The Sacrifice

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1:34am Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 3:37pm Jul 18 2011)

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Posts: 1,338
“And the name drawn is…..” A pause. “Kerry Rice.”

Several gasps came out of the crowd. In the back of the room, a woman broke down and fell to her knees. She was hysterically crying. “Not my baby…” She cooed, holding a teen in her arms. “Not my baby….” The woman would not let go.

“Mother.” The girl said sharply, pushing herself away from her mom angrily. “Let me go. I am NOT your child anymore.” The girl’s tongue was not as sharp as her next actions. She slapped her mother across the face, causing her to hit the ground with such force, the floor shook. 

“Kerry…” The woman cried still, not even caring that her only girl had just hit her.

The girl didn’t even look back as she pushed her way to the crowd. Several more people tried to stop her, but as their bare flesh touched her, they all cried in pain; their hands burned as if they were on fire.

It didn’t take long…. Finally, the girl reached the stage. She nodded to the person in charge, keeping her head held high. She turned to face the crowd, not a tear on her porcelain face. Not a single morsel of regret in her ice-blue eyes. Not even a gust of wind could move her long, wavy blonde hair. No, this girl was prepared.

Then, in front of the large crowd, a man came out and stabbed the girl, right where her heart laid. 

Even then, not a peep of sound was made from the girl. She fell to her knees, blood coming from both her wound and her mouth. “For the good of the town….” She choked out. Then, as her limp body hit the floor, there was nothing but silence throughout the room.


“Ian…” A voice called out. “Ian!” 

“What?” Ian said crossly to his friend. “I know what you’re going to say… And spare me the details.” The boy turned away from his friend, trying to hide the tears that streaked down his face.

“She was your sister….” The other boy said, resting a hand on Ian’s shoulder. “And she died for a good cause! For the sake of the town… For the sake of crops! For the sake of our lives…”

Ian turned to face his friend. “She was the most talented one in the village….” Ian said angrily, glaring at his friend with large, black eyes. “I don’t give a damn about the town!” He shouted at him, almost preparing to hit him as Kerry did to their mother.

“Ian.” The boy said, as calm as ever. “Be proud…” And with this, the teen left, leaving his friend to mourn in peace.


Another year had passed, and it was time for the next drawing. Who will be the next sacrifice? 



In a small town, place unknown for now, the Elders put names into a jar. Only the names of the gifted ones, and only ones that are under the age of 25. Each year, a single name is drawn from the jar, and that person is the sacrifice to the gods. Most are compliant, and see it for the good of the town. Others, are not so much. In a month, it will be time for the next drawing… Who will be the sacrifice this year? 

Dumbed down version:

Name drawn from jar each year. Only powered people, age 10-25, are in the jar. Person drawn dies for sacrifice to the Gods. 1 month = time for drawing. Who will be picked?


-Listen to me, and read these please.-

-No GM / PP / Mary sues.-

-Each powered teen may only have a single power.-

-Ask to join, as this is a semi-lit to literate Rp.-

- ^^^ That means, at least 2 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each, with proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.-

-Be active. We will not go more than a page without any 1 person. At that time, I will R-mail you. If you leave for a while, be sure to inform all of us on this thread, or through R-mail just to me.-

-Yes, someone will die. It will be chosen at random. Don’t get all butt hurt if your character is chosen to die…. If you have any issues with it, R-mail me.-

-…… What’s your favorite movie? Post a single link of some of your work, Rping, of course, when you ask to join-

- c: I love you all, even if I do say that you are not able to join. ^^ -

-Ages 15-25 please.-

-Romance encouraged. Violence wanted. Keep everything PG 15 though. >.>-

-All other Res rules apply.-

-No gays/bis/lesbians. Sorry, I’m just not good at Rping them.-

-This is half medieval time. No, they are not advanced… Still use horses and old-age machinery to plow fields and such. Etc. They do have more advances clothes though: Jean type pants, T-shirts, blah blah blah.-

-You’ll notice that there are no ‘crush’ or ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ on the bio skeleton. This is because I don’t want premeditated crushes! D< Romance as the Rp goes along….-

-Thou shall not join if your username starts with C and ends with H and has only two letters- That one is just for you, CH. ;D

Bio Skeleton:

Name: [First and last]
Age: [If you read the rules…. >.>]
Gender: [Girl? Boy?]
Powered/normal?: [Do you have to ask…?]
Personality: [No ‘RP it out’ Or 'Shy, kind, can be mean when angry']
Power: [Just 1.]
Other: [No pets.]
Looks/Deion: [Self exclamatory?]

-My bios-

Ian Rice
Ian used to be that ‘fun-loving’, risk-taking, adrenaline junkie type of guy. Even since his sister was sacrificed, though, Ian has become bitter, angry, and a bit of a jerk. He hates the idea that Kerry was chosen, and he fears that he will be chosen next, though he would never admit that. Ian isn’t the type of guy you can talk to anymore, he will hardly give you the light of day. Don’t expect anything from him… It won’t happen.
Ian can shock people on contact, flesh to flesh. He can’t really control it, so he usually keeps wrapped up, gloves, jackets, long pants, etc. Even in the summer…. Ian also has the ability to control the weather, though he doesn’t tell anyone that. (The shock comes from electricity in the air and such. They go hand in hand…. >.>)
Sister died last year… Not much really. O.o
Ian is tall, fit, and toned. Ian stands at about 6’ 4”, and isn’t anywhere near a twig. Ian has muscles, but they aren’t bulging or thick or anything like that. And, the muscles that he does have, are toned, and not masked under layers of fat. Ian has a sun-kissed skin tone, courtesy of working long hours in the sun. His hair is a dirty blonde color, bleached lighter by the sun, again, and it turns a darker brown color in the winter. Ian hair is long-ish, ‘skater’ long, if you get what I mean. It goes to about mid-neck or so. 
His eyes are black, pure black, and when she shocks someone, his eyes get a red rim around the pupils. He also has a small row of dark brown freckles that run across the bridge of his nose across the edges of his cheeks. 
Ian is usually seen in long pants, closed toed tennis shoes, long sleeved shirts, and usually work gloves. (He is usually working in the fields so… It’s not weird to see him wearing them. o.o)


Angela Winston (Ange)
Angela personally hates her community. She would bring the whole thing down if she could… That is, if she had an army behind her. Ange is the ‘conspiracy’ type of girl, thinking that their Elders are insane and out to kill them all… Which, ironically, is kind of true. Angela is not afraid to speak her mind as well, and is constantly getting in trouble for speaking ill of the counsel. She was even made a ‘public display’ in the town square. Ange was chained to a tree and wasn’t able to eat or drink anything for two days. Ever since, she has been rather cautious about who she spiels to. Though, she doesn’t much trust anyone in the first place.
Angela is able to shift into any type of canine, including wolves. Though, she likes to stay human.
Uhh… No, not much. o.o
Angela is quite petite. She only stands at 5’ 3” and has olive colored skin, naturally, and she doesn’t get much darker, or lighter, no matter what season it is. Ange has middle-of-the-back long black hair, that she usually keeps tied up, and straight cut bangs. Her eyes are almond shaped and a hazel green-brown eyes. Her skin is otherwise flawless, though, she keeps great care of it.
Angela has an athletic body type, she’s not ‘fat’, or real ‘skinny’ either. Though, she is curvy in… -Cough- All the ‘right’ places. Ange is usually wearing shorts and a tank top, her hair up, as I said before. 

-New characters, don’t diss. >[ -

-Ian Rice-
-Angela Winston-

-Nikki Smith-

-Avalia Okinari-


-Drein 'Drew' Ivory-


1:37am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((hey Shasta, save a boy/girl spot? I am lit, but I am on my iPad, so I can't type properly...))

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1:40am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Feyth, there is an unlimited amount of characters, so there is no need to save a spot. ^^))


1:40am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((alright, fine, but I call controlling water and shapeshifting into a cheetah!))

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10:28am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 7,283

I wanted to have another role play with you SOOO bad, that I actually was about to follow your bio skelly rule and make up some random personalities for my charactars.

Lol jkjkjk, I have to go. Join later. I willll put my favorite movie and all that later too, if that's alright. I'm in a hurry.
-post reservedfor bios.-

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

10:42am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828

Ooc; May I join, Shaste? Here's a link to my rping.
Copy, paste.

Also, if I may join, I'll reserve telekinesis.

hello my name is elder price

2:36pm Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 7,283

Instead of reserving that post for biographies and such, I'll just make a new post so I can read all the rules and stuffs.

Okayy first, may I join?

Second, I have role played with you, do you still want a link?

THIRDLY, my favorite movie at the moment is Spiderman three. I'm IN LOVE with it <3
Either that, or Beastly. Which I haven't seen, but know its amazing because I've read the book. xD

I'll post my bios because I doubt you'll say no to me...
*Bats eyes to Shaste*
You can't say I can't KNOW you can't <333

Name: Nikki Smith
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Powered/Normal?: Normal xD

Personality: Nikki is sometimes very shy, but if you talk with her one on one, she opens up a bit more easily. She also tends to have two sides. Sometimes very stubborn, sometimes doing anything she can to please you. She becomes very moody. Like I said before, sometimes shy. But sometimes, she easily can stand up to anyone and say how she feels.
Power: She doesn't have one, because I made her normal. xD


Other: If I think of something, I'll tell you. xD

^^ I'm still working on her through another rp. That's all I have to describe her for personality so far. Kind of like seeing where she goes. So, don't be all 'omgthat'ssohorribleCH,justhorribleihatenikkishessuchamarysueihateherblahblahblah...' UGH haha :)

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

4:55pm Jul 17 2011 (last edited on 3:54pm Jul 18 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

((Haven't been in any recent roleplays and the ones I am in are still in bio stage, I hope my bio will speak for itself.))


Name: Avalia Okinari
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Powered/normal?: Powered
Personality: Despite the fact that she is rich, filthy rich, she is actually a kind person. She simply loves to help others out in times of need, but she is also careful with her money and does not give it out to random people she meets unless they have a viable reason for needing it. Unfortunately, everybody has flaws and hers are major. For one, she is a huge klutz, always tripping over things and breaking stuff. Despite this, she is still popular, if only for the fact that she has a huge amount of money. She is quite smart and a fairly average artist, but, when she was 7, she had a seizure and now, as a result, her hands shake with little tremors. Usually, though, this only is a problem when she is writing or drawing. Never mind her growing popularity, all Avalia really wants is a friend who would stick with her even if she was dirt poor, but so far, she has had no luck finding one.
Power: She can shapeshift into Two different Animals, A bat, and a panther. (If that counts as two powers. it shall be just the panther)
Other: Nothing of Interest
::Human::  In her normal form, she is a small 18 year old girl with large blue irises, dotted with silver flecks. Her hair is shoulder-length looks like it was spun from gold, which is good because it distracts people from her acne covered face. Of course, she does use makeup, but it only seems to make her break out more. Her nose is petite and tiny, like that of a cats because of the more prominent upside down triangle that it seems to make. Her lips are dry and crack, most of the time, but when they aren't it means that she hasn't been to the pool in a while, a most unusual thing, being that she tries to go everyday. As for her body, she is not too curvy, strange for being 18, but this is most likely because of all the excursive she does, she never has extra fat, meaning that she doesn't have a large chest, which is useful in swimming. Her second and third toe on each foot are webbed together, not all the way, but enough so that she can't wear the toe socks her mother got her on her 5th christmas. She can usually be seen wearing a pair of denim jeans with some rips and a sky blue T-shirt. Avalia normally likes to adorn her outfit with various bracelets and pony tail holders that just happen to sit, collecting dust, on her dresser. On her shoulder, her left one, is a birthmark in an unnatural shape. If you look from far away when she is clothed in her bathing suit, it looks like a blob, but closer up, really close, it resembles more of a cat like blob with disformed wings and a mermaid tail. She likes to pretend it is a tatoo. 
::Bat:: In her flight form, she looks, obviously, nothing like her human form. For one thing, she is a bat. She has short, silky, grey fur and black eyes with silver flecks. Her ears are long, pointed, and broad, good for hearing quiet things, such as the silent beat of a moth's paper wings. Her wingspan is about 160 centimeters long, while her boy length is only 40 cm. She has a long tongue used specifically for sucking the juice and nectar from fruits or flowers. Being on the larger side, she must land in order to get the fruit, but an advantage of this is that she can eat the fruit instead of her brethren who must only slurp the insides. 
::Panther:: In her final form, she is a sleek, black cat. Instead of her fur or smooth skin being grey, it's is black and short. Her eyes are the same as her humans, but filled with less emotion, in this form you cam rarely tell what she is thinking or feeling. In this form, she isn't a klutz as she is in her human form because her long tail helps her balance and not knock into things. For some unknown reason, this form has a horribly high tolerance for pain, which, instead of being helpful, makes it worse. She cannot tell when she is hurt in this form unless it is a fatal wound. One her maw are small white dots that look as if snow fell atop it and never melted. 

Name: Guen Okinari
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powered/normal?: Powered
Personality: Guen, although Avalia's twin, is an entirely different person. For one, he is horrible with his money, always spending it on any new things that he finds. He loves to buy clothes and alwats seems to have the best of everything. He doesn't work in the fields with the servents, as his sister likes to do, instead he sits around the house commanding servents. He has a secret dream to be a fighter, but with the way he eats and gains weight, it is slowly growing just out of his grasp.
Power: He can bend water to his will, able to make it into ice or gas at his will.
Other: Avalia is his twin
Copy and Paste... is unfortunately, my new best friend... -_-'


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6:00pm Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Mkay, Feyth. But, if you could post a link of at least one of your Rps or so.... And edit your bio so everyone can read them, that would be appriciated. ^^

Shadow: Thank you. c: And of course you can join. :D

CH: Unacceptable! D< Hehe, just kidding. c: Accepted. ^^))


6:18pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 7,283

At first, I didn't read your whole reply and just saw the 'unnacceptable D<' part, and I literally was about to cry. Like my heart skipped a beat D:
Bahahahahaha xD

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

6:47pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 6,948
((Shaste, I haven't been in an rp in a while. The ones I were are deleted...))

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7:01pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((CH.... xDD Hehe, Yeah! :D

Feyth, it's okay. c: But, your bios are still in like, symbols. o.o))


7:04pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 6,948
((oh, I see, one sec))

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8:11pm Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((May I join? Yeah, I decided on joining. ^^;
Here be a RP example.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:13pm Jul 17 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Loki. xD Yes, please join. c:))


12:10pm Jul 18 2011

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Posts: 7,283

Bumps for Shaste <3423

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

1:17pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 1:46pm Jul 18 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Does Shaste need an example from Rika? o3o

Because Rika hasn't rleplayed in two weeks and would be required to dig to find something decent. :U -roleplays with ANYBODY lol-

Ooh, but maybe my roleplays with Reina could- WAIT. My InuYasha roleplay has decent length. 8D If you need examples I can go hunt it down? <3



Actually, here ya go. :U 

That's when the rolepaly actually started. xD;)) 


1:37pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 1:38pm Jul 18 2011)

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Posts: 3,426
Drein "Drew" Ivory
Despite his gentle and shy looks, Drew's a rather serious young man. He is quiet and often lost in thought, and prefers to keep to himself even thought he doesn't outright reject anyone who approaches him. He has a sharp tongue, and is usually over-emotional, prone to breakdowns and moodswings.
He despises the village and their rules, but is too scared to leave the only place he'd ever known. He didn't know his father, who'd died in an accident out hunting, and his mother had him when she was only 16. She had powers as well. She had been a beautiful water bender, and when she was 25, just a month before her 26th birthday, her name was chosen in the jar and Drew, being only 9, had been forced to watch his own mother killed.
Soon after that, he discovered his own powers. He'd been somewhat "special" before, but it was only after his monther's death that his powers became clear and defined.
Drein's power is very strange and complex. In short, he controls raw energy in the form of a lion.
His powers are contained outside his body and he draws from it when he needs it. The energy takes the form of a young white lion cub, always in comatose hovering over his left shoulder. It is not an animal. It is completely soulless, raw energy that takes the form of what's assumed to be Drein's spirit animal counterpart. It appears solid and fades as Drein draws his power from it. The more  power he draws, the translucent it becomes, then become solid looking when the energy is "returned" to it or recovered as time passes. The energy is kept outside his body because he can't control it, at least not all of it.
When he draws the energy into his own body, it changes his appearance slightly depending on the amount of energy flowing through him. Just a little bit will change his eyes a piercing white except for the pupils and a black rim around the irises, defining them from the rest of his eyes. Next, his hair will turn white if he draws even more power. It will start at the roots then spread out.
That's about as far as he can go while still safely controlling the energy. When he draws too much out, it becomes dangerous. At that point, lion ears and a tail will form on him. He wont actually grow ears and a tail, but they'll form from energy. They can be physically touched, although it's not recommended to get so near him, and feel hot to the touch. When this happens, he starts losing control of his mind. He'll get woosy and not think strait, still able to speak but it's jumbled. About the only thing he can do properly in this state is fight on instinct.
The final "stage" of his power is that his hair will seem grow longer, shaping over his shoulders like a mane, and he'll get energy "claws and fangs." Once again, they all aren't "real." They're simply composed of energy that, on his white skin and already white hair, look real. Apparently at this point, Drein passes out and moves on pure instincs controlled by the energy. He acts like a lion, roaring and fighting anything that gets near him. He becomes very violent and destructive, only stopping once he'd "knocked out" from a blow to the head. At this point, the little lion cub is a faint ghost. When he wakes up again, Drein'll be back to normal and not remember anything that happened.
Drien believes it might be possible to actually take the form of a lion if he drew all his power into his body, but of course he'd never do that. He'd probably end up killing everyone or fighting until he dies from wounds or exhaustion if that happened.
Also, only he can touch the lion cub. It'll horribly burn any one else. Not a good idea to touch raw energy, you know?
Not that I can think of... x.x *fried his brain*

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

2:16pm Jul 18 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Actually not going to join because I probably won't be on for a week. Have fun, guys. :D

hello my name is elder price

3:33pm Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 3:34pm Jul 18 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,338
((Aww... It's okay, Shadow. ^^ Have fun! :D

Accepted, Loki. c:

Rika may join. ^^))

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