The Silvered Gates [Literate]

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4:44pm Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 4:46pm Sep 9 2011)


Posts: 1,586
Teresa's eyes widened as she watched the bird flutter onto the little girl's hand, which was grubby from playing. "Is that a trained bird?" she asked Apple, never taking her eyes off of the beautiful litte bird.
"Something isn't right about her," Vaughn said in a low voice. It was meant for no other ears but his own, but the girl's mother was close enough to hear him. Ever superstitious, the older woman snatched the girl's hand and drew her back and out of the street. This attracted the attention of the other villagers. A passing glance or nod turned in to full stares. The children were oblivious to the tension and scampered around the horses, making the gelding uneasy, and then ducking behind some of the houses.
Teresa gripped her reins, and Vaughn's hand brushed the hilt of the sword that hung at his waist.
"Well," he called to Apple. "Is it?"


4:54pm Sep 9 2011

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"You do not train animals," Apple said firmly. "You can teach them, but ultimately, it is their choice. And I have never seen this little feathered one before. He is a beautiful, however." With a small sigh, blatantly oblivious to the hard stares from the commoners, Apple stared back at the little girl. She was safely in her mother's grasp, letting out a small whimper and giving worried looks in Apple's direction.

"Why so fearful, lady?" Apple asked softly. She had not wanted to offend the humans, especially not in their lands. Raising her hands in a mollifying gesture she realized that the woman must have taken it the wrong way, for she began pointing and babbling incessantly.

"Witch! Infidel! Burn in hell, you grave robber!" Spitting on the ground and making a cross over her chest the woman dragged her daughter away, the child letting out choked sobs and crying about her arm hurting.

"What is a witch?" Apple asked in confusion, just as a shout went up from the crowd. A large man dressed in black shoved his way through, waving a tattered book in front of him and fondling a wooden cross around his neck.

"Burn her! Stand aside night, lady, this witch must pay for her sins!"


9:58pm Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 10:02pm Sep 9 2011)


Posts: 1,586
The commoners were advancing upon the three of them, meaning to hold the "witch" and her "accomplices". 
"Get off of my horse!" Teresa said, panicking. Vaughn had withdrawn his sword. His horse reared as the mean came nearer and tried to grab the reins, knocking a few of them down.
"You can have her! We didn't know!" Teresa shouted, the gelding her heel. The horse spun around and made for the safety of the road back towards the estate, but was abruptly pulled back by the reins from a villager. The jerk caused Apple to lose her balance. 
"Vaughn help me!" Teresa screamed. Vaughn wheeled around his great stallion and with a scream the horse barreled through several of the villagers, who were now shouting along with the priest and emerging with weapons to defend themselves with.


10:02pm Sep 9 2011


Posts: 1,586
Vaughn had no wish to hurt the villagers, the same people he fought battles to protect, but if his horse had to trample them so that he and Teresa could escape then so be it. He rode down the man that was tugging at the gelding's reins as the young horse neighed in protest, and slapped the gelding on the rump as he passed by.
"Come on, we need to get out of here!" He yelled. His horse ran forward and stopped, dancing as he waited for Teresa to regain her control. He dared not use his sword if he didn't have to. This would not sit well with the lord as it was. 
Some of the fallen men were already staggering to their feet and lurching after them, the priest all the while shouting at Apple to give up her life of darkness and sin, and repent.


10:56pm Sep 9 2011

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Nylat sat on the edge of the thick woods; the spot she currently sat in was close to the center of the territory she claimed. Of course, being a lone creature, she did not claim much, but her strength secured what she did have as her own. With a flick of her ears, she glanced back into the woods. She'd never been in the thickest part and, quite frankly, she didn't care to. Ill rumors circulated over the fact that no creature or group could hold the area long before they were taken over my misfortune. Some said that the thickest parts were guarded by a strong spirit that kept away the unpure, others said that a beast of sorts lived there, feasting on unsuspecting creatures. Personally, she didn't believe either.

With a snort at the thought, she stood, shaking stray leaves out of her pelt. She trotted off at a decent pace, out onto the lonely plains. There were few animals out here, and as a result, little prey. Most of the plains were unclaimed, and had been that way for as long as any could remember. After a while, she picked up her pace to a lope, venturing far out of her territory. She was unconcerned about challengers. No one wanted as little land as she held.

The plains seemed even quieter now than they had ever been. Not a single beast stirred. Even the occasional elf village seemed subdued today. It was just one of those days. A day that the whole world decided to just calm down. She appreciated these days. They helped her relax. And the more relaxed she was, the less her side hurt.

Oh, how she despised the goblin tribe that had given her those scars. They had caught her unaware, riding their oversized beasts they called wolves. They'd almost gotten her back to their leader, thinking her dead, before she'd become conscious again. She had been lucky that only the three scars she currently bore were the only three wounds that had scarred. She was always on the lookout for goblins, now.

She slowed her pace, now in the middle of nowhere. A glance around her confirmed that no one was anywhere around her. With a sigh, she flopped over on her good side. She might as well rest before going back. There was no rush. She'd hunted earlier, after all.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


11:33pm Sep 9 2011

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The noises broke the silence then giving trace to her mistake. She hadn't been running away from the noise, but toward it. Just a minute or two later and she would have bolted into these strangers camp... meaning they would have had to die and since it wasn't exactly neccesary, a needless death it would have been. It was crucial though that she remained in the shadows for death was carried with Esta like a blood hound on her trail. She brought death; She was the bringer of fire, the scavanger of the souls of the land and the sky, the one who filled the onlookers with hate and fear with a single glance. Maybe Esta was actually death humanized... it would make sense after all but somehow it was doubtful.

With a slowing of her steps, the shade girl came to a halt, ducking behind a tree and breathing slowly as colors other than the familiar greens and browns flickered in the trees not to far away. The wind whispered against her ears, telling her what she needed to know.... there were three there but more were coming. It wasn't safe here anymore. It hadn't been safe here ever.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, the girl calmed her nerves and steadied herself. In a almost imperceptible move of speed and grace, Esta jumped forward to grab the branch of the tree in front of her. Without even a rustle of leaves, the girl was pulled up and hidden in the green foliage. If those humans came her way, the attackers first would get a dagger through the heart followed swiftly by the death of the three that were being persecuted. No one would see her. Running it over in her head again, Esta's small round face made a soft nodding gesture as she watched. Death of the attackers first...they were her main priority. Kill the one who was killing you...right?

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:09am Sep 10 2011 (last edited on 1:39pm Sep 11 2011)

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Posts: 9,641
Apple tumbled to the ground with a yelp and struggled to her feet, eyes wide and dress swirling around her wildly as she struggled to get out of the seething crowd. They rushed at her, jostling her with sharp elbows and wetting her with their spraying accusations of witchery and magic. Letting out a terrified sob Apple tried in vain to get out, knowing full well that there was no way she would ever break her vow of non-violence, especially not on a group of frightened villagers. 

They are like children, she thought, and let out a small horrified giggle at the random thought. Some villager must have mistaken it for an evil cackle and slapped her hard on the head with a meaty hand. If Apple had not been quicker with the healing she may have been trampled then. Ducking low the lithe dryad slipped through the liquid cracks in the crowd, keeping her eye on the prize: freedom.

After what felt like hours of ducking, hiding, healing and letting out startled yelps every time an elbow hit her side Apple was out, but certainly not free. The crowd was searching for her and despite the fact she crouched in the cornfield, well hidden, they would get her within moments. This was not her land.

Running in an awkwardly crouched position Apple headed for the woods again, hearing a grunt of surprise and pattering footsteps after her. Though smaller, and certainly more frail, none of the humans could run with the grace she did, and fell behind in the open area. Knowing she was already found Apple straightened and began running full pelt.

Apple had lost track of Teresa and Vaughn, but right now that hardly mattered. Rarely did Apple feel resentment or anger, but today a tight knot of fury at the lack of understanding in humans gathered in her chest. With fear pounding in her veins Apple headed for a large tree, clambering up it nimbly with a swift thank you under her breath. The tree rustled in response, pleased to see one of its own kind.

Poking her head through the foliage Apple saw an approaching host, eyes widening. Sending a prayer up to her goddess she backed up on her branch until she hit something decidedly alive.

Ooc; Lakey, don't kill Apple. o_o; She's my only character. xD ♥


9:28am Sep 10 2011


Posts: 1,586
ooc; Fox I though Nyla was from Anhar? There aren't any Anhar creatures in the Caria world ^^; It seems that we'll soon be at the gate so you can wait till then but you are most welcome to create a Caria character in the meantime

The villagers that ran after them on unfit legs slowed and went back, their shouts and curses with them. Teresa ventured a look back as her gelding raced behind Vaughn, and what she saw frightened and upset her even more. The villagers were all crowding around Apple, hitting her and trying to hold her down for the priest to cleanse her. A delicate girl like Apple couldn't possibly survive their assault. It was enough to make Teresa want to turn around and go back, even though she was absolutely no match for them without her bow.
Then, she saw a streak of colour as Apple darted away somehow, and that eased her pounding heart only slightly.


9:28am Sep 10 2011


Posts: 1,586
The horses slowed as they neared the forest, there was no one after them now. Vaughn did not seem intent on riding straight ahead, instead he was looking around to the trees that threatened to choke the path.
"Where are you going? You can't honestly expect to want to map when we have just been beaten nearly to death," Teresa squeaked.
"A slight exaggeration, and we cannot expect to go home now. We must find the witch and take her to the Lord. The villagers will be on their way soon with the message that two from their household assisted her. I will not be put to death or considered a traitor on account of your kindness and curiosity,"
Teresa looked away from him as if that would blunt the edge of his cutting words. She wanted nothing more than to go back to the security of the estate, and stroll among the gardens or sit and think in the house of the gods. That would have calmed her.
Vaughn veered into the forest and Teresa had no choice but to follow. He kept his sword in hand and they advanced slowly on their horses, watching and listening for any sign of Apple.


11:20am Sep 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 641

Name: Carrington

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Carrington stands at nearly 5'3" and keeps her blonde hair cropped shortly below her ears. With eyes greener that emeralds, one stare could see through even the most convincing of lies.

Strengths: Talented archer, more so than some men. Her petite frame allows Carrington to be agile and fast on her feet. Easily knows when she is being deceived. Can be deceptive and manipulative of men.

Weaknesses: Hot-tempered and easily frustrated. Dislikes swimming or any involving of water.

Other: Currently employed as a seamstress in order to supply funds to her ailing mother.

Originates From: Caria


5:54pm Sep 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
((She is in Anhar. I just see the gate being placed in a forest there as well. I thought the mention of the other unnatural creatures would have mad ethat plain, but I'm sorry. My mistake. Hard to roleplay the first character in a place that is known little about.))

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


10:52pm Sep 10 2011


Posts: 1,586
ooc: Sorry about that


11:36pm Sep 10 2011

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Posts: 3,469
((Its alright. Just let me know if I present it unfavorably, yes?))

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


8:16am Sep 11 2011

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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Bumps for Lake. :)


4:51pm Sep 11 2011

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Posts: 1,586
For a moment in time Esta thought she was safe and that she would be able to go through this without incident. That rarely happened.... usually it would take a bit more effort to get out of her sticky situations then just climbing up into a tree and waiting it out. This would have been the first time actually... but of course, fate hated her so even this first time didn't really happen.

The lamps and torches of humans running towards her brought Esta's focus back to earth. Daggers came out of her belt swiftly and silently. As soon as they were in range, she would aim that at the hunters hearts. It would be a quick death, for her accuracy never failed her yet, and they wouldn't feel any pain. Esta was a murderer but she wasn't really cruel. The girl didn't make them suffer if their wasn't a cause... or if she wasn't paid to do so.

With a deep breath, her hands came up to take aim as the lights of the villagers neared. Slowly she counted to three, telling herself to wait till they were nearer. One... two...Th- "Awk" She yelped as something soft hit her in the back. Rotating swiftly on her branch, dagger raised and aimed at whatever would be attacking her, she glared into the eyes of another girl. This one was from the group that was being chased. What was she doing here and how had the assassin not heard her coming up?

With a glare and a murderous curse under her breath, the female jumped forward and grabbed the girl by the throat, holding steel against the flesh. "Be quiet if you don't want me to toss you down." She whispered before turning to the villagers. They would have heard her cry out.Sure enough, they were headed her way. With a scowl, she threw three of her weapons and smiled grimly as she heard the smack of each one striking home.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:09pm Sep 11 2011 (last edited on 5:09pm Sep 11 2011)

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Posts: 9,641
"What are you doing?" Apple hissed, fear for her life momentarily forgotten. Her hands curled into fists for a moment and right then she nearly gave up her vow of pacifism.

"Don't hurt the villagers! They're just...just  ignorant twits!" Shaking her head angrily Apple grabbed the girl's arm in a tight hold, eyes dark. No matter how cruel the peasants would have been to her, no matter that they would have burned her at stake, Apple would not see anything die if she was present. She abhorred the idea of murder.

Letting go of the girl's arm just as quickly, realizing she did not want to be turned on herself, Apple laid a palm against the gnarled bark of the tree. The oak responded readily, glad to to see her brethren near. The dryads were few and far in between in these fearful days. Dryads had been disappearing left and right as the humans edged on their territory, cutting down trees without ceremony or thanks.

Wood-sister, I ask you for thy aid, Apple said silently, a smile touching her rosy lips. Esta was all but forgotten as the familiar touch of another dryad's mind brushed against her consciousness.

Welcome, sapling, the oak whispered. I will save thee and thine friends if need be. What dost though ask of me?

Please, mother, hide us from these villagers. They knowest little of our people, and fear us.

Thine heart is true, little one. I will grant thine wish.

With little encouragement the leaves began rustling, the trees limbs moving subtly until a screen shielded the two from the searching eyes of the humans.

"Kill me and mother oak will surely end you," Apple hissed after a moment, shooting daggers at the other girl.

Ooc; Ohmai. Tell me if I PPd or MGd. D;

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