6:38pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 6:43pm Jun 12 2011)
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Posts: 534
Odil silently sat on a branch, looking out on the falling sun. "Night is falling," he said excitedly. "I better get Dustin. The owlets are probably awake. No good startling them in the day time." The spotted owl hopped from the branch and began getting his equiptment on. "Battle claws, helmet. Good." Odil rarely needed battle equiptment, but just in case he was attacked, it was a good thing to have. --- Rae yawned to the first sign of night. "Time to begin," she told herself sleepily. Quietly, she reminded herself to be solemn. If she wasn't focused, things could go horribly. "I wonder if Dolly is awake yet," she asked herself. The young owl spread her wings and began to search for her ryb, Dolly. --- Pangari awoke to the sounds of rustling leaves. Time to train! She thought excitedly. She immediatly woke herself up. There wasn't a ryb yet, so she only had another member to train with. But, like always, she looked at the good side and decided it would be more fun without a teacher. She slid on her battle claws and helmet and glided through the branches in search of her partner.

6:38pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 567
Ooc: Because I have to choose times to start my intro and pause doing something :I
6:41pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 534
OOC: That made absolutely no sense. o.o
6:43pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 6:48pm Jun 12 2011)
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Posts: 567
Dolly opened her large eyes and looked around, she stretched her wings and one leg at a time, then her neck. "Well, time to gather them up." She said with a sigh and flapped her wings, silently falling down then stopping in mid air, spreading out her wings to stop her fall. She flapped her wings rapidly and soon saw Rae, "Hello." She said and flashed a smile. ~-~-~-~ Xiar grunted and flapped his wings rapidly, lifting off his branch, then slowing down his wings. He flew around looking for his ryb, wondering on earth where they were. He searched around, and kept on.
6:43pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 496
'Glaux' ((I would like to join, but are we going by the books or the movie?)) Username: Nomenaitrel (Nom for all other purposes)
Species of Owl: Barn Owl (and not just because of Soren or Eglantine)
Owl Name: Athena
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Guardian
Personality: Athena is the sort of owl who's general disposition says "If you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone." She's not the owl who has many friends, although once you get to know her, you may be surpirsed. Despite her general scowl and occassional whinyness, Athena is actually a kind, just, and friendly owl. It just so happens that she doesn't attract many friends. For those that do know her, know that she loves to crack a good joke, and is the Queen of Sarcasm. Chaw: Search and Rescue Chaw
Other: She came to the tree as an owlet with her friend Ruby. Username: Nomenaitrel (Nom for all extremely silly purposes :P )
Species of Owl: Short-eared Owl
Owl Name: Ruby
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Guardian
Personality: Ruby tends to be quite silly, even when she's not with her bestie Athena. She can be guaranteed to be cooking up trouble somewhere, someway. Although she gets up to all sorts of mischeif, she takes her job in her chaw very seriously. Navigation is a very important tool for all owls, and she loves to study it. She will spend hours in the library just looking up new constellations and at what times at night are the best times to see them. She often ends up draggin Athena along into these nighttime star gazing searches. Although Ruby sometimes drives everyone crazy, she is loved by nearly everyone.
Chaw: Navigation Chaw
Other: She fell from her nest when she was an owlet, and met Athena as she was picked up by Search and Rescue. Username: Nomenaitrel (do I really have to give you any more reasons as to what my nickname is?)
Species of Owl: Pygmy Owl
Owl Name: Gylz (Now Gylzryb)
Gender: Male
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Ryb
Personality: Gylzryb tends to be a very stubborn and pessimistic owl. He seemingly never looks up, and things always look grim and bleak to him. However, he does have a kind side for those that he trusts. Although he hates mischeif, he loves hard workers. He also has a rather good eye for young Owls that look like they might fit into his Chaw. He is blind in one eye, although he never shows any hinderance. He often confuses other owls with his words of wisdom, but if you listen carefully enough, you'll see that there is method to his madness. Chaw: Ryb of Colliering/Weather Interpretation Chaw
Other: He is rumored to of taken part in many previous battles. Maybe he can one day rise again to fight? Only time will tell...
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:44pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( Don't go to far ahead without me :0 ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:46pm Jun 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
OOC: Good question. I haven't exactly finished the whole series, but I've read a fair share. Are the Pure Ones still around by the end of the series?
6:47pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 534
OOC: We won't, Scourge. We'll just start with intros. c:
6:49pm Jun 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((No, I read the series in parts becasue I got The Hatching first xD silly me. Anyway, no, all of the Pure One's die, but for the sake of the plot, we could just pretend that they are still around. Eh? Eh?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:50pm Jun 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 496
((So, am I accepted?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:50pm Jun 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
OOC: Alright. Hurry for not going by the actually series. 8D
6:50pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Dustin woke up as the sun started to set. He smiled to himself and flaped his sleepy wings to get them warmed up. He put on his battle claws and helmet just like he was told to do for every time that him and Odil set out for the search and rescue just for safty reasons. He hoped out of his nest and to the branch outside. He flaped his wings a bit more and exstended them fully now since there was room. He turned his head around looking to see if he could see Odil on his way here. ------------------------- Loor was awake as she usually was. She smiled as the sun began to set, "Yay time for some fun". He smile was normaly more like a smirk but hey that was just her. She picked up her equipment on her way to training and expertly put it on as she flew. She glided and swooped under and over branches that were extended in random places making it like an obstical course on her way to training.
6:50pm Jun 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
OOC: Yes. Also, I am changing the plot. XD
6:53pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 534
OOC: Let's not go any further without the other member's intros. :P
6:54pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( I've read the whole series c: *proud* I'm pretty sure by book 15, yes the pure ones have been defeated, but I think there MAY have been a hint of them rising again... *memory is abit blurred, sorry XD* ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:55pm Jun 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 534
OOC: Well, for the sake of the plot, they have risen again. XD
7:03pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 567
Ooc: Dang, gotta go D: Please don't go far <3 Bye people.
7:11pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 7:43pm Jun 12 2011)
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Posts: 1,985
(( Will finish ASAP )) Username: Scourge88 Species of Owl: Barn owl Owl Name: Nyx Gender: Female Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Loner Personality: Nyx can very easily described as quite a bit sadistic and crude, and very snappy with her words, but she is also extremely clever and sneaky. She quite enjoys trying to figure out how things work or get made, and often if she finds something complex looking she'd began pulling it apart to find out how it works. Aside from a mainly harsh nature, Nyx also at times can be very sweet and understanding, even lovable. But this is mostly around friends and others who come of as friends. Chaw: None yet Other: http://www.yellow-springs.k12.oh.us/ys-mls/barnowl.jpg Username: Scourge88 Species of Owl: Verreaux's Eagle Owl Owl Name: Dakota Gender: Male Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Loner Personality: He is the kind of owl who finds himself stuck in trouble so much that anyone could lose count of the occasions. Dakota is very cocky and a little bit offensive, as well as slightly egotistical and likes attention a bit more than he should, and likes to think he can do anything, Ephasis on the 'Thinks', which comically, he doesn't seem to do very often. He's more of an act on impulse, and that is kind of how he became a loner. He is also a bit crude and is.. how to say? A bit of a pervert in some cases. He's that owl that may take a bit of getting used to... But when you do, he could be the funniest and most lovable owl you know. Surprising, eh? Chaw: None yet Other: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5025/5665084470_cd2ac40189.jpg Username: Scourge88 Species of Owl: Snowy owl Owl Name: Nigh Gender: Female Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Ryb Personality: A very stern, reasonably aged owl. She's not one who likes to tolerate foolishness, But she has a huge heart and, if you show her some potential, she'd go over lessons and such with you in detail until you get them right. Quite intellegent and easily likeable, she tries to be a kind creature, but a strict teacher, so you could say. Chaw: Battle training Other: http://images.wikia.com/guardiansofgahoole/images/4/40/Snowy_Owl9.jpg Username: Scourge88 Species of Owl: Vermiculated fishing owl Owl Name: Vint Gender: Male Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Ryb Personality: Beyond loyal and determined. Vint is a very smart owl, and tends try to think things out before doing them, whether it be hunting, fighting, getting past any sort of obstacle. For his age, he is extremely wise compared to another, and also very good with words. He also tries to maintain a very kind and humorous nature in any case that he can. Chaw: Navigation Other: lawlrecyclingbios XD http://www.aultimaarcadenoe.com/38.Scotopelis.jpg
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:12pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 496
Gylzryb: My wings felt weary as I rose from my nest, which always seemed to be falling apart, no matter how many twigs I seemed to add. I blinked my eyes a few times before muttering something that I meant to come out as "Better get up. Got to teach some young owlets how to fly in a storm.". I stepped out of my small hollow, where the floor was always covered in plans for past storms and decriptions of different types of coals. I hopped out onto the branch that was always just below my hollow, rather convenientely. My wings felt like chunks of meat against my crudely feathered back, but this was how I always felt after I had just woken up. I stretched my near black, yet banded with long brown stripes feathers. 'Why do only Pygmy and Elf Owls make noise when they fly? Other owls all have feathers to stop making noise, so why not us, Eh?' I thought, my brain still trying to get into first gear. I gave myself a mental shove, and I spread my wings. When my shoulders nearly touched and the tips were just off straight up, I let go of the branch with my long talons. Flying is rather like falling, except you have to flap rapidly to keep from going sploosh on the ground. I wasn't graceful at all, although I can never remember a time when I have been graceful. Not even once in my life. I muttered, still feeling a little bit like a half-zombie, "Better go and find my chaw.". Ruby: I felt peppy, as if I had just eaten a bunch of squirrels that were full of energy or something. I was darting in and out of my hollow, thinking random thoughts and wondering when my best friend Athena would be up. "Ohhh!" I say still rather indecisive as to be inside or outside. "She'snever this latein waking up! Maybe I should go and wake her up! No, that would be mean. Still!" I say, slightly angry and feeling just a little bit evil. I make my decision finally, and I cling to the nearest branch, waiting formy friend.'Why is it that I'm always so early and she's always so late!' I think, 'It's like we're complete oposites, and yet, we appear to be best friends. How in the name of Glaux does that work?!'. I don't mean it when I swear, but it's more of a slightly annoyed gesture. Finnaly I can make out the pale white and brown figure of my friend, flying lackadaisically towards me like she has all the time in the world. Athena: I flap my wings, although I neednot do so. The gentle currents that are slowly slipping away with the sun support me just fine. Even with my Battle Claws on. I always like to sport them, just so I look important sometimes. It stops the owlets from looking at me like I'ma freak or something. I think that they figure that I have been in battle, and am just tired or something. Either, way, it makes me look good. I care about my image way to much, but it's not like anyone's going to stop me, right? Wrong. From the look on Ruby's face I can tell that she's annoyed at me for something. 'Probably for making her wait. It's not my fault that the crazy owl is up at the crack of sunset!' I think. I spread my wings, which don't even make a shuffling noise, and land expertly on the branch on which mbest friend stands, tapping one talon. 'Uh oh..' I think. Ruby only taps a talon when she's extremely annoyed at someone, and currently, that someone happened to be me. I braced myself for the berating blows.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:26pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 1,985
One dark eye slowly reeled open as the last bits of dying sunlight faded from the sky. Nyx opened both her eyes, blinking once, and then wincing, it was getting darker, but there was one ray of light that was directly in her eyes that she wasn't expecting, and she puffed up her feather and pulled one wing over her eyes, turning slightly as if she was trying to block it out. Gloomy as it may seem, she hated sunlight. It had always made her uncomfortably hot and lightheaded. She had always felt more awake and alert in the dark. She lowered her wing slowly, sighing from her perch on a pine tree branch that was very close to the tree trunk, and decided to wait until it was almost pitch black out to go hunting. Nigh blinked her massive yellow eyes, she was huddle in a bushy branch of the Great tree, just enough to hid her snow white feathers. She was wearing all her battle gear. She narrowed her ears, peering around for her students. She was planing a sneak attack on them, wanting to test their reaction time, and how well they fight in a surprised state. Most fights can start in a silent attack, so they need to be ready when it happens in a real battle. Since this was the first time she was doing this to them, she decided to take it a little lightly, but she will warn them the next time she does it, she'll pretend she's a real enemy, explaining to them what they'd have to do. She continued to scan the area, and thought she may have spotted one of her students. Vint turned his headto face forward sleepily, the hustle and bustle of a woken tree startling him slightly, and waking him up. He realized quickly that night was upon them and it was time to train the owlets again. He stretched out his wings quickly and majestically, so that when he jumped out to fly he wouldn't simply plumet downward due to sleepy wings. A very large grey bird hopped along the forest floor oddly, and peered upwards at all the tree branches. The last he remembered he was sleeping on a branch comfortably... His eyes narrowed and he spotted the branch he was sleeping on. It was snapped in half. Maybe I should've slept on a bigger branch... He told himself quietly, glancing around to make sure no one was around to have seen, and he flapped his massive wings to dust them off. He jumped up and painfully flew up to a much thicker branch that could support his weight, and he heard a large growl. He glanced at his stomach for a moment and sighed hungrily.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o