The Quiet Wilderness

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10:32am Mar 3 2012

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Posts: 2,052
Ven had fully swallowed the mouse by now and was slowly approaching the wolves. When she was close enough to be heard, she called out to them.

"Greetingsssss." Ven hissed, trying to sound friendly. "I thought I heard canine chatter. I'm Ven. Pleassssed to meet you." She coiled up her black serpentine body and waited, patiently. Normally she was nocturnal, but the search for a territory had driven her to search in daylight hours, too.

Adopt one today!

1:58pm Mar 3 2012

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Posts: 733
Kieme jerked her head around to look behind her. The forest sounds had now seemingly turned back on. She could hear a snake hissing somewhere in the undergrowth, and some sounds that sounded as if they were made by a couple of different canine species. She beat her wings, wondering whether she should take off again. Then she folded them again, figuring that she should probably rest for a while. Kieme was safe in the tree, and she'd been flying non-stop for the whole entire day. She could always build a nest here, and find something to eat before it got too late in the day.

Kieme looked around at the tree she was perched in, observing it carefully. She was looking for just the right branch to start building on, one that would be large enough to support the weight of a nest, and one that was high enough up to watch for danger and anything else that might come her way. Not that Kieme was worried, she was one of the largest things flying around out here, and female birds of prey were usually larger than the males.

Kieme's eyes settled on a thick branch a few feet below the one she was perched on. Perfect, she thought. Cautiously, she slipped off of her perch and fluttered down to her chosen branch. She wasted no time in checking the limb for weak spots in the wood, or places where water might collect and cause it to rot. She bounced up and down, and was satisfied when the branch didn't move. Next, she slid along the length of the limb, searching for the best place to start constructing her new home. Kieme decided to start building the platform of her nest near the base of the branch, where it met the trunk of the tree. She could always expand it later. 

Kieme cocked her head and looked around. She would need to find large fallen branches to construct the platform, or base of her nest. However, right now she was more concerned about what other creatures lived in this area. She paused to listen, wondering if she might come across anything interesting before she became absorbed in her work.


2:41pm Mar 3 2012

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Posts: 945
Reyna waled into the cave, sniffing around. It stunk like.. feces. She didn't want to make camp there, so she walked out and just decided to make camp a few yards away from it, in case it started to rain or snow or anything. She lay down in the soft grass. "Ahhhh.... this feels so good!" she said, rolling around in the patch. She then curled up and took a nap.


9:54pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 863
Naomi trotted along the train tracks, hoping not to be spotted by any humans today. Just then, a group of humans whizzed by on snomobiles, trying to catch the last bit of snow to ride on before the Spring melted it all away.

Naomi zoomed out of the way of the snowmobiles. So much for not being seen. The humans spotted her. They stopped their machines and pointed at her as Naomi stared at them briefly with her ears pricked up. These humans only wanted to observe... But still, can't trust any humans...

Naomi darted off into the nearest wooded area.

She trotted until she finally came across a safe place. It was an entire crop field away from the nearest road. It was a beautifully wooded area. There was a large dent in the land as if there used to be a stream flowing through there. Naomi cleared a patch of snow away and started digging.


10:01pm Mar 4 2012 (last edited on 10:01pm Mar 4 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 863

You may now play as a new animal:

Stray dog

Human's best companion can stray off into the wild and still have problems with the presence of the domestic humans as well as any other wild animal.

The quizzes will be updated.

You may also play as a second character!
But the character must be partnered up with your original character so you must play as both of them in the same post.

Just Rmail me and lemme know if you'd like to add a second character to your RP.


10:05pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Mick let out a warning screech as the humans on the strange, mechanical mounts stopped dead in the snow, making sure his cry would be heard for miles around. He knew the two-legs never hunted his kind, but was always uneasy around them regardless.


10:10pm Mar 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
Naomi's ears pricked up when she heard the loud screetch. She poked her head out of the trees she sheltered herself in and looked up to see a large bird circling in the sky a ways away.


10:16pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 4,873

{could i join?}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

10:17pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 863
(( Yes, you may join Spirit, just fill out a quiz )) :3


10:17pm Mar 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 945
Reyna started drifting off in sleep, when Whirrrrrrrrrr! and Screeeeeeeeach! awoke her. She stood up, annoyed. "I hate birds!! And humans! Said Reyna. "They are both annoying. And dogs! Hate them too. I just hate everything!!!" Reyna roared. She walked further and further away from the noise and walked up a hill. At the top of the hill there were some train tracks. She decided to wait for the next train in the station. She walked underneath the rain guard and sat on the bench, scaring a few humans away.


10:21pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 863
((Lawl Merl, hates everything XD ))

Naomi then quietly observed from the treeline, she could see an angry kitty, frightening some humans.

Naomi thought to herself:

"Whatch it, Cat... Those humans will kill you if they find out you're in their territory..."


11:05pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 185
After a brief conversation, Naomi the red fox that Alyce had been talking to had left. With a slight sigh, from being alone again, Alyce bounded off in the direction of her claimed land.

Her solid white pelt  ruffled slightly as she trotted back to her newly claimed home.

Once there she let out a long and melodic howl, seeing if there really were other wolves in the area.


11:14pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 863
So much activity... Naomi's ears were twirling around like satelites. Listening to all the calls being sounded in the area.

Just to mess with the other animals. Naomi let out the blood-curdling call of a frightened fox. "Heheheh..."


1:45pm Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 14
ooc/ Uhm. I posted my quiz last night, and it is no longer here o.0 Should I redo it or..?


5:25pm Mar 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
Yes Chip, because it didnt seem to appear :p Looks llike the forum ate it.


3:09am Mar 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 155

Ok. I don't know witch one I want so can I be all 3? At all at once tho. Maybe. I'm a chick.



Mammal (small):

Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why?

Not sure. Online I like to talk to peolpes. I'm looking for a good chatroom right now. But in real life I'm pretty much stuck at home. I have just the one friend who comes over. 

Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones?

Yes. I love my parents very much and they love.  I have a older borther who I didn't like much when I was young but now am glad to have in my life. I also have a tiwn sister. She a mender of this site but dose not RP. Sometimes I hate her a lot, others we are playing.

Are you confident in your looks?  Kind of yes. I mean I am pretty,pretty but I'm also fat. But not to fat. Got a big butt witch black men just love. Don't know why black guys like big booty, they just do. Maybe some day I will. I wear glassess to see. I'm very near sited. That means I can only see things close up to my face. And I hate to say this but I got a little bit of a beard on my chin. At this poit I feel i should say that sometimes I wish I was younger. Why? Why not? I bet your young but I'm a white brown hair 33 year old woman. So if you know what one of those look like, you got me.

   Do you clean up nicely? I'm not sure what that means. I like to take a shower once a weak, if I can. I start with the body. I prefur shower gel to the soap bar. I get up top then my bottum and then down there. Then my hair, 2 wash-izz and then I'm done. I do not like to wash my hands. I try and not let gross thing bother me. If a peice of my food lands on the floor and is not dusty or have hair on it when I pick it up, I'll eat it. If I see a bug in my drank, I'll take it out and keep right on dranking it. And I don't mind to much picking things up off the floor but I hate biding over. It hurts.


Favorite foods/noms?

PIZZA! And ice cream.

Your #1 fear?

Not sure. Kind of 3 things. Loseing my cable, loseing my glassess, and the end of the world.


What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies)
Don't really read apart from RPGs,ha. And I don't have a type of book I prefur over others. The last book I brodte and read was 'Howl's moving castle". It preet good and wierd. Way more detail then the movie. I would call it a fantasy book. I do like fantasy. In fact most of the books I have read have been fantasy. So fantasy i guess.

How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you?
Well my black friend Bryan thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. He loves my looks. My big boobs and big butt best of all. But he dose think I;m nice, I'm sure. I like telling him things he didn't know, filling his brain with the things I've learn in my long life.

As for the guys in my head they may think I'm crule. Since all I do to them is make them gay or have them tickle. Its my thing. But for some of them I give them life so I guss they think of me as there mommy. I could go on. Want me to?

What thing do you fear most of losing?

My parents. I don't know what I would with out them. (Yeah. I still live with them.)

Mammal (hooved):

Are you confident in your looks? Do you clean up nicely?

I have soft skin.

Favorite foods/noms?


Your #1 fear?

Pukeing blood.

Your favorite colour(s)/shade(s)/colour spectrum(s)?


What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies) Same.
How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you?same

Do you enjoy wide open spaces?

no. I prefur indoors with A.C.

Mammal (paws):

Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why?
I like to talk about myself but I'm not vain.

Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones? Yes

Your favorite colour(s)/shade(s)/colour spectrum(s)?

Still green but I like blue as well.

Favorite foods/noms?

junk food

What physical activities/sports do you enjoy the most? Nun.

Are you confident in your looks?Sure, why not? Do you clean up nicely?Yes.

Do you enjoy wide open spaces?Nope.

Are you a tidy person? Or is your room a total disaster zone? I haven't really clean my room in over 6 years. Dose that answer your question?

What thing do you fear most of losing?My parents, my games and ste-mes and my house.

Of which do you find yourself thinking about the most? Past, present, or future?
Well I do miss the 80s and 90s but I do find myself thinking sbout what I will do today, making plans and such. So I would have to say the future. 


7:16pm Mar 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

{{Uhh?? Wheres the quiz?}}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:30pm Mar 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 54
[I want to try...never rp'd anything like this before]
Mammal (small)
Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why? 
I actually do consider myself as a social butterfly, even though sometimes I prefer to be alone on certain occasions.

Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones? 
Yeah I'm very close to my daddy, my uncle Flex(that's what we call him), auntie Shawn and my cousins. All on my dad side.

Are you confident in your looks? Do you clean up nicely? 
I'm pretty confident. Not all the time, meaning my hair, I like the wild look and so does my bf :).

Favorite foods/noms? 

Your #1 fear? 
I actually have two. Roachs*shudders* and losing those who are very close to me.

What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies) 
I love reading comedy and fantasy books.

How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you? 
My friends would say that I'm crazy, have anger problems, a fun person to hang around with.

What thing do you fear most of losing?
My phone(how will I text my bf?), laptop and my 3ds


7:48pm Mar 7 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

Mammal (small):

Do you consider yourself solitary or a social butterfly? Why?

I have no clue yet... 

Are you close to your family members? If so, which ones?

Yes, My grandmaw grandpaw mom dad and brother

Are you confident in your looks?  Ok i admit i am some what but since im a country girl not that much. But i throw stuff on that looks great togather and me not even notice.

Do you clean up nicely? No  do not! I get down and dirty ok? I have to train my horses and stuff like that so if your asking what i think your asking. I guess not. I shower once a week and still ride my horses.  And i be like Ohh well!

Favorite foods/noms?

Hmm...... STEAK! 

Your #1 fear?

Ehh.... i guess Jeepers Creepers? XD or freddy cruger! XDDD

What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies)
I like dramma,action,comedy and Romance.

How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you?
Ok so my bff {{boy named Jason}} Loves my looks and how fun i am. He loves everything about me and also how I'm a country girl! =D

What thing do you fear most of losing?

My family and my brother it would be verry tragic for me if i lost them. Also the same things for my 2 bffs

Mammal (hooved):

Are you confident in your looks? Do you clean up nicely?

Ehh........ Like i sead..... Nope
Favorite foods/noms?


Your #1 fear?

Your favorite colour(s)/shade(s)/colour spectrum(s)?

What sort of literature do you enjoy? Romance? Drama? Action? Comedy? (LITERATURE, not movies)

Action,Drama, and Comedy

How would your friends/imaginary friends/stuffed animals describe you?same

Do you enjoy wide open spaces?



I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

7:24am Mar 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
If you wish to RP with two characters I would like you to specify which character will be you and which will be your partner.

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