5:48pm Nov 19 2010
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5:55pm Nov 19 2010 (last edited on 6:45pm Nov 19 2010)
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Name: Kris Parkerson Age: 18 Gender: Female Looks: ![animegirl-4.jpg Emo image by animecutie1212](http://i380.photobucket.com/albums/oo242/animecutie1212/anime%20girls/animegirl-4.jpg) Name: Ben Cornwell Age: 19 Gender: Male Looks: ![](file:///C:/Users/13SMAL%7E1/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-2.png) coming
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:56pm Nov 19 2010
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Shay smiled. A party! She quickly went over to the nearest chair, then sat down and laid her stuff underneath it. Then Shay pulled out her Nintendo DS and started playing on it. Ah, wonderful. The beach, a party, and her nintendo. Perfect. Hope sat down on a chair, not feeling up to reading her book or doing crosswords, sudoku, or word searches. She noticed Shay, who was next to her, and she scooched over and asked, "Can I watch you play?" Shay nodded in reply, and Hope watched her DS's screen. Dillon laid a towel on the ground, then sat down on it, laying his stuff next to him. He took out some sudoku then starting filling out the spaces. Moon laid a towel by Dillon. When Dillon looked up, Moon smiled at him, then Dillon continued doing his puzzle. Moon then looked around the beach, surveying the party.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:59pm Nov 19 2010
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((We started? 8D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:03pm Nov 19 2010
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((yes sarya, sorry but only 2 people posted their first post so you have nothing to loose))
6:03pm Nov 19 2010
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(o ya. Read last page...or scroll down till you find roleplaying stuff. XD)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:08pm Nov 19 2010
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((ice- no romance between 2 of your own characters just so you know!! Make someone like another girl since there are plenty!!))
6:14pm Nov 19 2010
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(??? Moon and Dillon are male, and Hope and Shay are Female....They are NOT gay or lesbian..just so you know. I'm not mad, and I'm sorry if I sound like it....:( )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:15pm Nov 19 2010
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((Okay. c:)) Crystal lay, resting over the warm and soft sand. The sun sure warmed it up. "Perfect day for killing someone, right?" She asked, laughing darkly. "Maybe sneak into their house with a knife, or maybe just with my bare hands to strangle them..." She smiled darkly, and had that dark look on her face. Actually, she was a dark person, so she always had that dark look on her face. Even when she was smiling, she still looked dark. Like a pink haired girl smiling darkly, with her dark look. "K-kill?" Brian whimpered, and slumped down in his beach chair. He was Crystal's brother. "Are you going to strangle me? Please don't, I'd really love to keep my life." He looked really worried and sad, which made Crystal laugh darkly. "You're such an idiot." She laughed, and rolled her eyes. "I was just kidding, couldn't you tell? I'm not going to go around killing people." She then smiled darkly at him. "You really need brain surgery, you're like a four year old." She giggled darkly afterwards.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:22pm Nov 19 2010
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((nice Sarya)) Rose, after a while got up and yawned. Estelle had already fallen asleep. She laied there, her white hair on her shoulder and droll coming out of her mouth. The book was flat against her chest. Rose rubbed her eyes and moved her things so she was right next to Estelle, (her twin). Soon she fell asleep too.
6:34pm Nov 19 2010
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Calyx had his red,black pinstriped mustang and drove himself and his close friend Ace to the beach. He smirked,"Look, there's a party." What a great way to spend the extra time. Ace grinned,"Lets join the glamorous occasion, shall we?" She was simply intriguided by the party. Lots of people, food, and probably lots of things to do. Calyx nodded,"Lets." He chuckled darkly, parties were fun, but eh was msotly there to linger and get a whiff of the fresh sea air. The beach was a wonderful escape form every day responsibility and life duties.
6:35pm Nov 19 2010
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((can someone here make boys who like one of my characters?))
6:35pm Nov 19 2010
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((Can someone interact with Crystal? D:))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:36pm Nov 19 2010
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((And can someone make a boy who likes Crystal?))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:36pm Nov 19 2010
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((Sarya- I'll make a boy for Crystal if you make a boy for one f my girls!))
6:37pm Nov 19 2010
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((Okay, I'll use Brian then. ^^))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:39pm Nov 19 2010
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"Okay," Kris started, coming to a stop beside her best friend, Ben. "Can we please find something else to do than me watching you take random pictures every two minutes? Not that I'm not riveted by it but we do it all the time." She waited for him to finish taking his shot before of some bird in the sky before he looked at her. "Party pooper." Ben teased her lightly. "But I guess we have been doing this for awhile." He held up his finger, knowing Kris was about to make some comment like she always does. "So what exactly do you want to do?" Kris started to walk again, considering her options. They were on the beach already so there was bound to be something of interest. As Ben started to follow her, she was about to make a suggestion about leaving but something in the distant made her smile. "How about I become a party crasher instead of a party pooper?" That was what she had saw, a party which would definitely have something for them to do. Ben raised an eyebrow but then shrugged. "Whatever, that's fine with me."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
6:40pm Nov 19 2010
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((I hate filling out forums so lets just say the boy's name is Lance okay? he may look however you like!)) Lance walked into the party. He wore a motorcycle jacket over his bare muscular torso. He sat in a beach chair chose to Crystal. He watched the waves rush by. He did not care a pool party was behinde him the waves were more soothing.
6:41pm Nov 19 2010
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((Chao- can one of the photo be of Estelle drolling in her sleep??))
7:00pm Nov 19 2010
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((Guh, slow fail. ><)) Kain took a swig of his beer, staring out at the ocean from atop one of the rocky out-crops that were scattered on the beach. The sound of the waves rushing against the rocks seemed to relax him, despite the fact that there was a beach party going on a little way down the beach. "Can I please have a sip?" Marcus, his best friend and roommate, whined from beside him for the sixth time that day, clinging to his arm and looking up at him with a pitiful ex pression. "In two years!" Kain snapped, glaring down at him. As good of a guy as Marcus was to him, the boy's whining got a bit annoying after a while. Marcus pouted slightly and cuddled the older male's body more, causing him to sigh from exhaustion into his beer. ~ Saul stretched out on his beach blanket, using his novel to shade his face as he read it. Soviet, his cat (the white one in his picture), was stretched out on his bare stomach, enjoying the warmth of the sun and only looking up when a shadow p*censored*ed over him. They both were a little ways off from the party, enough to still hear it, but not be bothered by it. Saul had come to do a little relaxing, but hadn't expected the party.
![](http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img9/1856/60582686.gif) HypnoxSpazz 5evr