The Stuff (Guardians of Ga'Hoole Roleplay) Of Legends

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6:00pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 8:37am Jun 14 2011)

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Posts: 534
1. Please try to be at least semi-lit. No 'omgcanijoin?!!!111?'.
2. No god-modding or powerplaying. This means no controlling others charries without permission and no killing without permission or being unrealistic. 
3. No unrealistic owls. EX: I'm a jet black owl with purple eyes and golden talons that are five feet long.
4. Be nice? Please? 
5. Put 'Glaux' somewhere in your post if you read these rules.
6. Use OOC or brackets when out of character. 
The Pure Ones are back. Sickened by their defeat by the Guardians, they are building a bigger, better army. They're visiting more kingdoms, being more vile, and even sending spies to the tree. To prevent any more deaths, the Tree must also get a bigger army. The future of the owl kingdom is in your talons.
Some Owl Vocabulary 
Guardians are owls of the tree that are members of a chaw and defend the tree, fight battles, and do duties.
 Rybs are teachers at the Great Tree who lead chaws.
 Chaws are groups of owls with similar talents that gather together to  learn skills of guardians.
 Nest Maid Snakes are blind snakes that tend to owls, at the Tree, they  serve tea and other food.
List of Chaws and Members
 Colliering/Weather Interpretation Chaw (Led by Gylzryb, Nomenaitrel): The students learn how to fly in the most extreme weather and winds, as well as learn to dive for hot coals in forest fires to make fire and metals with.
Members: Xair (Turtle121),
Navigation Chaw (Led by Vint, Scourge88): Teaches the owls of the chaw to use the stars as a way of navigating the skies and getting around. They learn all the constellations and what they mean. 
Members: Ruby (Nomenaitrel)
Search and Rescue Chaw (Led by Odil, Otterfrost): This chaw goes out at night and looks out for stranded or lost owlets and owls. They bring them back to the great tree and raise them there. The Tracking Chaw often work together with the Search and Rescue Chaw. 
 Members: Dustin (Dartmith), Athena (Nomenaitrel)
Tracking Chaw (Led by Syrx, Nomenaitrel): These owls often do the ground work for the Search and Rescue chaw and help track down owlets by using signs of feathers. They also do some digging and burrowing for the great tree. 

Ga'Hooleology Chaw (Led by ): This chaw learns about how to take care of the great tree and about the history of Ga'Hoole. They do a lot of reading and writing and do the work for the great tree to stay healthy.                                  Members: 

Metals Chaw (Led by Dolly, Turtle121): This chaw is taught by the blacksmith of the great tree. You learn how to be a blacksmith and form metals into battle claws and more.                                                                                                                            Members: Rae (Otterfrost), Alfie (Nomenaitrel)

Battle Training Chaw (Led by Nigh, Scourge88): These owls are trained to fight with battle claws, burning branches, and even ice swords. These weapons will add weight to your flight so strong flying skills are required. All members must be specially trained to learn battle tactics and strategy.
Members: Pangari (Otterfrost), Loor (Dartmith)
Loners: Nyx (Scourge88), Dakota (Scourge88), Akull (BeckyL97), Midna (BeckyL97), Iliana (Nomenaitrel)
Nest-Maid Snakes: Hanella/Honey (Nomenaitrel)
 To Join, Simply Fill Out This Form!
Species of Owl: 
Owl Name:
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner, Nest-maid):


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6:12pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 6:21pm Jun 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 534
Here are my characters.
  Username: Otterfrost
Species of Owl: Spotted Owl
Owl Name: Odil 
Gender: Male
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Ryb
Personality: Compassionate and understanding. He is glad he is the Search and Rescue ryb, because he likes owlets.
Chaw: Search and Rescue
Other: N/A
Username: Otterfrost
Species of Owl: European Eagle Owl
Owl Name: Rae
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Guardian
Personality: Quiet and likes to keep to self. She doesn't usually like company and is more of a loner.
Chaw: Metals
Other: N/A

Username: Otterfrost
Species of Owl:  Great Gray
Owl Name: Pangari
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Guardian
Personality: Friendly and loud. She is nothing like Rae and likes to be kind. But, she'll still protect the tree with her life.
Chaw: Battle Training
Other: N/A


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6:14pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 6:21pm Jun 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 567
                                                                   Username: Turtle121
Species of Owl: Eastern Grass Owl
Owl Name: Xair
Gender: Male
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Guardin
Personality: Shy, keeps to self, doesn't talk much, but is nice and friendly to family or riends.
 Colliering/Weather Interpretation Chaw
Other: Glaux

 Username: Turtle121
Species of Owl: Barred Owl
Owl Name: Dolly
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Ryb
Personality: Loud, but clueless, she likes to hang out with other guardians, and she is friendly.
Chaw: Metals Chaw
Other: ...

6:15pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: Be a ryb, Turttlleeeee. :K

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6:19pm Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 534
OOC: Hello? D:

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6:21pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,985
(( Great Glaux! I've always loved these books <3 Join!? :D ))

Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o

6:21pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578



Species of Owl:Manus Masked Owl
Owl Name:Loor
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner):Gardian
Personality:Loor has a sharp tonguebut prefers to stay out of things that don't have anything todo with her. She will stand up fro the defenceless but can sometimes be a bit rude.
Chaw:Battel training
Username: Dartmith
Species of Owl:Australian masked owl
Owl Name:Dustin
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner):Gardian
Personality: Dustin is layed back and is definatly a jokester. He loves to make others laugh. He knows when he's gone to far and tries not to get their. He loves to see others happy and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone intetionaly.
Chaw:Search and rescue





6:22pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: All may join. :D

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6:23pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 567
Ooc: :D

6:24pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: Gotta add Dartmith. :3

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6:25pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 567
Ooc: I have the Feralhearts song stuck in my head, budada bud bud bud... >.<

6:26pm Jun 12 2011

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Posts: 534
OOC: I'm ashamed to say, but I never finished the series. I read what happens on Wikipedia. Even though she is killed, are the Pure Ones still around? If so, they can just be our enemy. :P

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6:28pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 567
Ooc: I know some about the series, but I haven't read much.

6:29pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: Tis 'kay, Turtle.

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6:30pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 567
Ooc: You taught me most of it xD Great teacher :D

6:31pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: Totes.

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6:31pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((I didn't read the books I just watched the movie. Bad me.))


6:31pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: Should we begin? Yes, everyone can jump in. We need more rybssssss.

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6:35pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 567

Ooc: Yah, I'm a bit busy so I'm gonna wait until someone posts their intro to start mine.

6:35pm Jun 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
OOC: Why does being busy have anything to do with people posting intros before you? XD Anyway, I'll get started on mine. 

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