4:22pm Mar 30 2012
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Posts: 3
Name: Jagger Gender: Male Personality: Jagger is independent. He isn't one of those 'get-along-with' kind of coyote, he likes to be alone, but if you are in need, he will have your back and support you. Looks:
10:38am Mar 31 2012
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Posts: 123
[ Lol, Jagger~ For some reason that makes me smile. :D ]
Xaicus tried his best to ignore the sounds behind him. He had better things to do, after all. Finding a den to sleep in was at the top of that list. "If I can find a rabbit den, and evict the current residents, I should be able to fit in their burrow." he purred, more to himself than to Louanctus, who was flying a good height above him anyway. He half walked- half bounced along his chosen path. His mood was only improving as he got further away from the animals accusing him of being a 'housecat.' The very thought mad ehis fur start to puff for a moment, and he sat, licking it back down. He had hardly been given the time to focus much on his grooming lately, had he? "Well, I better take care of that now." he mused aloud, twisting himself to lick his back. Lou alighted on a nearby tree, looking down at the cat. 'I will never understand other species... Especially this one.' he thought, but was content for the moment to watch.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
11:14am Mar 31 2012
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Posts: 945
The owl pecked at her nose, hard, but she would let go. She took her paw and smashed the owl against the ground. "Supper time!" Reyna called. She then picked up the owl in her mouth, carried it over to the stream, and dropped Darious in the water. "I won't eat you, owl, but please, just leave me alone." Said Reyna, taking the bird out of the water with her paw and set him down on a rock and walked away towards Jethro the bat and Naomi the fox.
11:48am Mar 31 2012
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Posts: 4,873
{Recap please? I'f you guys dont mind if I dont get one I'll just jump in.}
Spirit: She looked at Naomi and started to walk away, geting the presesces that she nolonger needed to be their. Deesel: She howled again and ran into some brush without being seen. She croutched down about to attact the deer straying away from the others.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
11:52am Mar 31 2012
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Reyna smelt something awful.. something she had dealt with before.. "It's that wolf again!!" said Reyna. Then she spotted the deer. "Deer! Look out there's a wolf behind you!" Reyna called.
11:58am Mar 31 2012
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Darious laughed. "Just this once, Kitty." Darious said. He looked at his foot. It was bleeding badly, but he decided it wasn't a problem. He tried to take off, but because of the little shower, he couldn't. "Oh, and by the way, thanks for the shower." Darious joked, his voice still irritated. He hopped off i the direction he saw the Falcon go. He liked that little critter. He could hear something, but he wasn't sure what it was. It sounded like the falcon was near, and something was cleaning its self. Darious soon came into view of the Falcon. "Hey. Sorry about that earlier..." Darious said to the Falcon, unaware that Xaicus was near.
11:59am Mar 31 2012
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She perked her ears up and looked at her "What?!?" she mummered. Deesel: She pounced onto the deer and bit onto her bback then onto her spine.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:42pm Mar 31 2012
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Xaicus looked over at the white bird who had landed with his falcon friend, and considered him a moment. The owl was twice Lous size, but didn't seem to want to eat him, so he decided it best to go back to his grooming, and allow his feathered friend to socialize. Lou stared at the owl for a moment, trying to figure out what he was apologizing for. Insulting Xaicus? No, there was no reason for that, the flighty feline would forget about it in a few days time. "Sorry for what?" the falcon questioned, tilting his head- almost like a dog.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
8:54pm Mar 31 2012
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Posts: 1,997
Darious turned his head 90 degrees to the left, catching sight of Xaicus. He decided that he was no threat, and turned his head back to the Falcon. "For one, the fight. And for another," Darious said, looking at Xaicus for the last part. "insulting your friend." Darious finished.
9:28pm Mar 31 2012
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Posts: 123
Xaicus purred softly when he heard the apology turned to him, and continued to sit and groom himself. The falcon crooned softly, almost laughing. "We're in the wild, friend, fighting happens, and my friend is a feline- They seem to be born proud, he'll recover from the insult." He bobbed happily for a moment, seeming to only cheer further when Xaicus's ears flicked back.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
10:24pm Mar 31 2012
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Posts: 945
Reyna watched as the deer was taken down by the wolf. She hissed in anger, and ignored what the owl said. Reyna was about to attack, but then remembered she too had killed a deer before. It was just part of nature. But still... that wolf had the nerves to show up, after Reyna had pinned her to the ground? "Back for another spanking, are we?" asked Reyna in a irritated tone. "Come now, that wasn't very nice." She said.
10:35pm Mar 31 2012
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She let go and looked at the Lynx "You've done it befor!" she cackled. "It's in our blood. It's what we do! We need to survive dont we?" she barked along with a laugh that followed and she looked back at the deer. "Worthless.." she mummered.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
2:05am Apr 1 2012
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Posts: 895
Mammal (small):
Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why?: Very social.
Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones? I'm close to all of them.
Are you confident in your looks? Do you clean up nicely? I guess I'm confident. I clean up if I did a crime. Like a raccoon. /hint hint/
Favorite foods/noms? Fissssssssssh.
Your #1 fear? Animals coming out to kill me.
What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies) All of the above.
How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you?: Social, sometimes wanting to be alone.
What thing do you fear most of losing? >-< The person I love.
(C'mon, Nomz. I wanna be a raccoon. I loooovvveee raccoons.)
8:54pm Apr 1 2012
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Posts: 863
 Here BOB, you're a raccoon XD
8:55pm Apr 1 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi clumsily stumbled upon the Lynx and the Wolf quarreling. "The heck is goin on here!? What did I miss?" Said Naomi as she yawned.
8:58pm Apr 1 2012
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Posts: 4,873
She looked down to the deer 'Spirit' "Me about to have me lunch" she cackled. Spirit: She grunted and let out a loud screaching call.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
8:59pm Apr 1 2012 (last edited on 8:59pm Apr 1 2012)
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Posts: 863
Naomi's ears flicked
9:02pm Apr 1 2012
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Deesel looked to the fox and grunted "I guess your not going to help your little buddy"
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
9:11pm Apr 1 2012
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Posts: 863
"Oh! You mean the bat?" Naomi turned to reveal the small animal riding on her back. "I gotta find that lynx. She seemed awfully worried about the little guy, why did she pin him on me?"
9:12pm Apr 1 2012
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Posts: 4,873
Deesel growled and glanced at her "I mean the deer!"
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33