1:51pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Ven realized that there was nothing to fear and relaxed.
"Mick? Nicccce name." she said. "Sssssso....do you live here? Isss thissss your territory? I'm still looking for sssomewhere, mysssself." She coiled up a little tighter.
"Boring asssss heck around here..." she muttered.
5:04pm Feb 29 2012 (last edited on 5:05pm Feb 29 2012)
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Posts: 733
Bird or Bird of Prey: Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why?
I'm a solitary person, that's always been obvious to myself and those around me. I usually do well in small groups of around three people. I can't say I have a lot of friends. I have a couple people who I spend most of my time with. I guess I'm just not that social because I'm not very trusting of humans, and I have some good reasons for feeling this way that I'm not going to get into.
Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones? Ack, I'm going to be honest. I'm closer with my friends and animals (animals are family to me) than the people I live with. That doesn't mean I don't love them, I'm just not extremely close with them. However, I am pretty close with my cousin, I just don't see her very often. Your favorite colour(s)/shade(s)/colour spectrum(s)?
Favorite foods/noms?
PIZZA! I just love that stuff. I tend to lean towards fruit and meats like hamburger more than anything else.
What physical activities/sports do you enjoy the most?
I love running with my dogs, or jogging through the woods. I like keeping my feet busy with something a lot too, so soccer is something I play occasionally.
Are you a tidy person? Or is your room a total disaster zone?
I'm entirely OCD about certain things, but my room... that's not exactly one of them. It's not a disaster zone, it just has a lot of books strewn all over the floor, some papers from sketches, and polymer clay (sealed in baggies so it doesn't dry out) blocks... The clay is around my desk where I've been working with it, and the sketches are on the floor by my desk too. All the books are around my bed.
Um, Other than that things are tidy. If this makes any sense, I'd describe myself as a tidy but unorganized person. What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies)
I'm going to go with drama. I like a bit of almost everything mixed in with a story, a little bit of romance and action, but I really enjoy comedy too. Usually I lean towards drama though, it's what I usually write about.
How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you?
I guess I tend to like more realistic stuff in the animal category.
Do you have a good memory?
Yes, sometimes I remember too many little random facts that others don't. It gets annoying though when they forget some things and I don't...
Rate your own intelligence?
Um, I'm quite smart. I find it hard to connect with a lot of people due to this, I just don't feel they understand things the way I do... at least not on the same scale. I tend to find myself giving things a lot of thought, something my friends have observed (and pointed out) me doing in strategic games.

5:16pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 945
Reyna trotted alongside the river and decided to cross it in case the hunter had dogs. She waled in it, and walked in it going down river walking in the water. After a while she hopped out and walked towards what seemed to be a little cave...
5:18pm Feb 29 2012 (last edited on 5:19pm Feb 29 2012)
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Posts: 863
Guiven... You are...  The Golden Eagle! You are intelligent and mature, but can at times be naive. But it certainly doesnt bring down your stunning personality.
6:45pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 243
Mace had instinctively hid himself under the putrid swamp mud, and when all was silent again, he cautiously poked his head out into the clearing, still muttering to himself. A sudden silhouette flashed over him, the shape of some bird of prey, and Mace looked around. Wriggling himself out onto dry land, he cautiously took a couple steps out into the opening, feeling vulnerable already. A sudden ribbit interrupted his reverie and he decided that now would be a good time for a late night snack. Quietly strutting (unknowingly) towards the osprey, Mace suddenly focused his attention on a tastier, albeit more dangerous prey - a snake. He chuckled silently, his head bobbing up and down in glee, and stalked his prey, still completely unaware he was muttering to himself and that a certain womanizer of an osprey had seen him.
6:46pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 733
((Cool, golden eagles are awesome xD))
Name: Kieme (key-may)Gender: FemaleAppearance: Personality: Kieme is a deadly hunter, but she loves to mess around and show off acrobatic skills in the air. She isn't goofy or silly, more calm and collected. She just enjoys flying, and uses her skills to entertain herself in her spare time. She has a rather large hunting ground that she prospers greatly from, but she is also somewhat daring, and sometimes strays into another bird's territory to snatch prey or rarely to steal territory.
9:51pm Feb 29 2012 (last edited on 9:51pm Feb 29 2012)
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Posts: 863
Naomi became shaky from the harsh winter cold and lack of food. She needed to find a den soon...
Naomi weaved through the trees, leaving winding foxy footy prints everywhere. She hopped up onto a fallen tree and walked along it. Her ears pricked up as she heard a rustling in thehollow tree. She popped her head down and looked inside to see a white rabbit looking at her in fear. "Late for an important date are we Rabbit?" The animal took off and Naomi chased after it. The chase was on.
9:58pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 1,652
"Hate to be the bringer of bad news, my dear, but you might want to... erm... run." he grimaced a bit, staring down the same, goofy-looking Heron he had seen before.
What a disgusting excuse for a bird... he thought. The Heron didn't seem to notice him yet, so he expected the look of surprise when he jumped into the air, lighting on the middle of the large, water-bird's back. He twisted his head to look his fellow avian in the eye, blinking.
"Go back to your frogs, big guy. This one's with me."
10:01pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 863
Zooooom! A white rabbit bolted past the heron and the osprey. After the rabbit, came a dash of orange.
1:46am Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Ven gave a sharp hiss of alarm.
"Aieeeee!" she shrieked. She uncoiled herself and began slithering off at speed. She stopped and turned to Mick.
"Nicccce meeting you." she said, nodding her head. "Ssssee you sssssome other time, perhapsssss?" Ven looked around and then bolted away through the grass.
2:01pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 243
Mace's crest extended, and his pupils slitted, making him him seen larger than he really was. Shrieking in outrage at the loss of a meal (or maybe a friend), he twisted his head and gave the smaller avian a few sharp jabs of his beak. Not fatal, mind you, but they should've hurt all the same. "They're toads you blasted idiot! Toads!" He shrieked-croaked, flapping agitatedly and hopping around. Close contact, especially when he was vulnerable, made Mace especially psychotic, and uncontrollable. Writhing around, he did his best to throw off the osprey and get out of that accursed thing called "close contact." Still occasionally giving the smaller bird pecks and shaking himself and his passenger silly, Mace now commenced to stride unsteadily to his beloved river and marsh, where he planned to hopefully dive in and potentially drown himself.
2:04pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Ven watched from the safety of the very thick grass.
"I have no intention of being anyone'sssss lunch." she muttered, before coiling and looking vaguely like a rock. She hissed at a beetle that scuttled closer, makign it turn around and run away.
3:22pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Mick took the pecks without much notice, holding onto the Heron's back with an unusually calm look in his eyes. He looked expressionlessly over the marsh, blinking.
"You know I can swim, right?"
4:11pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 243
"Can't swim if the laddie can't breath." Mace responded with a fairly simple dip to the head. Suddenly pausing in confusion, he stared back at the osprey. "Oi! When'd you arrive chap? What were we discussing again? And d'yah mind getting off mah back? I getsa pretty touchy 'bout that kinda business y'know. Touch 'a brain fever when I was a wee chap, that sort of thing. But do tell me, what were we doing again before we started discussing the lovely business of drowning and death?" Twitching a moment, Mace paused and took a breath, and suddenly heard the familiar and reassuring croak of some nearby toad or frog. "Oh jolly good! Frogs are here, and where there be frogs, there be fish as my old pop used to say! Come, sup with me for a while? Mayhaps I can show you around this fantasically WONDERFUL nest I've made, lovely and close near the riverbed?"
Mace chattered on and on nervously, trying not to act like a total psychotic bird, but somehow still managing to do so anyways.
9:17pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 863
Naomi sat underneath an uprooted tree. She had finished her nice rabbit meal and was feeling full. Although it was difficult for her to take a nap due to the Heron's constant chattering. Naomi covered her ears with her paws and slept.
1:05am Mar 2 2012
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Posts: 81
Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why? Solitary.The last thing I want to do is talk to people
Your favorite colour(s)/shade(s)/colour spectrum(s)? Green,Silver,Black and Red Favorite foods/noms? I hate oily food...I eat mostly meat though,red meat Are you confident in your looks? Do you clean up nicely? Very.(had 17 admirers for Vday).Yes,I like things neat What is your strongest sense? (smell, sight, humor? Blah blah blah?) My smell and instinct.I can read people very well. Unamused? Very.
1:09am Mar 2 2012 (last edited on 1:09am Mar 2 2012)
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Posts: 863
Congratulations Serpent! You are...  A Garter Snake! What a miraculous surprise XD Have fun!
1:37am Mar 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 185
Do you consider yourself a solitary being or social butterfly? Why?
think I am more a solitary being when it comes to those outside my family. I’ve
never been one to randomly run up to someone and start up a conversation…
unless it involves someone dear to me.
Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones?
I am very close to my family… however; I am closer to those I live with (my
mom, little sister and adopted sister), my great uncle and my grandmother. I
still talk to the rest of my family though… granted it is not as much as I’d
Your favorite color(s)/Shade(s)/color spectrum(s)?
always been a huge fan of the color black and wear it all the time. That said,
I’ve also been a very colorful person; love rainbows. Specifically though my
favorite colors are as follows.
blue/sapphire blue
green/forest green
Favorite foods/noms?
actually a hard one…. I like all sorts of different kinds of foods… Like Orange
chicken, beef jerky, chicken fried rice, a baked potato with taco meat/sour
cream/cheese/hardboiled egg on top, salmon, shrimp, crab/lobster…. Lots of
other things. XD
What physical activities/sports do you enjoy the most?
hiking… not sure if you’d consider camping one…. And horseback riding.
Are you confident in your looks? Do you clean up nicely?
not yet 100% confident in how I look… but I’ve come a long way from where I
used to be (-10% is the best idea of how bad it used to be I can give you)… But
yes, I do clean up very nicely.
Do you enjoy wide, open spaces?
I do. The more room I have to explore without someone breathing down my neck,
the happier I am.
Are you a tidy person? Or is your room a disaster zone?
both……. XD I have an organized mess, persay…. I have a place for everything,
and every now and then things get out of hand and I “tornado clean” my room… I
really can’t stand not being able to see my floor or my bed… I guess that’s
what happens when you’re mom has OCD and you clean the house a lot. XD
What thing do you fear losing the most?
family… as far as I’m concerned; you can take our money, you can take our house
but if you even think about taking any member of my family away (this includes
pets) I shall fight to the bitter end to keep them safe.
Of which do you find yourself thinking about the most; past, present or the
the present…. Because I’m a firm believer in “You can’t change the past not
matter how hard you strew over it, but what you do in the present can change
your future.”
1:47am Mar 2 2012
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Posts: 2,052
Ven decided to come out of hiding.
"Bah, I don't need to hide." she hissed. "I can do what I like, thank you very much..." She slithered along at quite a speed. She noticed the beetle from before but this time it stayed away. Nevertheless, Ven glared at it, but did not hiss this time.
"I hate bugsssss...." she hissed.
9:26am Mar 2 2012 (last edited on 9:27am Mar 2 2012)
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Posts: 863
PerfectlyFlawed you are...  The Arctic Wolf! You are a stunning creature that is mature and knows how to handle her life and her pack. Have fun!