4:50pm May 3 2010
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Xeke was stunned. "So...if we don't go see this man...we're going to...die?" He asked weakly. He was trembling and clutched onto the material of Urei's kimono as if it was a lifeline. Urei ran his fingers over his pendant, looking equally shocked. "I can't believe this...no I wont believe it. This is impossible, that man is insane!" He said. However as soon as he denied it, he knew it was true. His mother wouldn't lie, nor would she fall to trickery. The only explanation is that it is true.
4:51pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor sat, shocked as she digested this information. She did not want to die. She was only sixteen for crying out loud. Then she thought. You will go visit this man and he will help you. Taylor looked up at her mother. "Mother, if this is so important, we shall have to leave tonight. The kingdom will despair over our dissappearence and send a search party out for us. It is late now. No one will be out. Mother, understand." She said to her.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
4:55pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 896
The Queen shook her head. "No, tomorrow at the earliest. We can pack tonight but you will not leave until tomorrow. The little ones are in bed already, I want them to be able to sleep tonight at least." "How long?" Sam asked softly, after digesting the information. "How long do we have to get there?" She felt numb. This couldn't be possible. No way this was actually happening. The Queen hesitated, glancing again at Xeke but if he heard that they might die, he deserved to know how long. "Two to three weeks."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:00pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 842
Tristan stood in the back, scilent. He had known. He had felt it, somehow, the changes. He walked forward a bit. "Come on all, there is nothing we can do about it now. Let's all get some sleep. We will need it in the morning."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
5:02pm May 3 2010
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Xeke felt the tears form in his eyes and he shut them. He didn't want to cry in front of the others, not after the Queen had decided he was old enough to here what she was telling to older kids. He pressed his forehead against Urei's shoulder, his own shoulders shaking as he sobbed quietly. Urei was beyond stunned. Having nothing intelligent to add to the conversation he decided he should just try to comfort Xeke. "Hey now," he said softly, ruffling Xeke's hair gently. "Keep that up and you'll get your eyepatch wet. Then what'll you do?"
5:04pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor nodded and the door opened behind her before she turned around and walked out. She was so mad at her mother from keeping this from her. Then she remembered what Xeke had said. She stood in the hallway and waited for her siblings to appear with Xeke. She took deep breaths, not wanting her powers to get out of control. She had already slammed the door in anger as she opened it.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
5:06pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 896
Sam stood up from her chair. Her hands were shaking slightly so she clasped them together to try and control it. "Well then," She said, watching Taylor leave. "We will have to leave early in the morning, so why don't we listen to Tristan and get some sleep. I'll help mother pack a few things for the trip." She gave a forced smile. "I guess I'll see you all in the morning. And try to keep this from the others, alright?"
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:11pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Urei sighed as he watched Taylor leave. He could feel her anger and sympathized with it. He nodded at what Sam had said before turning to the Queen. "Goodnight, Mother." He said, silently congratulation himself for keeping the bitterness out of his voice. Xeke said nothing. His shoulders had stopped shaking but he still wouldn't lift his head up. Urei followed Taylor out and when he reached her, put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked.
5:13pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor looked up at Urei. "Xeke needs to get that letter." She said. "Did you by any chance see the date in which it was sent to her?" She asked her brother. "You know what. Nevermind. We're gonna die anyway." She said glumly and began to shuffle back to her room.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
5:18pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 896
"Taylor!" Sam shouted at her, having just come out to hear that. "You can't say that! And even if you think that, you definitely can't act like that! There is no reason to make everyone else worry. So on the trip you are going to act like yourself whether you like it or not. Besides, nobody is completely sure if this is actually going to happen. This trip is just in case it is true."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:21pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 3:34pm May 4 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor turned around. "I'm going to be good for the kids." She snapped. "You know it's true. You've felt different lately. Don't lie about that. I've been feeling a pull toward the stars and when I look up, I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Just let me get all of my anger out before I have to face the kids." She practically shouted and stormed down the stairs, on her way to going outside. She just wanted everything to be normal. Maybe she would go out and take a ride on Shadow, her black stallion.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
5:25pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Urei backed away from the two girls. If there was one thing he had learned, it was never get in the way of fighting siblings. Especially if Taylor was involved. "Their shouting is going to wake everyone up." he muttered crossly. He sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. This trip was going to be long, especially if he was one of the ones in charge.
5:26pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 842
Tristan followed Taylor outside, trailing behind her. They were the older kids, they needed to take care of the younger ones. "Taylor, relax. Really. Just talk with out wuth me. We need to be there for them. Don't go angry."
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
5:30pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 896
Running a hand through her hair, Sam watched Taylor leave. She knew Taylor was right, their was no denying that she had felt different lately, but that didn't mean that Sam would admit it. She sighed as she turned to her brothers. "Hey, why don't you guys go ahead and go to bed? If we need the letter, Xeke can get it for us tomorrow."
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
5:34pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Taylor turned around, tears in her eyes. "Why does this have to happen to us?" She said, but continued. "We have the most perfect life ever. Now we're just supposed to run away from everything and meet some crazy scientist who is predicting out death?" She said and continued to walk toward the stablles.
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
5:45pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Urei nodded. "Fine by me. You take care and get some sleep yourself." He turned and headed down the hall towards his room. "Hey, Urei?" "Mmm?" "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Urei sighed. "Alright." He carried his brother the rest of the way towards his room and once inside, he dropped Xeke onto his bed. Not bothering to change, he lied down next to Xeke and fell asleep almost instantly. Xeke, however, stayed awake. He was tired but his mind wouldn't let him sleep. He growled in frustration, trying to think of something to do.
9:59pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 896
After talking to the Queen about what to take, Sam went room to room, careful not to wake anyone, to pack a few clothes for each of the children and occasionally, something extra, like a small stuffed animal. She paused outside of Urei's room and wondered if he was able to sleep after what he heard. Creeping in silently, she glanced over at his bed but continued doing what she was there to do, not wanting to wake him in case he actually was asleep.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
2:40pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 2,721
((Did I miss anything important? Sorry guys, I've been busy.))
I\'m back.
3:52pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 896
Ooc: It's fine. Everyone learned that they will be going on a trip but only the older kids know that they might die. Almost everyone is asleep now.
Call me Cho or Nat. =)
4:03pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Xeke heard Sam enter the room and pulled off his eyepatch. Closing his right eye, he sat up. His vision already accustomed to the dark, he easily spotted Sam and was able to climb over Urei without waking him up. He walked silently over to Sam and looked up at her. "What's up?" he asked, keeping his voice low enough so it wouldn't disturb his brother.