on somebody else to drop their scraps to feed you. Just like a house dog! Maybe you should live with the humans." Reyna took her paws off from the wolf's neck and began to walk away. She then stopped and said, "What are you going to do, when there are no more scraps fro you to eat? No more bunny rabbits to hunt? then what?" She then turned and began to walk away.


10:39pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 863
"Pfft, kitty had a hissy fit. Foxes like me don't need humans. Only city foxes. Now, before all this commotion I was about to take my leave." Naomi left the animals and trotted off into the trees. She began her search for a new home away from the humans.


10:46pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945
Reyna walked deeper into the forest. It was getting pretty dark, and that fight with that wolf had made her tired... it just so happened she came across her cave. "Oh! Home!" She ran into her cave and plopped onto her floor. She was then fast asleep.


10:47pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 863
Naomi found the abandoned train car again and decided to spend the night there. She layed down eager to get some rest. In the distance she heard gunshots.


10:49pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 1,997
Name: Darious
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Species: Snowy owl
Looks: tle="Snowy Owl" href=";_ylt=A2KJkIZlK3VP9AgA0FSJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?">Snowy Owl With blue eyes
Personality: RP it out.
Home: He is homeless. A wanderer. A loner. His only home is the sky where he can be free, away from all others.
tle="Snowy Owl" href=";_ylt=A2KJkIZlK3VP9AgA0FSJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?">


10:49pm Mar 29 2012 (last edited on 10:50pm Mar 29 2012)

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Posts: 1,997


10:52pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945
Reyna heard gunshots off in the distance. She growled in rage, as Reyna liked her sleep, very very much. Se stormed off towards the train station to where they were coming from. Reyna was pissed. "Darn humans... I want my sleep!!!" She was about to get ready to pounce on whatever was making that racket, when she heard a little 'help!' coming from somewhere near her feet. 'Help!' it cried again, and Reyna began searching for it.

((Can I have like a companion? LIke a little bat or something?))


10:53pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 863
((Awww! A bat! Cute! Sure you can :3))


11:03pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 1,997
Darious flew over the dense trees, the stars joining him after a while. He loved it up here. So high, so free. He felt a small mouse far below. Without a sound, he swooped down, clenching it in his talons. It let out one small squeal, trying to get free. In the process, however, it broke its back, dying instantly. "What a pity..." Darious murmured. "I almost never get a live meal now a days." He said to himself. He soon found a nice tree to land in, and he did. A large hole in the center of it, he decided to explore before eating his meal. Empty. Of course. He dropped the mouse, then ate it whole. "Really sets a chill through your feathers, eh?" He said to himself as he usually did. He had been away from anyone and anything for almost two years now. He was ready for someone, something to come into his life. His family dead, he had no one. No mate, no friend. He was alone in the world, and that what made him him. And one other thing; he was blind. Blind from birth. He let out a sigh, yarped a pellet, then took off again into the night.


11:05pm Mar 29 2012

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Posts: 945

Reyna found something rustling in the grass. "Hello? Are.. are you ok? Where are you?" THen suddenly Reyna spotted a little bat injured in the grass. "I'm over here!" he cried. Reyna ran over towards the bat. She picked him up in her mouth and put him on her back. "i'l take you to somebody who knows how to heal you, and take care of you." She said, and started looking for the fox.

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