2:23pm Dec 13 2010
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((Okey Feyth.)) 5:10. Mizu pulled her shoulder length hair into a pony tail pulling some strands from her eyes and pinning them behind her ears, however her efforts went to waist as they fell down once again. Sitting on her bed, she pulled her knee length black socks up, picked up her homework from her dest and placed it into her satchel taking it down the stairs with her. Mizu settled her satchel down on the table provided by the front exit leading to the bridge and headed to the kitchen. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 5:15. Mizu nodded to herself and muttered something about rice looking over to a simmering pan on the stove. She yawned then turned the heat down slightly continuing to talk about rice. She placed the Rice and water in the electric steamer, placing the lid on and pressing go. Removing a camping magazine from 'her' draw in the kitchen she started to read an article about Mt. Fuji. after several minuets looking up to the ceiling as she heard some scuffling she rolled her eyes. "I'm always the first one up, they never ask to help." She muttered, returning the magazine to the draw. 5:25. Side stepping to the stove, she turned the heat off and moved the pot off the stove onto the grate. Dishing the Miso soup into bowls onto a tray as well as the spoons and transferred it to the dining table. She opened the doors onto the tea garden then returned to the kitchen. 5:30. "Breakfast!" She called to the others as she removed the Rice from the steamer and placed it into a bowl. Shaping the sticky substance into Rice balls, placing their favourite treat into each of the lunchs then wrapping them in Nori. Mizu listened as the first members foot steps came down the stairs, placing two rice balls in each paper bag that she had prepared earlier, leaving her own plain.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:37pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 6,948
The fifteen year old rat of the family of outcats started towards the kitchen, following her nose to the foo.d In fact, she had been asleep, but not upstairs. She had woken up even earlier than Mizu, just to see the glorius sunrise of a new day. She breathed in the scent of newly made rice balls and sat down, smoothing her white kimono down. She inhaled the balls so quickly tyhat she was sure she hadn't had any. She knew, though, that Mizu hadn't made more, she never did. She got up, not unable to cook for herself, and began to toss eggs more rice into the pan to make some more rice balls. She waited a while and at last they were done. She was curious and as soon as the timer rung, she grabbed one and instantly regretted it. Miyoko sucked her hot hand and waited for them to cool down. This time, when she grabbed the stick white rice, she was not burned. She ate the two up and then sat down, full, for the time being. She closed her eyes, curled up in a little ball on the floor and slept... ((That was a fail and I apologize.))
 <-- Click me
8:20am Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nyko let out a yawn as he trailed down the stairs, stretching out his arms with a soft groan that ended in a sound not unlike a soft mewl. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat down, pushing the sleeves of his hoodie away from his wrists so hr could eat. He ate his at a more normal pace than the rat always did, allowing his stomach time to catch up to his brain.
Once finished, he gave Mizu a thank you and headed outside to train himself, heading off into the cover of trees. From there he began warming his muscles up, breathing steadily in and out. He felt much more at peace when he was out here, his hair down and able to wear his favorite clothing.
11:53am Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((feyth, its not a fail, but the Miso soup was for breakfast, riceballs where for lunch XD )) Mizu ignored Miyoko as she made her own rice ball from some remaining rice "Not satisfied with her soup again." She muttered out of ear shot. She joined her kin at the table, finally relaxing, knowing that everything she needed doing was finished however found it slightly annoying that the other two hadn't gotten dressed for school yet. That was up to them when they got changed in the mornings, and going to school early wasn't everyone thing. It certainly wasn't her own, But she liked to be ready for when the time came. She watched as Miyoko slept rolling her eyes, "Your welcome." She replied to Nyko as he left to go train. 5:50. She stood up taking her plates into the kitchen and placing in her new dish washer she had saved up for. Turning the machine on, it let out a low soft rumble. Walking back into the dining area she saw Miyoko still fast asleep. Rubbing her neck in frustration, she got out her camping magazine, a fairly thick magazine, stood behind her kin, arms outstretched and dropped the book onto her head. "Wake up!" she yelled.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:52pm Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Miyoko, who could sleep through anything, felt a pain shoot through her head and groggily oppened her eyes. "What was that for." she muttered sleepily, rubbing her eyes. She got up, already dressed in her school uniform, and punched Mizu in the arm. "That was for hurting me." she said and walked out to watch the cat's training. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of fresh morning air and then, with a sigh, she wandered back inside. Because Miyoko hadn't eaten her soup, she packed it up and decided that she was going to change it up and bring this for lunch. Last time she had gone to school, however, she had been hugged and lets just say, thet didn't go over so well. She shook away the sleepiness and sat down, stifling a yawn...
 <-- Click me
8:47pm Dec 14 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Mizuki lived closer to the school so he could afford o get up later than most and still have plenty enough time to get prepared for school. He got up, took a quick shower, and got dressed all fairly quickly and headed into the kitchen to start breakfast. The house was small but who needed a bunch of space when you lived alone? He made a simple meal of toast and a fried egg, he didn't like to eat in the morning but found that he gets tired if he doesn't eat anything. [[ fail but... o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:06pm Dec 15 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((oh god, I type in a decent paragraph. and then my internet dies.)) Mizu swayed slightly as she received the punch to cushion the impact. However her actions weren't fully successful as her upper arm was tingling with numbness. Mizu clicked her neck as she watched Miyoko walk away to distract her attention from her arm. as the strands of hair fell over her eyes she pinned them back behind her ears. 6:00. Taking the three lunches and placing them in her satchel by the door, she slipped her shoes on and headed to the swing. "Nyko, actually remember to get dressed quickly this time or I will leave without you and won't give an Excuse to Prof.Mayazaki as to why you are late." She called to him, not being able to see him in full sight. "some times I feel like a mum." She muttered to herself, swinging herself into the tree. At 7:30 Mizu straightened the pleats in her skirt, cursing the fact that she had to wear one. She had decided to tend to her shrubby in the hour and a half she had to spear. getting dirt stains on her socks and skirt, but not bothering to clean it off. As long as she was in uniform, that's all she cared about. "Right you two, I'm leaving." She shouted rather rashly, heading for the bridge.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:32pm Dec 20 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Up 0^0 ))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

2:56pm Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 1,805
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

3:17pm Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Nyko let out a soft grunt as he padded out of the house, dressed in the boy's uniform. He pulled his hair back out of his face, leaving only his bangs to hide the scar beneath them. As eh walked, he lifted the arm that bore that beads of the cat, running the fingers of his other hand across them with a distant look on his face. The first, and last, time that they had been removed, it had been by the god who had done nothing but insult him, then punish him for things he had never done. No...he was punished for being the cat...the cat that nobody seemed to love. Nobody even knew about the cat in the Zodiac story, or so ti seemed to him. He, and all the cats before him, were outcasts of their own, seperated from both normal people and the members of the Zodiac curse... ((...P: Loveless depressed me, then made me go 'Awww~'. I only have one nmore episode left. ;c))
4:54pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((Rika... Loveless is cool and all, but that was on a different thread 0w0 )) Mizu rolled her eyes and started to walk at a slow pace. She was continuously looking over her shoulder to see if any of her kin where coming with her satchel filled with their lunches over the other. She felt sorry for Nyko, she really did, but sometimes thought that he brought it on himself. the attitude he gave towards the family god wasn't the greatest, but neither was hers. ((fail))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:04pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 6,409
((Too late to join as the female human?))
Love is all we need~
11:26pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(I was talking about a different episode. And I still have that last one to go...)