8:38pm Jun 12 2011
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OOC: I'll add you all to the list. Thank y'all very much. I'll be back on tomorrow to roleplay.
8:51pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( Alright, thankies ^^ See ya then :D ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:53pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 534
(( Tomorrow morning for me is, like, 9:00 AM Res time. XD ))
9:08am Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 534
9:14am Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
((Yeah, will post as soon as you do))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:18am Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 534
OOC: Sorry I poofed for four minutes. I'll post now~~
9:20am Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 9:24am Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 534
Odil saw Dustin flying over. "Hello, Dustin! Ready as ever, I observe!" he said happily. Time to go get his other student, Athena. The brown owl spread out his broad wings to go out and find Athena. She would probably be with her friend Ruby as of now. "Stay here, Dustin," he instructed as he flew off. -- Suddenly, Pangari felt another owl near. Who could it be? A Pure Ones spy? She would have to take this owl down. Thankfully, Battle Claws strapped on, she let out a battle cry and charged. Luckily, she stopped herself when she noticed her ryb. "Uhmm, sorry," she said, embarassed. -- Rae nodded to Dolly. "I'm ready," she said plainly. "What are we learning today?" The large owl's eyes were focused and hard. They were burning into Dolly's, trying to show the more experienced owl of her desire to learn.
9:43am Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
Gylzryb: I flew in and out of the tree branches, searching for my sole student, a young owl named Xair. From the moment that I saw him, I knew that he was meant for Clliering and Weather Interpretation Chaw. He had that look to him, like he had known fire. My wings flapped rather noisily through the awakening tree. Lots of owls were already up, and I passed over another Ryb, Odil, of Search and Rescue Chaw, flying off, most likely in search of one of his pupils. I continued on, muttering a "Hi" to Odil as I passed, in my gruff voice. My gizzard told me that my student was near. I rarely heard things that weren't true from my gizzard, so I continued on. The early evening wind passed and rustled through my feathers. I could feel it slowly fading way into the cool night air, but that didn't worry me. Tonight, we would be spending most of our time in the Blacksmith's den anyway, sking him to see what coals he needed. Ruby: Finally Athena arrived, rather disheveled and awaiting my long and rather tedious speech about how I was annoyed at her. This is how it always went in the mornings. "Why are you always so late! We'll of missed any opportunity to go hunting for Breakfast now, and my tummy is growling. Now I won't be able to pay attention to Vint, and it's entirely your fault! If you're late again, then, then!" she bombarded her friend, although she was never able to finish her last sentence. Athena had her mid-morning scowl spread across her face, but Ruby knew that she was laughing her head off at Ruby's anger and furious face. Come to think of it, Ruby did think tht it was quite humorous, especially when her angry face showed. She was a small red owl to begin with, and when she got angry, her ears puffed up, and she looked still small, but at least a little bit bigger. Ruby let out a sigh and a small chuckle. "Looks like you're going to be in trouble if you don't go to Odil soon. He''s bound to punish you for being late, again." Ruby said, calmer and more sophisticated. Athena: I couldn't help but smirk a tiny bit as my petit friend got all of her anger out. She was inredibly funny to look at when she got angry, it was just a fact of life. She was right about Odil though. "You'd better get going on to Vint. I'd expect him to be up early." Athena said. Athena spread her wings and was about to wave goodby before dropping away, when she saw her Ryb's figure flying toward her. 'Oh great. He's going to be all in my tail feathers again, isn't he?' She thought, slightly brought down by his random appearance in the darkening sky. Above, the stars were almost visible, although the sun still let it's golden aura on the world, although it was almost gone. The moon, just off of a full, looked awkward and slightly off balance, although tomorrow, it would be full, and make all owls and wolves alike go placid.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
10:50am Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 1:29pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 567
Dolly smiled at the young owl, "Well, last time I told you we would start on shields, or am I wrong?" She flew down into a small cave with tons of sheilds and helments, and other armor. "Now, pick a design for your shield." She said moving over scroll with many designs on it, "Now, only pick one from 1 to 10, alright?" She said waiting for the owl to pick. ~-~-~-~-~- Xiar flew higher after his ryb, "What are we going to do today?" He asked his ryb, in a quiet voice but loud enough for him to hear. He landed by him and settled his wings against him. (Sorry a bit busy.)
11:45am Jun 13 2011
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(( Sorry, I've spent the past hour trying to fix my computer >.< )) Vint peered out of his hollow quickly, tilting his head about in a very owlish way, and he smiled slightly, closing his eyes with joy. The stars were just starting to come out and there was barely a cloud to cover them. He turned his head the other way, just able to hear a young owls excessively angry hooting, and he sighed, "That must mean Ruby's up." he chuckled once to himself. Without a second thought he lept from his hollow, a paper rolled up his claws with today's star pattern rolled into a neat scroll look. He opened his wins and glided softly around the tree and landed on a thick branch just over head of Ruby, blinking his small eyes at her once. Nigh blinked, and reared back slightly, screeching in surpise as her student popped at her branch unexpectedly, and she almost fell back, startled, but she had managed to keep her balance, "Oh dear! My have you startled me!" She exclaimed, folding a wing slightly over her breast feathers, "Seems you've turned my lesson for today back on me!" She couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation. "But what a wonderful battlecry you seem to have gotten down." She figured it'd be nice to through out a compliment, "Well, i've got once of you..." She stated, glancing around in a much calmer manner, "Have you any idea where Loor may be?" She asked, turning her big eyes back to her student. She figured the young owl was either sleeping or flying about th tree somewhere. The day faded out steadily still until there was enough darkness four Nyx to feel comfortable in. Peered down at the forest ground slowly, she figured she had enough height to take off, so she leaped off her branch, neatly unfolding her soft wings, and she floated downwards towards the lower part of the woods. Nyx glided by slowly, scanning the floor intently, searching for any slight movments or sounds, listening very intently. After a few minutes of scanning, a tiny chattering rang in her head, and she curved her flight pattern, now aware there was a mouse in the area. Soon enough it was practically right under her, fataly unaware of her presence, and she dived down through the few feet that divided her from her prey, claws outstretched, and landed square on the mouse, sinking her claws in and killing it instantly with her beak. It barely had a chance to squeak with alarm, and Nyx smiled slightly at the cleanly killed meal. Dakota looked up suddenly at the slight sound of rustling leaves, and he tilted his head to one side, and noticed a small white shape. It was but another owl, picking up its meal from the leaf covered floor. His ears turfts perked up slightly with curiousity. He blinked once, very dully aware that she was a barn owl, or even that she was actually even a she. Maybe I should just go down and see for myself? He asked himself once. He peered around, unsure of what to do. It was a matter of seconds before the pretty little owl took off again... Maybe he could make a friend in these big lonely woods.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
12:51pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
Gylzryb: I fluttered down to land on a branch, just as I spotted the young Xiar flying toward me. He looks enthusiastic, as if it were his dream to become a collier. i chuckle slightly as he asks me, "What are we going to do today?". My answer flows out of my gizzard ind through my dark yellow beak. "Today, young Guardian Xiar, we are going to visit the Blacksmith, to see what coals are needed. Not tomorrow, but the day after, we are going to head out. I've heard from some Albatross that wouldn't shut his beak that there is a Forest Fire 23 degrees south. A long journey, the Fire is in the Tyto Forest. I haven't heard if any one is hurt, but you can bet that the Search and Rescue will want to check it out. We will wait for most of the fire to smolder so the coal can properly develop." He said. It is rather long, and I know I have an annoying tendency to ramble, but you gain that by having to talk to Albatross and Seagulls all day long, asking them if they've seen any Forest Fire's lately or any rough storms. This is just a precaution, just n case I've missed a certain area. The last sea bird that I spoke with touldn't stop rambling on about how he had traveled the world. My excuse to finally break away was that I had to yarp up a pellet, and the Albatross wasn't interested in that at all, and he soon left. Ruby: "Oh, sorry if I awoke you Vint." I said, almost whispering now, my faethers plastered against my body in fear of a punishment. I always overreact, and I wasn't going to stop now. Athena may laugh at me, but I don't care. "So, what are we going to do today, Ryb Vint?" I ask, my voice small and scared. I don't like getting into trouble, and my sometimes audacious and mischevious nature doesn't help. ((Would post more for Ruby, but running out of muse and good things to write about. Also, waiting for Odil to reply for Athena.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:28pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 567
Xiar showed really no emotion, "Alright... But weren't we going to head towards that storm? Or did it clear it already, I need to practice flying into storms... Because the day we were going to, I had a hurt wing." He said, then silently grunted at how he talked that long. Xiar wasn't the talking type, he tended to stay quiet and only jump in if one of his loved ones was being attacked or hurt. He shook his wings, puffing up his feathers as a cold breeze blew in. "The storm is close, but it won't hit us, it's gonna pass right by us... I think." He lowered his head and widened his eyes when he said the last two words of his sentence.
2:00pm Jun 13 2011
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Username: BeckyL97
Species of Owl: Snowy Owl
Owl Name: Akull Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Loner
Personality: Absolutely adores looking after owlets, but is young and has none of her own yet. She is usually calm and kind and good-humoured but she can have a fiery temper. She dreams of adventure, and is considering leaving her snowy mountain home to become a Guardian. She is stronger than she is clever, though she is somewhat intelligent. She won't attack unless absolutely necessary, but when she does, she is incredibly deadlyin her attacks.
Chaw: None as of yet.
Other: GLAUX!
Species of Owl: Barn Owl Owl Name: Midna Gender: Female Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Loner Personality: Midna is a kind young owl who loves to have fun. She takes very few things seriously, except looking out for friends and making jokes. She was orphaned, but rescued by Akull and now lives with her. She does everything with Akull and wishes to travel with her to become a Guardian. Unlike Akull, she is more intelligent than she is strong. She wants to use her knowlege to help others. Chaw: None as of yet. Other: You can tell Midna apart from other Barn Owls like her because she has a distinctive scar over her right eye.

2:00pm Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 2:02pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 1,985
(( lawl what about muse? :D XD And it's alright ^^ And oohhh yay! another person! ;D with loners too <3 maybe now I won't have to entirely be talking to myself with Dakota and Nyx XDDD )) Vint chuckled once in amusement at the fact ruby could make herself look even smaller than she is. "No need to worry dear, it was the starlight that woke me up." He could tell she was nervous, "It's okay Ruby." He started kindly, tilting his head to one side slightly. "You've done nothing to be a cause for punishment yet today." He stated in a intellegent tone, sensing her discomfort and her fear of being in trouble. He coughed once as almost a way to focus her attention more, "Today..." He spoke a bit louder, "I'm going to be teaching you about The Start That Never Moves." He said, almost happily. He couldn't help but feel excited himself. The Start That Never Moves had always been his favorite star since he was an owlet, and he never tired in teaching of it. Dakota swallowed once nervously, and spread out his wings, and glided quickly downward, landing with a bit of a thump just behind the unexpected Barn Owl. "Hello!" He stated, quite cheerfully, and causing the smaller owl to whip around quickly, the dead mouse held tightly in her beak, and almost bumping into his stomach feathers. Even though the barn owl was quite a large breed of owl, Dakota, being a Giant Eagle-owl, was twice its size, and the pretty little owl practically dropped it's mouse in shock. Nyx stared up at the huge owl with her black eyes opened wide. A muffled screech managed to escape her beak. her first thought was that this much larger bird would try to steal her food, so she instantly hopped a bit off, swallowing the mouse whole as quick as she could, almost chocking herself by being in such a fretted rush. Dakota blinked in surprise at how scared the smaller owl was, and he flapped his wings to hop in front of her again, "Hey, you pretty little thing..." He glanced over Nyx, "Where do you think your going?" He asked. After a second it hit him, he was huge compared to this owl, so maybe he'd startled her immensly.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
2:13pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
Ruby: I felt myself lose the sense of fear as Vint replied. 'Yay!' I thought, 'No punsihments as of yet!'. I chuckled silently, and listened as Vint told me what our lesson was going to be. 'How can star not move?' I thought, confused, wishing to learn more. Vint looked just as excited as I, and I could tell that this was one of his favorite stars. He always seemed to get a vague look, and a twinkle would appear in his eyes when he was teaching something that he liked. This look often appeared on his face, as he was the Ryb of the navigation chaw, the very thing that he had dreamed about. I decided to voice my question. "How can a star just not move? I mean, every star that I know of moves, so why not this particular star?" I said, curiousity bubbling up inside of my gizzard. Gylzryb: "Yes, young pupil, I am aware of the storm, and it's a shame, but The Blacksmith has been dropping me little reminders and nagging me to get my talons on this. It just so happens that there is finally a fire when a storm is also about to crash out it's anger. As I had to choose between the two, the coals proved to be more vital. Plus, Colliering is what we specialize in. Sure we can fly in storm or too, but we cn lso pick up red hot coals. Not many other birds can do that." I say to Xiar, who keeps stumbling over his words. 'He never was a talkative one' I think, shuffling my feathers, and putting my weight onto my other talon. "We'll wait until the moon shines brightly, and the sun is offically gone to sleep." I say, looking up at the stars as no doubt the Navigation Chaw should be doing.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:40pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 567
(Would the blacksmith be the ryb of metals? I don't know much :I) Xiar nodded and sighed and clenched his talons onto the branch, the end of his talons breaking into the surface of the wood. "It sure is getting cold." He said softly and quietly. He snuggled his head into his feathers, feeling the soft down feathers under his bigger feathers. He sighed once again and watched two owls in a small cave in the tree, must be the Metals chaw.. He thought to himself.
2:48pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
((Yeah, I mean, I figure that much.))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:59pm Jun 13 2011
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(( Turtle- Yes, they are ^^ they gather coals yes, but it is mainly to fuel their fires so they can do metal work. I believe they make all of thge battleclaws and helmets and amrour and such :3 I'll post when otter gets back on, don't wanna jump too far ahead ^^ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
3:08pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
((Yeah, if I post again, I'll feel like I'm speed posting :P . Hope otter posts soon!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
3:10pm Jun 13 2011
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"Midna...what do you think?" Akull asked her young friend. The Barn Owl before her looked directly at her. "Akull, you know perfectly well what I think." she said. "I really think we should leave this place. You and I both long for adventure, just admit it. And I've heard you talking to yourself about becoming a Guardian. Don't deny it, Akull. I know that's your life long dream." Akull sighed. "Alright, I admit it." she said. "I long for adventure. I dream of becoming a Guardian. But surely it will be dangerous..." "But that's all part of the adventure, Akull!" Midna interrupted her friend. "The thrills of danger, the freedom of the world, that's all part of it! Grant it, there will be ups and downs, but when we're together, there's nothing to fear! Dare I say it, but with my knowlege and your strength we will thrive out there, beyond these frigid mountains! And no doubt, we will meet many friends along the way." Akull flexed her white wings. She seemed to be deep in thought. "I've made my decision." she said, after a moment. "We'll leave...immediately." She gave a smile. "Let's go see what's out there!" She and her friend exchanged joyful looks before they took to the sky, on the path to finding adventure.
