((IF ANY OF YOU {Besides Loki. <3} CAN TELL ME WHO THIS IS I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. Because you know my current obsession. :U))
Name: Ian Maverick
Age: 24
Gender: Dude, he's obviously a dude.
Powered/normal?: POWERED.
Personality: He's very chill and relaxced, and seems to love everyone and everything around him. He randomly snaps sometimes and goes off on a rampage, but that's not the point. Overall, he's a lovable, huggable dude that wants to have lots and lots of friends. 8D
He is an auramancer. He can control the aura of himself and other livings creatures, but not other humans. He can use his own aura to create a longsword that is constantly flowing with his energy. His aura is a deep purple when he uses his sword, and he can even use it to create projectiles and such of the same color. His projectiles are more commonly used from the auras of trees and such, since all living things have an aura of their own.Other: Asdkjhaakl. BI. :U Just in case some romance happens later on LOLOL. |D