8:21pm Feb 12 2010
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(( nice. I'll start! )) Felix sat on the thick tree branch, sheltered from the pouring rain. His one leg hung down and swung gently. His eyes were half open and fixed on a small blue glowing egg in his hand. He sighed and he leaned backwards against the thick tree trunk, unable to draw his gaze away from the egg. it was the color of a beautiful blue with strange glowing blue markings on it. Yet it was warm in his hands, as if ire was inside it's heart. A raindrop fell onto Felix's nose and dripped down. He sighed and closed his eyes, feeling the tiny heartbeat within the egg. The sky boomed with thunder and lightning streaked across the sky. Rain continued to pour and night settled upon the cliff. Felix stared at the sky, the cliff in front of the tree steep and huge, ending with crashing waves. The tree swayed, but he trusted it's strength and remained still. He closed his eyes, listening to the loud boom of the waters as they crashed against the cliff and the gentle rustlings of the tree as it swayed and danced with the blowing wind.
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8:21pm Feb 12 2010
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(( I have now set a setting weather and time for you. It's currently night and it is storming. ))
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8:30pm Feb 12 2010
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Rosemary huddled up her new dragon and bolded the cold, and weather. She ran by a tree, Not even noticing a boy sitting in it. She continued on until she reached a shallow cave in the shear rock. She panted and lie her head against the rock. Soon enough Saphire crawled her way out of the jacket and chirped.
8:35pm Feb 12 2010
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Human Bio,
Name: Alexander Age: 18 Gender: Male. I mean, just look at him! -drool- Looks:  Personality: He's pretty too himself, but he's not afraid to speak his mind. He's also kind of a rocker, only less...insane, I guess. He's much calmer and cooler than a lot of rock-stars are these days...probably because he isn't one yet. He wants to be, though, so he practices with his guitar almost every day. Other: He actually owns a guitar, yes. The one in his photo. c: ~~~~ Creature Bio
Name: Natalya Element: FIREZ. Looks: Natalya is tall and slender and wears a black dress that fits her pretty tight, accentuating her girly curves. She has beautiful eyes that are silver around the pupil and all the way to the edge where they darken to blue, colored like diamonds. She has long blond hair, which is naturally curly, as well as bright red fox ears that poke out of her golden curls. Her tail is silver, tipped with red, and is very soft and silky to the touch. She also has sharp fangs that tend to poke into her lower lip. c: Other: Hrrrrr~ Nothing that I can think of. c: Personality: She is very sweet and gentle, as well as outgoing, a direct contradiction to Alex. She's always willing to lend a helping hand, eager to aid someone that needs it. History: Errr...nothing important. .3. ((Isn't Alex so smexy? C|))

8:36pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Erm... Foxpyres are not born from eggs... They are just...born. So, is it okay is Natalya is around Alex's age, but they just met up...? .3.))
8:45pm Feb 12 2010
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Felix's peripheral vision saw movement and he turned slightly, seeing the vanishing tail of a dragon and the whip of hair as a girl and the dragon vanished into the cave near him. He cocked his head curiously.
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8:50pm Feb 12 2010
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(( Yush It is okay, o3o ))
8:52pm Feb 12 2010
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((Hokai~ -types up intro- c:))
8:56pm Feb 12 2010
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Saphire stuck her head out of the shallow cave and looked around. Rain bounced off of her muzzle and soaked the soft fur on her belly. Rosemary yanked her back in. "Bad! Don't di that again!" Rose said, Scolding her. Saphire totally ignored her and began chasing a mouse. Rosemary sighed.
9:03pm Feb 12 2010
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The rain was falling pretty heavily. It was hammering out its anger against all nature, especially anyone stupid enough to be out in it. Like a tall, dark-haired boy carrying a guitar and walking with a girl with ears and a tail. Alexander didn't really mind the rain, while Natalya, the fox-girl, really did mind it and was whining at Alexander to find them shelter before she ended up soaked worse than a drowned rat. Alexander waved it off. "I will, I will," he told her. As they walked, Natalya noticed a cave and, seeing as her curls were now straight and plastered against her face, she grabbed onto Alex's wrist to drag him with her, not really noticing that the cave was occupied since the rain made her sense of smell useless and the sound of the rain was overpowering any other sounds in the area. So Natalya pulled Alexander into the cave and shook out her hair, plopping onto the ground with a huff as water dripped from her hair. She hated being cold and wet like this. ((c:))
9:16pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 9:16pm Feb 12 2010)
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(( LoL I can picture that. )) Felix chuckled silently from high up in the tree. "It seems that I am the only one actually out in the rain and is enjoying it..." he said quietly in a smooth and quiet voice. Yes. Very nice. I wonder... Do they consider you insane? The voice said, a hint of humor in it's smooth and soft voice. Felix's silent laughter shook through him. "Your so kind Sythe. Do remember that you are an egg and there is a cliff right in front of me." Felix said quietly. I remember. I wonder, how cold the water is. Shall I help you get a running jump? The voice said sarcastically. Felix chuckled. "Your an egg? Have no hands? Can't really push?" He said, chuckling. The egg rocked slightly. Oh look! I pushed something! Wonders everywhere. The voice teased. Felix sighed. Soon, I will hatch.. The voice said, it's tone now serious again. Felix smiled. "I know..." he whispered.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:17pm Feb 12 2010
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A black egg with purply-red markings sat on a high ledge, on the side of mountain. A strong gust of wind managed to push it from it's nest. The sphere plumited off the side of the crag and smacked against the rock, but did not break. Down and down it fell until it landed on the ground at the base if it's home with a sickening crack. However, the egg remained hole excluding a small slit near the top. And it layed there. ---- Kio rushed through the trees, trying to blend into the shadows. He came across an egg and grinned ferally. He poked it and snorted. 'Stupid, irrisponcible parenting. Humph.' And the demon walked off, leaving the egg to rot.
9:25pm Feb 12 2010
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((Ffff. Alexander loves the rain. But Natalya has vampiric strength. xD))
9:32pm Feb 12 2010
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Rosemary noticed the other's coming in. "Why hello." She said, Chuckling slightly. Saphire tumbled around at rose's feet. "Now stop that, Saphire." She said in a stern voice to the dragon. "I'm sorry, moma." Said the dragon, sulking of to the back of the cave.
9:42pm Feb 12 2010
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Felix sighed and he slipped the egg into the quiver on his back that held his silver arrows. slipping his bow into it's special holder behind the quiver, he stood up and gazed down at the rain soaked ground. Very carefully, he tensed, then jumped, landing on all fours like a cat. His eyes gleamed in the darkness and he bared his almost pointed teeth. In the dark, he looked like a wild cat, eyes intent on it's prey. Felix stayed on all fours, gazing at the cave with his cat like eyes. He smiled slightly. He prowled around the base of the oak tree and sat there, once again, looking like a wild cat, gazing calmly at the cat as if it knew that it's prey was in there. (( *hint hint* ))
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9:52pm Feb 12 2010
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Saphire sensed the danger of being hurt outside of the cave. She growled. "Mum, there is something out there." She said, very worried. Rosemary just ignored her and went off to the back of the cave and face planted herself into her army style pack. She sat up on her knee's and spoke again. "Hey, I have a idea. Let's just go to sleep." And with that, she was out like a light.
9:54pm Feb 12 2010
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Felix slipped through the shadows, his cat like eyes never leaving the cave. They seemed to glow in the dark as he blended and moved like the shadows. Very slowly, he drew closer and closer to the cave. His black hair hung limp against his neck and his clothes were getting soaked through. But he did not mind. He grew up in the wild in a place where it rained often. He eyed the cave with wary, but intense eyes.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:56pm Feb 12 2010
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(( RIKA! I need you to post so it can be morning and then I can train saphire and have her magically grow like in eragon! >:C ))
10:15pm Feb 12 2010
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((I have other RPs tooo! -flailwhine-)) After a while, Alexander huffed. "You know what, Natalya? You can stay in the cave if you want, but I happen to like the rian," he stated as he headed outside, only to get yanked back in by the foxgirl. Though her smell and hearing may not be at their best in the rain, her sight was still pretty good. "You go tou there, you could get killed," Natalya hissed through her fangs, holding out a hand. Flames began licking at her fingers, a fire dancing in her palm, illuminating her face in a rather ghastly way, accentuating ehr diamond-colored eyes and her naturally pale skin. She kept her eyes trained on the mouth of the cave, eyes narrowing. ((Yupyup. c:))
10:18pm Feb 12 2010
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Rosemary wiped her face. "Guy's, Guy's. I live in a little house right up the way. So when it stop's raining we can go." She said, petting saphire's head.