3:54pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
Username: Nomenaitrel (Nom, Lol, you all should know me well enough by now)
Species of Owl: Manus Masked Owl   Owl Name: Alfie
Gender: Male
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Guardian
Personality: Alfie is slightly ditsy. He's a little off of his rocker. He can't help but be a little crazy, especially since wht has happened to him. Despite that fact, he's a very nice Owl. He's generous with his things, and it's rumored that he once gave young owlet his food when the owlet lost his own. He's a good friend and a great role model to any, but because he's crazy, he's easily confused and wooed into doing something that isn't always right. He might be considered a traitor, because he's so easily manipulated. He tries to stop this happening, but it still does. For this, he trusts very few owls and is exceedingly shy.
Chaw: Metals Chaw
Other::History As a new hatchling, he was taken from his nest when some St. Aggies Owls killed his family and took him and his brother to their camp. He was so afraid, that he couldn't sleep, and therefore wasn't moonblinked like his brother. They got separated, and he became a picker. Shortly after, he fell out of a hole in the canyon walls, and was forgotten. He broke his wing during the fall, but was luckily found by an eagle sometime later. The eagle's fed him and brought him to the Guardian's. He recovered from the fall some time after, and was made a Guardian shortly after he learned to fly. He still has a scar from where his wing was broken. It is near the joint. He was originally meant for Colliering and Weather Intepretation Chaw, but his wing pained him to much, and he was transfered to Metals Chaw. To this day, he doesn't fly to much, although he can and will. He is banned from flying on long journey's because he could fall and break something, or worse die. This means he can never go into battle. He often finds himself loathing those who leave the tree, as he is never allowed to. Username: Nomenaitrel (Nom)
Species of Owl: Burrowing Owl
Owl Name: Syrx Gender: Male
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Ryb
Personality: Syrx can be a bit nutty. He's completely obsessed with tracking, and he knows every little trick. He can even be a little weasel, and get himself out of digging for pellets. He's a very fun Owl, and a good one to know too. He has his ways, and often helps out a friend. He can be very solitary sometimes, preffering to travel alone than with friends, although he is never without back up.
Chaw: Tracking Chaw Ryb
Other: He was a loner at one point.
Username: Nomenaitrel (Nom)
Species of Owl: Barred Owl
Owl Name: Iliana
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Loner
Personality: She extremely solitary, and prefers to travel alone. Amazingly, being alone all of the time doesn't make her sad or lonely. Not one bit. She actually likes it. She can be cold, and seemingly unfriendly at first, although she can be nice if you dig very, very, very deep. She has a strong beak and often says things that she doesn't actually mean. She stays true to her gizzard through it all though.
Chaw: None so far.
Other: N/A Username: Nomenaitrel (Nom, but this is just a test, to see if we can make Nest Maids)
Species of Owl: She's a snake thank you very much.
Name: Hanella (Honey)
Gender: Female
Rank (Guardian, Ryb, Loner): Nest-Maid
Personality: Hanella is quite proper. She does her duties and speaks not a word more. She does enjoy caring for the owls, it's just, she alwys wished that she could do more. She hates to feel useless, and is therefore always doing something. She can be enthusiastic, and encouraging.
Other: She used to be a singer before she was blinded by the Pure One's. ((EEK! I hope I'm not applying for too many characters. I would hate to be using up most of the plot for my idea's))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
4:37pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( Ohhh, well I don't mind ^^ I've almost prefered more characters than not :3 ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
5:01pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
((Yeah, I was just wondering and we should probably stop posting in just OOC, or Otter's going to get on and go, OMG! I have like ten replies that have been waiting for me, and really there's about two replies and just a bunch of us talking. Lol xD ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:20pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 567
((I know Otter in real life, she'll be fine with it if we don't go ahead anymore. But she might need some time :/ So we should really not RP anymore.)
6:29pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( oh, alright ^^ do you know by any chance when she could get on again? And weren't planning on going much ahead XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:54pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Sure thing." Dustin said landing on the nearest branch. He neatly folded his wings on his back and swivled his head around to see what was happening all around him. Nothing out of the ordinary. The usual birds flying in every which direction some of the younger ones nearly coliding intoone another as the older ones flew gracfully through the young night sky. His battle claws dug into the branch so Dustin was forced to continueally lift up his feet to keep them from getting stuck in the tree. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loor landed on the branch that her Ryb and peer were sitting on. She landed nearly silent as she slowed down her pace with her wings. The branch swayed slightly as she landed and she folded her wings on her back, "Sorry for being late my apologies" she diped her head in greeting to the other birds. "So whats to days lesson?" she inquired tilting her head to the side a bit. He wide round eyes focused on the two waiting for a reply.
7:36pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 534
(( I HATE YOU GUYS. Jk, just let me reply. XD ))
8:00pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( lawl, alright :D can't wait XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:02pm Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 8:02pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 534
Odil nodded Gylzryb as he flew over to Athena. "You ready? Dustin is waiting, you shouldn't keep him that way," he chuckled. He showed no interest in how late his student was. "The moon is almost all the way up! Come on," he said, flying off to the branch that Dustin was perched on. --- Rae felt as stupid as a mouse. "Oh, right. Sorry, ma'am," she said quietly. The owl quietly looked through all the designs. She saw one of Hoole, battle claws drawn. "I'd like that one. Number six," she told her ryb. --- Pangari couldn't help but laugh. "So, I did good, right?" she asked, still a bit shaken. She turned to the now landing Loor. "I think Loor is right here," she said, smiling at her chaw member.
8:05pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 534
(( It's okay, Nom, just lemme add a nest-maid snake section. ))
8:07pm Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 8:08pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 567
Dolly shook her head, "It's alright darling, no need to say sorry." She looked at number six, simple, but one that takes a while. "Alright, now grab some coal for it will you? Or do you want me too?" She said and walked over to all of the coal, that was sorted into different piles for the different types. "We will need the coal of an oak tree.." She muttered to herself. "Wait, don't we have another member?" She said and tilted her head all the way to the side then back to normal.
8:10pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 534
"I'll get the coal, ma'am," Rae replied quickly. She ran to Dolly's coal mound and took a few lumps. "This alright?" she asked, staring at her ryb with admiration. Suddenly, she heard Dolly's question. "I think so... Should we wait for them, ma'am?"
8:24pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Dustin say his ryb flying back to the branch and figured Athena woldn't be long after, "I wonder what to night will hold?" He said a simple polite smile on his beak. He allways had a smile on his face and if he didn't you knew that something was seriously wrong with him. For him his smile was something like a security blanket that a kid didn't want to let got of even though he's had it since the day he was born and he in his mid twenties. He was sorely attached to it but no one ever really seemed to mind. Others might coment about how he looked happy all the time but he liked the fact that it brightened peoples day when he looked at them with a big smile.
8:39pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
Alfie: I flew fast, not caring how much noise I was making. I passed over the nest-maid snake Hanella. "Where are you going in such a hurry Alfie?" she asked worridly, carrying a few cleaning tools with her. "I can't chat Honey! I'm late for my first day in Metals Chaw!" I said as I flew roughly in search of the Blacksmiths hollow. I flew in circles, not sure exactly where I was supposed to be going. Below me were some owls that I'd never met before, although I knew one of them. One was a Ryb known as Vint who taught the Navigation Chaw. There was also a short-eared owl. I dived down, still not certain that my wings were going to support me fully as I dived. I made a face plant into the tree as I dived all too fast. I stood up looking disheveled and shaken. "Um, excusse me, but you wouldn't happen to know where the Blacksmiths hollow is? I'm terribly late." I say, my voice slightly trembling. Athena: "Yes, we'd better get going." I say to Odil. I wait for him to start and then I follow with a wave to Ruby as I flap silently away. I follow Odil until I can see Dustin up ahead, looking quite bored. I land gracefully, saying something along the lines of "Sorry for keeping you waiting Dusting. Got caught up with Ruby again.". It is a well known fact among the tree that Ruby and I are close. News about other owls relationships and gossip travels fast among the Owls. Ruby and I have even heard a few rumors about ourselves before, although these were quickly settled down. "So what are we going to do today?" I ask Odil expectantly. Hanella: 'Tsk, tsk.' I thought as I continue on with my duties, 'That Alfie is always late for something. He's a kind and generous owl, don't get me wrong, but he's always so lost and befuddled. It's a wonder he even made it out of his hollow this morning.' I continue to slither along the large branch of the tree, carrying my feather duster for cleaning out cobwebs made by the many spiders that roost in the branches. It's not a beautiful job, but a neccessary one all the least. Iliana: I flew, silently riding over the thermals as if they are waves. They feel like waves at least. The night air is soft and cold, making me shiver slightly, yet I like it. It suits my cold and solitary demeanor. I'm a Neutral, at least that is a good thing. The Guardians don't impress me, and the Pure One's seem like a bunch of hulabaloo. Every one appears to be getting worked up over nothing. Gylzryb: I hopped along the branch a bit, fixing my feathers as they were in disarray. I then stood up tall, and said to Xiar who was looking over his back, "Well, I think it time that we got going then. Follow me to the Blacksmiths den.". I take to the sky, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. I almost wonder if anyone can hear it. ((Nothing for Ruby as I'm waiting for Vint to post. Go ahead and enjoy!))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:43pm Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 8:50pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 1,985
Nigh blinked warmly at Loor's arrival, "It's alright dear, just don't make a habit of it." She refered to the slight lateness of the young owl. "And what a wonderful question..." Nigh's voice drifted. She couldn't go through with the sneak attack training for today, so she decided to save it for another night. "Come with me." She stated smoothly, making sure the yong guardians heard, and she swooped down gently off the branch, the leaves swaying a bit with her departure, and landed on a wide flat platform carved out of one of the great tree's insanely sized tree branches, her large battle claws making a tiny clanking noise as she landed with the on the hard wood surface. She peered up and waited for her students. The sound of Ruby's growling curiousity couldn't help but make him smile proudly. "Well you see..." He began, parting his wings from his side slightly, "It's said that The Star That Doesn't Move is one of the oldest stars in our sky... Even older than great Hoole himself!" Vint's tail feathers flicked once, "Maybe even older than any of the owls who've ever lived in the Six kingdoms." It wasn't know exactly the age, but boy it was extremely old. "The thing with The Star That Never Moves, is it is believe to be the center of our sky... All the other constellations move around this one star..." He swirled his one wing in a circle motion to add to the words, "And not only all of this, but it's the rightest star in our night sky." He said in almost a whisper... Suddenly a loud bustling of leaves made Vint jump, and a medium sized owl, slightly large then himself, thudded to a halt on the thick branch, almost on top of ruby, "Oh!" He exclaimed, "Uhm..." he took a minute to calm down from the surprise, and peered backwards over his perch, "The large branch right below this one I believe..." He motioned with his wing, turning his head back to the newcomer Nyx pulled her head back slightly, almost giving a sneering look, "Where am I going?" She repeated the question, "Away from you! If that wasn't obvious!" She tried to hop out of the way, but Dakota had simply steeped in her way again, and Nyx stared up at him, her feathers puffing up angrily... At seemed he just wouldn't leave her alone... Thinking quick, she took off, and landed on a thin branch high up in a pine tree. "H-Hey! Wait!" Dakota yelped, and flapped his wings sloppily after Nyx, and he landed ungracefully next to her, the think branch wobbling slightly under his added weight, and Nyx turned to him, startled, and let out a low hissing noise from him scaring her, again. "I figured... Maybe we could be friends? I'm sorry I scared you... I was just... I dunno..." He stomach finished his sentence for him, with a loud growl. Nyx narrowed her dark eyes, staring at Dakota's stomach for a moment, then back at his face, "By you mean friends do you mean I feed you? With such loud flying as yours I doubt you can catch much on your own." Nyx felt slightly unsettled. "Not at all!" Dakota exclaimed, "And I know i've got bad hunting and flying skills... But I know how to fix them." His large eyes softened happily, "I've heard stories of a wonderful place..." His feathers puffed up, "A place called the Great tree of Ga'Hoole..." he whispered, "They teach me to fly and hunt properly there... You could come with me!" he exclaimed, blinking once, and Nyx tilted her head to one side, "We could find a way there together, and we could train together, and become guardians or ever hero-" "That's just owlet tales!" Nyx cut him off, this big owl's head was much too full of silly dreams, clearly, "I highly doubt the great tree even exsisted... and even if it did, who is there to prove it? There's no way to get to it... It's in the middle of a sea!" Nyx exclaimed, spreading her wings slightly, almost like she was about to take of again. "So you've heard about it too!" Dakota exclaimed, the branch wobbling again by his movements, "Come on!" he pushed... "Haven't you ever wanted to go on an adventure...? This is a perfect chance..." He squeaked. Nyx looked over him, and she still seemed doubtful, and Dakota sighed. "Well. Regardless. our stuck with me know." He grinned mischeviously. (( lol big post O.o ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:46pm Jun 13 2011 (last edited on 8:51pm Jun 13 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
"It's fine I knew you would be here soon enough." He said. He turned his attention back to Odil waiting for his reply to Athena's quetion. He was wondering the same thing. He was awful excited to get started today. Trainging for him was allways fun. He liked his chaw it was interesting and he felt like he was helping out when he did it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loor swooped down after her Ryb landing soon afterwards. Her headgear nearly fell off her head causing her to wabble a bit untill she caught her balance and reposiioned her head gear. "Can you tell us now?" she asked trying not to sound to pushy but she was just so excited. She loved her training it was exciting and filled with thrills.
8:46pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 496
((Um Scourge, why did you ignore Alfie?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:47pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 567
Dolly nodded, "That's great. Now, remember what I told you about starting all armor?" She asked walking over to her tools. "If you don't know, sweetheart, that is fine." She said smiling. "Now, that young owl better be coming.." She grunted softly then shook her head. Xiar nodded and flew not far behind following him. (Derp >.<)
8:51pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( I didn't see it at first Nom, I was in the middle of typing XD but I edited it :3 ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:52pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Sorry I edited mine too scurage so yeah Loor is up their now))